Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 7: Rose Earl 7


"The devil summoned a group of will-o'-the-wisp spirits,

They flew around Margaret,

The will-o'-the-wisp flickered.

The devil is dancing a minuet with Margarita!"

Xia Qi held the paper, his fingers trembling slightly unconsciously.

Margaret's experience was so similar to his.

They both met the mysterious man and danced the minuet...


Xia Qi suddenly remembered the man’s whispers in his dream. Could it be that the man also broke into his room last night

Thinking in confusion, Xia Qi took a deep breath and tried his best to stay calm.

His fingers trembled as he turned to the next page.

"Oh, Margaret is in love,

The devil's handsome face made her obsessed!

At that moment,

Margaret became the happiest woman in the world…”

Xia Qi wanted to continue flipping the pages, but found that this was the last page.

All the clues were lost again.

What happens after Margaret falls in love with the devil

Xia Qi felt a chill on his back. Margaret's strange experience made him worry about himself.

Xia Qi tore off part of the "Ghost-Fire Minuet" and hid it in his small bag, and then shared Margaret's story with his two teammates.

The old man asked in confusion: "Why didn't you increase the plot progress this time?"

Xia Qi shook his head: "It may be an irrelevant clue."

After saying this, Xia Qi felt that the logic was wrong. Logically speaking, Margaret was an important person, and was very likely the "Madam" mentioned by the Red Party. Why didn't the plot progress after he found clues about Margaret

Xia Qi suddenly slapped his forehead, and said with sudden realization: "Could it be that clues discovered by others will no longer be counted into the game progress?"

"Boy, you are so smart." The old man chuckled. He had played many games, but he had never seen a "newcomer" with higher qualifications than Xia Qi. Players like Xia Qi seemed to be born for sin games.

Of course, the leader of the red team, Cha Gong, is also capable. The old man suspects that Cha Gong used to be a mental worker.

However, Cha Gong’s character is too bad. Although he can pass the game in this way, once a person has no bottom line, can he still be called a "human being"

"Margaret is what the Red Party calls 'Madam'. She is a human being and also the owner of this room." Xia Qi said.

Thanks to the clues revealed by the Red Team, they learned the information about Margaret.

But Margaret's whereabouts and fate are unknown, and all clues are lost again.

After checking Margaret's room, her sister asked anxiously, "Will you go to the corner tower again?"

"Of course we will go." The old man winked at the two of them, "After all, I am also a caring person, right, young man Xia."

Looking at the old man's shining eyes, Xia Qi shook his head secretly.

"Old sir, what is your real purpose?" Xia Qi asked suspiciously.

This old player would not do anything without a profit, and he often did not speak the truth. Xia Qi did not believe that the old man would suddenly show mercy and do good deeds.

The old man’s real purpose was probably to witness his sister’s death.

Xia Qi continued to think carefully.

Margaret lived in a luxurious large bedroom and was addressed as "Madam" by the housekeeper. She must have had an important connection with the owner of the castle.

And her sister "stole" Margaret's diamond necklace this morning, so the owner of the castle is very likely to show up tonight.

Therefore, the old man was willing to accompany them to the corner tower in order to see the true owner of the castle.

The three of them did not go to the restaurant for dinner first, but went directly to the corner tower.

Just as the housekeeper said, the east corner tower was narrow and dark. The evening sunlight shone in through the small window beside the stairs, without adding any warmth to the corner tower.

Xia Qi came to the top floor of the corner tower.

My sister was locked in a cell with chains on her hands.

"Ha, there is only a tattered wooden bed in the cell. Is this the fully furnished room that the housekeeper mentioned?" The old man laughed immediately. This NPC is no less capable than the player in playing word games.

The younger sister burst into tears: "Sister! How are you?"

The elder sister put her hands through the iron bars of the prison door and tightly grasped her younger sister's hand outside the door: "Sister, are you here to save me?"

The old man quickly took a step back and waved his hands with a smile: "No, we came to see how you died."

The elder sister was stunned for a moment. Xia Qi coughed lightly and said, "We will help you find a solution. Before that, you have to tell us all the information you know."

"My sister knows everything about me." The elder sister looked at Xia Qi with a puzzled look, "Didn't my sister tell you?"

Xia Qi said calmly: "I want to know what the woman from the red side said to you when you were taken away by the male servant."

He came over and wanted to ask her this question.

My sister bit her lip guiltily, then stammered, "She just scolded me a few times, and it was pretty nasty, so I won't say anything more, okay?"

Xia Qi was silent for a moment. In fact, he was willing to come to the corner tower largely because he wanted to hear his sister tell the truth.

However, my sister said nothing.

The old man said, "Let her out."

Xia Qi looked at the big lock on the iron prison door and said, "Okay, I'll go down and get the axe."

He remembered that the armored man downstairs had an axe in his hand.

The old man explained coldly: "Letting her out will give us one more person to protect our teammates. The lives of our teammates in the primary field are used to fill in clues, so that we can find clues faster..."

The life and death of teammates is also a resource and cannot be wasted by suffocating them in prison.

Hearing this, Xia Qi frowned. Cha Gong must know this rule.

Because of this, the Red Team chose to sleep in separate rooms last night and did not make any noise.

Looking at Xia Qi's back as he walked down the stairs, the old man scratched his chin and said, "After we let him out, maybe our progress will improve again. There are so many newbies who are good at playing evil in this sin game, including the cripple and the big pheasant. When they are all dead, hehehe..."

The Red Team deliberately drives the newbies who know nothing to the Blue Team, and then gradually divides the Blue Team internally. However, what the Red Team does not understand is that there are experts on the Blue Team as well.

As long as the red side takes action, there will definitely be loopholes.

When the most greedy newbies are slaughtered and the red team relaxes, it will be the chance for the blue team to rise.

Using this method, the old man has completed many games.

Therefore, he never tired of watching game after game, and regarded watching this group of people perform in front of him as an alternative form of relaxation.

"Wuwuwu, sister, I don't want to die." After Xia Qi went downstairs, the elder sister grabbed her sister's hand and broke down crying, "I know I was wrong, I'm still young, I don't want to die..."

My sister sighed silently.

As her sister's younger sister, she is also responsible for what has happened to her.

Their parents died very early, and they have been dependent on their grandparents since they were young. The elder sister has been vain since she was young and often cheats money from her grandparents.

Later, after they went to high school, the elder sister's spending became larger and larger, and the younger sister even discovered that her elder sister would go to the old man's room next door every night.

This time they came to the game with tickets given to them by the old man, who told them that they could make a lot of money as long as they participated in the game.

Who could have imagined that not only did they not make any money, but they also ran into such big trouble.

The younger sister was filled with remorse, but she comforted her elder sister: "I will rescue you."

"good… "

As the two sisters were talking, Xia Qi had already come to the roof with an axe in his hand. He first asked his sister to stay away, then raised the axe and chopped down at the iron lock on the prison door.

There was a loud "clang" and a spark came out from the lock.

I don’t know if it was Xia Qi’s illusion, but after he finished chopping, he felt that the light in the entire corner tower became dim.

Xia Qi gripped the axe in his hand and thought, never mind, I’ve already chopped it.

There were a few more "clang, clang, clang" sounds, until Xia Qi's hands were sore from chopping, the padlock finally made a "crack" sound and broke in front of him.

"It's open!" My sister opened the cell door in surprise.

My sister smiled and jumped out of the door happily.

"Da." At this moment, a heavy sound of footsteps suddenly came from downstairs, shaking the entire corner tower slightly.

The strange thing is that the footsteps were too sudden, and everyone noticed it immediately.

Since no one was talking at this time, the entire corner tower could hear a pin drop, making the footsteps coming from downstairs even clearer.

"Da, da, da."

He walked very slowly, as if he was deliberately keeping pace, walking leisurely, but Xia Qi could feel that the people below were getting closer and closer to them.

Slow pace, but big steps -

This means that the person coming is very tall.

Xia Qi's mind buzzed. Could it be... him

The old man trembled all over, then looked at Xia Qi in horror, then ran behind a box and hid.


A nervous sob escaped her sister's throat, and her sister quickly raised her hand to cover her sister's mouth before pulling her behind the cabinet.

Xia Qi chose to hide behind several large boxes in another place.

Although these big boxes were not big, they were just enough to block his figure. Through the gaps between the boxes, Xia Qi could still see the scene at the stairs.

"Da, da, da."

As the sound of leather boots got closer, Xia Qi's heart began to beat rapidly and he tightly gripped the axe in his right hand.

The candlelight at the stairs flickered, instantly plunging the corner tower into an eerie and terrifying atmosphere. At this moment, an evil wind blew from nowhere, extinguishing all the candles on the corner tower, plunging the entire world into darkness.

The moment all the lights went out, Xia Qi's pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw him.