Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 18: Rose Earl 18


Suddenly, the world spun around, Xia Qi cried out "Ah!", and instantly fell into the arms of the Earl.

To be more precise, she fell into the arms of the Count, whose IQ was negative.

The Earl supported Xia Qi's knee with one hand, and held the other hand, which had turned into a giant blade, against his back, holding Xia Qi horizontally in a princess-like position.

Xia Qi's back and head were resting on the cold giant blade. Thinking of how this giant blade had chopped off the head of a pheasant and chopped off the brain of a cripple, his whole body froze and he dared not move.


The Count seemed very happy as he shook the person in his arms. Even his roar was several tones higher than before, almost like a beast howling in disco.

He excitedly turned around on the ground a few times and jumped up again. Just when Xia Qi was about to ask if he had enough fun, he found himself slowly rising.

At first he thought it was because the Earl stood up, until he heard the sound of whistling wind in his ears, and then he realized that he was flying away from the ground.

Seeing the houses and people below getting smaller and smaller, Xia Qi's heart was pounding and he had to cling to the earl's neck. Then, the bat wings behind the earl fluttered again and he carried Xia Qi towards the moon in the sky!


The strong wind was whistling in his ears, and the surrounding scenery gradually became only the night sky. Seeing the earl holding him and soaring through the clouds, Xia Qi didn't even dare to breathe.

After another fierce sprint, they broke through the dark clouds and came above the clouds!

Xia Qi felt difficulty breathing, apparently due to the reduction of oxygen.

He took a deep breath and felt more tired than ever.

Finally, his little ancestor, the Earl, stopped.

"Hmm?" The count lowered his head, rubbed Xia Qi's forehead first, and then called him in a cooing voice.

Just now when he was rushing towards the sky, Xia Qi had been squinting his eyes. Now he finally stopped. He slowly raised his eyelids, but met the earl's sparkling eyes.

The count looked at him expectantly, like a well-behaved big dog waiting to be fed by his owner.

"What did you bring me up here to see?" Xia Qi asked.

The count continued to stare at him, almost sticking out his tongue and breathing.

Looking at this silly earl, Xia Qi sighed and had to guess for himself.

He looked around and found that they were already above the clouds. There was gray mist under their feet, and above their heads, countless sparse stars were scattered throughout the night sky like broken diamonds. In the center was a round, overly large moon.

Such a big moon can only be seen in imaginative paintings, which reminded Xia Qi of the picture of WeChat login, except that the people under the moon this time were not the boy looking at the moon, but him and the count.

If someone had the opportunity to look up from below, they would probably be able to see the black silhouettes of the two of them on the big moon.

It’s just that Xia Qi’s posture is not right, he is held in the Earl’s arms like a woman…

"It's really beautiful." Xia Qi thought for a moment and replied.

Unexpectedly, this time, the count actually understood what he said.

He held Xia Qi like a big child and flew around twice in the same place, leaving Xia Qi confused.

Xia Qi sighed and said to him in a tone similar to caring for a mentally retarded person: "Can you take me down?"

Although he was not afraid of heights, he still felt nervous being suspended in the air.

However, Xia Qi's words were like playing the lute to a cow, and the count didn't understand at all.

He continued to hold him and spin around, sometimes drilling a hole in the cloud, sometimes rolling a few times in the cloud, just like a little kid having fun on the beach.

Xia Qi seriously suspected that he was playing dumb.

The two of them had been playing in the cloud for an unknown amount of time. Xia Qi was so dizzy that he almost fell asleep. Suddenly, when he was dazed, the count spread his wings, spun upside down, and dived down with him in his arms!

This time, he sprinted down by bungee jumping on his face!


Even though Xia Qi was usually calm, he was still scared when he suddenly took a "Flying Pterosaur"-style roller coaster dive, especially when he rode an illegal roller coaster without a seat belt. He almost bit his lip.

Swallowing all the screams in his heart, Xia Qi wrapped his arms tightly around the earl's neck, his nails even digging into his flesh.

It seemed like a century had passed, and when the Earl sat down, Xia Qi finally came back to his senses.

… it’s so exciting.

It was so stimulating that he felt like he was going to vomit.

Even though he had already fallen to the ground, Xia Qi still clung to the Earl's neck with both hands, fearing that he would use the pendulum of a washing machine again.

Xia Qi was breathing heavily, and as he gasped, he found himself surrounded by the fragrance.

This was the familiar scent of roses.

Xia Qi lowered his head and looked at the roses beside him that were blooming beautifully in the night like epiphyllums.

Apparently, they were back in the Rose Garden.

The Earl put Xia Qi down, placed him next to himself, and then lay down himself.

Xia Qi sat among the roses, not knowing what he wanted to do next.

Just as Xia Qi was thinking, the count suddenly sat up again, raised his hands, pressed his shoulders down, and forced him to lie down.

What a waste of resources.

Xia Qi was originally distressed because he sat on several roses that were rotten, and now lying down made the roses even more damaged. However, Xia Qi turned his head to look at the Earl himself, only to see that the Earl did not care about his tall stature and lay down on the ground with a "bang"...

I guess the roses under him were crushed into mud.

Xia Qi didn't know what he was going to do by lying down, and he didn't dare to ask. He yawned and lay down for a while. He felt sleepy again.

What was rare was that he actually closed his eyes and fell asleep in the wild.

It was almost dawn when Xia Qi suddenly woke up.

He actually slept next to the boss for a night!

Looking at the Earl beside him, I saw that he was also sleeping with his eyes closed, but now his body had returned to human form, and the giant blade in his right hand had also turned into the shape of a hand.

Xia Qi climbed up and looked at the Earl's face. At this time, the Earl's complexion had returned to its normal color, and the little fangs at the corners of his mouth were gone.

Xia Qi couldn't help but feel secretly delighted and called out, "Count?"

As long as he wakes up the Earl and uses the Ring of Contract to fulfill the Earl's wish, he can complete this game with the old man and his sister...

Hearing Xia Qi's voice, the Earl beside him suddenly moved. Just as Xia Qi was about to push him, a small sound of wind sounded behind him.

"call out!"

Xia Qi dodged sideways, and a sharp arrow grazed his shoulder, leaving a wound.

The fishy and sweet smell of blood instantly filled the air. Xia Qi felt something was wrong and quickly raised his hand to cover his wound.

However, it was too late.

Suddenly, the count, who was lying on the ground, opened his scarlet eyes and looked at him as if he was looking at delicious food.

Xia Qi yelled, "Oh no!", but by the time he jumped up, it was too late. The Earl let out a low growl, quickly threw him to the ground, and opened his mouth to bite his neck.

"Calm down!"

Xia Qi raised his hand and blocked his neck. The Earl's sharp teeth instantly bit his wrist. Xia Qi felt a sharp pain in his wrist. He looked up and saw a stream of bright red blood flowing down his white wrist.

At this moment, a ray of dazzling sunlight shone obliquely, falling on Xia Qi's profile and the Earl's eyes.

When exposed to the sunlight, the bloodshot eyes of the count suddenly faded away and slowly returned to normal.

Daytime has arrived, and the boss's frenzy state has been forced to end.

"Calm down..." Xia Qi said, panting.

The count's eyes gradually regained clarity, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

At this time, his mouth was still biting Xia Qi's wrist, and his mouth was full of sweet and fishy blood. He looked down again and met Xia Qi's horrified expression with fear in his eyes.

Even though the blood in his mouth was sweet enough to tempt people to commit a crime, Xia Qi's wound was blindingly red. The Earl felt a pain in his heart and was filled with remorse.

"I... finally hurt you." The Earl's voice was choked with sobs, and his lake-blue eyes seemed to be filled with sea water. He didn't even dare to look at Xia Qi again, let alone the wound on his hand. He punched himself hard in the chest and said painfully, "I am guilty."

Before Xia Qi could speak, the count suddenly grabbed him and flew out of the rose garden with Xia Qi.

After taking Xia Qi away from the rose garden, the count rushed out madly without saying a word and without looking back.

"I… "

Watching the earl's figure gradually disappearing into the distance, Xia Qi stopped his right hand in mid-air and slowly clenched his fist.

He reacted quickly and knew who was responsible for all this.

After waiting for a while, Xia Qi saw the figure of the culprit on the hillside.

He should have run away, but now he just wanted to teach them a lesson.

The three people from the red team came over safely. Cha Gong and the red team girl were both intact, as if they had never been injured.

However, what surprised Xia Qi even more was that the old earl actually appeared next to the three people on the red team. Seeing how they shared a common hatred for the enemy, it seemed that they had completely forgotten the principle that humans and NPCs were in an antagonistic relationship.

I didn’t expect that the red team and the NPC actually reached a consensus on the goal!

Fortunately, he waited there for a while and knew that the situation in the copy had changed.

The bat wings on the old count's back lifted up in joy. He slowly put down the crossbow in his hand and looked at Xia Qi grimly: "Xia Qi, I wonder where you can escape to."

Facing the four people who came in a group, Xia Qi took out the magic wand of true love without hesitation and said: "You are the wind and I am the sand, we are entangled and walk to the end of the world together."

After finishing his recitation, he waved his magic wand towards the three people.

Perhaps it was because the rose garden was more open, after the magic wand emitted a brilliant pink light, a yellow sand tornado that was even more violent than the last time appeared on the flat ground and swept towards the three people and one monster opposite.


“Oh my god!!!”

The three members of the Red Team were human beings after all. They were swept away by the Russian tornado summoned from Siberia. They flew backwards without any time to react and disappeared in an instant. No one knew where they went.

After getting rid of the annoying three people and one monster, Xia Qi chased in the direction where the count disappeared without looking back.

After chasing for a while, Xia Qi heard the old man and sister's voices behind him.

Last night, the two of them followed Xia Qi and the Earl. Later, they followed them to the rose garden and kept watch nearby.

Unexpectedly, the Red Team actually teamed up with the NPCs and sneaked into the garden without anyone noticing. The old man said helplessly: "Looking at the direction the Earl fled, he should have gone to the East Hall."

Xia Qi had no time to chat with the two and ran towards the east hall. At this moment, a familiar and intimate line sounded behind him again -

"Xia Qi, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Damn it, the old earl is here again!

The old earl instantly appeared at the door of the east hall, forcing the three members of the blue team to climb the stairs. Just as they reached the third floor, the old earl pounced on them like a lingering dead dog and scratched Xia Qi's back with one claw.

Xia Qi frowned secretly and turned around to let the old earl taste the holy water again, but at this moment, a woman's scream sounded near him.

In front of Xia Qi, Margaret was standing at the door of her room. She looked through Xia Qi's shoulder and glared at his back.

"You dirty and disgusting devil!" Margaret's whole soul was trembling. Her red lips opened and closed, and she roared angrily, "How dare you hit my daughter-in-law? I will fight you!"

Without waiting for Xia Qi to react, Margaret screamed and waved her hands, rushing towards the old earl like a small cannonball. Then, with a crisp "pop" sound, Margaret slapped the old earl in the face, causing his head to tilt on his neck.

Old man: “…”

younger sister:"… "

Xia Qi: “…”

Watching this prime-time eight o'clock family ethics war in which the female ghost grandmother beat the vampire grandfather, the three members of the blue team fell into a strange silence.