Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 102: Merciful lord


The moment the little blue flower bloomed gracefully, Li Siwen had already retreated ten meters away, and then he saw the flame amulet on Song Hu's forehead that had been dim for many days brighten up instantly.

However, Song Hu's expression was extremely peaceful, as if he had entered the deepest sleep state.

For twenty seconds, the flowers bloomed and withered, and nothing seemed to have happened except for a lingering refreshing fragrance in the air.

But Song Hu still maintained that kind of peaceful sleeping state. As for the flame amulet on his forehead was always on without any fluctuations, Li Siwen felt that the power inside it was very docile, unlike the one on Zhao Da's forehead back then. The flame talisman, so fierce, so tyrannical.

A few minutes later, Song Hu opened his eyes, his eyes were calm and steady, without any abnormality. At this moment, the flame amulet on his forehead was extinguished, dimmed, and finally disappeared on his forehead.

Li Siwen was a little worried and at the same time highly vigilant, but Lord Bao and Chicken Thief didn't move. It seemed that this was normal. After all, Lord Bao and Chicken Thief couldn't see patterns on their foreheads.

So does this mean that Song Hu's strength has reached the level of Lord Leopard due to the improvement of his soul development

"Boss Li, don't worry, I'm fine now, very fine. It feels like my whole body has been reborn, and I've gained new life and stronger strength, although I don't know why?"

Song Hu walked over and raised his right fist, but he didn't see what he was doing. A raging flame enveloped the fist. The next moment he exhaled loudly, jumped up with one step, and smashed a nearby log with his fist. superior.

With a "boom", the log did not break, but there was a scorched black fist mark ten centimeters deep on it.

Seems a bit weak

Li Siwen was about to say something,


The chicken thief and the fox seemed very disdainful, a red shadow flashed, and there were a few cold lights, and the log as thick as a bucket was cut open.


Master Bao seemed to be displeased, he let out a low growl, jumped over, swung his tail like an iron whip, and the log that was half the thickness of a bucket was sent flying more than ten meters away, leaving a deep hole on the log. Mark of.

Li Siwen was stunned. After a long time, he spat in disdain. As for you

What's the prestige of holding a log that is only as good as a fast-growing poplar? If I have the ability, I will find you a really hard log and try it

You must know that this kind of fast-growing poplar quality wood, even if he uses it as firewood to burn.

"Lord Leopard, come here."

Li Siwen beckoned, Song Hu's potential risk value should be much lower, and his strength has also increased significantly, but he is probably not as good as Lord Leopard and Chicken Thieves. By the way, this chicken thief and fox are very secretive, what kind of tricks

So the real main force in the team battle has to be Lord Leopard.

At this time, Lord Bao seemed to be refusing, and growled at the herbal medicine.

Li Siwen became impatient, and pulled Lord Bao's ear to bring it over, and it's mother-in-law's.

"Don't be naughty, come and squat down."

In fact, he could guess what Lord Bao meant, it was nothing more than that the herb might have a limited number of times to bloom again, so he wanted to give him the opportunity, but it really didn't matter.

Li Siwen could use other means to upgrade his soul development, but Lord Bao and the others did not have this shop after passing this village.

What if this herb will not bloom again until next year, this kind of miss is likely to be a lifetime, yin and yang are separated.

At this time, Li Siwen quickly extracted the vitality points, but this time, six soul points were obviously not enough, so he immediately added another four points, making a total of ten points.

In an instant, white light shrouded it, and the mysterious herb grew six leaves in one breath this time, and a larger blue flower bloomed, even with blue light emanating from it.

At this moment, the strange pattern on Lord Bao's forehead really lit up, and it was at least three times brighter than Song Hu's pattern. I wonder if this is some kind of special division of strength


When Li Siwen quickly retreated to the side, the thieves and foxes rushed up suddenly and shared it with Master Bao. It was too late to stop him, or Master Bao couldn't absorb it by himself

At this time, a pattern also appeared between the eyebrows of the chicken thief and the fox. As expected, judging from the brightness, it was at least twice as bright as Song Hu. This unlucky boy finally made a breakthrough, but he turned out to be a younger brother.

At this time, Li Siwen was more concerned about the content of the patterns between the eyebrows of Master Bao and Chicken Thieves.

In the pattern between Lord Leopard's eyebrows is a golden lightning bolt, which is condensing toward four times the brightness at this moment.

In the pattern between the chicken thief's eyebrows is a kind of obscure text, which is also condensing towards triple brightness at the moment.

But one thing remains unchanged is that there is nothing wrong with Lord Leopard and Chicken Thief Fox. Their souls are indeed growing stronger, and the power of the pattern cannot reverse them.

Li Siwen couldn't help thinking, could it be that the stronger their souls were, the more they could suppress the power in the pattern, and at the same time they could use that power to a greater extent

This time, the blue flower bloomed for a full minute, and then withered quickly, the petals were reduced to ashes, and no fruit was left. It was full of mystery from beginning to end.

"It seems that I can only find out what the origin of this herb is after my level 4 farming skill cools down."

Li Siwen was quite regretful. At this time, he also felt more and more the power of level 4 farming skills. From now on, as long as chicken thieves and foxes keep bringing back all kinds of rare herbs, tsk tsk, the future will be smooth.

At this time, the blue flower faded away, but Lord Bao and Chicken Thief were still immersed in a certain strange state.

Li Siwen could see clearly that the lightning pattern on Lord Bao's forehead was nearly five times as bright as Song Hu's. The lightning even had the illusion of breaking free, but in the end it was just an illusion. Three minutes later , this pattern gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared without a trace, as if it was perfectly integrated with Master Bao's body.

At this moment, when Lord Bao opened his eyes, there was even a flash of lightning in his eyes, and some kind of strange force field flashed away.

Undoubtedly, Master Bao has advanced again.

As for the chicken thief fox, the pattern on his forehead was maintained at three times the brightness stably. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Li Siwen felt that the fox was deliberately suppressing it, otherwise it should have been able to reach four times the brightness.

"Eat meat first!"

Li Siwen was not busy studying the strength of Master Bao and Chicken Thieves, because he knew that his food intake would skyrocket whenever he advanced. For example, when he met Xiao Yasha, he ate eight hundred catties of fish, but he didn't know Lord Bao I ate a thousand catties by myself, and then overnight, my size skyrocketed to be as strong as a lion.

Back in the safe house, without saying a word, Li Siwen moved out a large pile of dried wild pork and dried fish, which weighed hundreds of catties.

This time, even the chicken thieves and foxes are not picky, and it's a burst of food when they shake off their cheeks.

As for Li Siwen himself, he was slowly roasting fresh venison and drinking mushroom broth, feeling happy.

Well, the previous rainy season made some dried meat and fish return to moisture. Although it was rescued by the kang, it affected the taste after all. Now I can take it out and kill three birds with one stone. Oh, I am really a kind lord.