Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 112: The fox with blurred eyes


In about two minutes, Li Siwen woke up slowly, and then he found himself hanging upside down on the stove, like a whole roasted lamb, and Song Hu was the one who did the knife.

He is proficient in technique, exquisite in knife skills, and has a good eye. The whole barbecue process can be called professional.

Well, there is Master Fox hanging beside him, he has also woken up, but his eyes are blurred, as if he was really roasted.

But why did it wake up so quickly

But just wake up!

Another minute later, Li Siwen was put down by Song Hu. Only then did his paralysis dissipate, and his tongue regained the ability to speak.

"How is Master Fox?"

"It's okay, just follow the method you said, Boss Li, the worms in the blood have been bled out, and now we're waiting for the toxin to be diluted!" Song Hufei replied quickly, not knowing whether it was because of nervousness or what, Li Siwen only saw it at this moment His back was soaked.

Lord Bao was still guarding the door. After all, there were still four flying centipedes outside who refused to retreat. It all depended on Song Hu to rescue them with two hands in a very short time.

However, Li Siwen was also curious, the parasites in Master Fox's body were definitely boss level, and it would be absolutely ineffective to use ordinary herbal powder, so how did it survive

It's just that when Li Siwen struggled to sit up, his nose was almost twisted by laughing, um, he was also angry.

He brewed three unknown wines for the experiment yesterday, and the third one with the smell of alcohol has been drunk, and the remaining two stored wines without the smell of alcohol are now empty.

So, did Master Fox drink the wine before rushing out, or was he fed by Song Hu after he was rescued

Li Siwen didn't need to think it was the former.

No wonder it can wake up so quickly, thanks to me being so moved, um, -999 favorability points.

But it feels so good to be alive!

It's so comfortable to have a territory and a safe house!

This Ratman invasion war once again proved the importance of territory and logistics, to be precise, the importance of farming.

Without the safe house as a barrier, Lord Bao and the three of them had to become new fathers last night, and died so that there was not even a bone left.

And Li Siwen didn't want to die well.

Similarly, without Li Siwen's continuous research and development of herbal medicines, it would be impossible for him to escape the menacing ratmen/flying centipede army/weird parasites!

Those parasites and paralyzing toxins are truly terrifying!

It is estimated that even the reckless lord can't stand it.

Of course, there is another point, the team is very important, a team that trusts each other and can put the overall situation first at the critical moment is even more rare. If Master Fox hadn't stepped forward at the critical moment, Li Siwen would certainly be dead, and they wouldn't even be able to live. .

Because at that time, there will be a new generation of parasites that are more terrifying than the flying centipede crawling out of Li Siwen's body...

At this time, two or three minutes later, Li Siwen's body finally returned to normal, and there was no residual toxin displayed in the property bar, but his health dropped to 40 points in one breath. This is normal, facing that kind of parasite, the best One of the best ways is to let bloodletting.

And he was attacked by those flying centipedes for a long time before, and to be honest, he still has 40 health points left at this moment, which is really amazing.

At this time, Lord Bao at the door attacked again and again, killing two flying centipedes, and the remaining two flying centipedes fled in haste.

As for what will happen to them in the future, whether they will produce new parasites in their stomachs, Li Siwen doesn't know, but most likely they can't, otherwise the flying centipede boss wouldn't be so desperate.

The situation finally stabilized completely.

Taking a deep breath, he reopened the property bar to check for any omissions.

Name: Li Siwen

Occupation: Farmer/Woodman (leaf symbol)

Health: 40/100

Stamina: 42/100

Strength: 36

Dexterity: 18

Defense: 6

Talent: Level 9 Vision, Level 3 Stability

Skills: level 4 farming, level 5 logging

Green ball (vital value): 12/15

Yellow ball (soul value): 91/45

Blue ball (heavenly value): 0/30

At the bottom of the attribute bar at this time, the yellow ball is extremely conspicuous, because there is a large ball of yellow light overflowing from the inside of the ball, and then it keeps spinning and dissipating. This is when Li Siwen killed two before. The soul value obtained by the flying centipede can be temporarily retained due to its high quality.

However, this soul value will continue to dissipate over time. For example, in just a few minutes, the original total of 105 soul points is only 91 points.

Li Siwen hesitated at this moment. The yellow ball can continue to expand, but it needs at least 90 soul points, and there is a high probability that the yellow ball can be expanded to 60 points.

In addition, he can also use the soul value to upgrade the skill level, such as raising the logging skill to level 6.

The former is beneficial in the long run, while the latter is immediate.

In just a few seconds, he chose the latter.

When the logging skill was upgraded to level 5, 24 points of vitality were consumed. Now, when the skill was upgraded to level 6, the consumption of vitality points was a very standard 48 points.

So far, the remaining soul value in his yellow ball is not too much, exactly 43 points.

As for the logging skill at level 6, it has finally reached the bottleneck, and the skill description is even more interesting.

"Logging lv6, it means that you already have 30 years of logging experience, which is very impressive. After all, logging is not like farming, it requires a stronger body and more tenacious perseverance, so now you have abilities that ordinary loggers cannot With the advantage of imagination, you get the following passive effects of logging."

"One of the passive effects of logging: tree killer. Thirty years of logging allows you to distinguish the characteristics of most trees in the world and make perfect use of them. (The vitality value obtained by cutting down trees +100%)."

"Logging passive effect 2: Friends of the trees, 30 years of logging life have integrated your life and soul into the trees, and you can sometimes even hear the trees communicating. (When cutting down special trees, the hatred is reduced by 50 %)”

"The third passive effect of logging: tree planter, 30 years of logging life makes you love this profession very much. In order to prevent you from having no trees to cut one day, you have chosen a commendable path. (Planting and cultivating special trees 100% survival rate)”

"Note: This skill has been upgraded to the limit that mortals can achieve."