
Chapter 1


In the flower shop on the corner, Kyosuke Hamao was busy as usual, and he couldn't see it at all... This child just fell out of love.

Yes, just this morning, Kyosuke found out that his girlfriend was selling herself without telling her.

However... I don't know why, for Kyosuke, there was only an indescribable shock and sadness of being betrayed at the moment of discovery in the morning, and after that... everything was calm.

It seems that the girl's actions did not have much impact on Jingsuke. Although I was deceived, but... it was not as painful as I imagined.

Think about it carefully, how much affection have you put into a girl since you started dating

I still remember that at the beginning, it was she who came to confess, and I accepted it in a trance. Although it has been three years, there are no waves in life, and the relationship between the two has not developed much.

It can be said... the end, of course.

We started dating when we were in high school. Because of the sudden accident of his parents, Jing Jie at that time suffered a mental breakdown in the face of changes at home. At this time, the girl expressed her heart to Kyosuke. As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Kyosuke started his relationship with the girl.

Later, when his parents died, Jingsuke also gave up the opportunity to take the university entrance examination, inherited the two-story building left by his parents, opened a flower shop on the first floor, and used the second floor as a residence.

Today, the 20-year-old Kyosuke lives a very peaceful life. In the past three years, the business of the flower shop has gradually stabilized, and Jingsuke's life is not luxurious, but it is not too tight. This kind of life makes him satisfied.

Now that he has resumed his single life, Kyosuke doesn't feel any sadness.

Thinking about it from another angle, I just can't give her the life she wants, so breaking up is a good thing for both of them.

It is close to the time when the staff and students leave school. This time is often the busiest time for Jingsuke's business.

There are many high school girls in the neighborhood who come in to buy flowers when they come home and pass by the flower shop, and Jingsuke also knows that their drunkard's intention is not to drink, and the name is to buy flowers.

Thanks to this cute baby face, many girls often come to take care of the business. From the grandmother who is over eighty years old to the little girl who is twenty-eight years old, it can be said that the old and the young can eat it all.

But today... a guest came to surprise Kyosuke.

"Welcome!" The wind chimes at the door made a clear and pleasant knocking sound, and Jingsuke reflexively spoke with the sound, raised his head, but was stunned.

Um? This man... looks a little familiar, where have I seen him...

Thoughts flash back with memory... flash back... freeze!

ah! is that person...

I just saw it this morning, right at her house...

At that time, I didn't observe it carefully, but now I see... This person looks really good. Putting on the glasses, she has an unexpectedly gentle temperament.

"Yo, it's not bad." The man smiled wickedly, with a little snarky and joking.

The face of the Jing interface was slightly red, and he asked defensively, "What are you doing here?"

The man raised his eyebrows: "Of course you come to the flower shop to buy flowers, what else can you do here?" With a "you're too stupid question" expression.

Uh... well... Kyosuke, who reacted, also realized that this question was too stupid...

Before Jingsuke could finish feeling annoyed, the man said again, "But seeing you, I changed my mind."

Hearing the man say that, Kyosuke thought he didn't want to buy flowers. Originally, I just experienced such an embarrassing scene in the morning, um... I think it would be better to kill him earlier.

"Oh, then you walk slowly..."

"Who said I was leaving?" The man walked slowly into the store, walked to the chair where Jingsuke usually sat when he was arranging the flowers, and said lightly, "Since I met you, I want to chat with you a few words. ."

This person... slept with my girlfriend, and now he still wants to "talk" to me

Jing Jie got angry and replied angrily: "I'm not free, I'm working." Then he turned to deal with a group of chattering high school students.

"It's okay." The corner of the man's mouth raised a wicked smile, "I'll wait for you."

Jingsuke was sullen, so he simply stopped paying attention to the man, and took care of his own business.

Until this busy peak passed, Jingsuke sorted out the flowers that had been turned over and wanted to sit down and rest, but saw that the uninvited guest was still occupying the only chair in the store.

Seeing Kyousuke staring at him fiercely... On the chair under his butt, the man stood up wisely and gave Kyousuke a "please" gesture.

Kyousuke sat down unceremoniously and rubbed his aching shoulders, still ignoring the man.

The man was not annoyed when he saw this, he smiled and said, "Little guy, what's your name?"

Jingsuke didn't respond, and took him directly as air.

"Hey, what about you." The man patted Kyosuke on the shoulder, trying to get his attention.

Kyousuke, who was impatient with the noise, raised his head and gave the man a stern look. He reached out and picked up the scissors for cutting flowers on the table.

The man's eyes widened in shock by Jingsuke's action, he took a step back and took a defensive posture, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Humph~" A very disdainful hum came out of Jingsuke's nose, turned around, and Jingsuke continued his work and began to prune the flowers.

Seeing Kyousuke like this, the man let down his guard and breathed a sigh of relief. This little guy, I can't tell, his personality is quite bad... It's interesting.

While Jingsuke was concentrating on his work, the man quickly flashed from behind Jingsuke to the front. Before Jingsuke could react, he reached out to pick his chin, and then kissed him with a force that could not be refused.

Jingsuke was shocked by the man's sudden action, his eyes widened, his mind went blank, until the man's tongue penetrated into his mouth and entangled with his own, until the man's hand wrapped around his waist from behind, until he was kissed. Hypoxia desperately needs air supply.

Using all his strength to push the man away, Kyousuke gasped for breath, thankful to be able to get air again.

Strange... Don't look back and break up without letting yourself get lost, and being kissed by a stranger to death from lack of oxygen, it's not worth it!

The man seemed to be very satisfied with what Kyosuke looked like at this time, and once again showed that evil smile that made Kyousuke a little scared.

But after thinking about it carefully, Kyosuke began to feel sullen again. This man has not only bullied his ex-girlfriend, but now he has the wrong intentions!

It is really unbearable and unbearable!

So the unbearable Jingsuke raised his hand and slapped him in the face. But to his surprise, before his hand fell on the man's face, the man had already grabbed his wrist firmly.

Kyousuke tried hard... Can't break free? Try harder... still can't break free? Try harder... Ouch, I'm so tired.

Seeing that the man was still relaxed, Jingsuke gave up and said, "Let go of me!"

"Okay, but you have to promise not to hit me again." The man offered conditions.

"I didn't hit again!" Jingsuke angrily.

"But your behavior has fully proved your rudeness." The man was still relaxed, "You know, if you dared to do this to me, your arms would have been removed. Now as long as you promise not to do this in the future. If you commit again, I will let you go, it is already magnanimous."

"You!" Jingsuke was about to turn his back. This man kissed him and said he was rude now? !

However, now that his wrist is being pinched in his hand, he can't break free according to his own strength.

The person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and the hero does not suffer from the immediate loss!

Although he was not convinced, Jingsuke could only pouted and said dully: "Okay, I promise not to hit you. Now you can let go!"

With Kyosuke's assurance, the man released his hand according to the words.

Jingsuke shook his aching wrist, there were faint red marks on it, and it was estimated that it would be blue at night...

This person, speaking so arrogantly, can't be chased away, and still can't beat him, it's really annoying!

Kyosuke, who thought so, turned his eyes away for the second time since he sent the man in.

The man smiled slightly and asked again, "What's your name?"

Jingsuke rubbed his wrist and sat down, impatiently sending a third glance: "When asking someone else's name, you must first say your own. Didn't your elementary school teacher teach you basic manners?"

Yo? This little guy... is he angry about what he just said about him being rude

Shrugging indifferently, the man reported himself: "My name is Daisuke Watanabe, how about you?"

"Why should I tell you? What if you are a bad person!" After giving the fourth glance, Jingsuke thought about it and added: "No, you are a bad person if there is no case!"

This time, the man was stunned, staring at Kyousuke's successful smile with wide eyes in surprise.

If it's not soft, it's hard! The man simply took a step forward, grabbed Jingsuke's two wrists with one hand and raised them above his head, and clamped Jingsuke's chin with the other hand.

Jingsuke was startled, looking at the man in front of him who seemed to be very dangerous. To be honest, he was still a little scared...

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned into Jingsuke's ear, and said in a low voice with a hint of impatience: "Now, tell me your name, or I will crush your wrist!"

Jingsuke, who was frightened by the success, immediately told the truth: "Kingsuke! My name is Hamao Jingsuke!"

"Hmm..." The man nodded in satisfaction, let go of Jingsuke's wrist, and let him retreat behind the table to look at himself defensively.

The man raised his mouth with a sinister smile, left the flower shop with the words "I will come tomorrow".

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