Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 19: Rose Earl 19


“Pah, pah, pah!”

The old earl was slapped several times, and even saliva came out of the corners of his mouth, but he did not resist.

"Margaret, get out of here!" The old count twisted his neck, turned his head back and let out a low roar.

Back then, the old earl planned to bite Margaret to death and suck her blood to become the Blood Emperor after she gave birth to a boy. However, Margaret discovered the earl's family secret, escaped under the pretext of her cousin coming to visit her, and committed suicide on the way.

Although the old earl finally drank Margaret's blood, because Margaret was already dead, he could not become the immortal Blood Emperor.

"Pah!" Margaret slapped him again. She screamed, "It's not enough that you hurt me, you also want to hurt my son!"

"As a vampire, he must shoulder the mission of the vampire clan!" The old count was furious. He reached out to Margaret's body with his claws, but just like before, he found nothing.

After slapping him, Margaret started kicking him. The force she hit on the old count was real.

This is the unfinished power of the contract. Facing the provider of the contract power, he can only passively take the beating and has no power to fight back.

The three members of the blue team were stunned, but Xia Qi was the first to react.

"Let's go first!"

He took the two of them into Margaret's room and began to plan to jump off the building using a rope.

"There are only 40 minutes left until the eternal night mode!" said my sister.

Xia Qi gritted his teeth. They didn't have much time left. If they went to the wrong place again, they would most likely lose the chance to complete the game forever.

"Brother Xia, where will the Earl go?" The younger sister wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Did he go back to his room?"

"No!" Xia Qi frowned, trying his best to stay calm.

Now the game can no longer be inferred according to common sense, because the Earl is a living person. He said goodbye to Xia Qi specially and there is no way he will return to the room...

So, what was the Count thinking

Yesterday, the Earl asked him to leave quickly, fearing that he might hurt him. This morning, after the Earl found himself biting his wrist, Xia Qi clearly felt that the Earl's emotions were experiencing drastic fluctuations.

The Earl's entire body was filled with deep despair, an emotion that made it impossible to struggle, escape, or resist passively. Even Xia Qi could feel a sense of suffocation.

Xia Qi clenched his fist, took a breath, and said, "He may not want to live anymore."

"Ah?" My sister asked tentatively, "If the boss is not alive, can we pass the level?"

"Not necessarily." The old man answered decisively, "The game can't end like this. Xia Qi, think carefully, where else can he go?"

"The cemetery..." Xia Qi didn't want to see the count in pain forever, he thought hard, "Or maybe a place where he can rest forever..."

The old man suddenly raised his head, and the two looked at each other, and both said at the same time: "Ancient Castle Tomb!"

The old man had once been to the cemetery of the ancient castle. Xia Qi still remembered that the old man said that the ancestors of all vampires were buried in the cemetery.

The entrance to the cemetery was in the west hall, and they were now in the east hall. The three of them started tying ropes without stopping.

After landing on the corner tower, the three of them ran all the way and once again passed through the corridor that once connected to the west hall. This was once the connection point for them to go to the banquet hall. Now, seeing the shooting holes on the wall again, Xia Qi knew that this was set up to resist the knights of the Holy See.

The West Hall is not far from the East Hall. The three of them walked non-stop to the dark door of the tomb. The old man pried open the outermost iron door, and there was another automatic door inside to seal the tomb.

This automatic door is made of huge stones and can only be opened from the inside out.

"Fortunately, the count didn't close this door." The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Qigang took a step forward when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Xia Qi!" Cha Gong, covered in blood, staggered into the west hall.

He was swept into the cemetery by Xia Qi's tornado, with injuries all over his body and a big cut on his head.

Without hesitation, the younger sister turned around and shot Cha Gong in the right leg, shouting, "Don't come over here!"

"Ah!" Cha Gong didn't expect that the blue team would open fire without even saying hello. He gritted his teeth, supported himself against the wall and stood up, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Xia boy, ignore him." The old man put his hand on the switch lever of the tomb door.

Cha Gong suddenly raised his head, waved his hand, and said loudly to Xia Qi: "Xia Qi, this USB drive is what you wore when you woke up."

Hearing this, Xia Qi suddenly raised his head.

At this time, Cha Gong was holding a white USB flash drive in his hand, with a familiar red string tied to the end. Seeing Xia Qi's eyes change, Cha Gong quickly seized the opportunity and said, "This is what I found when I dug you out of the sand. Also, I kept the bullet in your leg. Don't you want to know what information is saved in the USB flash drive?"

When Xia Qi heard Cha Gong bring up the old matter again, his breathing paused.

Xia Qi had lost his memory three years ago, and it was Cha Gong who rescued him from the Inner Mongolia desert.

"Throw the USB drive to me." Xia Qi stretched out his hand and said coldly to Cha Gong.

"Although I was the one begging you to be with me, but think carefully about how I treated you... Are you really so heartless?" Cha Gong gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain in his leg, squeezing out two tears from the corners of his eyes.

Xia Qi took a deep breath and continued expressionlessly: "From the moment you cheated on me, we are over. Give me the USB drive quickly."

Upon hearing the word "betrayal", Cha Gong flew into a rage, veins popping out of his forehead, and he yelled, "I was the one who asked you first, I am the one who is being shameless! But, don't you think about yourself? I even touched your finger and you stayed away from me! Where is my dignity as a man?! What... do you think of me?!"

Hearing these embarrassing words, no matter how cold Xia Qi's personality was, he couldn't help but be aroused by these words.

He now regretted very much, regretting why he could not resist Cha Gong's nagging.

"I cheated on my husband because of you! You forced me to do it!" Cha Gong's eyes turned red and he roared heartbreakingly.

He really liked Xia Qi's face, but he had never even touched his fingers many times. Every time he failed, he would be angry for several days.

As soon as Cha Gong finished speaking, Xia Qi raised his hand expressionlessly and poured a cup of holy water towards the black shadow that was rushing towards them.


A roar of pain was heard, and the old earl fell down in front of him, covering his face.

"Another sneak attack? Can you please behave yourself?" Xia Qi took out another bottle of holy water, and without even looking at the old earl who was rolling on the ground, he poured all the remaining water at him.

Just now, Cha Gong deliberately provoked him to go out in order to make it easier for the old earl to launch a sneak attack. If Xia Qi really went out, he might have been torn to pieces now.

Oh, this man, you really can’t trust anything he says.

Xia Qi grabbed the lever in the old man's hand and pressed it down hard.

"No!!!" Looking at Xia Qi's hand movements, Cha Gong screamed.

Before the stone door fell, Xia Qi looked at Cha Gong calmly and said, "If you don't like it, why didn't you break up earlier?"


With a loud bang, the huge stone door fell heavily in front of the three blue team members, completely blocking the annoying red team and the old earl out of the door.

Darkness fell again.

Xia Qi let out a long sigh, took out a flashlight, and continued walking down the passage.

In the tomb that was nearly half the size of a football field, there were more than 20 sarcophagi neatly arranged. The old man said, "These vampires have been dead for a long time. Many of them are almost turned to ashes."

Their voices continued to echo in the empty tomb, sounding particularly creepy.

Xia Qi frowned slightly. Legend has it that vampires are immortal, but why do vampires in the Earl's family die? Could it be that only by becoming a blood emperor can one become an immortal vampire

The three of them held knives in their hands and opened each sarcophagus to check, but they couldn't find the count. The younger sister said anxiously: "There are only 15 minutes left before the eternal night. Are we looking in the wrong place?"

They no longer have time.

"No, he's here." Xia Qi said.

He had a feeling that the Count was in the crypt.

When passing a corner, Xia Qi unexpectedly smelled an extremely fishy smell of blood mixed with a musty smell.

Following the smell, he came to an altar.

He had seen this altar in a portrait before. The long table in the middle of the altar was where humans were sacrificed.

As he stepped onto the altar, Xia Qi's heart suddenly began to beat wildly.

If he was caught by the Red Team and the old earl, he would be the one lying on the altar and being sacrificed in blood.

Xia Qi was lost in thought when suddenly he tripped and fell down. At the same time, the flashlight in his hand flickered.

At this moment, Xia Qi caught a flash of golden light on the wall.

"The Count is here!" After falling to the ground, Xia Qi immediately grabbed a flashlight and climbed up.

When he shone the light on the wall, Xia Qi's right hand trembled, and the flashlight fell to the ground with a "snap" and broke into pieces.

The old man and his sister ran over quickly, and when they saw the count being nailed to the cross on the altar, they both gasped at the same time.

Xia Qi ignored the darkness in front of him, stepped on the sticky blood, and strode to the earl.

The old man and his sister quickly raised their flashlights.

In the center of the altar, the count was nailed to the cross with his arms outstretched. There were two steel nails on each of his wrists, and the nails were covered in blood.

He was suspended in mid-air, his head slightly lowered, his beautiful blond hair covering his eyebrows and eyes.

Xia Qi held his pale face in his hands and felt his whole body trembling.

"Count?" Xia Qi called in a low voice, his mind going blank in an instant.

The old man raised his hand and felt the earl's breath: "No breath."

"No, impossible!" Xia Qi was shocked and said with trembling lips, "If he dies, the game should be over!"

Xia Qi still couldn't believe it. How could the Earl commit suicide

"He may not be dead." The old man suddenly said, "Check his heart."

Xia Qi pursed his lips, and pressed his trembling right hand on the earl's heart, fearing that he would touch death.

No, he must still have a heartbeat!

"He still has a heartbeat! He's just sleeping!" Feeling the strong heartbeat in his hand, Xia Qi almost cried with joy.

The old man and his sister hurried to pry the nails out.

After taking the count down from the cross, he fell forward and fell into Xia Qi's arms.

"There are only 6 minutes left." The younger sister reminded him in a low voice, "Xia Ge, no matter what decision you make, I support you."

The old man looked down at him and said nothing, but Xia Qi understood what he meant.

As long as they kill the Count with the silver table knife, they can complete the game...

Xia Qi held the dinner knife tightly in his hand and couldn't bring himself to do it.

"I won't kill him until the last second," he insisted. "I won't give up on him."

After saying this, Xia Qi felt a pain in his temple. He always felt that he had said this before.

Xia Qi took out a black velvet box and took out two red diamond rings.

Xia Qi first helped the Earl put on the ring, then put another ring on his own finger, and then said to the Earl: "I believe in your sincerity, I accept your feelings, can you wake up and stop sleeping?"

After saying this, the count still kept his eyes closed and showed no signs of waking up.

"Wake up, okay?" Xia Qi stared at his face and said again.

The old man sighed, and the sister couldn't bear to watch any more.

Xia Qi frowned tightly, he was determined to save the earl.

He stared at his overly handsome eyebrows, took a deep breath, lowered his head, closed his eyes, and moved towards his lips.

The Earl's cold lips were softer than he had imagined. Xia Qi just touched them lightly and then quickly separated them.

“Why haven’t you woken up yet…” My sister rubbed her eyes, her voice filled with tears.

Xia Qi was also stunned. The kiss of true love didn't work

Impossible, the way to clear this copy is true love's kiss.

Xia Qi gritted his teeth, lowered his head again, and kissed the Earl on his lips.

"3 minutes..." My sister's voice trembled.

Just as Xia Qi was about to kiss him again, suddenly, the person leaning on his shoulder moved.

"Qi..." The count called his name softly. Xia Qi lowered his head and met the count's affectionate eyes.

His eyes were as deep as the sea, as gentle and affectionate as the clouds in the sky, and so broad that they seemed to be able to accommodate everything about him.

Xia Qi felt a pain in his temple again. He always felt that the count's eyes were very familiar.

"I heard everything." The earl had a smile on his pale face, his eyes were like the stars in the sky last night. He held Xia Qi's hand with the hand wearing the ring, "Are you willing to sign a contract with me?"

"I promise." This time, Xia Qi agreed without hesitation.

The Earl smiled even wider, and at that moment, it seemed as if all the roses in the rose garden were in full bloom.

"But I won't do that," said the count, laughing.

Without waiting for Xia Qi to react, he suddenly grabbed his hand holding the dinner knife and thrust it towards his heart.

"I have the blood of the devil flowing in my veins... If you make a contract with me, it will only continue to hurt you... and even... kill you." The Earl's lips trembled, but there was still a gentle smile on his face.

Let the sins committed by my family end with me.

He whispered something, then leaned on Xia Qi's shoulder and slowly closed his eyes.

Although his voice was very soft, Xia Qi heard it clearly.

"I love you."

I love you, so I don't want you to make the same mistake my mother made.

I love you, so I want you to have a better future.

Xia Qi felt his body becoming lighter and lighter. He turned to look at his sister and the old man, and their figures were slowly disappearing.

"No, no..." Xia Qi grabbed the Earl's hand tightly with his right hand and shouted, "I don't agree!"

Ding Dong! Congratulations to the blue team for successfully using the clearance props to clear the game!

Ding Dong! Congratulations to Xia Qi from the blue team for killing the "Rose Earl" dungeon boss. The game is entering the reward settlement...

The scene began to distort, and images of the Earl as a teenager flashed before Xia Qi's eyes, and his low moans came to his ears.

"My Rose, although I can make you belong to me forever, how can I bear to drag you into the endless darkness...

Let my life end in your hands, and my body will no longer be cold.

On the day when roses bloom,

I will come to you and dance with you in the sunshine."

Xia Qi's vision gradually became blurred, and he felt as if there was a black hole at the back of his heart, which instantly sucked him out from where he was.

Without Xia Qi's support, the Earl slowly fell down. At the moment of falling, there was still a smile on his lips.

I want you to remember me forever.

The count's eyes slowly lost focus and color, and finally, his entire body turned into a red rose, slowly flying upwards.

This rose penetrated the wall, passed through the castle, flew through the night sky that once belonged to them, and flew to the moon...

After flying for an unknown amount of time, the rose fell into a dark abyss.

At the very bottom of the dark abyss, countless fine white lines of light wove into a huge web of light. In the very center of the web of light, lay a white illusory human figure.

The rose slowly fell from the sky. The illusory figure stretched out his right hand, eagerly caught the falling rose, and held it in his palm.

Props: Xia Qi's Guilt

"Guilt?!" the figure said in disbelief. He crushed the rose with one hand. However, the only emotional information collected from the rose was still Xia Qi's guilt.

After confirming the answer once again, the bright white figure became dim and flickering, causing all the light nets to tremble. He shouted angrily: "Xia Qi, why do you only feel guilty towards me!!!"

After the roar, the figure made a sound similar to crying, and after a while, he started laughing crazily again.

He laughed wildly while absorbing those broken spots of light. After a long time, the figure became brighter and it could be vaguely seen that it was a handsome man.

The figure tore off a large piece of debris from his body, and the debris instantly transformed into a face exactly like his. Then, a human upper body, arms, and waist grew out of the debris... After a while, instead of legs, a blue fish tail covered with gorgeous scales grew out from under him.

"This time, I want you to truly fall in love with me."

The figure raised his head proudly and spoke confidently.