Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 128: Three big fish that fell from the sky


In just a few tens of seconds, with Lord Xiong as the center, the river water with a radius of several hundred meters was completely frozen.

And Lord Xiong has changed from a polar bear to an ice dumpling.

Then it changed from an ice lump to a big iceberg.

It was brutal.

The frost spells of the three little Yakshas seemed endless.

It is indeed a mysterious race that can manipulate the weather.

Li Siwen didn't activate the level 9 talent Spirit Vision, so he hid in the mud nest as if he didn't exist. This depth and the extremely low temperature couldn't affect him anymore. As for the breathing problem, he can hold his breath for at least 60 minutes now. minute.

So, Lord Xiong, you must hold on, wait for my big move to cool down...

In fact, Li Siwen wasn't worried about Master Xiong at all. Nonsense, he just ate almost 4,000 catties of fish. It was a joke that Master Xiong, who had already been promoted, would be trapped. Lord, this old bone.

According to his rough estimate, Master Xiong's life is at least 500 points, physical strength is at least 500 points, strength is about 70 points, agility is about 30 points, defense is at least 10 points, after all, it suffered such a serious injury last time , Lying dying in a stone cave for more than ten days but still hanging on his breath, it is unreasonable not to have such attributes.

Maybe it's not in its prime yet, but it's good enough.

In fact, Li Siwen's judgment was quite correct. Just a minute later, a huge crack burst from the iceberg, crackling, cracking from south to north, from west to east, and then in the southeast, northwest, and spider webs everywhere. .

Within three seconds, the huge ice layer of hundreds of meters was forcibly smashed by Master Xiong!

That is a domineering!


Master Xiong roared, and the sound spread for dozens of miles, which was no more than the legendary tiger's roar.

This wave is stable, because Lord Fox and Song Hu who heard the roar will definitely come soon.

And amid Lord Xiong's furious roar, the ice cubes within tens of meters all broke into small pieces one after another. This is obviously some kind of skill.


Another ice spell landed, but Lord Xiong didn't feel like a dick at all, he turned around and ran to the shore, that's a snap.

This made Li Siwen, who was hiding in the mud pit, couldn't help but praise the table, what a stroke of genius!

What is an old bear, have you seen it, this is the legendary old bear, save your life first, and then talk about other things.

Seeing Master Xiong running towards the shore, a little yaksha in the distance must have been anxious, and immediately urged the ironhead fish to catch up, and the splash was several meters high.

This kind of ironhead fish is very good. It can still swim fast in shallow water three to four meters deep, and it is not afraid of being stranded.

And the second little Yaksha also outflanked it from another direction, with one purpose, no matter what, it couldn't let Lord Xiong go ashore.

That is not their home field.

Li Siwen hid in the mud nest, and his super hearing allowed him to judge the state of the enemy and us through the sound of water splashes and ice cubes. Hearing a little Yaksha rushing towards him, he immediately crawled out of the mud nest without a sound. Climb behind an ice floe in the water and bide your time.

The speed of that kind of ironhead fish is really fast, and like a bulldozer, it can smash a huge ice block head-on in an instant, comparable to an icebreaker.

At this moment, with the pincer attack of the two little Yakshas, the old bear, who was more than 300 meters away from the river bank, was in danger of being outflanked.

Li Siwen observed the situation. At this moment, the third little Yaksha was still casting frost spells, trying to slow down the old bear, which slowed down Master Xiong's swimming speed several times.

Seeing it, the first little yaksha had already caught up to Lord Xiong within 50 meters, and Li Siwen was only 80 meters away. Without saying a word, he activated his talent of spiritual vision, and a void javelin locked onto the ironhead fish, and immediately Injected ten soul points.

To Lao Tzu - explode!

In an instant, the ironhead fish weighing four to five thousand catties exploded in the head, and even the eyeballs turned into watermelon juice.

The dead cannot die again!

But the iron-headed fish was dead, and still maintained a very high speed, and slammed into Master Xiong, but this collision was meaningless. Master Xiong roared and jumped up, slapping the somewhat confused Little Yaksha was smashed to pieces.

In the next second, Xiao Yasha's icy heart exploded, forming a huge cold current, directly freezing Lord Xiong into a polar bear again.

Li Siwen was so familiar with this scene, he got back into the mud pit long before the ice heart burst, and he didn't get out again until the power of the ice frenzy was exhausted.

Well, it's not that he's cheating Master Xiong, but Master Xiong has high physical strength and strong resistance, and he gets used to it when he's cold, and Master Xiong can get out of trouble by himself.

Otherwise, if Li Siwen was frozen, it would really be the end of the game. Just the low temperature of seventy to eighty degrees could make his physical strength lose in a few minutes, and he would be frozen to death.

As for Master Xiong, he will probably hold on for dozens of minutes.

At this time, as expected, Master Xiong, who was frozen for the second time, was attacked by the remaining two little Yakshas crazily, and the frost spell was thrown down for free.

However, Li Siwen noticed one thing keenly, that is, after the second Little Yaksha rode an iron-headed fish and approached Lord Xiong fifty meters away, it changed its attack method and aimed at it with a purple stone statue. Why is this picture of the frozen Lord Xiong so familiar

Catching pets

Impossible, just looking at the pattern lit up on Lord Xiong's forehead in the ice layer more than ten meters thick, one knows that there is definitely something wrong.

There is no longer any delay!

Li Siwen jumped out of the ice, ran wildly, and killed the second little yaksha.

As soon as he jumped out, he was spotted by those two little yakshas, but the strange thing is that these two little yakshas still dealt with Lord Xiong with all their strength, one kept releasing frost spells, and the other kept aiming at Lord Xiong with purple stone statues , What the hell, are you confident that you can end Lord Xiong in a few seconds

Grass, when Uncle Li is air!

Li Siwen resolutely and forcibly activated the second level 9 talent vision, because each time the talent vision would only form a void javelin, which was his only long-range attack method.

This time he locked on to the second little Yaksha, but what he didn't expect was that the nihilistic javelin started to lock, and that little Yaksha sensed it. It seemed to be screaming, and immediately aimed at the purple stone statue. Li Siwen, motherfucker!

For a moment, Li Siwen had a feeling of imminent disaster. He threw the void javelin recklessly, but the lock was shifted and transferred to the ironhead fish. The big fish died tragically in an instant, but the situation on the battlefield Still nothing has changed.

Master Xiong was completely frozen by the burst of Han Bing's heart, and he couldn't break free for the time being.

And Li Siwen was targeted by the purple stone statue again!

The rhythm of group destruction!

"Crack, click!"

Cracks appeared in the attribute column, and in the blink of an eye, the integrity of the first row of attributes, that is, 'Name: Li Siwen' dropped by 50%.

"The curse of the red name again?"

Li Siwen has a lot of experience in this. He always has 15 vitality points in his green ball to prevent this from happening.

Quickly extract a little vitality, directly repairing 50%.

In the next second, the crack reappeared, and the integrity dropped by 50%.

And at this time Li Siwen found that the little Yaksha actually jumped off the big dead fish, holding a purple stone statue, and striding towards him. It walks out of a sea of reincarnation and rebirth of Tathagata.

for a while—

'Monster, hurry up and die! Dawei Tianlong, World Honored One Ksitigarbha, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Ba Makong! 'The supreme rhythm whirls.

But, do your parents know that you are so good

Looking back at Master Fox and Song Hu who had already arrived on the shore, Li Siwen stepped forward and swung his ax down!

In an instant, under the unbelievable gaze of that little Yaksha, its body and ice heart exploded together, and the cold current froze everything, including Li Siwen himself.