Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 111: Battle of the cards


Li Siwen stumbled forward, getting closer and closer to the safe house, less than two hundred meters away.

At this moment, he was like a drowning man wanting to grab a life-saving straw, and like a thirsty traveler in the desert looking forward to a sweet spring.

Hope is right in front of his eyes, his eyes are full of longing for life, yearning for a better life in the future...

Okay, a little overacted.

Now he is like a master gambler who has studded on the gambling table, all the cards are clear cards, it depends on how to deal with the boss-level flying centipede

Well, Li Siwen had already anticipated this situation last night, and even thought of three strategies for that boss-level flying centipede!

The best strategy is to lead your subordinates to retreat immediately, absolutely not to engage in positional warfare, but to play sneak attacks and harassment. With their ghostly speed and vicious parasites, it is a deadly game against Li Siwen and the others.

One must know that there were twenty-two pale golden flying centipedes that hatched last night, which is quite a force.

But now it is obvious that the boss-level flying centipede did not choose this strategy, it chose to attack by force, which led to the three masters Leopard, Fox, and Song Hu occupying the dominant terrain, relying on the barrier of the safe house, and annihilating them back and forth. Killed fifteen pale golden flying centipedes.

So, is this boss-level flying centipede too stupid

Li Siwen didn't think so, so why are they attacking in such a hurry

Could it be that he wants to find a new father for the parasitic baby in his stomach? Or is there no suitable new dad around here? If you can't find a new father for the parasitic baby within a certain period of time, will something unbearable happen

This kind of judgment that sounds absurd is probably the cruelest fact!

Looking at Li Siwen's several encounters with flying centipedes, all flying centipedes would not voluntarily escape until they used their tail needles to expel the parasites.

So this also proves from the side that the meaning of their existence, including the boss, is to let the parasites in the body hatch perfectly, which is their mission!

So now in front of the flying centipede boss, there are only two strategies.

The best strategy is stalemate, maintain a certain amount of offensive pressure, choose the right time to play the trump card, and find the best new father for the parasitic baby.

A bad strategy, a crazy attack at any cost, vowing to turn Li Siwen and the four of them into new fathers.

Now it seems that this flying centipede boss has chosen the middle strategy.

Under the premise that it can't capture the safe house, and the three Leopard masters will never come out recklessly, it can only choose Li Siwen as the new father of the parasitic babies, because he is undoubtedly the best one, The most important thing is that he also took the initiative to come out, although this may be a trap.

But for this pit, the flying centipede boss must jump.

That's why it wanted to test Li Siwen and try to trick Li Siwen's big move.

If it's not bad, at the end of the day, it would rather sacrifice its own life than let Li Siwen be this cheap father.

Hmm, what a terrifying Overlord bows hard!

Of course, the parasite in the belly of the flying centipede boss must be the highest-ranking master, so at critical moments, the little masters in the belly of the other flying centipede have to pave the way for the real big master.

This is also the reason why the remaining seven flying centipedes didn't come out all at once.

After all, wouldn't it be nice to find more new fathers for the parasitic master before the last moment

The mission of parasites is higher than strategic and tactical advantages!

Taking this as the benchmark principle, everything in Li Siwen's eyes is like a bright card at this moment!

The key to winning depends on the order in which the two sides play their cards.

The safe house is getting closer and closer, it is already close to 150 meters, Li Siwen is also speeding up at the right moment, in the secondary soul force field formed by the level 9 talent, the void javelin is hanging all the time, just waiting for the flying centipede boss to appear At this moment, this is also a contest between the trump cards of the two sides!


In the secondary soul force field, two more flying centipedes flew out and attacked Li Siwen like lightning. It was useless to hide, so he received two needles calmly, and at the same time chopped down one with an axe. It's the limit of what he can do.

However, the parasites and paralyzing poison in these two tail needles finally completely neutralized the wine he drank before. Li Siwen was a little dizzy, and he couldn't even stand still, so he could only hold on to the mountain axe to breathe. gruff.

But at this moment, the flying centipede boss still didn't appear, but the last pale golden flying centipede appeared and directly gave him another injection.

The opponent's order of playing cards is really awesome!

Double images had already appeared in Li Siwen's eyes, he could no longer even see the safe house, the blood all over his body seemed to be coagulating, the parasite and venom had worked smoothly this time.

But at the same time, he also opened the herbal gourd and poured it into his mouth, trying to delay the time.

But the boss of the flying centipede still didn't appear, it played its bright cards extremely well.

That's right, it wasn't Li Siwen it was looking at, but Master Bao, Master Fox and Song Hu who couldn't help but come out to rescue him!

Very classic siege and aid tactics, grass!

"What the hell, don't come out!"

Li Siwen roared in a low voice, threw away the mountain axe, sat on the ground panting, foaming at the mouth, his limbs were stiff, he didn't even have time to bloodlet himself.


Lord Bao roared, and suddenly it let the door open.


Master Fox rushed out like lightning, tens of meters in an instant, the speed was astonishingly fast, but almost at the same time, an even faster afterimage of pure gold flashed past, caught up with Master Fox, and killed the fox who is known for its speed with one needle. Grandpa was knocked down and let him be the new father.

It was the flying centipede boss!

But almost at the same time, Li Siwen, who seemed to be unconscious, controlled the void javelin, took advantage of that second's delay, directly locked on the flying centipede boss, and extracted 30 soul points in one go.


After completing this step, his thinking, which he had been holding on to through the level 9 talent Spirit Vision, was finally shattered!

His world was completely dark, but he wasn't worried at all. After all, the parasites in his body were normal, and it took less than a minute for him to parasite. With his 100 points of stamina, he could recover completely unscathed.

Before Lord Bao was parasitized for more than ten minutes, he had to lose a leg.

So what Li Siwen really has to worry about is Lord Fox who stepped forward at the critical moment, perfectly understood his intentions, and played the last card for him...