Favored by the Escape Game Boss

Chapter 91: Prisoner God 13


Did God really kill people

Did God really destroy the world

God created the entire world and is the faith of all the people in the world. So why would he do such a thing

Listening to the robber's nonsense, Xia Qi felt uncomfortable all over.

He couldn't help but think that the evil god shouldn't be like this. He had seen the statue of the evil god's true form in Temple No. 1.

That should be what the evil god looked like many years ago.

From the eyes of the evil god back then, Xia Qi saw that his eyes were full of mercy and compassion. How could the evil god do such a thing

The robber grabbed his head and continued to scream madly: "The fallen god destroyed the entire world. He does not deserve the love of the people!"

Hearing this, Xia Qi felt even more uncomfortable. He stretched out his hands to grab the robber's shoulders and asked coldly, "What happened just now? Who put you into the iron virgin?"

He had clearly restored the robber's SP value to full, so why was the robber still acting crazy as if he was possessed by a ghost

The robber was held tightly by Xia Qi. He tried desperately to break free, waving his hands frantically and repeating the same words over and over again: "Fallen God, he killed someone, killed someone!"

Xia Qi asked for a long time, but the robber still looked crazy.

The robber refused to tell what clues he had seen, nor did he say who had put him in the Iron Maiden…

Of course, it's impossible that the robber locked himself up.

Since the robber's own nerves had collapsed, Xia Qi discovered that even if he increased the sp value of the robber's copy to the maximum, he would not be able to cure a patient who had become a psychopath.

"Brother Xia, how should we deal with him?" Xiao Ou curled his lips and said irritably. He didn't know why, but since he entered the second floor, he felt very panicked.

"Let's tie him up and take him with us first," Xia Qi said.

Now the robber is mentally abnormal. Letting him run around in the copy is tantamount to letting him die. In order to avoid creating another evil god, Xia Qi decided to keep the robber by his side.

Xiao Ou took out the rope very skillfully and tied up the struggling robber. He held the rope with one hand and pulled the twisting robber forward.

The two came to the north side of Temple 17, which is the entrance to Temple 14.

"Is our path really the right one?" Xiao Ou looked at the door of Temple No. 14 and felt a sense of panic for no reason.

"Judging from the routes that others have verified, the only temples we have not explored now are Temples 13, 14, and 15. Therefore, there is a high probability that Temple 14 is the route to the third level." Xia Qi analyzed calmly.

The copy they are in now is a multi-layered three-level Rubik's Cube maze. Judging from the 9 temples on the first floor, there are a total of 27 temples on the three floors, and they are distributed in the shape of a nine-square grid.

Temple No. 1 on the first floor is the entrance, and Temple No. 27 on the third floor is the exit.

Just as the two were about to push the door open and enter, footsteps were heard coming from the direction of the distant stairs.

"Someone is coming." Xia Qi turned around and looked behind him.

As the two of them were accompanied by the shouting and screaming robbers, they could not hide for the time being. After Xia Qi and Xiao Ou waited for a long time, they finally saw the arrival of the people.

This time, the person who came was not one person, but a group of people holding torches.

"How lucky we are that we meet again." A gentle and polite voice sounded.

The light of the torch gradually illuminated the surrounding environment, and Mr. Plague's red beak slowly appeared. Xia Qi discovered that following behind Mr. Plague were three remnants of the fifth group.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go down to the third floor from Temple No. 4?" Xiao Ou exclaimed in surprise.

Xia Qi also looked at Mr. Plague and felt very strange.

Mr. Plague had already parted ways with them in Temple No. 4. According to the route provided by Mr. Plague before, it was impossible for them to come to their path.

Looking at the direction Mr. Plague appeared from, he was clearly going the same way as them.

"I'm really ashamed to say this." The Plague Doctor lowered his mask slightly and said softly, "When we were resting in Temple No. 4, the third and fourth groups had already gone down. They sent us a message on the second floor, saying that the third floor was also a dead end, so we followed your route down to take a look."

Hearing this, Xia Qi couldn't help but frown. According to what Mr. Plague said, all 10 people in Group 3 and Group 4 should have been killed.

No wonder the green-eyed evil god came out of Temple No. 4 that they passed by...

"Did something happen to the people in Group 3 and Group 4?" Xia Qi asked tentatively. He felt that something was wrong. How could Group 3 and Group 4 be so stupid as to willingly serve as Mr. Plague's pawns

Are his words so credible

"Unfortunately, they met the temple messengers in rooms 13 and 16 on the second floor. The temple messengers killed them and some of them went crazy. Later, they were possessed by the evil god, and eventually they devoured each other, forming a more advanced evil god." said Mr. Plague.

The green-eyed evil god's intelligence and ability to act are stronger than ordinary evil gods. It turns out that this is the result of a PK "election" between two groups of people on the second level.

But why did the green-eyed evil god climb up from the second floor, and who led him to the fourth temple

Thinking about how he was almost brought to justice by the green-eyed evil god on the throne, Xia Qi's legs are still a little weak.

Since he couldn't see Mr. Plague's expression, Xia Qi felt more and more uneasy. His whole body tensed up and he put his right hand on his holy book: "So when you passed by Temple No. 5, did you find anything?"

"The fountain of Temple No. 5 was overturned. It seems that it has experienced a great battle? We didn't encounter any danger when we passed by." Mr. Plague replied calmly.

Xia Qi looked at the people behind Mr. Plague and found that their expressions did not change and they did not look like they were lying. After a while, another sound of footsteps was heard and Xia Qi discovered that the people coming were actually the crossbowmen from Group 1.

Xia Qi asked the crossbowman about the situation of Group 1. The crossbowman sighed and said, "They are all dead. They died at the hands of the temple's guardian beast."

After continuing to talk with the crossbowman for a few more sentences, Xia Qi discovered that the crossbowman's answers were exactly the same as Mr. Plague's.

Xiao Ou was completely confused after receiving so much information at once.

He secretly pulled Xia Qi aside and asked in a low voice, "Brother Xia, why did he catch up with us?"

Xia Qi glanced at Mr. Plague uneasily and whispered, "Suppose you want to harm me, if I take the right route, will you catch up with me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ou's face changed and he almost fell to the ground in fright.

"Then, then shall we go into Temple No. 14?" Xiao Ou said anxiously. Just when he stood at the door of Temple No. 14, he suddenly had a feeling of homesickness.

Xia Qi gritted his teeth and said, "This is the only way."

Temple No. 14 is the correct path to the third level. If he wants to continue to know the truth, he must follow them into Temple No. 14.

Of course, even if he hadn't entered Temple No. 14, he couldn't control what Mr. Plague wanted to do.

From all the information, Xia Qi vaguely guessed that the entire temple was related to the story of that year, and every temple seemed to be restoring the scene of that year.

In Temple No. 2, they met a saint holding a baby in her arms. However, according to doctrine, the saint needs to remain pure in body and mind, and she could never give birth to a child. So, why was she holding a baby in her arms

The leper who appeared in the sixth temple made Xia Qi start to have conspiracy theories. How did leprosy appear back then? How many people were infected with leprosy

Combined with the setting that the fountain can wash away diseases, it seems that the gods want to save lepers, but in the end the effect is not good, so that the robbers who enter are now infected with leprosy.

There are also guardian beasts and guardian angels in the temple that Xia Qi has never seen before. What happened to them

If he is not surprised, the story of Temple 14 takes place before Temple 17, and it is very likely to tell him the real answer.

"Let's go." Xia Qi touched the holy book in his hand and walked side by side with Xiao Ou towards the main force.

Everyone worked together to push open Temple No. 14, which was the entrance to the third-level temple.

Unexpectedly, after pushing open the door of the temple, the dazzling light from inside was projected, causing pain in Xia Qi's eyes.

He walked through the stone door and found himself standing in a spacious hall.

He saw that the windows all around were inlaid with colored glass. Looking down, he saw a mirrored floor under his feet that could reflect people. Looking forward along the floor, he saw a long red carpet in front of him, which went all the way up to the steps. On the steps, there was a brand new golden statue.

This new statue is nearly five meters tall. The deity is wearing a red robe and has red curly hair. Behind him is a sun wheel made of pure gold. The sun wheel emits a dazzling light, making the entire statue look very divine.

Xia Qi looked up at the new statue and knew that this was not an evil god.

"Oh my god, is this the God of Light?" Before Xia Qifa could ask, the crossbowman near him suddenly shouted in surprise. This statue of the God of Light was so shocking that, not to mention its color and material, the divinity emanating from the statue was enough to make people want to kneel down and worship it.

"God of Light!" the robber shouted, and he suddenly broke free from Xiao Ou's ropes and knelt down in front of the statue in a hurry.

Xia Qi frowned. It seemed that this person was definitely the new God of Light...

If this person is the new God of Light, then the information left on the first and second levels can be connected.

Just as Xia Qi was thinking about the connection between the old and new gods, the plague doctor walked calmly towards the red carpet step by step. When he reached the steps, he suddenly turned around, opened his arms, and said loudly to everyone: "The gods love all living things. They can dispel our illnesses and save us from suffering. With the protection of the God of Light, you will not be invaded by the evil gods. Now, the evil gods of darkness have been eliminated by us. Only the God of Light can save you."

Listening to Mr. Plague's undisguised disgust for the evil god, Xia Qi finally figured out the whole incident.

For unknown reasons, the old gods gradually declined, and new beliefs emerged after the emergence of new gods. Under the ravages of leprosy, the people were dissatisfied with the old gods. After losing the people's faith, the old gods were overthrown and degenerated into evil gods.

This dungeon was once the battlefield between the old and new gods. After the evil god was overthrown, it eventually became his prison.

The saints, messengers, guardian beasts, guardians and others who originally belonged to the evil god turned into monsters in the dungeon after their death.

"Really? Can the God of Light bless us to pass the level?" Listening to Mr. Plague's introduction to the God of Light, the crossbowman was moved and said with tears in his eyes.

The plague doctor lowered his head and looked at the crossbowman. His voice was full of bewitching feeling: "God loves the world. Whatever you want in your heart, God will help you realize it. What are you still hesitating about?"

Hearing that believing in the new god had so many benefits, the animal trainer knelt straight down and shouted at the top of his voice: "God, please accept me as a devout believer!"

After one person took the lead, the others knelt down in twos and threes. Their faces were red, their eyes were fanatical, and they waved their hands at the statue of the New God of Light and shouted, "May God bless us!"

Unexpectedly, everyone went crazy so quickly. Xia Qi quickly took two steps back. What happened to them? Is there still the aura of believers in this temple

"Bang." Xiao Ou suddenly fell to his knees in a daze, and his forehead hit the hard floor tiles.

After lying on the ground for a while, Xiao Ou slowly got up and walked towards the statue of the God of Light. She put her hands together and said, "I am a believer here. Please bless me to pass the level."

Xia Qi: “…”

Has Xiao Ou lost her mind and completely thought of herself as a female thief

So now the question is, is this Holy Son the Son of the New God, or the Son of the Evil God

Seeing that he was not bewitched at all, Xia Qi had a bad feeling.

Xia Qi kept backing away, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible. When he came to the door, Mr. Plague suddenly cleared his throat and said, "Although the evil god has been abandoned by us, there are still many of his evil followers in this world. Tell me, will you let him go?"

Oh no!

Xia Qi was suddenly shocked. His bad premonition turned out to be correct.

"Oh my God, why would anyone believe in such an evil god?" The bewitched crossbowman clenched his fists and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"His mind must have been corrupted by the evil god!" The beast trainer showed a hatred of evil and echoed loudly, "We absolutely cannot tolerate the existence of demons among humans!"

Seeing that everyone was united in their hatred of the enemy, Mr. Plague nodded with satisfaction.

Then he raised his hand, pointed in the direction of Xia Qi and said: "Xia Qi, he is the most loyal believer of the evil god—the son of the evil god! Believers of the gods, now, you contribute your own strength to clear the evil from this world!"

After receiving Mr. Plague's instructions, everyone turned their heads in unison and looked at Xia Qi angrily, as if they were looking at a public enemy.

Even Xiao Ou's expression became very angry. His eyes seemed to be bloodshot and he looked at him with red eyes.

Xia Qi ignored the looks of others, looked at Mr. Plague from a distance, and asked coldly: "Are you the super god player who modified the dungeon? What did you do to the old god?"

Before entering the dungeon, everyone's profession had been assigned. They were the people led by the new god and had the hidden attribute of believing in the new god by default. But for some reason, just like the Fengdu dungeon was born at the maximum level, he directly became the son of the old god, the evil god.

This resulted in the Holy Lady monster not attacking him who was in the same camp as him once he entered the dungeon, but instead giving priority to Xiao Ou, the female thief.

It may be because the profession of female thief is too low-class, even the holy monster looks down on her.

"Heh." Mr. Plague didn't expect Xia Qi to be so brave. He wasn't even scared to death. He was worthy of being the person that the eldest young master spent a lot of money to kill.

Mr. Plague stared at Xia Qi in silence for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you are his Holy Son."

"You will die in the dungeon forever."