Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 105: Interesting souls - no exception


Whether you admit it or not, the cloud of war is looming.

So Li Siwen made a decisive decision and suspended all daily construction in the territory.

The chicken thief with the fastest speed and the highest output was released by Li Siwen, who repeatedly warned him to only patrol within five kilometers of his territory.

Of course, in order to avoid accidents, he also specially gave Master Fox an anti-inflammatory fruit to keep in his mouth.

As for Song Hu, Li Siwen asked him to dig a big pit at the place where the previous battle took place. On the one hand, it was to bury the burnt remains of the ratmen. On the other hand, if the battle continued, it would be better to have a professional Fire pits are used to destroy corpses and traces, eradicate future troubles, and prevent plagues from happening.

Now it has been proved that those Ratman soldiers, including the Ratman elite, are not very effective in combat, and Master Fox can handle it by himself. The trouble is that they carry viruses and plagues, as well as flying centipedes that may hatch at any time .

So the best way is to kill them quickly, then burn them quickly to attract the hatched flying centipedes, and then kill them quickly.

Well, dry and large quantities of firewood must always be kept by the pit, pushed down and ignited immediately when needed.

After giving the order, Li Siwen hurried back to the safe house by himself. He had to seize the time to increase his soul development speed.

Opening the attribute bar, he began to extract the soul value to add points.





The progress of these four is very smooth, except for the daily sequelae of splitting headaches and almost exploding.

However, the thing that worried Li Siwen the most finally appeared.

When the soul development rate reached 99%, it turned out that no more points could be added.

There is no doubt that if the soul is the unlocking short board of life and physical strength, life and physical strength are the unlocking short board of defense, and defense is the unlocking short board of agility and strength.

Then there must be some attribute that is the unlocking shortcoming of the soul development degree!

This is in line with scientific laws, cough cough!

Otherwise, he could blindly add points infinitely, wouldn't he be invincible in the world by then, so what else should he try to do? Wouldn't it be enough to find a big brother and aunt

"Then what is the shortcoming related to the development of the soul? Is it a talent or a skill? Or a profession, or this attribute bar, or even the green ball that has not been upgraded?"

Li Siwen thought quickly, this is very worrying.

It's just that at this moment, he doesn't have time to study too much. A big battle is coming, is it a war? Is it anti? escape

Ahem, it is impossible to escape, and he will never escape in this life.

But you can't take the initiative.

So he can only fight a defensive battle, which revolves around the territory, after all, this is his home field.

After leaving the safe house, Li Siwen brought two high-quality pieces of wood. Song Hu didn't have a weapon, which was a huge disadvantage, but he didn't have any workmanship value for the time being, and the fine steel knife was too short, so I got him two long ones. Spear, of course, you have to ask Song Hu himself for details.

"Boss Li, I'm afraid I won't be able to use the spear now, because as long as I exert my strength, the flame will be uncontrollable."

Song Hu said embarrassingly.

"Is this kind of flame release unlimited?" Li Siwen asked as his heart moved.

Song Hu thought about it for a while, then answered cautiously, "It's not unlimited. Like the flame I lit the firewood just now, I can probably last half a cup of tea. If it is any more, I will lose strength due to exhaustion."


Li Siwen nodded. There is no doubt that Song Hu needs to burn his physical strength to release the flames. This limitation is still very large. For the time being, he can only make a humanoid lighter.

"It seems that building a furnace to smelt iron ore needs to be put on the agenda. You don't need to refine refined iron or steel ingots, just ordinary pig iron. It can be shaped a little bit, and then you can use the heavenly value to strengthen refining , This can save a lot of workmanship, and can also create a handy weapon for Lao Song."

Next, Li Siwen led Song Hu to make urgent arrangements on the farmland.

These crops are considered the most valuable strategic materials in the territory. If they are invaded by a large army of ratmen and are bitten and trampled, it will be miserable.

So now they can only move stones and logs, and surround the farmland as much as possible. Li Siwen used big stones to surround those rare herbs, as well as the herb that was probably precious. Seal it with a log, and then press a big stone on the log to make it foolproof.

After all this work, Master Fox, who was in charge of the investigation, came back.


With just a cry, this fellow jumped onto the balcony and continued to bask in the sun, oh, by the way, he also spit out the anti-inflammatory fruit in his mouth, put it in the sun, sniffed it, licked it, the intoxicated The appearance makes people speechless.

But since Master Fox is as alert as this, it means that the horn of war has asked for leave today, and everything will continue as usual-that is impossible.

Master Fox can relax his vigilance, but Li Siwen can't.

So after breakfast, he let Song Hu continue to move the stones, while he prepared to ripen some anti-inflammatory herbs and hemostatic herbs.

These two herbs are the strategic materials in the current territory. If the war is about logistics, then Li Siwen believes that his logistics support is absolutely excellent.

Now every day, he strategically preserves ten anti-inflammatory fruits and ten hemostatic fruits.

Among them, Lord Leopard will eat two of the freshest fruits. After all, he has to go hunting!

The Chicken Thieves Master Fox steals one every day, this is acceptable given its high damage output.

Then Song Hu ate one.

Li Siwen wasted three by doing experiments on his own.

Yes, he has been doing experiments. As early as when he first ripened the third-generation anti-inflammatory grass, he was already making various attempts.

For example, through conventional methods, put the anti-inflammatory fruit and hemostatic fruit into the well, and use low temperature to keep fresh and store.

Currently, this is the most effective method. You can store the two kinds of fruits for three days. After three days, the taste of the fruits will be lost by 90%, and the effect of restoring physical strength and health points will be lost by 98%.

In addition, Li Siwen also tried more than a dozen methods such as drying the fruit, steaming it, squeezing the juice, adding various herbs, etc., but all failed without exception.

However, he will not give up.

After all, he can obtain a large amount of fresh fruit every day through ripening and evolution, but what should he do in winter

Or suddenly one day, all the herbs in the farmland are destroyed by the enemy

For example, the Ratman invasion this time sounded the alarm for Li Siwen.

At this moment, removing the big rock on the well, Li Siwen climbed down and brought up a small basket kept in the deepest part of the well. There were ten fruits in it, but they were all about to expire, so in order to prevent waste, he would The reward was given to Song Hu to eat.

Well, Lord Fox is a trickster, he doesn't bother to eat fruit that is about to expire or has already expired.

Put these fruits on a pile of firewood that is drying, and it can be an extra meal for Song Hu at noon.

Then Li Siwen went to the farmland, and when he returned with a basket of fresh fruits, he unexpectedly found that Master Fox was sniffing and sniffing around the fruits that were about to expire.

This is abnormal!

Because Li Siwen knew that Lord Fox's sense of smell was definitely sharper than his, so what did it find