Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 123: The highest state of doing business (eighth)


The old bear's injuries were too serious, Li Siwen could only start from the worst part, first dig out the rotten flesh with a fine steel knife, and then sprinkle anti-inflammatory and hemostatic powder, um, that's it.

The whole treatment process took less than three minutes, and he was worried that the old bear would explode because of the pain, but in the end, the old bear remained motionless and silent.

But it is really alive and conscious.

I don't know the effect of sprinkle all the gourd herbs, but Dahan Shizhu is obviously very interested in it.

"Brother, can you give me some of this herbal medicine? I have some good things to exchange with you."

"Good stuff? Aren't those 'beauties' of yours?"

The corner of Li Siwen's mouth twitched, he felt that he must never trust this guy's aesthetics.

Shi Zhu chuckled, turned around and found three stones with different colors from some corner, which looked very beautiful.

At this moment, Li Siwen's heart beat violently twice uncontrollably, I beg you, spar! And two of them are at the level of the Ice Serpent, and the remaining one is comparable to the three mutated Zhao Da.

"What's this?"

Controlling the speed of speech, heartbeat, expression, and eyes, Li Siwen just showed a little interesting and curious look.

Shi Zhu was not in a hurry to answer, he scanned Li Siwen's expression back and forth several times with his sharp eyes, and then said: "Actually, I don't know what this thing is exactly? This yellow one, and the green one The stone was left by the leaders of the previous generation, and this red one was obtained by killing one of the leaders of the evil lord, oh, he seems to be called Sun Tieshi."

"However, the old Xiong leader of the previous generation once said that this thing seems to be called Jingbei, and it can exchange a lot of copper coins. After climbing over this snow mountain and walking thousands of miles east, there is a big city near the sea. The people in the city are very powerful , can ride a big fish across the sea, and can also control the weather, they will buy this thing, of course, we are runaway slaves, we will be caught and killed if we go, but brother, you seem to have knowledge, this thing It's useless here, why don't you exchange it for some healing herbs?"

Shi Zhu's tone was relaxed, and he was observing the changes in Li Siwen's expression while talking, but Li Siwen had been on the battlefield for a long time, and his acting skills were outstanding, so how could he tell the truth.

At that moment, Li Siwen really showed some curiosity on his face, and carefully inspected the three crystals for a long time, then nodded, and casually said in the tone of an old country farmer: "I made the herbs myself, they are not worth much, Give me these three stones, and I will give you a bag."

"One... one bag?"

Shi Zhu was taken aback. He was already ready to bargain with Li Siwen, to fight with each other, but he was caught off guard and almost lost his temper. Is there such a simple and honest person

Or are herbs worthless and stones worth more

But why does this reason feel a bit awkward!

Opening his mouth, Shi Zhu didn't know what to say, and then asked tentatively, "How about adding another bag?"

"Yes." Li Siwen readily agreed.

Shi Zhu was stunned, and began to doubt his own cognition. It is impossible for such a good thing to happen in the sky. There must be a conspiracy in it

"Why?" He began to become vigilant, thinking that as long as this kid dared to say any more ridiculous reasons, he would just punch him unconscious.

At this time, Li Siwen smiled indifferently, stood up, didn't even look at the three spars, and just sighed in a compassionate voice:

"There's no reason, it's not easy to move forward, so be more careful. Although I don't believe your nonsense, I still hope that you can reach that 'Land of Hope' smoothly, so what if I give you some healing herbs? Lord Leopard, let's go !"

After saying this, Li Siwen really threw down the iron pot and left the cave with Lord Bao, leaving only the stunned stone pillars, very dazed, messy, helpless, and wanted to cry...

Li Siwen really left without looking back. Master Bao tried to communicate with him with stern eyes several times, but he ignored them indifferently.

Tsk, the legendary demeanor must be maintained.


Don't want those three crystals

Don't want Master Xiong anymore

What a joke!

As for Master Xiong's big man, even if he is skinny, he must weigh at least three thousand catties. How can the two of them carry it back? The road is rugged with high mountains and dense forests. Bah, there is no road to cut at all!

So, as long as that boy Shizhu wanted herbs, he had to bring Master Xiong along the way, and he had to hand over the three spar stones.

Wait, no crystals, no bears, hehe, Lao Tzu's herbal medicine is also something that rude savages like you can get their hands on? Could it be that the mountain ax that bullied Laozi was not sharp enough!

snort! (cold eyes)

As for bargaining, selling high and buying low, talking about lotus flowers, talking like a tongue, comparing pennies and pennies, etc., do you understand that the price is too low

Uncle Li disdains it!

After traveling quickly all the way, Li Siwen and Lord Bao returned to the territory smoothly at about three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Well, it took only half a day to go back and forth, but he was so excited that he wanted to sing a song when he set foot on his territory again.

Hey, it's better to stay at home comfortably.

However, there are still some things that need to be explained clearly, especially that kid Shi Zhu actually understands animal language, so we must guard against it.

After calling the stern-eyed Lord Leopard and the stern-looking Lord Fox, Li Siwen seriously warned, "Don't let out anything about the fruit, otherwise, you'll never get it!"


Master Fox barked without knowing it, while Lord Bao still had stern eyes, but Li Siwen believed that he was as smart as Master Bao, so he had a sense of proportion.

The next step is to wait, as for whether the stone pillar will come? Whether this ratio can be accommodated, in his opinion, is not a problem at all.

In fact, less than half an hour later, Master Fox's cry sounded from the edge of the territory, and then Li Siwen saw the tall stone pillars, and the stone pillars that were placed on stretchers and carried by four majestic gorillas. The Lord Xiong, who was holding him, appeared together with a tiger with broken teeth.

Well, they are all old acquaintances.

It's just that Broken Tooth Tiger, a solo traveler with thick eyebrows and big eyes, has now joined the wild monster alliance in order to survive.

Sure enough, how important it is to know a foreign language.

At this time, Li Siwen didn't talk too much nonsense, and he didn't continue to pretend to be superior.

Shi Zhu is a smart man, this kid probably already figured out what's going on, if he beeps again, he will fall for no reason.

At that moment, he directly brought out several large bundles of dried second-generation herbal medicines from the safe house, put them all on the stone slab, rolled them with round stones, and stirred them again. Yep, the herbal medicines were successfully made.

"It's that simple?"

Shi Zhu stared, unable to believe it.

Li Siwen sneered, Master Bao roared, Master Fox chirped, Song Hu raised his saber, shit, how dare you make trouble in Lao Tzu's territory!

"Ha, brother, don't be nervous. You can provide us with medicinal herbs. I'm grateful—" Before Shi Zhu finished speaking, the tiger with broken teeth rushed forward. This guy is really fierce, even if it doesn't Showing a fierce aura, it directly compares the aura of Li Siwen's group of four, so this guy has advanced again recently

The Broken Tooth Tiger didn't care about anything else, it just sniffed the herbs, and then growled at the stone pillar, as if approving it.

Shi Zhu was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, he hurried forward to pack all the herbs, and finally put down the three crystals sincerely.

"Brother, I'm the one who confesses my love this time. I'll wait for you in the Land of Hope. Finally, please believe me, the winter here is really hard."

"I know, I've been making preparations for a long time." Li Siwen also answered seriously.

"This is your preparation?" Shi Zhu pointed to the safe house and laughed mockingly, "Tell the truth, brother, there will be wood demons in the old forest in winter, just your house, and the wood demons can tear you down in a blink of an eye." Believe it or not? If you really can’t bear it then, you can go to my place. Although the cave is a bit colder, it’s better than being strong.”

"Leopard, fox, we are leaving tomorrow, if you want to keep up, go find me."

Shizhu left, leaving behind a dying old bear.

Li Siwen watched their figures disappear, and after a long time, he said softly, "Have a good trip."