Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 69: Fengdu Ghost Banquet 14


"You guys think you can be the queen? Just wait, one day, you will all die!"

"All you do is eat all day long. You eat so much, aren't you afraid of eating yourself to death?!"

The woman in the well kept cursing. Xia Qi and his sister squatted by the well. For a long time they didn't understand who the woman in the well was cursing, nor did they understand the cause and effect of her words.

"Why is she swearing so incoherently?" Xia Qi frowned and said.

Finally unable to bear the woman's illogical way of cursing, Xia Qi stood up and walked to the well, reached out and tapped the stone wall, and asked very politely: "Hello, who are you cursing at?"

As soon as Xia Qi finished speaking, the woman in the well snorted coldly and continued to curse loudly: "Who else can I curse? Of course, the person I curse is..."

Suddenly, her voice got stuck and she fell into a strange silence.

After waiting for nearly 30 seconds, Xia Qi heard the woman's doubtful voice: "Who was I scolding?"

You don't even know who you are scolding, so what are you scolding

Xia Qi frowned and continued to ask: "Then can you remember who you are?"

Hearing this, the woman in the well answered in a daze: "Of course I am... Of course I am... Hey, who am I?"

Like the woman in the Corpse Dog Well, the woman in the Queyin Well seemed to have forgotten her past.

"Let me see what she looks like." Xia Qi pursed his lips.

The younger sister looked at him with a bitter face and admiration. Ever since she took a look at the woman last time, she felt so sick that she had been feeling nauseous for the past few days.

Xia Qi took a deep breath, suppressed his nausea, and looked down into the well.

In the dark well water, the familiar face, which had been dug up to leave only a thin layer of red flesh, appeared again beneath the dirty water surface.

When the woman saw Xia Qi looking at her, she bared her teeth at him viciously and stuck out her moldy, mossy tongue at him.

Looking at the woman's strange expression, Xia Qi's expression was distorted with disgust.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Xia Qi's expression was not right, the younger sister felt guilty towards her teammates, so she bravely stuck her head into the well and looked, "Let me take a look too."

Xia Qi just wanted to push her away, but unexpectedly his sister had already lowered her head. Of course, after just one look, his sister vomited: "... Ugh... Why is it her again?"

Although this blurry and unrecognizable face is difficult to recognize, judging from every incomplete and disgusting part, my sister feels that even if the woman in the well turned into ashes, she will never forget what she looked like.

Both of them felt very sick. After vomiting for a while, the younger sister felt her way to the edge of the well and sat down.

Xia Qi touched his chin and asked doubtfully: "Are they really the same person? Why do I feel it's too much of a coincidence?"

The same identical face appeared in different wells. Xia Qi didn't believe that there was a subway built in the underground pipeline of Fengdu, which would facilitate the female ghosts to transfer to each other.

"How about... let's ask her in person tonight?" the younger sister said hesitantly.

At this time, there was only half an hour left until dark. Xia Qi sat on a rock nearby and said, "Let's talk about it after dark."

Because they had been running back and forth all day, the two of them had consumed a lot of physical energy. Xia Qi opened a bag of compressed biscuits and the two of them each ate half.

They had just eaten a few bites when they heard the woman in the well say, "I'm so hungry, can you give me some food?"

Xia Qi frowned, reached out to take out a piece of compressed biscuit from the system backpack, and threw it into the well.

Seeing his generous actions, my sister's eyes widened.

These compressed biscuits were very valuable, and she couldn't even afford one pack. Unexpectedly, Xia Qi was so generous that he actually threw a whole pack in!

She really didn't understand the world of rich people.

"Thank you." The woman in the well opened the compressed biscuits and began to eat them. As she ate, she actually laughed with satisfaction, "Oh, it's made by living souls. I haven't eaten such primitive food for a long time."

The night was getting closer and the sky was getting darker.

The voice of the woman in the well began to fade away. The two looked into the well again and found that the woman had disappeared. Only the bubbling well water remained.

Worried that being too close would affect the female ghost in the well's transformation, Xia Qi pulled his sister back a few meters.

"Let's stay away."

Xia Qigang took his sister to the side of the road and accidentally met a white-collar woman who was passing by.

The white-collar woman obviously saw them too. She stopped in her tracks and asked in a strange tone, "What are you doing here?"

"We are here to look at the stars." My sister stuffed the remaining biscuits into her mouth, puffed her cheeks and chewed them twice, and said, "What are you doing here?"

Hearing this, the white-collar woman's sweaty face suddenly blushed. She stammered and replied, "I'm just walking around. It's getting late. I, I'll leave first."

"Goodbye." The sister said goodbye to her very straightforwardly.

When the white-collar woman came near Lengxiang Palace, she happened to meet Concubine Lin who was walking out with her second-class maid.

Concubine Lin didn't look very happy. She stood at the palace gate, looking around, as if she was waiting for something to come back.

At this time, the second-class palace maid muttered quietly: "Xia Qi really doesn't take the queen seriously. It's almost dark and he hasn't come back yet..."

The second-class maid's complaints were clearly heard by the white-collar woman. She rolled her eyes and hurriedly stepped forward to greet Concubine Lin: "My Lady Concubine."

Concubine Lin was feeling annoyed. She interrupted him without even raising her eyelids and replied casually, "Yeah."

Concubine Lin has never bothered to pay attention to women like white-collar women, who are not up to par, and she is reluctant to even give them a glance.

Concubine Lin was used to looking down on others. Although the white-collar woman was annoyed, she put on a flattering smile on the surface: "I saw the concubine Xia Qi near Shou'an Palace just now. He is so idle that he even has the mood to look at the stars."

"What?" Concubine Lin had been frowning, but her eyes lit up when she heard this, and even her voice was filled with inexplicable excitement, "Near Shou'an Palace? Who are you watching the stars with?"

The people he sent out to follow Xia Qi this morning lost him before they had even followed him for 30 minutes. This made him uneasy the whole day, and even the buns sent from the imperial kitchen didn't smell good to him.

Now that she knew Xia Qi's whereabouts, Concubine Lin's first reaction was: Xia Qi finally couldn't hold back and went to meet his adulterer at night

"He is sitting near Shou'an Palace, as if he is waiting for someone." Seeing Concubine Lin's increasingly excited expression, the white-collar woman smiled and continued speaking in accordance with Concubine Lin's meaning.

"Okay!" Concubine Lin showed a sneer on her face, and then looked at the white-collar woman with appreciation, "If you have any news about him in the future, remember to tell me the first time. By the way, this time, I will not forget your contribution."

"Oh, thank you, Your Majesty." The white-collar woman didn't expect that her casual words would lead her to hugging Concubine Lin's thighs again. She was so excited that her eyes turned red.

Concubine Lin's status is much higher than Concubine Sun's, and she is also more handsome than Concubine Sun. The white-collar woman looked at Concubine Lin's back as she hurriedly left, and a look of intoxication appeared on her face.

At this time, it was completely dark.

Xia Qi and his sister squatted near the well, staring at the Queyin Well.


Along with the crude and hoarse cries of crows, a pale hand began to stretch out from the well, and then a faceless woman climbed out of the well.

The moment she landed on the ground, the woman transformed into a nanny in a gray shirt.

Xia Qi and his sister had met this nanny before. She was the nanny who came to pick them up after they entered Fengdu City!

After the guiding nanny appeared, nannies with different appearances climbed out of the well one after another. After climbing out, they seemed to be unaware that they came out of the well and walked towards different directions of the palace as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the maids disperse, Xia Qi and his sister stood up and followed the maid who was guiding them.

Judging from the direction the guiding nanny was walking, she should be heading to Shou'an Palace. Xia Qi vaguely remembered that Shou'an Palace was Concubine Qian's territory.

Now that it was night, the two of them followed closer so that they could observe the nanny more closely.

Mammy didn't walk very fast and kept a very close distance from them.

The difference from when she was in the well during the day was that after coming out of the well, Mammy stopped cursing. She didn't even say a word and was as quiet as a chicken the whole time.

As they walked, Xia Qi discovered something was wrong. The nanny's walking speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as if she was deliberately making it easier for them to catch up.

After arriving at the gate of Shou'an Palace, the nanny walked in calmly.

"Are you still following?" the younger sister asked hesitantly. She was worried that the nanny had set some trap.

Xia Qi thought about it. If they didn't follow, they would have to stay by the well for another day. Considering that the killing power of the nanny was not great, Xia Qi said, "Follow."

The two of them walked around the wall and came to an inconspicuous corner, then they climbed up to the top of the wall very skillfully.

As Shou'an Palace was large and had too many buildings, the two could not see the nanny clearly for a while. In desperation, Xia Qi and his sister had to climb over the wall and go in.

After the nanny arrived at Shou'an Palace, she first took a job from a second-class palace maid, and then swaggered to the backyard.

Since arriving at the backyard, the nanny's face became very angry. She first sniffed the air a few times, then her eyes lit up and she walked towards the side hall.

As she walked, she cursed in a low voice: "You look down on others with your dog eyes. One day you will also die without an intact body, and you will never be reborn like me... Hahaha..."

What does it mean to be like me, with no hope of reincarnation forever

Hearing the nanny's creepy words, Xia Qi and his sister who were following behind were both shocked.

As he expected, the NPCs that appeared in human form at night were more intelligent than those during the day, and seemed to know a lot of key information.

Xia Qi was glad that he had followed the right person, and whispered to his sister, "Let's go to a dark place later and kidnap Madam to ask about the situation."

"Okay." The younger sister touched her system backpack and took out a roll of rope from it, "Use this to tie it up."

The two followed the nanny to the side hall in the backyard.

The nanny stopped not far from the door of the side hall and cursed a few more times in a low voice.

After cursing, she suddenly bent down, picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the door of the side hall.

With a "bang", after throwing it, the nanny turned her head again and grinned in the direction where Xia Qi and his sister were hiding.

Sure enough, Mammy had always known they were nearby!

"What is she trying to tell us..."

Just as Xia Qi was about to jump out and grab the nanny, he saw the nanny turn around and rush towards the well quickly.

After reaching the well, the nanny supported herself with both hands at the mouth of the well, and without hesitation, she plunged into the well headfirst!

After a "plop" sound was heard from the well, the door of the side hall suddenly "creaked" and was pushed open by someone, which made Xia Qi pause.

"Who's outside?!" Concubine Wu came out of the side hall with disheveled clothes. She looked down and accidentally saw the stones on the ground. She was so scared that she screamed on the spot, "What's going on? Why are there stones outside your door?!"

Seeing Concubine Wu appear in Concubine Qian's Shou'an Palace, Xia Qi and his sister showed each other a tacit look.

Thanks to the white-collar woman and Concubine Sun, they staged a vivid lesson on the relationship between concubines in the Imperial Garden. When they saw Concubine Wu and Concubine Qian appear at the same time, Xia Qi found that his mood did not fluctuate at all.

"Hmm?" A slightly quiet male voice sounded in the side hall. After a burst of anxious footsteps, Concubine Qian appeared at the door of the side hall in a nightgown. He looked around and shouted, "Who threw the stone?"

Seeing that no one answered outside the side hall, Concubine Qian pushed Concubine Wu into the door, pursed her lips and said, "Don't go out yet, I'll call someone to search."

Concubine Qian put on her clothes and walked towards the front yard. Xia Qi took her sister and followed Concubine Qian's footsteps to evacuate towards the front yard.

When the two of them had just slipped to the corner they had just met, suddenly, the voice of Concubine Lin came from outside the wall: "Watch Shou'an Palace closely for me. Don't let even a fly out!"

"Yes!" the palace maids answered in unison.

Xia Qi: “…”

Why did Concubine Lin come here suddenly

Is it too late for them to imitate Nanny and jump into the well

"Let's go back to the backyard first!" Hearing the scattered footsteps outside the wall, Xia Qi gritted his teeth and retreated to the backyard again.

There was no other way. They were now surrounded outside the wall by Concubine Lin, and there was no other place to hide. The two of them wandered around for a long time and finally squatted down beside a window near the side hall.

The two of them pulled down a few branches to hide their bodies. At this moment, they suddenly heard the quarrel between Concubine Lin and Concubine Qian from the front yard.

Concubine Qian stopped Concubine Lin from rushing to the backyard. As she walked, she angrily said, "My Lady Concubine, what on earth do you want to do by breaking into my palace in the middle of the night?"

Concubine Lin reached out and pushed Concubine Qian away, saying in a cold voice, "What are you doing? Why, can't I be your guest?"

Concubine Qian tried hard to suppress her anger and argued with Concubine Lin: "Since you are here as a guest, why don't you drink tea in the flower hall? What do you want to do in my backyard?"

"Sister Qian Fei, why are you so nervous?" After Concubine Lin sneered, her tone began to rise significantly, "Could it be that you have someone hidden in your palace?"

"Your Highness, please stop slandering me!" Concubine Qian's voice changed, and it was obvious that she was very angry.

Concubine Lin ignored Concubine Qian's anger and shouted, "Come here, search for me! I want to see what you have hidden in the palace because you are so guilty!!"

"Brother Xia, how are we going to escape later?" Hearing the footsteps of Concubine Lin searching the palace, the younger sister clenched her fists nervously, "I still have a grenade..."

As long as they were not caught, Concubine Lin could not convict them without evidence.

Seeing that Concubine Lin's men were coming in with torches, Xia Qi and his sister crawled in the grass, sweating all over.

Just as the two of them climbed to a rockery, the younger sister raised her head and said, "Brother Xia, how about we hide in the rockery? If someone comes, we can still hide around the rockery for a while."

Xia Qi said okay, and the two of them slowly went into the rockery.

At this time, Concubine Lin's laughter sounded from the side hall: "Hey, do you have an adulterer hiding in this side hall? Why don't you let me in?"

Hearing Concubine Lin's familiar word "adulterer", Xia Qi's expression twisted.

He suddenly had a bold guess. Could it be that Concubine Lin came for him

Still suspecting that he has a relationship with Concubine Qian

Concubine Qian is really innocent, and the adulterer is not Concubine Qian...

At this time, Xia Qi was climbing to the second floor of the rockery.

There were several narrow holes on the second and third floors of the rockery, which were very convenient for hiding people. In addition, the holes were very close to the top of the wall. If Concubine Lin's search team came, he and his sister could still climb over the wall and escape.

Xia Qi was thinking when he accidentally stepped on a moss-covered stone with his right foot and slipped down.

Just when he was standing unsteadily, a big hand suddenly grabbed his waist, and then his whole body was pulled over by the hand and pressed against a strong chest.

"I'm here, don't be nervous." Before Xia Qi started to struggle, the man's gentle and low voice sounded in his ears.

Listening to this familiar voice and feeling this familiar way of appearance, Xia Qi's scalp was about to explode.

This person is simply haunting me. Why is he here again