Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 123: The Witcher 4


"Hiss—slow down." After being squeezed out from the left and right by the red-faced woman and the young master, Cha Gong couldn't help but shout out in pain.

He applied medicine to his wound last night, but the medicine only stopped the bleeding but not the pain. Until now, his lower abdomen and the private parts below his lower abdomen are still aching. He doesn't know if they will heal in the future...

“…Captain, if you really can’t bear the pain, just drink the regeneration fluid.” The red lady suggested in a low voice.

Hearing this, Cha Gong glared at her angrily: "What's your intention in asking me to drink this kind of medicine with side effects?!"

The red lady thought of his injuries and side effects. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to. She quickly said, "Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing."

"What are you standing there for? Take me back to the room!" Cha Gong said irritably.

"Back to the room? What are you going there for?" the young master asked in a daze.

At this time, the game has entered the long night mode, and they don't have much time left. What should they do when they return to the room? Sleep

Looking at the young master's stupid look, Cha Gong let out an almost inaudible sigh.

The red lady also blinked in confusion: "Captain, shouldn't we find the Earl now and use the clearance props to ask him to let us pass?"

"Can you guys improve a little bit?" Cha Gong was almost irritated by the two of them and had a heart attack. He said angrily, "Looking for the Earl? Tell me, where is the Earl?"

Seeing this, the red lady immediately shut up, but the young master was still confused and said, "Well, let's search the castle, we will find it eventually."

Cha Gong suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and said impatiently, "You still don't understand who this clearance item is for?"


"You took this thing to the Count. Are you tired of living?" Cha Gong held up the black velvet box in his hand. "This clearance item is obviously prepared for the blue team!"

To be precise... this clearance item was prepared just for Xia Qi.

There was a flash of jealousy in Cha Gong's eyes, and he used force with his hands, wishing he could crush the black velvet box on the spot.

In order to snatch this thing from the Earl, they sacrificed two teammates last night. However, the moment the box was opened, Cha Gong was so angry that he was shocked.

The red team girl's face suddenly turned pale: "In this dungeon game, the red team and the blue team's methods of passing the level are actually different?"

"Our method of passing the level has long been displayed on the group portrait in the west hall. With the addition of the Pope's diary obtained when we first entered the dungeon, you should understand what we should face next." Cha Gong said. Although the red lady reacted slowly, she was smarter than the young master.

The red team and the blue team represent not only the gaming camps, but also the identities and backgrounds of the people on each side.

In this game, the red team plays the role of a spy sent by the Pope, while the blue team plays the role of noble ladies from various counties. From the initial setting, the blue team has an advantage over the red team.

In the background of the story, the young talents of the Red Team came to Rose Valley Castle with the purpose of helping the Pope to eliminate the vampires.

Therefore, they have only two options: one is to complete the Pope's order and kill the copy boss; the other is to betray the Pope and help the copy boss complete the ceremony.

With their current number, it is impossible to kill the dungeon boss, so they can only choose the second method - betray the Pope and help the dungeon boss complete the ritual.

"... I understand." The red lady bit her lip. She suddenly remembered something and asked hesitantly, "Can you bear to kill Xia Qi?"

Hearing this, the young master also raised his head and looked at Cha Gong.

Being closely stared at by his two teammates, Cha Gong felt uncomfortable and suddenly whispered, "If it really comes to that, I have no other choice."

After dawn, Xia Qi took his sister and the old man down the hillside. When he passed the rose garden, he sighed with regret.

After last night's chase, the entire rose garden was a mess. There was not a single complete rose to be found as far as the eye could see. As for the green walls of roses that originally looked like a maze, they were now chopped down bare. Judging from the familiar knife marks on the branches, they must have been done by someone.

"Where should we go to find the Red Team?" my sister asked as we walked.

Xia Qi thought for a moment and said, "In the eyes of the Red Team, we are novices, and the thing novices like to do most is to go back to their rooms."

My sister nodded and said, "You are right. If the Cripple and the Big Shanji were still alive, the first thing they would do at dawn is to go back to their room and hide."

So, they had to go back to the room and wait for the red team to come.

“But we can’t beat them… If we can’t even beat them, how can we snatch the props for passing the level?” The younger sister muttered. Even if she had the revolver/gun given by the NPC, she might not be able to beat the red team who were covered in luxurious equipment.

"As long as you can divert their attention, I can take advantage of the situation and get the props for passing the level." said the old man.

The props for passing the level cannot be stored in the system backpack, and the red team will definitely carry the props on their backs.

Xia Qi asked suspiciously: "You... want to steal their props?"

The old man laughed dryly: "How can it be considered stealing when dealing with bad guys?"

Xia Qi pursed his lips silently.

Judging from the old man's wretched temperament and his skillful technique of climbing through the window, Xia Qi had always suspected the old man's former occupation.

My sister guessed something belatedly and subconsciously touched her pocket.

"Ahem." Xia Qi coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject, "We can't defeat them head-on, but I have a way to disrupt their situation."

The three of them had a brief discussion and decided on a plan.

The old man and his sister were responsible for confirming the location of the Red Party and then sending a signal to Xia Qi, while Xia Qi was responsible for bringing the butler to the Red Party's location.

"Brother Xia, be careful." The younger sister twisted the hem of her skirt nervously, "That housekeeper doesn't look easy to deal with."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Xia Qi said.

After saying goodbye to his sister and the old man, Xia Qi came to the East Hall alone.

In order to defeat Cha Gong and the young master, he has no choice but to fight!

Xia Qi quickly found the butler in the East Hall.

At this time, the housekeeper was pretending to direct the maid to clean the house.

Xia Qi hid behind the door, first took out the magic wand of true love from the system backpack, and then took out a water cup.

He pointed the magic wand of true love at the cup and said, "Give me a cup of love water, in exchange for a lifetime without sadness? [1]"

After reciting the short spell, he recalled in his mind the appearance of the "holy water" in the baptismal font in the group painting of the West Hall.

I hope the system will give him a cup of "holy water", but please don't really give him a cup of strange love water...

True Love Value -1000

True Love Spell: The "Holy Water" You Want

Effect: This is a cup of holy water prepared by the Pope himself, which can have a fatal effect on dark creatures.

Unit: 100ml

Note: Since the holy water is mixed with love water, its attack effect is reduced by 50%. Please use it with caution!

Xia Qi: “…”

No, what he wants is holy water, not holy water with love potion added!

Xia Qi suddenly felt a headache. The spell of the magic wand of true love was too unstable. If he had known this, he might as well keep it for flying sand and rocks.

Reluctantly, Xia Qi poured the holy water into three small bottles. Holding one small bottle, he walked up to the housekeeper with confidence.

"Oh, ma'am, why are you here!" When the butler saw Xia Qi, his eyes lit up surprisingly, as if he was looking at a delicious meal.

Since entering the long night mode, there are only two hours of daytime. Xia Qi actually dared to come out. He must be tired of living.

After Xia Qi stood still, he got straight to the point and said, "I have been pretending to be a butler for three days. I am really embarrassing you, the owner of Rose Castle, Earl Os."

Hearing this, the housekeeper's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Xia Qi took out the newspaper that his sister brought out from the cemetery and waved it in front of the butler. In the newspaper, the butler was next to Margaret. As the newspaper was torn in half, the butler's clothes could not be seen, only his face.

"Those nasty reporters, how could they put my picture up there and cause you to misunderstand me!" The butler argued with a smile.

"The portrait of you and Margaret is your true face, right?" Xia Qi was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued, "You seem to like the way Margaret died very much, so you let the fat man die with a bloody head."

How could it be such a coincidence that two people died in almost the same way

The only explanation is that the housekeeper liked the way Margaret died and hoped that everyone would die with a bloody head like Margaret!

The person who most wanted Margaret to die was her husband.

"On the first night, you spied on me outside my room... I guess you wanted to observe me to see if I was a good match for your son." Xia Qi clenched the bottle and slowly approached the housekeeper.

The housekeeper couldn't help but laugh: "That's right, Qi, you are very smart, my son really didn't misjudge you."

It was so interesting that this tiny human could actually see through his true identity.

The butler's face suddenly twisted and changed into the appearance in the double portrait.

Just as Xia Qi imagined, the old man in front of him looked similar to the Earl. He had an overly handsome face. However, unlike the Earl, the old Earl's skin seemed to have no blood vessels, and its color was a dead gray.

The old count narrowed his scarlet eyes and asked Xia Qi with great interest: "My clever child, what else did you guess?"