Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 118: The stupidest Boss in history (third update)


"Lord Bao, I suddenly decided that head-to-head confrontation is an incorrect tactical idea. In this way, if you take advantage of your speed, I will let you know and call 666!"

Li Siwen was a little nervous, after all, the mouse boss was too big.

The height is nearly three meters, and the body length is nearly six meters, which can catch up with an elephant. Although he claims to be a main battle tank, he is playing hooligans if he ignores the tonnage to talk about combat power!

But Lord Bao is not stupid, he has already jumped a hundred meters away at this time, what the hell, you still want to play stealth strike.

Li Siwen turned around and ran away—

Wrong, he is doing tactical positioning! You must not come within 50 meters of this boss.


A strange noise sounded from the mouse boss's stomach. Li Siwen looked back curiously, and was shocked the next second. He saw a large ball of black liquid just spit out by the mouse boss, but it wasn't directed at him. , but sprayed high into the sky, and then scattered down!


Range AOE!

Quickly calculated the coverage area of the black liquid ball, as well as his own position, he decisively chose to lift the shield up, half squatted and hugged his chest, reducing the exposed area.

Of course, he can also choose to turn around and run, but this time he will be out of the fight... Umm, what am I talking about

Shouldn't the mouse boss attack after spitting out a black liquid ball

What if the idiot medicine only temporarily turns this boss into a chaotic idiot, and it will recover after a while

Don't seize this opportunity to kill him, but think about running away, oh, Lord Bao, don't let Uncle Li look down on you!

In a blink of an eye, the black liquid ball exploded in mid-air. It was really exploding. Who knows why

Anyway, it didn't fall by inertia, countless black water droplets shot in all directions like bullets!

It completely covered within a radius of 200 meters, and Lord Bao couldn't escape, and the black liquid immediately emitted white smoke when it fell on the body, which was obviously extremely corrosive.

So when Li Siwen blocked this big move with a perfect shield, he saw a golden leopard when he turned his head...


Ha ha ha ha!

Li Siwen laughed out loud in his heart, but Li Siwen didn't delay for a second, holding his unscathed black wooden shield, he charged towards the mouse boss fifty meters away, as brave and fearless as a real knight— Wait, no shit!


A puff of poisonous smoke was sprayed out, making Li Siwen turn around and run away in horror, mother, this is indeed a boss, there is no weakness behind it.

Huh? Lord Leopard!

After finally avoiding the range of the poisonous smoke, Li Siwen saw Lord Leopard lightly leaping onto the mouse boss's back from the corner of his eye, and grabbing it down with one paw, it was a large piece of carrion that weighed dozens of kilograms, like a fountain Poisonous blood splattered, and the heroic Leopard Lord covered one eye in the last second, like a big cat that had been pinched, he ran away.

This mouse boss is full of poison!

The surrounding flowers and plants were all corroded to death, and the stones on the ground were corroded into pits, but this was not enough, the mouse boss released a puff of poisonous cigarette butts every few seconds, and the poisonous smoke was over In this place, the flowers and plants died suddenly, and the insects became extinct, which was extremely powerful.

And this is still attacking indiscriminately when the mouse boss is completely out of his mind, otherwise, tsk tsk!

At this time, Li Siwen also withdrew from the 200-meter area and joined Lord Bao. At this moment, Lord Bao was miserable, with one eye bleeding profusely, and his whole body was covered with corroded blood holes.

Fortunately, only the flesh was corroded, not the internal organs, it just looked quite pleasant.

He took out the anti-inflammatory fruit he was carrying, and swallowed seven or eight pieces of the hemostatic fruit in one go for Lord Leopard. Li Siwen stood with it on the edge of the battlefield, watching the silly mouse boss keep farting, farting, and circling, and from time to time Spit out a ball of black liquid, and it fell all over the sky like a goddess scattering flowers.

It had a great time playing itself, this is probably the stupidest boss in history.

Just looking at it, Li Siwen frowned, because he saw the two flying centipedes that had grown to one meter long, they didn't attack, they just kept flying out of the cave, falling When it landed on the mouse boss, it flew away after a while. Maybe it was going to cause trouble.

"Lord Bao, go to the cave and fuck those two flying centipedes, I'll lure this mouse away!"

Li Siwen said in a deep voice, no matter what, the mouse boss cannot be restored to his IQ.


Lord Bao let out a low growl, and went to carry out the task decisively, it is smart.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Li Siwen chose to hold his breath, then threw down a pile of debris on his body, and Qing Dun rushed up. As soon as he entered the extremely thick poisonous mist, he felt like he had gotten into a pool of sulfuric acid , every part of my body felt burning pain, and it was extremely itchy, as if there were countless small bugs desperately burrowing into the flesh.

The itch and pain can drive a normal person crazy in no time.

But this didn't have much effect on Li Siwen. After all, when he usually added points to his soul and agility, he suffered much more terrifying torture than this.

But he didn't dare to delay, it felt like one thing, but the consumption of a little energy every second was really terrible!

After all, he only has 100 stamina.

At this time, the crazy mouse boss still didn't notice Li Siwen, and was still farting in circles, looking very happy.

Li Siwen immediately charged forward, rushed to the front of the mouse boss, took advantage of the moment the guy was farting, swung the mountain axe, and cut off half of his tongue with one blow of the axe.

At the same time, a perfect back jump, avoiding the splash of black blood, after all, there is a lesson from Master Leopard.

But Li Siwen underestimated the effect of the magic medicine for idiots. Although the mouse boss was in a state of confusion, he hadn't reached the state where he couldn't even feel the pain. The black liquid ball was spit out by it lightning.

too fast!

Li Siwen never expected that the boss could spit out black liquid balls so quickly.

It was too late to dodge, the distance between the two sides was only a few meters, and the liquid ball of a full cubic meter rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed. The only thing he could do was to hold his shield to protect his body.

With a bang,

The venom ball hit the black wooden shield and exploded in an instant. The huge impact even made Li Siwen, who had 36 points of strength, have to take three steps back!

However, this explosion also caused countless black water droplets to shoot out all over the sky, only the back of the black wooden shield was safe.

At this moment, he was really lucky. He didn't choose the small and exquisite fang shield or the round shield, but chose this kind of tower shield with a width of one meter and a length of one meter and fifty. Become the second Leopard Lord.

No, it's even more serious!

At this time, taking advantage of the corrosive venom splashing all over the sky, Li Siwen tilted the black wooden shield halfway up his head to protect his face and upper body, and then launched a second charge towards the mouse boss!

He had noticed before that every time he spit out such a ball of venom, the mouse boss would take a deep breath, no matter what it was doing, but this was indeed the best opportunity to attack.

One step hard, two steps up!

Li Siwen's whole body was like a gust of wind, or a rushing torrent, with a mighty force, he slashed madly right above the mouse boss's nose with one axe.

Because here, there is a strange, weird, and more complicated pattern!