Fatal Shot

Chapter 79: Mutant locust


In the wet, muddy and densely vegetated tropical rainforest, a pursuit battle is taking place.

The Longyin Mercenary Group has been in urgent pursuit for more than six minutes, and the distance between the two sides has been reduced to less than a hundred meters.

The main reason was that Feng Luo and the others had two NPCs with little fighting ability. They couldn't move fast enough to get rid of the pursuers from behind. Fortunately, they chose to return the same way, at least they didn't need to spend a lot of energy to clear the way as when they came.

And it's also thanks to Feng Luo's own-made D-class ammunition "smoke bombs", which played a great role along the way.

Every once in a while, Feng Luo threw one behind him. The thick smoke not only blocked the road, but also caused the Longyin Mercenary Group to delay for a long time because they were afraid of someone ambushing behind the smoke.

They wanted to directly bypass the range of the smoke bomb, but that would require re-opening the road, and the speed was not much worse than waiting for the smoke to dissipate.

In fact, although there were twenty people pursued by the Longyin Mercenary Group, judging from the strength of Feng Luo and the others, there was no chance of winning if the two sides fought.

But the problem is that it will definitely take a certain amount of time to deal with these people. If the battle is close to a military base and the other party delays for a while, the people they support will arrive quickly.

Therefore, Feng Luo and the others had been choosing to "escape" in the past, and were not ready to fight back for the time being, because they had to at least pull the other party's people farther away from the base.

However, the plan still couldn't keep up with the change, because at this moment, the two NPC crew members responsible for reconnaissance suddenly stared at the reconnaissance instruments in their hands and said eagerly.

"There are a lot of signs of biological activity twenty meters ahead!"

Yes, two, there are two NPC crew members in the team now.

Because the NPC crew member who was originally arranged to guard at the entrance of the base immediately contacted the Red Queen through the communicator after discovering the members of the Dragon Song Mercenary Group (NPCs also have communicators, and specific channels can communicate with players), but because The signal inside the base was blocked, making it impossible for him to contact him.

Then this NPC crew member very wisely chose to be behind the wall connected to the rain forest. After seeing Feng Luo and the others coming out, they returned to the team.

"Is there a monster?"

After hearing the words of the two NPC crew members, everyone stopped in their tracks.

The reconnaissance instruments in "War Chronicles" have different effects when used on players and monsters.

Generally speaking, as long as the monster has no obvious hiding ability, it can be detected by reconnaissance equipment within the reconnaissance range, and if it can be scanned in person, the monster's information can be obtained.

However, when facing players and some humanoid NPCs, the effective range of reconnaissance will be relatively smaller, and only signs of life can be detected, and no specific information about the players can be obtained.

In addition, scouts not only have reconnaissance capabilities, but also counter-reconnaissance capabilities.

Relying on the interference ability of the reconnaissance instrument, it can affect the display of the opponent's reconnaissance instrument within a certain range.

This is why most squads in "Legacy" are equipped with scouts.

Of course, this shielding effect is not absolutely successful, but the probability of success depends on the reconnaissance capabilities of both parties.

As for the level of the scout's reconnaissance ability, it is mainly affected by two aspects. One is the level of reconnaissance equipment, and the other is the proficiency of reconnaissance skills.

Among them, the reconnaissance instrument is the key, because compared to the reconnaissance technique that needs to be used to be effective, the reconnaissance instrument can maintain the reconnaissance capability for a long time.

Therefore, the price of a good reconnaissance instrument may even be more expensive than the energy converter (staff) of the master.

The detection devices of the two NPCs were undoubtedly average, but the objects they detected were not players, but monsters gathered together that exuded strong life responses.

Judging from the situation displayed by the reconnaissance device, the number of monsters is at least hundreds, and they are densely packed in an area in front.

Most of the monsters are small in size, only about one foot, but there are a few that are more than one meter in length.

It looked a bit like a snake, but its body was much wider than that of a snake, and it didn't move toward them. It seemed that its perception was not very high.

"That location seems to be the place where we killed the giant python before!"

Black Panther's professionally trained memory allows him to remember the previous situation in that area from the surrounding environment.


The Red Queen hesitated for a moment and then made a decision immediately!

In this case, they didn't have time to tangle with the monster.

Although it was a detour, after all, they couldn't go too far, so everyone started working together about ten meters away from the area where the monsters gathered, and quickly opened up a new road.

At the same time, Feng Luo dropped a smoke bomb at the detour, making it difficult for the opponent to tell which way they were taking even if they caught up.

Then, just in case, Feng Luo also activated the "rapid sneaking" skill, carefully took a few steps forward, and opened the broad leaves that blocked his view to see what the monster blocking the road in front of him was.

The scene that caught his eye made his head feel a little numb for a moment.

The ten-meter-long mutated giant python that they originally killed has now turned into a withered snake body that has lost all its blood. On the snake body and the ground where the blood has flowed, there are densely squirming things. A mollusk.

Vampire leech!

This insect, which is very common in tropical rainforests, seems very scary at this time.

The leech, which was originally the size of a finger, grew to a shocking size after sucking the blood from the python's corpse.

The smallest locusts in front of me were about one foot in size, while the largest ones were more than one meter in length. Hundreds of them were densely packed into a ball, entwined with each other.

Moreover, those locusts that were more than one meter long actually had brown patterns that resembled those of giant pythons. At the same time, among the hundreds of sharp teeth in their open circular mouths, there was also a blue spit. Nobuko with colored fork.

Feng Luo wisely stepped back and caught up with the rest of the people who had changed their route.

"Lao Feng? What's going on!"

There was some curiosity on Big Pineapple's face, and he didn't forget to ask Feng Luo on the way.

"It's best not to say it, because you don't want to see that, and you'll probably feel sick." Feng Luo shook his head.

"Tch, brother, I haven't seen any scene before, how could I be disgusted!" Big Pineapple said disapprovingly.

However, his expression soon changed.

Because the newly opened passage was not far from the original road, and there happened to be a place in the middle where the vegetation was particularly low, so everyone walked through the gaps in the vegetation and saw the scene where the python's body was originally.


Several players gasped. It was obviously just a game, but this scene was undoubtedly disgusting and shocking.

Even the big pineapple had goosebumps on his body without saying anything.

"Virus infection! Those locusts were infected by the mutated and evolved virus in the python's body, and they possessed the python's genes and developed the characteristics of the python."

Only Lin's expression remained unchanged. Instead, she raised her black-rimmed glasses and came to a scientific conclusion.

"But it's too fast... doesn't it take six hours for the virus to be infected?"

Feng Luo remembered that when he was infected by the evolutionary virus before, the system warned that it would take six hours for the infection to be completed.

However, after seeing that these locusts actually had some characteristics of pythons, he sincerely prayed in his heart, hoping that the unknown medicine Lin had injected into him before would really be effective, or that the system would not deliberately play tricks on him.

"The species are different. A low-level creature like a leech, which is completely blood-sucking, can easily fuse and evolve the virus after absorbing a large amount of python's blood in its body!"

Lin remained very calm and even raised her hand to press the device on her glasses to record the scene in front of her.

"Leave quickly, these locusts look so disgusting!"

White Crescent Moon's face was truly as pale as paper. Feng Luo believed that if she had seen this situation in reality, she would have been so sick that she would vomit.

In fact, Bing Liuli, another person with trypophobia, had already covered his mouth and turned his head to the side after seeing this situation, and did not dare to continue looking at it.

Even the red queen, who had always been very cold, although her face was still pale at this time, the corners of her mouth were curled up unconsciously.

So as soon as Bai Yueya's words came out, everyone decided to walk immediately. After all, there were pursuers behind them.


At this moment, Feng Luo's mind suddenly changed.

"Perhaps we can use the situation here to launch a counterattack!"