Fatal Shot

Chapter 92: Prepare


"NC-5504 ruins area is a medium-sized urban ruins with a total area of about 250 square kilometers. It can be roughly divided into four areas: east, south, west, and north... "

The next morning, on the way to the NC-5504 ruins area, dozens of long lines of various energy off-road vehicles rolled up the yellow sand in the sky and rolled towards the rising sun.

In the back seat of a car in the front seat, Mu Wu's personal terminal projected a detailed three-dimensional map of the ruins area, and he was explaining the specifics of the cleanup mission to Feng Luo beside him.

"The levels of the monsters in the ruins area are all above level 20, and the monster levels are higher toward the center. Therefore, from the outside to the inside, it can be divided into level 20 areas, level 30 areas, level 40 areas, and a possible level 50 core area. "


Feng Luo asked.

"Yes. The reason why it is possible is because several scout players we sent before sneaked into the center of the level 40 area, and were discovered by a quasi-BOSS level monster, and were immediately killed, so the information collection is not completely."

"But before they were killed, they discovered that there was a tall building similar to a temple in the level 40 area. The monsters around it were very densely distributed, so that should be the real core area."

"Temple? Is there a temple in this game?"

Feng Luo's eyes showed a bit of curiosity. There is a temple in this game. Isn't it a science fiction game

"Who knows, maybe the NPCs in the game are superstitious." Mu Wu replied.

Feng Luo nodded. He remembered that during the previous mission to Silver Leaf Island, the NPC crew also believed that sea gods and devils existed.

It seems that the development of science and technology is not enough to make people's belief in "gods" disappear. As long as there are still questions in the world that science cannot answer, then theology will always have derivatives.

"It would be impossible to clear a total area of more than two hundred square kilometers in one day without tens of thousands of people. Fortunately, the requirements for the city construction task are not so strict. We only need to clear out the core area of one hundred square kilometers. Just clear out the monsters in the kilometer area.”

Muwu continued to return to the map, enlarged the three-dimensional map, marked a circle on it, and continued.

"This time, in addition to using more than a thousand of our own combat players, the group company also hired 500 elite players each from the Dragon Song Mercenary Group and the Veteran Tribe in Silver Moon City. In addition to the logistics personnel, The total number of people participating in this mission will reach more than 3,000.”

More than three thousand people!

If this number is compared with the 500,000 players in Silver Moon City, it is certainly not too much, but if it is just a one-time investment in the action, it is definitely not too small.

The key is that the more than 2,000 combat players among these 3,000 players must all belong to the elite level, and their combat power is no less than that of ordinary players with about 10,000 people.

Because the basic requirement for this mission is to be at least level 40. From this point of view, Feng Luo is just barely enough.

Moreover, Feng Luo also knew that if this mission was completed, the basic bonus set by the boss would be 3,000 credit points per person.

If you die and drop a level, the level subsidy will be 7,000 to 10,000 credit points. If you can complete the finishing blow to a monster above the commander level, you will get an additional reward of more than 50,000 credit points.

In addition, the company will not take back anything the monster explodes except for the BOSS.

In comparison, this can be said to be a journey of killing monsters for a salary, so players have high morale and will definitely fight harder.

"It will definitely be difficult to command a full three thousand people if they want to act in a unified manner. So after discussion, we finally decided to divide everyone into four parts and clean up the monsters in the east, west, south and north areas respectively."

"And the area we are assigned to is the south!"

Mu Wu reached out and zoomed in on an area on the three-dimensional map.

It can be seen that the southern area is the smallest among all four areas, and its area is only about one-third of the largest northern area.

"Because the Longyin Mercenary Group and the Veteran Tribe were not able to deal with each other, the company divided them into two areas: the east and the west. The largest north area is under the responsibility of more than a thousand combatants organized by the company headquarters. Our club three More than a hundred people are fully responsible for the Southern District.”

What Mu Wu said about us was the club that Night City corresponds to in the game, and its name is "Sleepless City".

You know, although Evernight City is just an entertainment club, it has more than 400 employees, and all of them entered the game at Mu Wu's request.

In addition, Muwu also made full use of the advantages of the entertainment city's connections to attract many old customers to the "Sleepless City Club", making the total number of people in the club now reach more than 1,300, and the number of combatants is also seven. More than a hundred.

Moreover, you must know that those who often hang out in entertainment centers are definitely not the kind of low-level players.

It can be said that among the more than 700 people, most of the equipment belongs to the upper class, no less than the elites of the Dragon Song Mercenary Group or the Veteran Tribe.

Because of this, although they only have 300 people here, Mu Wu does not find it difficult at all to be responsible for cleaning up the southern area.

"In other words, I only need to be responsible for making soy sauce, right?"

Feng Luo looked at Mu Wu with an indifferent expression on his face.

The previous task that the boss asked him to help with was not the clean-up task, but the last part of the city-building task that would wait a few days, so he didn't have much idea to contribute too much in this task.

He participated in this mission entirely because he was interested in the beetles in the ruins.

You must know that the location of this ruins is to the south of Silver Moon City, and a hundred miles west of the ruins is the Exile Town No. 1022...

In other words, the level 45 beetle BOSS previously controlled by the rebels most likely came from this ruins.

This is why Feng Luo came with the team.

"No, you can't just pretend to be soy sauce, but you have to do your best!"

However, Mu Wu suddenly smiled, turned off the map and said to Feng Luo.

"The system in this large-scale mission provides a contribution scoring service. For each participating player, his contribution in the mission will be calculated and then displayed on the statistical list."

"And the boss has already said that anyone who enters the top 100 on the list will be rewarded with 100,000 credit points. Each of the top ten will receive 500,000 credit points, and the first place will receive 2 million credit points!"

"Although the money is not much, if you can win the first place, it would be good to use the money to treat everyone to a meal!"

"Do you think this is possible?"

Feng Luo glanced sideways at him.

"If I were a machine gunner or a controller, it would still be possible. Snipers would almost always be at the bottom in this kind of mission. Well, it might even be worse than a doctor!"

Feng Luo's head was very clear. He knew that the sniper's advantage lay in his weak attack skills for single combat and boss fights, but monster spawning was definitely one of the least efficient professions in "War Discipline".

Although doctors have no other means of killing monsters except negative potions, they can obtain additional contributions when performing treatments, buffs and other actions, so their contribution is not much worse than other professions.

"Not to mention, in this mission, the mecha, which is known as the most powerful monster spawning weapon in "War Chronicles", will also appear. The profession of mecha master, it can really be said that compared to the controller and machine gunner, it can spawn monsters!"

Feng Luo was almost certain that he would see mechas controlled by players during this mission.

You must know that although the mecha is very expensive to use, it is a well-deserved weapon for group killing. It can completely massacre ordinary monsters.

Whether it is the Dragon Song Mercenary Group or the Veteran Tribe, these major forces will train at least a few mecha masters, and this is the time to exert their strength in such a mission.

"In this mission, mechas will not be included in the statistical list, otherwise no profession will be able to compete with mecha masters. Moreover, in terms of data, the system will also have certain conversion standards based on different professions. Otherwise it would be too unfair to heavy armored warriors and snipers, so don’t worry.”

Mu Wu smiled and then his face became a little more serious.

"Lao Feng, this is my personal request. If you have the chance during this mission, I hope you can do your best."

Feng Luo stared at Mu Wu's shining eyes without glasses and was silent for a moment.

He could see that Mu Wu's expression was serious at this time.

"Okay! But I'm just a sniper. I really can't do much good. I can't guarantee the final result. The main reason is that the level is really low and the equipment is lagging behind a lot."

Feng Luo nodded, he was really unsure.

Although his basic physical attributes are not even weaker than those of level 50 players, the attributes of level 40 equipment are definitely not comparable to those of equipment close to level 50. There is definitely still a gap.

"Don't worry, I've prepared a secret weapon for you!"

Mu Wu smiled and handed him a box containing something.