Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 116: Ratman Territory (first update)


The more he walked up, the stronger the feeling of something wrong in Li Siwen's heart. If the three or four miles he walked just now could only see some traces of extensive food collection, then as the terrain gradually rose, the Great Rift Valley The width of the river is gradually increasing, and in the area where the river is relatively gentle, you can already see pieces of farmland that have been reclaimed.

Li Siwen didn't recognize any of the crops in the farmland, but they all grew very well, which meant that there had been Rat Man farmers taking care of them all this time yesterday.

But now there is no sign of a ratman.


Lord Bao suddenly let out a low growl, and looked up at the rock wall to the west. There was a natural crack there, and a huge cave was dug out by the ratmen. It was dark, and a foul smell wafted out of it.

However, what is really weird is that there is a strange statue carved right above the entrance of the cave. It is not a rat man or a flying centipede, but a monster with a flat head and twelve pairs of compound eyes.

When Li Siwen saw the statue for the first time, a strong feeling of uneasiness flashed through his heart. He even thought of the statue worshiped by the lord of the boorish man.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound in his mind, as if something had split, but he was not unfamiliar with this sound at all.

Quickly opened the attribute bar, and as expected, a crack spread from above.

After the attribute of 'Name: Li Siwen', the integrity dropped by 1%.

Further below, a red font is highlighted, like a red poisonous snake.

"You have triggered the curse of red names all over the map, and the curse is taking effect... Angry ratmen soldiers will tear you to pieces..."

Seeing this, Li Siwen smiled happily. At the same time, he also noticed that at that moment just now, the lightning pattern on Master Bao's forehead lit up uncontrollably, and then faded away.

So, this is the truth that all pictures are famous

Any wild monster can be wanted by all territories, just like slaves can be wanted by all slave owners

Li Siwen thought about something Song Hu once said. The lord of the reckless man was delayed by the heavy rain when he was out hunting. Later, he encountered a large canyon in the depths of the forest. Hundreds of ratmen lived in the canyon. Human beings are no different. At that time, the lord of the reckless man was still warmly entertained.

"Hospitality? Hehe!"

Li Siwen sneered, this is called a nest of snakes and mice.

Randomly extract a little vitality value to repair the crack in the property bar.

"Lord Bao, are you okay? Or you can wait for me outside."

Lord Bao raised his head, his eyes were stern.

Li Siwen laughed, and threw down the basket, as well as the forty catties of dried venison inside, this stuff couldn't be brought in, or it wouldn't be able to eat it if it was smoked by the stench.

Then he took down the wine gourd, first took a big sip for himself, then gave a big sip to Lord Bao, and then took out a piece of cloth to cover his mouth and nose, there was nothing Lord Bao could do about it.

With a black wooden shield in his left hand and a mountain ax in his right, Li Siwen was the first to rush into the cave, while Lord Bao followed three meters behind his left hand, just in the area covered by the black wooden shield. This tactical configuration, Lord Bao didn't need to be taught clear.

The cave was extremely dark, and Li Siwen directly activated the level 9 talent of Spirit Vision, instantly revealing everything around him, except for the thick stone walls that couldn't be penetrated, even the blind spots in his vision could be seen clearly.

In addition, there are 45 soul points in his yellow ball. Even if he releases the void javelin once, he can force it to open again, so there is absolutely no problem.

As for Master Bao, Hei Ye gave it a pair of black eyes just to pretend to be aggressive at this moment.

The cave was very large, and the excavation was quite neat. On the stone walls on both sides, there were still some rough patterns that only the ratmen could understand. As for the lights, they did not exist.

The ground of the cave is also quite tidy, there is really no feces, vomit and other weird things. From these details, it can be seen that the entire group of Ratman is very hygienic, ??.

But at this time, the stench from the cave conflicted with these details.

"Is it time for sacrifice?"

Li Siwen murmured in his heart, but his speed accelerated.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound from the depths of the cave, and it looked very miserable. At the same time, from here, there was a strong bloody smell accompanied by a stronger stench, which made people dizzy.

"Lord Leopard!"

Li Siwen decisively took out six anti-inflammatory fruits, distributed three to Lord Bao, and ate all three for himself. There is no doubt that the stench is absolutely poisonous and will reduce physical strength.

At this time, the cave suddenly became spacious, and many small caves began to appear on both sides, like the residences of ratmen.

There were also a lot of bloodstains on the cave floor, as well as traces of the corpse being dragged. It was still fresh, and it was estimated that the time would not exceed three hours.

So Li Siwen immediately thought of those two flying centipedes who escaped. Was it the information they brought back that caused such a drastic change in the Ratmen's territory

He began to rejoice that he didn't delay for too long, otherwise, how many moths would appear in the Ratman's lair affected by the defeat of the war.

Passing through this cave dwelling area, downward stone steps began to appear in front of it. It was hard to imagine that the craftsmen of the Ratmen could have such a great ability to forcibly dig such a large project in the hard mountain.

This is definitely not something that can be done in a year or two.

There are 50 floors of stone steps in total, and after walking through them, the front is actually brightened, but it is not the sunlight of the sun, nor the light of fire, but a kind of silver light.

As soon as Li Siwen's level 9 spiritual vision came into contact with this silver light, he had the illusion of being confused, but fortunately he corrected it quickly.

Looking back, Master Bao's gaze was still stern, very good, although this silver light was weird, it was almost ineffective against those with strong willpower.

At this time, Li Siwen finally saw what happened in the Ratman territory.

This is a huge square. In the center of the square is a statue of a monster, and the ground around the statue is carved with complex patterns and inscriptions.

But at this moment, on the inscriptions of these patterns, the corpses of thousands of Ratmen were staggering here and there, with blood gurgling out, and finally gathered under the statue.

The rancid air was also continuously escaping from under the statue.

As for the two flying centipedes that escaped this morning, they landed on the statue, one left and one right, and were shrouded in a cloud of red blood mist.

Around the square, there were twenty-four elite Ratman soldiers wearing black leather armor and holding weapons. They seemed to be completely indifferent to Li Siwen and Master Bao's intrusion, and stood like stone sculptures.

The scene in front of him was extremely treacherous and terrifying, and Li Siwen even had an illusion, as if a pair of greedy and evil eyes were staring at him from within the statue.