Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 114: Corrosion resistance


Song Hu was in charge of cleaning up the entire battlefield, including the flying centipede boss who had been killed by Lord Leopard.

Li Siwen didn't do it himself because he was busy dealing with the work value.

After all, Song Hu has two experiences as a humanoid lighter, so he is very relieved.

Who would have thought that this boss not only contributed 60 natural work points, but also dropped rare materials.

That's right, it's a rare material.

The body of this boss had been smashed to pieces by Lord Leopard long ago, but the six pure golden wings on it glistened in the sunlight, unscathed.

It's not ordinary at first glance.

After Li Siwen confirmed that it was non-toxic and had no side effects, he carefully picked up the six cattail-leaf fan-sized, as thin as a cicada's wing, very transparent golden wings.

And the moment he picked it up, he was stunned, why is the material of this thing so similar to the fish head armor

Because this thing is not hard, but very resilient, not light, and can be folded into various shapes in the hand, and even the mountain axe will not leave marks when it is chopped.

"Tsk tsk, this is interesting, the fish head carapace is like this, so is this golden wing, one is in the water, one is on land, one is fish, and the other is insects, but they all evolved similar cuticles. Organization, is there some reason for this?"

Li Siwen thought about it, and put away the six golden wings, to see if he had time to process them later, such as making a visor on the helmet

At this time, because of the slight delay in this matter, he remembered another detail that was quite memorable.

That was last night, when the ratman lord led the ratman army to attack. Their goal was very clear, which was the mysterious herb in the farmland.

But after the flying centipede boss molted, he was completely uninterested in this mysterious herb that was readily available.

So, can a conclusion be drawn

That is to say, the lord of the Ratman wants this herb to increase the soul strength of the Ratmen, and the stronger the Ratman's soul, the more they can get the flying centipede pattern, and then become an excellent parent for the flying centipede to parasitize

"Why does it feel like there is a mature, assembly-line production style here? It seems that I really have to take a look at the Ratmen's territory and try to wipe out the remnants of the Ratmen as much as possible. I must not give them a chance to rise again. After all, this kind of The parasitic mode is too weird."

Next, Li Siwen found a big tree that the two of them hugged. First, he threw a level 6 logging skill at it, and immediately felt something different.

Open the attribute bar, and sure enough, a temporary floating panel appeared under the level 6 logging skill. There were four patterns on the panel, and a number behind each pattern.

The first pattern is a stone, followed by the number 6

The second pattern is a roll of silk, and the number behind it is 4

The third pattern is a black bug with the number 1 behind it

The fourth pattern is a flame, and the number behind it is 0

This is really guessing lantern riddles, but fortunately Li Siwen can guess it by following the clues.

Stone should represent hardness, so it is 6, although I don't know what standard this is.

That roll of silk represents that the tenacity of the wood is 4.

The black bugs should have nothing to do with poison, but they must be related to corrosion, so the degree of corrosion resistance is 1.

As for the flame, it is best to understand, the fire resistance is 0, which is in line with Wood's character design.

"This level 6 logging skill is not inferior to the level 4 farming skill at all!"

Li Siwen was overjoyed, because since these numbers appeared, it meant they could be adjusted.

How to adjust it

It's very simple, he directly touched the trunk of the big tree, first injected a little vitality, and at the same time focused on the stone pattern, in an instant, the number representing the hardness changed from 6 to 7.

Look, this is the correct way to open the plug-in!

However, Li Siwen did not pile up the hardness in one breath. He extracted a little more vitality, focused on the silk pattern, and increased the toughness of the big tree from 4 points to 5 points.

Then, he focused on the black bug pattern, increasing its corrosion resistance from 1 to 2 points.

But the next second he froze.

The increase in corrosion resistance has actually changed the fire resistance from 0 to -1, the hardness has also decreased from 7 to 6, and the toughness has decreased from 5 to 4.

"I'm going, what does this mean? Can't have both fish and bear's paw?"

Li Siwen wasn't annoyed, but instead became interested. Anyway, what he lacks most now is vitality, so let's try it.

"The attribute of anti-corrosion is still very rare, especially in the face of the remnants of the Ratman. I can't just build a shield, but I can build a few more hard ones!"

Right now, he raised the corrosion resistance to 4 in one go, which caused the hardness to drop from 6 to 4, the toughness to 2 from 4, and the fire resistance to -4 directly, that is to say, a little Mars is on.

If you use such a shield to deal with the reckless lord, it is tantamount to courting death, but it will take advantage of the remnants of the ratmen.

However, since he has a level 6 logging skill, he can create a shield with fire resistance +4, or even fire resistance +6, fire resistance +8.

Just think about it.

At this time, as Li Siwen's hands left the tree trunk, the temporary panel floating under the level 6 logging skill in the attribute bar also disappeared, which meant that the skill was successfully released and the cooldown time was 24 hours, but this was not a problem at all.

Wielding the mountain axe, and chopping down with one axe, the trunk of the big tree did not make the clanging sound as before, but became more dull.

The hardness has dropped, and it is estimated that it is as hard as the old elm on the earth.

The inside of the trunk is no longer yellow-white, but has turned yellow-black, very greasy. It is estimated that this is the special effect of adding anti-corrosion.

After cutting down the big tree, Li Siwen took a hacksaw, sawed it open again, and cut out a piece of wood that was 1.5 meters long, 1 meter wide, and 20 centimeters thick from the very middle. This was the shield he wanted.

Since the hardness and toughness of this shield are not up to his ideal value, and the fire resistance is so bad, at first Li Siwen didn't plan to refine and strengthen it with Heaven's work value. He just found a piece of wild boar skin and nailed it with iron nails. Make do with your hands.

But then considering that this time is going deep into the Ratman's lair, which is an expedition dungeon, I can't be too careful.

No matter how precious the workmanship is, can it compare to your own life

So Li Siwen took the remaining piece of fish head armor, and spent two points of workmanship to refine two hundred catties of iron ore, and obtained 100 catties of pig iron ingots. At this point, he put the wooden shield on it and began to formally refine it. strengthen.