Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 174: Daily sweet extra 5


Xia Qi rested in the hotel for a day, and went to Sister Hong's home with Yuan Zhou the next day.

The building where Sister Hong lives is in the south of City X. The entire building is made up of low-rise small apartments with a low floor area ratio and a high level of greening. The apartment layout looks good from the outside.

After the two came out of the underground garage, they came to the road. Yuan Zhou stopped before Xia Qi: "This gravel road is not easy to walk on. Let me carry you across."

The building where Sister Hong lives has already separated pedestrians and vehicles, so once you get on the road you have to walk. In order to decorate the community environment, the property management has laid a layer of pebbles on the road.

Xia Qi is still sitting in an electric wheelchair with a soft cushion on his back.

Ever since he and Yuan Zhou had their first experience in this world, he still feels burning pain in places that should and shouldn't hurt. Applying medicine hasn't helped much... If he really uses the wheelchair on a gravel road, it must be very uncomfortable when it shakes.

Faced with the terrible gravel road, Xia Qi stopped trying to be stubborn and nodded.

Yuan Zhou picked him up and walked towards the door of Sister Hong's apartment carelessly, letting the electric wheelchair move forward by itself.

The two men met many passers-by. When they saw two grown men being intimate in broad daylight, with one of them hugging the other, they couldn't help but look sideways.

After having experienced countless games without any bottom line, Xia Qi's face has become much thicker. He didn't know any of these people, and he simply ignored their weird looks.

Compared to Xia Qi who was calm, Yuan Zhou was secretly delighted.

Now, Xia Qi has no relatives or friends, and he has no place to show his affection. Instead, the looks from other people make him feel recognized.

"Qi, we're here. Sister Hong's home is on the first floor."

After arriving at the door of Sister Hong's apartment, Yuan Zhou put Xia Qi back on the stopped electric wheelchair, and the two walked into the corridor one after the other.

Just as the two of them came to a mahogany door, a familiar roar came from inside the door: "Damn it! Do you still want the things in the safe? Since you like this place so much, why don't you leave your life behind!"

Along with the woman's shrill voice, a gray ashtray flew out of the door and headed towards Xia Qi's face.

Xia Qi was startled and was about to turn his head to avoid it, but Yuan Zhou immediately took a step towards him and split the ashtray in mid-air with one palm.

With a "bang", the ashtray hit the wall behind and immediately broke into countless pieces.

"You damn woman, do you really want to kill me?!" After the ashtray shattered, a man's angry roar came from the open door.

"That's right! I want your life!" Sister Hong's voice came again, louder than before, "Get out of here, you bastard!"

The man was unwilling to leave, and as Sister Hong shouted and cursed at him to leave, the two started fighting again at home.

After a while, Xia Qi saw two figures appear inside the door. A woman in a Bohemian dress was grabbing a man's hair, and the two were struggling while moving towards the door.

Sister Hong and the man were fighting so fiercely that they didn't notice two people appearing at the door. During the fight, Sister Hong seized the opportunity and kicked the man fiercely. The man staggered back a few steps and fell towards Yuan Zhou and Xia Qi.

Yuan Zhou frowned, reached out and pushed the man away with a look of disgust.

Yuan Zhou was very strong to begin with, and the man was not standing steadily. With a slight push from Yuan Zhou, he fell to the ground, hitting his nose on the steps and letting out a shrill scream.

The man covered his bleeding nose, climbed up from the ground, pointed at Yuan Zhou who had just pushed him hard, and shouted with a red face: "Hey! Dead woman, where did you find this wild man? You didn't cheat on me a long time ago, did you?"

Sister Hong was originally surprised by the unexpected situation at her doorstep. After being reminded by the man, she paused for a moment and then looked carefully at the two men who appeared at her doorstep.

Her eyes swept past the nearly 1.9-meter-tall silver-haired man, and then stopped at the black-haired young man who was sitting on the "chair" and looking at her seriously.

The reason why I didn't look at the silver-haired man too much was because there was no emotion in his eyes, while the other black-haired young man had a relaxed expression, which made people feel good about him.

"Gentlemen, what are you doing here?" Sister Hong ignored her ex-husband who was yelling and asked Xia Qi first.

"I am..." Xia Qi opened his mouth and was about to introduce himself when suddenly, Yuan Zhou reached out and gently pinched the back of his neck.

Xia Qi guessed that Yuan Zhou was ready, so he waited for Yuan Zhou to introduce himself.

At this moment, the man who had just been lying on the ground suddenly jumped up. He rushed towards Sister Hong and cursed: "Stupid woman, explain to me clearly, is this the wild man you raised? Tell me quickly, is your wild man this white-haired guy... or this disabled pretty boy?!"

Hearing the man's rude words, Yuan Zhou's expression immediately changed: "Disabled pretty boy?"

It doesn't matter if the man says he is white-haired, the key is... How dare he say Xia Qi is a disabled pretty boy? !

Anger flashed in Yuan Zhou's eyes. This was the first time he heard someone dare to curse Xia Qi in front of him after he recovered.

He reached out and grabbed the man's hair, lifted his head without mercy, and smashed his forehead against the wall next to the door frame!


The man's head made close contact with the wall, making a muffled sound similar to that of fingers tapping on a watermelon.

Yuan Zhou gnashed his teeth and said sinisterly, "Do you dare to say it again, who is the disabled pretty boy?"

“Ah! You bastard…” The man’s head hit the wall and he felt dizzy. Before he could react, his head was lifted up again and slammed hard against the hard wall.

Sister Hong watched in amazement as Yuan Zhou beat up her ex-husband until his head was broken and bleeding. She did not say a word to persuade him, but instead secretly cheered in her heart.

The man was grabbed by Yuan Zhou's head and slammed against the wall five times in a row. He finally recovered a little bit of his IQ and begged for mercy: "I was wrong! Big brother! I-I won't dare to do it again! Wuuuuu!"

Xia Qi was really fed up with the man's howling and said, "That's enough."

Hearing this, Yuan Zhou threw the man to the ground.

He had a splitting headache, and now he fell to the ground, feeling like he was about to fall apart. He covered his bleeding forehead and sobbed.

He originally thought that Sister Hong was already very violent, but he didn't expect to meet an even more violent and wild man.

“Woo woo woo!”

The man's wailing was so loud that Xia Qi felt his temple beginning to throb with pain again. He couldn't help but raise his hand to rub it.

Yuan Zhou guessed that his sequelae had recurred, so he immediately turned his head and growled at the man: "Shut up!"

When the man saw Yuan Zhou's ferocious look, he was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth and shrank towards the corridor entrance.

When the surroundings finally quieted down, Xia Qi raised his head and signaled to Yuan Zhou.

Yuan Zhou pushed Xia Qi forward and said to Sister Hong, "Hello, we are your distant relatives and we came to visit you today."

"Ah? Distant relatives?" Sister Hong was completely confused. Today, she and her ex-husband were dividing up the household items, so how come two distant relatives suddenly showed up

Just as Sister Hong was wondering, the cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang. Sister Hong apologized to the two of them, turned around and walked into the room, and answered the call using voice control.

"Hey, Xiaohong. I heard from my aunt that you were getting a divorce. My cousin happened to come to X City today, so I specially asked him to come to your house to help you deal with that bastard..."

Sister Hong, who was answering the phone, glanced at the door and wondered if these two people were really her distant relatives

Sister Hong continued to ask: "What's your cousin's name? What does he look like?"

"His name is Xia Qi, he is very handsome, I guarantee you will recognize him at first sight..."

Sister Hong turned her gaze to Xia Qi and continued to ask, "What else?"

"Any more? No more, only one cousin, how many more do you want?" The cousin on the other end laughed for a few words and hung up the phone.

After answering the phone, Sister Hong walked towards Xia Qi, stretched out her hand to him, and said, "Hello, cousin."

Sister Hong's phone was on very loudly, and Xia Qi heard everything while sitting at the door.

He thought to himself that it was no wonder that Yuan Zhou was so sneaky yesterday and didn't allow him to check the game space. It turned out that the operating system had created a new relationship for him.

Xia Qi raised his head and happened to meet Yuan Zhou's eyes, who blinked at him.

"Hello, Sister Hong." Xia Qi smiled and raised his hand to shake hands with Sister Hong.

Sister Hong’s hair is now in big grape red waves, overflowing with fiery passion, which sets off her fair skin.

Although Sister Hong looks the same as she did three years ago, she looks at least five years younger than she was then, and does not show any sign of tiredness at all.

Xia Qi knew that this was because Sister Hong’s daughter Xiaoyu had not been abducted yet.

"He's really my cousin..." the man who listened to the whole thing whispered.

He didn't expect that the two were really Sister Hong's relatives. Seeing that Sister Hong had two brutal helpers, he couldn't scold them or beat them, so his plan to extort the family's wealth today fell through.

The man gritted his teeth and could only drag his shattered body out.

After the man climbed out of the corridor, Xia Qi turned back and asked, "Are you not chasing me anymore?"

"No." Yuan Zhou narrowed his eyes and showed a cruel smile, "If I chase you, it won't be fun anymore."

Hearing this, Xia Qi understood and guessed that Yuan Zhou had other plans in mind.

Xia Qi originally had a bad impression of Hong Jie's ex-husband. In the previous world, if Hong Jie's ex-husband had not cheated on her during marriage, visited prostitutes, and later lost their daughter Xiaoyu, Hong Jie would not have ended up like that.

Therefore, when Yuan Zhou just taught Sister Hong's ex-husband a lesson, he did not say a word, but was happy to see it happen. Of course, if he had not been disabled, he would have personally gone up to beat that man up.

"Cousin, you must have come all the way here and it must have been tiring. Come in and sit down, and we'll have lunch together." After sending her ex-husband away, Sister Hong greeted the two of them warmly while taking slippers from the shoe cabinet.

Although Sister Hong had never met Xia Qi, for some reason, she felt a natural closeness to him.

"Sister Hong." Xia Qi waved his hand, interrupting Sister Hong's actions, "We are not hungry yet, you should rest for a while, and we can eat together later when we are free."

Sister Hong had just had a fight with her ex-husband at home. He could see that her house was a mess even when he was sitting at the door. If he and Yuan Zhou went in now, they would just cause more trouble for her.

"This is so embarrassing. You guys came here and I didn't even have a sip of hot tea..." Sister Hong glanced back at her messy living room and said apologetically.

Yuan Zhou pressed Xia Qi's shoulder and suddenly said, "It's okay. We live across from you. We can eat anytime in a few days."

Hearing this, Sister Hong was stunned for a moment, and Xia Qi also raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

Yuan Zhou reached out and rubbed Xia Qi's hair, and smiled slyly: "Qi, have you forgotten that we have bought Building H next door? Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you, do you want to live here?"

After Yuan Zhou finished speaking, Xia Qi was stunned for a long time.

How could he not want to

Since returning to this world, he and Yuan Zhou have been traveling in various hotels, which makes him feel unreal. Maybe he has experienced too much turmoil, and he wants to live his life peacefully recently.

Every time after watching the news, he would take time to look through the property sales pages to see if there were any suitable houses.

Now he has a settlement to temporarily settle down in, and next door are his familiar teammates, which is what he wants most.

"I want to live here." Xia Qi made a quick decision without even entering the house. "Sister Hong, we'll go back to our own home first. Come find us anytime if you have anything."