Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 126: Brother Chapter 127 The eyeballs walking in place


After dinner, Lord Leopard continued to jump back to the balcony to chew on its bones. After all, the dinner just now was symbolic to it, and it still likes to eat raw meat.

Sister Fox—well, Master Fox has changed again, becoming a murderous and introverted, eccentric, and super-strength night bug, and went to patrol around the territory. No wonder it doesn’t want to go fishing. It’s busy all night and then during the day. Live, join, the Lord will rebel.

As for the old bear, it unexpectedly ate very little, only about 20 catties of meat, and finally drank a large pot of wild vegetable and mushroom soup in one breath.

Then, it wobbled away, walking very slowly, stopping and going, first walking around the safe house, then around the well, then around the farmland, and finally around the territory, in a circle, Another lap.

When I was tired from walking, I came back and lay down on my stomach. After a while, I started snoring loudly, and I became very fat.

As for Li Siwen and Song Hu, one was busy making bricks with mud, and the other was building a brick kiln with mud.

Burnt earth bricks + thin mud can basically be relatively stable, as long as the top is covered, it is basically not afraid of rain.

Of course, if it is soaked in water, it is another matter.

As long as the two brick kilns are operating normally, they can burn 10,000 bricks every day. These days, Song Hu will make bricks with mud during the interval between moving stones and after dinner, with an average of 5,000+ per day. Already stacked together so much better.

The two of them were busy until midnight, then they ate some supper and rested separately.

Nothing happened all night, and I slept soundly. After all, Lord Fox was watching outside. During this time, even the Beep Mosquitoes are rare. Maybe they have already known the autumn overnight

At around five o'clock in the morning, Li Siwen woke up. He dreamed about that eyeball again, but it was still walking in place.

"So you want to mess with me by gradually approaching me, approaching me, I'm relieved."

Li Siwen took a little soul value at random, and added it to the soul development rate which had dropped to 98%. Donkey Moon, wouldn't it be nice to stay put

So it's another good day.

Giving a fruit to Lord Bao who was about to go hunting, this guy jumped off the balcony with a stern look, heading north all the way, with a strong figure.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Master Bao's body seems to be a bit bigger, weighing about 350 catties. It seems that he has advanced twice.

"This is a standard fighter player!"

Li Siwen said with emotion, looking at Master Fox, who has been sleeping soundly on the balcony after a busy night, he is a standard assassin player.

Master Fox has a petite figure and weighs only about 50 jins, but he is extremely fast, has no traces on the snow, walks silently, and has a pair of really sharp claws.

By analogy, Song Hu with a humanoid lighter is considered a mage

Bah, what the hell is a mage, could it be the kind that can only light a fire, and then attributes add life, stamina, one-handed sword proficiency, two-handed sword proficiency, skills plus block, crit, charge, spin, and armor piercing , beheaded mage

Hmm, that seems pretty good too.

When his thoughts flowed here, Li Siwen couldn't help but burst out laughing.


The awakened Master Fox screamed angrily, swiped his big tail, and rushed over to fight Li Siwen desperately, disturbing people's dreams, which is an unforgivable crime.


There is nothing that one fruit can't solve, if not, two? Phew, absolutely impossible!

Li Siwen took advantage of this gap to extract 10 natural work points, and purified about one thousand catties of iron ore into five hundred catties of pig iron ingots for later use. .

The price-performance ratio is very comfortable, otherwise, according to the normal iron-making process, he would have to toss for several months to smelt so many iron ingots, and the quality may not be so good.

At this moment, Li Siwen glanced at the attribute bar.

Name: Li Siwen

Occupation: Farmer/Woodman (leaf symbol)

Life: 100

Stamina: 100

Strength: 36

Dexterity: 18

Defense: 6

Soul: gray, 99% development (eyeball symbol exuding black air)

Talent: Level 9 Vision, Level 3 Stability

Skills: level 4 farming, level 6 logging

Green ball (vital value): 15/15

Yellow ball (soul value): 23/45

Blue ball (heavenly value): 10/45

"The soul value is still on the safety line. I can replenish it by killing some fish today, but as long as there are enough soul points, the eyeball can only walk in place."

"It's a work of heaven, I have to figure out how to use it."

Li Siwen pondered for a while, his current weapons and equipment are relatively complete, the black wooden shield is anti-corrosion, and in the future he can get an iron wooden shield to deal with normal battles.

But Lord Leopard and Master Fox don't need armor and weapons.

Song Hu already has a Zhanma Dao, how about building another set of armor for him

When the time comes, he wields a flaming long knife and wears a heavy armor to attack the enemy soldiers. This is absolutely powerful, especially for dealing with the enemy's army formation, it is the most suitable.

However, the cost of a set of fine steel armor is not low, at least 60 points of natural work value to start.

Li Siwen hesitated, but finally set his eyes on Master Xiong. At this moment, Master Xiong also got up and was walking around the territory, walking steadily and slowly, like an old man in his seventies or eighties. Son

Hey, Lian Po is old, can he still eat

For a while, Li Siwen couldn't make up his mind, after all, it's really hard to say how much combat power Master Xiong has left.

So, let's wait until Lord Xiong fully recovers in a few days. Now the focus should be on the daily construction of the territory and the collection of resources.

After all, there is one more Master Xiong to eat.

Next, Li Siwen went to the farmland to ripen a few plants of the third-generation anti-inflammatory grass and hemostatic grass. He picked a basket of fresh fruits, and then went to make an iron-wood shield along the way.

After choosing a suitable big tree, Li Siwen threw it up with a level 6 logging skill, then opened the attribute bar, and found the floating panel that popped up temporarily under the skill. A black bug that resists corrosion, and a flame that represents fire resistance.

The initial data of these four attributes are the same, that is, Hardness 6, Toughness 4, Corrosion Resistance 1, Fire Resistance 0.

Different from the last time, the enemy to build the shield this time is the reckless lord, so corrosion resistance is not required, only hardness, toughness and fire resistance are required.

At this moment, after thinking for a while, Li Siwen first injected 5 points of vitality into the big tree, focused on the hardness, and increased it from 6 points to 9 points, as if this was the upper limit.

So he added two more points of toughness, making it 6 points.

At this time, the corrosion resistance and fire resistance below remained unchanged.

Li Siwen skipped the anti-corrosion, went directly to the fire-resistant pattern, injected a little vitality, and raised it a little.

This time, the change came.

Add a little fire resistance, and the corrosion resistance will decrease a little.

Add two points of fire resistance, the corrosion resistance will be reduced by two points, but at the same time, the toughness will be reduced by one point.

Li Siwen finally added 6 points of fire resistance, and the corrosion resistance decreased by 6 points, the toughness decreased by 3 points, and the hardness decreased by 1 point.

In fact, he originally wanted to continue to add more, but considering that the toughness is not enough, it will also affect the overall state of the iron wood shield, so he can't go to extremes.

So far, the level 6 logging skill has been released successfully.

Li Siwen was taken aback when he chopped with the mountain axe. Although he had expected it, he still didn't expect that the hardness of 8 points was almost comparable to that of steel.

Fortunately, he had reduced his strength, and the mountain ax was also an enhanced version, which was most conducive to logging, so it was not destroyed.

Next, he chopped carefully for half an hour before he felled the iron tree, which was more troublesome than tearing down a stone wall.

"Level 6 logging skill is really promising!"

Li Siwen suddenly had a super bold idea.