Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 90: Prisoner God 12



Xia Qi and Xiao Ou entered Temple No. 8 and closed Door No. 5 together. Finally, the whole world became quiet.

Xia Qi leaned against the door panel and slid down slowly. He bent his waist, supported his hands on his knees, lowered his head and took two breaths. A drop of sweat seeped down from his bangs, slid from his forehead to the tip of his nose, and then dripped onto the ground along the tip of his nose.


Just now, Xia Qi had been sitting on the evil god's lap, being teased madly by the evil god. Until now, the skin on his neck was still a little itchy, and his whole body was so sticky that he felt weak and could hardly stand up.

If Xiao Ou had come a little later, he and the evil god would probably have gotten straight to the point.

It was incredible that the boss could think of such a thing and drag him into this horrific dungeon, and on the black gold throne. Xia Qi felt his scalp tingling just thinking about it.

Listening to the fighting sounds coming from next door, Xiao Ou nervously put down his hand that was pushing the door and asked, "…Evil gods can really fight each other, how did you come up with this idea?"

Xia Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied softly, "I guessed."

According to the setting that the evil god can possess players with an SP value of 0, if the SP value of all players is 0, there will inevitably be many evil gods in the copy.

Xia Qi was not sure at first whether each evil god was an independent individual, but now he is sure that each evil god that is possessed will become a new evil god. Then, the new evil god will inherit the original setting of the evil god, and when the new evil god sees the old evil god being intimate with him, he will definitely feel jealous.

"You guessed it? Damn, you're really brave." Xiao Ou was shocked and gave him a thumbs up. "What if they reach a consensus and come looking for you? Or what if they join forces to deal with you?"

Xia Qi shook his head: "If they are independent individuals, it is impossible for them to reach a common goal."

According to Xia Qi's understanding of the boss, the boss is very jealous. Until now, the boss may still keep Cha Gong's life to torture him. How could he tolerate him being intimate with other people, even himself

"However... different evil gods are likely to merge with each other." Xia Qi responded again.

Since the evil god is in a soul state, fusion is very likely to occur. In fact, Xia Qi is also worried that the red eyes and green eyes will merge. His emergency plan is actually a gamble.

If he wins the bet, he can run away;

He lost the bet, and… Anyway, the situation of losing was the same as not betting, so he chose to gamble.

Xia Qi continued, "Maybe... after they finish fighting, the loser will be eaten by the winner."

Hearing this, Xiao Ou shuddered with fear on the spot: "Let's go down to the second floor quickly!"

"Okay." Xia Qi slowly straightened up and prepared to go downstairs.

Because Xia Qi had been lowering his head, Xiao Ou didn't see him clearly. Now that he stood up, Xiao Ou saw that his neck was covered with red marks, his buttons were half unbuttoned, and his clothes were wrinkled and stuck to his body. Xiao Ou couldn't help asking, "Hey, do you want to take a bath? I have a makeshift bath bag prop."

Because Xiao Ou's eyes were too strange, Xia Qi turned his head away unnaturally, raised his hand to button up his shirt, and asked: "Why do you want to take a shower?"

Xiao Ou looked at him blankly: "This... Didn't you do that?"

Just now when he entered Temple No. 5, he clearly saw Xia Qi sitting on the boss's lap. The posture of the two was very consistent with the 18x standard and full of impact, which made him admire him.

Hearing this, Xia Qi's eyelids jumped and he was almost pissed to death by Xiao Ou. He thought that this guy's brain circuit was really problematic and his brain waves were almost synchronized with the evil god.

Xia Qi gritted his teeth and answered coldly, "No!"

Seeing that Xia Qi was about to make a sudden move, Xiao Ou quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "Yes, the boss looks so powerful, it is unlikely to be that short."

Xia Qi: “…”

Is it too late for him to form a team on his own now

Xia Qi turned his head and glared at him, then hid his right hand, which was wrapped in the silver chain, behind his back and walked downstairs with big strides.

Temple No. 17 is located downstairs from Temple No. 8. After Xia Qi pushed open the door, he found that Temple No. 17 was empty. The entire dark hall was so eerie and scary.

After Xia Qi calmed down, he said to Xiao Ou as they walked, "Who is the evil god from Group 1 that you encountered?"

"It was the Crusaders." Thinking of the Crusaders' crazy deaths, Xiao Ou couldn't help feeling depressed.

"It's actually the captain of Group 1, the Crusader?" Xia Qi was shocked. He didn't expect that after going through the hardships of the second level, the Crusader of Group 1 would die first. He thought that the female hunter would encounter an accident first.

"Yes." Xiao Ou continued to answer, "After they returned to the first floor from the second floor, the Crusader's SP value became 0, and the female hunter's SP value was left with 9. She and the Crusader ran to Temple No. 3 and opened the box. When I found him, the Crusader had turned into an evil god."

Xiao Ou took great risks and used all his strength to bring the Red-Eyed Evil God back to Temple No. 5. He was almost killed by the Red-Eyed Evil God several times.

"So, who is the evil god of Temple No. 4?" Xiao Ou was puzzled. "There is only one evil god in Group 1, so how did the evil god of Temple No. 4 appear?"

"Excluding the first group of Crusaders and the second group of bandits, only the third, fourth and fifth groups of Mr. Plague are left." Xia Qi replied, "All three of them should have gone to the second floor from the fourth temple."

Xiao Ou looked puzzled: "Yeah, what would happen if I went to the second floor?"

"Didn't you find that the green-eyed evil god is particularly powerful?" Xia Qi glanced at Xiao Ou, "The appearance of the green-eyed evil god may be related to them."

The 3rd, 4th and 5th groups, a total of 14 people, entered the second level from the 4th temple, and the intelligent and more powerful green-eyed evil god also emerged from the 4th temple they passed by.

Xia Qi couldn't help but think of the plague doctor's beak again. Could the appearance of the green-eyed evil god be related to Mr. Plague

Xiao Ou whimpered twice, raised his hands and hugged his weak self: "… This is so scary, how can I pass this dungeon?"

Xia Qi shook his head. In fact, until now, he still hadn't fully figured out the copy.

The two of them almost toured the entire Temple No. 17 and finally stopped near a corner that looked like an altar.

Xia Qi discovered that there was no trace of the robbers and his teammates in Temple No. 17, as if they had never arrived at Temple No. 17.

"Aren't the robbers injured? Why don't they rest for a while?" Xia Qi frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"Ha, they dare to run around alone, they are really brave." Xiao Ou said with a smile.

Xiao Ou stretched lazily and leaned his hand on the iron pillar beside him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched the "iron pillar", a large amount of flying ash and iron debris fell down and covered his head and face.

"Pah, pah, pah, what the hell is this stuff?" Xiao Ou accidentally took a breath and inhaled a mouthful of ashes. The ashes tasted so strange, and there was even a smell of old, rotten blood.

Just as he was spitting out ashes, Xia Qi suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him away from where he was.

"What's going on?" As dust also fell into his eyes, Xiao Ou opened his eyelids hard, trying hard to see clearly the situation of the "pillar" in front of him.

"This is not a pillar." Xia Qi grabbed Xiao Ou and took two steps back.

Xiao Ou rubbed his eyes for a long time and shed two tears. When he saw the scene clearly, he found that they were not pillars at all, but a tall iron cylindrical object like a wooden barrel, with a very abstract banshee face pattern on top.

The two stood near the round object and tried to identify it for a long time. Xia Qi suddenly remembered something and whispered, "Could this be the Iron Virgin?"

"What?" Xiao Ou jumped behind Xia Qi in fear and said tremblingly, "Is this the torture device that they use to lock people up and pierce them to death to drain their blood?"

The Iron Virgin is filled with steel nails. Once a person is put in there, it is like entering a dead end. There is no way out and one can only wait to die inside.

Xia Qi stood near the Iron Maiden, staring closely at the patterned iron outer wall, and did not reply for a long time.

At this moment, Xiao Ou suddenly slapped his head and whispered: "... Brother Xia, I just felt that pillar moving!"

Xia Qi's face changed, he turned his head and asked, "Really?"

Xiao Ou nodded and said tearfully, "Really... the robbers won't be in there..."

Xia Qi and Xiao Ou looked at each other for a moment, and saw shock in each other's eyes. Xia Qi pursed his lips and took the initiative to say: "Try your skills first."

The torture device in front of him was not a silver box, and there was no evil god inside it. At most, it would release a monster. Of course, for fear that it would really release some strange monster, Xia Qi planned to let Xiao Ou try his skills first.

"Okay, okay." Little Ou raised his dagger tremblingly and slashed it towards the Iron Maiden.

After a while, Xiao Ou had a ball of red-dyed cloth in his hand.

"Oh shit!" After realizing what it was, Xiao Ou was so scared that he threw the ball of cloth away.

After the ball of cloth was thrown on the ground, it slowly spread out naturally. At this time, Xia Qi discovered that the ball of cloth was actually a pair of men's underwear... However, the underwear was now stained with bright red blood, and it still looked very fresh.

"Quick, let them out!" Xia Qi was startled and strode forward to the side of the iron maiden, trying to figure out how to open it.

Although Xiao Ou was scared, he hurried over to help. After the two found the gap between the virgin's lips, they put their fingers in and worked together to lift the heavy lid open.


After the rusty outer wall of the Iron Maiden was slowly opened, the first thing the two saw was countless black steel nails stained with blood. As they gradually pulled open the iron wall, the robber's face appeared in the outer shell of the banshee's face above. The robber's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The two men looked down at the robber's body and found that he had been stabbed all over and was covered in blood. There was a pool of blood under his feet. When the iron wall was opened, blood flowed out from the iron virgin.

"Oh shit!" Xiao Ou was so scared that he staggered back and fell directly to the ground.

Xia Qi frowned, trying his best to endure, and with his trembling right hand, he tried to feel the robber's breathing inside.

"He's still breathing, he's still alive!" Xia Qi was delighted and reached out to grab the robber's shoulder.

Xiao Ou got up from the ground tremblingly, and together with Xia Qi, he carried the robber out.

After putting the bloody robber to the ground, the two men's hands were also stained red.

The two men first gave the robber a bottle of health potion to save his life, and then opened another iron virgin. However, the robber's teammate was not so lucky. After the two men put the robber's teammate on the ground, they found that he was already dead.


Xia Qi sighed helplessly.

This teammate was first infected with leprosy, and his body had not yet recovered. Even if the system's HP was replenished, it could not withstand the damage to its own base. After putting the teammate's body in a corner and burying it with some simple stones, Xia Qi and Xiao Ou began to try their best to rescue the robber.

Xia Qi once again poured nearly two bottles of health potions into the robber's mouth, and forced his HP to fill up. After a while, he found that although the robber was no longer bleeding, the wounds caused by the iron nails were still there.

The two of them rested for a while. Xiao Ou filled up his SP value that was frightened by the evil god. Then he glanced at Xia Qi and was surprised to find that Xia Qi's SP value was only half left: "Brother Xia, your SP value is only 120, don't you want to add some?"

"Don't add it yet." Xia Qi shook his head. In fact, he really wanted to feel what it felt like when his SP value dropped to the dangerous line...

Of course, he was worried that his idea would scare Xiao Ou, so he pretended to be calm and responded: "There are still many, so I won't add any more for now."

"Oh, okay." Xiao Ou took out a bottle of magic potion and obediently filled up his MP value.

After the two of them recovered, just as Xia Qi was about to pour another bottle of sacred potion on the robber, the robber opened his eyes and suddenly woke up.

"Ah ah!" The robber let out a scream as soon as he opened his eyes.

"How are you?" Xia Qi stretched out his hand and tried to help the robber up.

Unexpectedly, the robber slapped his hand away, his expression frantic, and he shouted incoherently: "God, God, God killed people..."

The robber propped up his hands, and hurriedly climbed up from the ground, his eyes wide open, and continued:

"God destroyed the whole world!"