Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 115: Expedition copy


Although he already had a psychological construction, Li Siwen still didn't want to invest too much Heavenly Work Points, so at first he just extracted 5 Heavenly Work Points and injected them into the black and yellow wooden shield.

As a result, the wooden shield didn't move at all, which is very rascal.

Li Siwen could only continue to invest five Heaven's Work Points. If he didn't invest, the Heaven's Work Points injected earlier would be wasted.

It took ten points of Heaven's work points, and finally a light blue light curtain floated from the wooden shield, covering the wooden shield, fish head armor, and iron ingots.

"How do you feel that there is a need for some special refining enhancement?"

Muttering in his heart, Li Siwen observed carefully, and there was some kind of unknown pattern on the blue mask.

Soon, countless blue foams were separated from the blue mask, covering several materials. The fish head armor was diluted, and some iron ingots were diluted. Only the wooden shield remained unchanged. I feel that the quality of this thing is still very high. Advanced look.

At this time, three bubbles began to light up, and each bubble contained the image of a shield.

The first shield is a very small shield that looks like fangs. It should be equipped on the right arm. The length is less than 50 centimeters, the width is only 30 centimeters, and one end is very sharp. It should be used for making For weapons.

In addition, on the surface of the shield, the pattern of a poisonous snake is lifelike, especially the four exposed fangs, which is really daunting.

Very powerful, the fang shield needs to consume 20 natural work points.

Definitely can't afford it.

The second shield is a round shield covered with a thick iron sheet, with very sharp iron sawtooth on the edge, with a radius of about 50 cm. This requires 15 Heavenly Work Points.

Li Siwen shook his head, he wanted it very much, but it was too expensive, after all, he only had 15 Tiangong points left in his hand right now.

The third shield is a square shield, which basically maintains the shape of the previous cut, but the four sides are covered with iron sheets. The surface of the wooden shield becomes smoother and darker. There is a handle made of fish head armor on the back. Requires 10 points of heavenly work.

It's not cheap either!

Feeling cheated, Li Siwen had no choice but to choose the third shield.

But when the blue light disappeared, he lifted up the completely changed wooden shield, and he was stunned for a moment, the weight had doubled!

But the thickness of the wooden shield has been reduced from the original twenty centimeters to ten centimeters. And the hardness of the wood is stronger.

This is actually very easy to test. With a full-strength stroke of the fine steel knife, a white mark was left on it, but if it was the big tree that was felled just now, the fine steel knife could easily cut into a depth of ten centimeters.

"The hardness is not bad. A 20-point Heavenly Work value is really not bad. Otherwise, a steel shield of the same size would have at least a 50+ Heavenly Work value. Now that it has hardness and corrosion resistance, I just don't know how about fire resistance? Do you want to try it?"

Li Siwen thought so, but a second later, he resolutely ended his occasional sand sculpture idea.

With the four-piece leather armor set and the anti-corrosion shield, it's time to start the expedition dungeon, well, it's almost there.

He also urgently prepared a gourd deworming wine, which has been proven in actual combat to be the most effective strategic material against parasites.

"Old Song, I will leave you the saber-cutting knife. Master Leopard and I must go to the Rat Man's Lair to avoid future troubles, and you and Master Fox will stay to watch the house. You don't have to move stones these days." , if you have nothing to do, make bricks with mud, and cook by yourself when you are hungry, but remember not to leave the territory, if there is an emergency, don’t bother, just keep the safe house.”

"As for Master Fox, you are responsible for daily patrolling the territory, but you must not stay away, let alone be lazy. Master Bao and I will take this trip, it may take two days at the fastest, or four or five days at the slowest time. Don't worry too much."

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Li Siwen asked Lord Bao to lead the way and officially opened the expedition dungeon.

In fact, leaving his home field like this, he was still very uneasy in his heart, but if the matter of the rat man was not resolved, there would be endless troubles.

What's more, Song Hu's strength has greatly increased with the Saber Saber, and it is absolutely no problem to cooperate with Master Fox to guard the safe house.

As for Lord Bao and him, he didn't think there was any power to keep them, so he would run away if the worst happened.

Li Siwen didn't know where the Rat Man's lair was, but if Lord Fox had been there, Lord Bao had also been there.

At this time, Lord Bao was leading the way. Li Siwen held a black wooden shield in his left hand and a mountain ax in his right. He carried a basket on his back, and hung various herbal gourds, wine gourds, and cloth bags for storing fruits on his waist.

Even venison jerky brought forty catties.

This is not like an expedition, it is simply a wild tour.

They started from the Bald Highlands and headed all the way to the southeast.

Lord Leopard's speed is very fast, and it's almost a home game in this dense grassy forest, but Li Siwen is not bad, even if he doesn't have the gifted vision, with his super strong eyesight, hearing, and 18 points of agility, With a stable talent of 3 points, his running is not inferior to that of a monkey.

It's nothing more than walking on the ground.

One must know that Li Siwen's own equipment and supplies were almost 180 catties, and the black wooden shield alone weighed 80 catties.

After walking forward for about two hours at a stretch, the front suddenly became clear, but there was a huge rift lying across it.

This great rift valley starts from the northeast and extends to the southwest. It is almost a mile wide and tens of meters deep. In the middle is a turbulent river more than 20 meters wide.

Li Siwen silently calculated that the Great Rift Valley should be forty miles away from his territory, not more than fifty miles away, but considering the steepness of the Great Rift Valley and the river, how did the Skaven Legion cross it? of? Or is the Ratman's lair nearby

Lord Bao was very cautious here, looking around for a long time before jumping up and down the rock wall of the Great Rift Valley.

Li Siwen followed closely behind, and when he stepped on the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, Lord Bao went retrograde again.

At this time, Li Siwen could already smell a peculiar fishy smell from the Ratman, so Lord Bao was making a detour

The variety of plants in the Great Rift Valley was unexpectedly rich, but there were not many trees. After walking less than two miles, Li Siwen found four fruit trees. Many of them were obviously planted artificially, at least after planning. berry shrubs.

But more, there are still traces of trampling, and signs of berries being picked can be seen in many bushes.

Are those rat people collecting food on a daily basis

But why can't even see the shadow of a rat man at this moment.

"Lord Leopard, speed up."

Li Siwen suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart. Looking at everything along the way, he could already confirm that the Rat Man's territory was located in the Great Rift Valley, and that the Rat Man's territory was still normal yesterday. Food behavior, but I didn't even see a ratman today, so it couldn't be that they all died on the battlefield last night, right