Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 169: The End of Hell (Part 2)


He stared blankly in the direction of Xia Qi, then turned his head away, as if he realized that he could not see.

The blinding effect is taking effect!

Xia Qi reacted immediately. He rushed towards his sister quickly, then stretched out his right hand and clamped his sister in his arm.

He had been shot in the calf three years ago and could not run very fast, so he could only escape with one person.

He instinctively hated his elder sister, so he chose his younger sister.

As for whether my sister can escape, it depends on her own luck.

Just as Xia Qi ran to the stairs, he heard the sound of loose gravel coming from the direction of the man nearby. Xia Qi knew that the frenzied boss had resumed action.

"I'm sorry!" Xia Qi didn't even dare to turn his head. He yelled and rushed downstairs.

As Xia Qi ran downstairs, he heard the sound of something heavy falling above his head.

The boss has recovered!

"Boom boom boom!" There were several loud noises of heavy objects hitting rocks.

The boss seemed very angry. After these destructive noises rang out, even Xia Qi who was running on the stairs could feel the vibration of the corner tower.

Xia Qi ran to the corner tower with his sister. Just as he was looking for a place to hide, his sister on the corner tower screamed, "Don't come over here!"

Suddenly, a ball of blood fell from the sky and hit the ground nearby with a thud.

Then, the blood ball rolled to Xia Qi's feet. He looked down and saw a head that was smashed into pieces like a watermelon.


Once again, a terrifying growl was heard from the corner tower. Even Xia Qi couldn't help but feel frightened when he heard this roar that almost pierced his eardrums.

"Boom, boom, boom."

This time, the footsteps of the man coming down the stairs from the direction of the corner tower were no longer the sound of leather boots as before, but heavier footsteps. Even though Xia Qi did not see him walking down the stairs, he could imagine him stepping into a hole with one foot.

The man had gone completely berserk, and even Xia Qi didn't dare to risk his life to confront the boss head-on.

What's more, Xia Qi has no true love value left. If he really encounters a crazy boss, he will have no way out.

"Where is the safest place to hide?"

Xia Qi ran desperately while thinking quickly.

His current residence was too far from the corner tower, and he would probably be caught up by the frenzied boss before he could even run back.

However, the wild is also not safe.

If I fail to hide my presence well in the wild, I will inevitably be discovered by the boss.

Where is the safest place to hide

As he was passing through the East Hall, he suddenly thought of a safe hiding place.

Got it!

Xia Qi shook his sister in his arms, held the handrail on the stairs, and used all his strength to climb up to the third floor.

Time seemed to be stretched out very long, Xia Qi seemed to be able to hear his own pounding heartbeat. Listening to the footsteps of the man getting closer and closer from behind, he tried hard not to breathe and finally arrived at the third floor - the door of Margaret's room.

At this time, the frenzied boss had already arrived at the East Hall.

Hearing the boss stop below, Xia Qi held his breath and stopped as well.

Did he find him

Xia Qi leaned against the wall nervously, tilting his head to listen to the noise downstairs.

It seemed as if you could hear a pin drop in the entire East Hall.


The man took a step.

Xia Qi also took a step forward.

"Boom, boom."

The man took a step.

Xia Qi also took two steps forward.

As he walked, Xia Qi discovered that the man seemed to be wandering around the East Hall and did not seem to notice him upstairs.

He exhaled cautiously, and while the man was wandering around again, he took a light step and arrived outside Margaret's room in a flash.


Xia Qi had never felt that the sound of opening a door could be so loud. He gritted his teeth, pushed against the door hard, slowly moved in, and then carefully closed the door.

After closing the door, the man's footsteps became much lighter. Xia Qi tiptoed to Margaret's closet, first stuffed his dazed sister in, and then climbed into the closet himself.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

After hiding in the closet, Xia Qi's eyes were filled with darkness. It was the first time he felt that the enclosed environment was so safe.

Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the boss's footsteps became clear again.

This is Margaret's room. According to his judgment, the boss should not come in.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The man's footsteps became louder and louder, and finally with a "bang", he stopped outside Margaret's room.

Xia Qi's heart seemed to be in his throat, and his palms were sweating from anxiety.

Impossible, his judgment was wrong

If the boss really wanted to come in, he would have no other choice...


The footsteps at the door made a loud noise, which made Xia Qi tremble all over.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Just when Xia Qi bit his lip and was about to give up, the boss's footsteps suddenly became farther and farther away.

The boss left the third floor, then walked to the second floor, and finally the sound disappeared completely...

After a long time, Xia Qi felt that the only sounds left in the world were his and his sister's breathing.

"It's safe." Xia Qi relaxed all over and let out a long breath.

It was not until then that he realized that he was sweating all over and his back was almost wet.

Chasing and escaping for a whole night almost exhausted all his strength. A wave of sleepiness came over him. Xia Qi forced himself to stay awake and said to his sister beside him: "Let's stay here tonight."

In the darkness, my sister didn't say a word.

Xia Qi knew that she was upset, so he didn't continue talking to her.

"I'll take a nap first." Xia Qi leaned against the wardrobe and closed his eyes to rest.

At daybreak, listening to the birds singing outside the window, Xia Qi climbed out of the closet exhausted.

Last night, he and his sister hid in this closet all night.

"Come out, it's safe outside." After Xia Qi climbed out of the closet, he reached out to his sister in the corner of the closet.

However, my sister did not respond.

Xia Qi opened the closet door wider and saw his sister's hair disheveled on her shoulders, her face as pale as paper, her eyes dull, and two dark circles under her eyes, as if she had not slept all night.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Hearing Xia Qi's voice, the sister came back to her senses and shook her head gently at him.

"Thank you, Brother Xia, you... don't have to worry about me anymore." The younger sister's voice was hoarse like a broken bellows, and it didn't sound like the sound that an underage girl could make at all.

The way she looked at Xia Qi was frighteningly mature, totally inconsistent with her age.

"What do you mean?" Xia Qi asked.

"I don't want to play games anymore." My sister said calmly, "I won't care about the mission or the people on the red team anymore."

This little girl is going to give up on herself...

After her sister's betrayal, she must be very desperate.

Xia Qi didn't know how to persuade her, so he said regretfully: "Be careful."

After saying this, he simply packed himself up and left Margaret's room first.

But in fact, he did not walk far after going downstairs. Instead, he hid behind a tree trunk not far away, observing his sister going downstairs.

When my sister went downstairs, she did not go towards their residence, but walked towards the head that fell last night.

"Sister." Looking at the head lying on the ground like a rotten watermelon, the sister laughed miserably.

Then, she wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes and carefully picked up the head.

She did not go to the corner tower to look for the rest of her sister's body, but turned another corner and headed towards the path leading to the back mountain in the north.

Watching his sister's figure gradually disappear on the road, Xia Qi walked out from behind the tree trunk.

"What was she doing in the hills behind Rose Castle?"

He once looked down at the terrain of the entire castle and knew that the mountain behind was a cemetery.

Could it be that the younger sister buried her elder sister's head

Although he was confused, Xia Qi did not follow him, but went straight to his residence.

He was so tired, he desperately needed to rest.

My sister was walking alone on the mountain road leading to the cemetery, holding a cold head in her arms.

Because it trembled when it walked, the broken head would occasionally bleed, staining the sister's clothes with dark red bloodstains.

She walked up step by step. At this moment, the roses on both sides trembled slightly, and a brisk song came from the direction of the cemetery -

"Goodbye, baby,

You rock gently in the cradle.

Goodbye, baby,

Mom wants to run away with you."

Listening to the incomprehensible singing in the distance, my sister continued walking towards the cemetery with the determination to die.

As we got closer to the cemetery, the singing became clearer.

Pushing open the small gate of the cemetery, my sister looked up and found a woman standing in the cemetery with her back to her.

The woman was wearing a white silk dress that was exactly the same style as the one Xia Qi was wearing. The only difference from Xia Qi was that this woman was a real woman.

Is it a ghost

After experiencing the thrilling events of last night, the younger sister had already lost all hope. She even thought that the female ghost looked quite pretty, and that dying at the hands of a female ghost was better than dying at the hands of that cruel and terrifying boss.

The sister ignored the woman and walked to the corner of the cemetery and placed the head on the ground.

She picked up the shovel thrown on the ground and started digging the hole.

As she dug, she felt her body getting colder and colder.

She glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed a white hem of clothing hanging down beside her.

It's that female ghost.

My sister didn't even raise her head, she just kept digging the hole mechanically, ignoring the unusual movements around her.


Suddenly, a gust of cold air blew into my ears. My sister turned her head away and said coldly, "Don't bother me."

Seeing that she ignored her, the woman giggled and created some wind to ruffle her sister's hair.

The younger sister was so annoyed by the tickling that she threw the shovel heavily to the ground with a "bang" and was about to curse the female ghost.

Unexpectedly, when she looked up, she was unexpectedly faced with a broken face.

This face was shattered as if it had been run over by a truck.

Fresh brain matter mixed with blood flowed from the ghost girl's hair, dyeing her entire face bright red.

"You!" My sister recognized this woman instantly and her eyes widened in surprise, "You are..."

The man was still wearing the golden classical larva Venetian mask, but his original gentle and affectionate look was gone, and his eyes were filled with bloodthirsty aura.

Looking at the man who was completely different from last night, Xia Qi's right hand holding the axe trembled, and he could even hear his heartbeat getting faster and faster.

After the candle had used up its last bit of heat, darkness enveloped the entire corner tower.

"Da." The man finally stopped.

His tall figure blended into the darkness, and even though he stood motionless, he gave people a great sense of oppression.

"Hmm." My sister was the first to lose her breath and let out a whimper.

Oh no!

With a loud "bang", Xia Qi didn't even see how the man did it, and the cabinet above the sisters' heads was smashed to pieces.


The elder sister screamed, and without even bothering to pull her younger sister up, she jumped up and rushed to the stairs.

The man sneered, stretched out his right hand, and instantly lifted his sister up in his hand.

He is tall with long hands, and he grabbed my sister like a chicken.

As if feeling bored, the man threw his sister to the ground again.

"Tell me, what is your purpose?" In the darkness, the man's voice was hoarse and full of impatience.

Tonight, his voice was exceptionally low, and in the eerie environment, it was filled with a chilling coldness that was creepy.

The elder sister crawled back trembling, crying and saying, "I don't know anything. I was wrong. Wuwuwu."

"Hand it over," the man said again.

"I-I gave the necklace to the housekeeper..." My sister was so scared that her voice changed.

The air around him suddenly turned cold. The man suddenly leaned forward. With a few "clicking" sounds, his right hand grew rapidly and finally turned into a thin blade.

The cold blade silently pressed against my sister's forehead.

"You still won't hand it over?"

Fear spread from the soles of her feet to her spine. The elder sister twitched all over. Suddenly she raised her hand and pointed in the direction of her younger sister, shouting, "No, it's not me. The ring is in her hand!"

"Sister?!" The younger sister was stunned when her elder sister suddenly called her.

The elder sister didn't know where she got the strength from. She crawled to her younger sister with both hands, then grabbed her sister's hand and raised it up: "She is wearing a ring! It's her!"

The moment he saw the ring, the man turned around suddenly.

"Sister?" Looking at the ring in her hand, the sister almost forgot to breathe.

When did she wear the ring

Looking at her elder sister's guilty look, the younger sister understood everything in an instant.

"Sister!" the younger sister screamed heartbreakingly, "It's you!!! You secretly put the ring on me?!"

Just now, the elder sister took the opportunity to shake hands with her younger sister and secretly put a ring on her finger. Unfortunately, the younger sister was too nervous and didn't notice the extra thing on her hand.

"Sister, you actually used me as a scapegoat!"

My sister angrily pulled off the ring and threw it heavily to the ground.

After the ring was thrown into the corner, the younger sister suddenly remembered that Xia Qi had asked her sister to tell the truth, but her sister evaded the question.

"This method was taught to you by the woman on the red side, right?!" My sister's voice was hoarse and she felt a pain in her heart.

The elder sister avoided his gaze and whispered, "You always helped me pay back the money I owed you before, sister, this time... you will help me again, right?"

My sister wiped her tears and continued to argue, "It's all the game's fault. The game forced me to do that..."

Seeing her sister's guilt-free look, the younger sister felt very regretful and regretted why she came up to save her.

After taking a deep breath, the sister said calmly: "Don't blame the game, you are just like this."

Even if they didn't participate in the game, one day her sister would sell her to someone else until she was no longer of any use.

The younger sister sneered, suddenly stood up, put herself in front of the man's falling blade, and said, "Kill me, I don't want to play anymore."

At this time, Xia Qi's voice sounded nearby: "Wait!"

Hearing Xia Qi's voice, the man immediately turned his head.

"… is it you?"

Seeing Xia Qi appear behind a pile of boxes, the man panicked and hid the blade in his right hand behind his back.

At this time, the moonlight shone into the corner tower through the small window, and the atmosphere of the whole world seemed to return to the night on the dance floor, and the surroundings were shrouded in a gentle atmosphere.

The man stared at Xia Qi blankly, his eyes filled with mixed emotions of surprise, astonishment, amazement, and even a hint of... shyness.

Xia Qi paused. Why was the person in front of him so shy

"You are beautiful today."

Under the moonlight, Xia Qi came over wearing the white dress he gave her. Under the moonlight, it was as if the moon goddess had descended.

The man stood there motionless, staring at Xia Qi closely, with a dark fire burning in his eyes.

Xia Qi hid the axe behind his back, slowly walked towards the man, and said, "She is innocent. She is not the one who stole the diamond ring. Can you let her go?"

The person who should bear the consequences of stealing the diamond ring should be the elder sister, not the younger sister. Seeing that the man recognized him, Xia Qi planned to explain the whole thing to him while he was still sober.

"Hmm?" The man seemed not to hear what he said and still looked at Xia Qi with expectant eyes.

The man's eyes were shining and there was a gentle smile on his lips, and he was just about to wag his tail at Xia Qi.

Just as everything was about to get better and Xia Qi was about to reach him, his sister suddenly cried out "Ouch".

"it hurts!"

She crawled out from under the cupboard in a panic.

When Xia Qi was talking just now, she wanted to take the opportunity to crawl away from under the cabinet, but she accidentally bumped into the corner of the cabinet, leaving a hole on her forehead, and hot blood flowed down her forehead...

At this moment, a faint smell of blood filled the air.

"Hmm." The man suddenly shook and staggered backwards.

"What's wrong with you?" Xia Qi asked puzzledly.

“I, I…” The man’s body swayed even more. He propped his right hand on the wall, lowered his head to hide the dark red in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t come over here!”

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

As soon as Xia Qi finished speaking, the man suddenly trembled all over and let out a roar from his throat.

Amid the sister's screams, the man's body grew taller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and only stopped when his head hit the ceiling. His right hand, which had originally turned into a blade, suddenly grew to one meter in length, and became a giant blade with a cold glow.

What was even more surprising was the half of his face that was revealed under the mask. At this moment, the man's handsome cheeks were covered with red lines, his lips were bright red as blood, and two sharp teeth grew out from the corners of his mouth.

"Hurry up! The boss has gone berserk!" the old man yelled, then he quickly jumped up from the ground, climbed directly onto the window, and jumped out!

If Xia Qi hadn't seen the old man running away with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that there was actually a sixty-year-old man in the world who dared to jump from the third floor.

With a "bang", the frenzied man stepped out with his long legs, creating a deep pit on the ground. He strode towards his sister and roared angrily: "Those who defile the contracted items will die!"

With a "clang", Xia Qi threw the axe in his hand to the ground.

Although the man looked invulnerable, Xia Qi was reluctant to use such a violent axe to chop him.

Then, Xia Qi quickly took out the magic wand of true love from his backpack.

Item name: True Love Magic Wand (bound).

Effect of use: Consume true love energy and recite your own love spell. The higher the true love value, the stronger the magic effect.

Level: lv1.

Other explanations: The game brings us together, so cherish this bond. Let us witness a passionate true love!

Xia Qi took a deep breath and tried to say, "Love spell?"

The spell has no effect.

"Heaven and earth, may the spirits of heaven and earth prevail?"

The spell has no effect.

Xia Qi gritted his teeth and continued expressionlessly:

"Balala the Fairy changes her whole body?"

Xia Qi kept talking to the magic wand, but unfortunately the magic wand did not respond. Seeing that the man had already raised the giant blade towards his sister, Xia Qi asked, "System, do you dare to write a clear introduction to the props?"

It would take forever to guess based on blind guessing. He had to force this artificial intelligence to give out more information.

Dear, the spell must be a love song to be effective.

Love song

So, he has to shout out a spell related to a love song that can actually have an effect on the other person in order for the magic wand to work

As a straight gay, Xia Qi never likes to watch cheesy romance movies, nor does he read various love literature public accounts.

It would be better to ask him to solve math problems than to chant a spell...

But human life is at stake, so he had to rack his brains and search for quotes related to love in his mind.

Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of a sentence that could become a spell...

Xia Qi gritted his teeth, raised his pink magic wand expressionlessly, and said loudly to the man:

“You are the wind and I am the sand, we are together forever, walking around the world together?[1]”

Even though the man had gone crazy, he was stunned for a moment when he heard Xia Qi's shout, and looked at him in confusion.

However, the magic wand in Xia Qi's hand still did not respond.

This old classic love confession contains both love and magical sandstorm elements, so why doesn't it work

…Is it because it’s too shocking

Just when Xia Qi was thinking about throwing away the magic wand, suddenly, an unexpected prompt came to his mind.

True Love Value -1000

True Love Spell: Flying Sand and Rocks

Effect: This is a small tornado with excessive PM2.5, which can cause a short-term blinding effect on the enemy.

Time: 00:00:03

Note: Since your love for Darling is not sincere enough, the effect of this spell will be very short-lived! Please remember that a real man can die, but the time must not be short!

Xia Qi: “…”

This damn magic wand should really be renamed the Magic Wand of Morality.

After the ding-dong sound, the magic wand in Xia Qi's hand suddenly lit up, and then a gust of wind blew out from the tip of the magic wand, whistling towards the man.

The man was instantly blown away by the strong wind. With a loud "bang", the man's body hit the hard stone wall of the corner tower heavily, leaving a large human-shaped hole in the wall.

If men did not belong to the category of non-humans, a normal person would probably be torn into pieces on the spot if hit backwards by this tornado.

Looking at the tragic scene caused by the tornado, Xia Qi was stunned.

Where is the promised 3-second blinding effect

Why is it so violent!

"Calm down, don't be anxious, and speak slowly."

Xia Qi listened to the confused girl and comforted her in a gentle voice.

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and then she tried to calm herself down and narrate the whole story.

This morning, she and her sister went to the East Hall locker room to change clothes. When they came out, a female member of the red team came down from upstairs holding a bunch of jewelry and told them that there were a lot of jewelry in the dressing room upstairs.

My sister originally entered the game to make money, and the game tasks always reminded them to dress up, so my sister thought that she could pass the level by dressing up nicely. Plus, the dressing room on the second floor could be used. When she heard the red girl say that there were jewels upstairs, my sister couldn't wait to go upstairs and took the diamond necklace off the dressing table.

As a result, as soon as the two went downstairs, the sister was surrounded by the red team members and the housekeeper, and was accused of being a thief.

Seeing the housekeeper present, the younger sister was worried that her sister would end up like the fat man, so she hurried out to find the blue team members to find a solution.

"I, I told my sister not to take the necklace, but she didn't listen to me." The younger sister bit her lip and cried, "I shouldn't have listened to her!"

Xia Qi thought for a moment and said, "The Reds want to attack us. Even if you don't fall for it, they will find other opportunities."