Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 129: Just gang up on you, if you don't agree with me, come beat me up!


Li Siwen's world was stopped.

But his eyes still reflected the excitement and excitement of the moment before the world was stopped.

It's understandable to be wonderful, but it's exciting. Anyone who blasts a cold heart with an axe will call it exciting.

He still maintained the posture of swinging down the mountain axe, and the low temperature of minus 70 degrees instantly froze him into an iceberg, which was still crystal clear and transparent.

Even the slight changes in the eyes, the slightly raised curve of the corners of the mouth, the expression on the face, every fine hair is clearly visible.

With a strange sense of beauty, it seems to be a work of art that has traveled through thousands of years of time and space from the prehistoric era to the present moment!

"Lee Scum Sven's Mysterious Smile"! ! !

So, when Lord Fox and Song Hu rushed up to see this scene, they were all shocked.


Master Fox got angry, and rushed into the mist with a whoosh, I can't help this violent temper.

Fortunately, Song Hu was still reliable. With a low growl, flames burst out from all over his body, and he swung the saber and slashed wildly.

They heard the roar of the old bear a minute ago, and immediately dropped everything, and rushed towards the river for support.

And the territory is less than two kilometers away from the big river, so it is very convenient to support, which is why Li Siwen was very determined from the beginning.

There's nothing more comforting than having your teammate right in front of you the moment you're cornered.

That's what the team is about.

The only fly in the ointment, which Li Siwen could not have expected, was that Master Fox was so stubborn, so this guy wouldn't think he was dead, would he

Li Siwen was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Because Master Fox ran out of the coverage of his secondary soul force field in a blink of an eye and disappeared.

It's like killing me!

Because this place has become extremely cold, and it is located in a large river with abundant water, it has already been shrouded in thick fog in all directions, and more water vapor has turned into flying snow, resulting in extremely low visibility.

Even Li Siwen didn't know whether the third little Yaksha had escaped or gone. After all, his level 9 talent, Spirit Vision, could only visit an area with a radius of 100 meters.

Fortunately, Song Hu's saber was so powerful that he 'cut' Li Siwen out of the iceberg in a moment.

"Help Lord Xiong get out of trouble first."

Li Siwen yelled, but he didn't intend to find Master Fox. It would be stupid to run around without effective vision of the battlefield.

Relying on the strength of the team is the right thing to do.

At this moment, while Li Siwen was moving his stiff body, he split the ice layer with a few axes, revealing the purple stone sculpture, which was no longer magical at all.

But he had clearly seen before that there was a blue light injected into the dead little Yaksha, making it impossible for his blue ball to capture it.

This is very annoying.

Li Siwen was also unambiguous, took off one of his boots, threw the purple stone sculpture in, rolled it up, and stuffed it into the helmet again.

The so-called double guarantee, safety first.

Details, attention to detail at all times.


With the help of flame melee mage Song Hu, Master Xiong was finally out of trouble. He was obviously very anxious. It seemed that he had an unusual relationship with Miss Fox, and had emotions similar to that of parents and children.

However, the old bear is an old bear, and the big nose sniffed violently a few times, and then there was no movement.

The implication was that in order to fight in a team battle, the boss, Li Siwen, still had to call the shots.

"Go this way!"

Li Siwen pointed to the depths of the river, no matter where Master Fox hid, or whether the third little Yaksha was fleeing or fighting, but there was one thing that the other party couldn't ignore.

That is-

The stone sculpture Li Siwen held high in his hand!

This is the bait, the bait of Chiguoguo.

Want to

Come here if you want, I promise not to beat you to death.

Li Siwen strode forward, and Master Xiong was on the left, fifteen meters away.

Song Hu was in the rear right, 30 meters away, and put away the flames.

None of the three of them communicated, but it was rare that they all made the best tactical cooperation.

Keeping a distance from each other is to prevent being frozen, so that no matter who is frozen, others can quickly help.

In addition, it is also to prevent the ice layer from collapsing, um, what if we all stand together and fall into the water

Although they all know how to swim, as we all know, if submerged in water, the effect of Xiao Yasha's frost spell will be superimposed by at least 200%!

After walking forward for about two or three hundred meters, Master Fox appeared. It was actually jumping and running along the ice floes in the middle of the big river, like a red elf.

And behind Master Fox, there is the third little Yaksha, which continuously releases frost spells, trying to freeze Master Fox, but unfortunately, the fur doesn't even touch it.

In addition, the ironhead fish was also constantly chasing and killing, smashing pieces of ice floes, aggressively!

But as we all know, fish in water can never outrun beasts on land.

What's more, Master Fox is such an assassin who is good at speed!

Unless all the ice floes are smashed, but that is impossible. There are too many ice floes on the river. With Master Fox's weight and lightness, even the ice floes the size of a palm can provide him with a boost.

Master Fox is awesome! Master Fox is mighty!

Li Siwen was overjoyed, but also heaved a sigh of relief. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't be worried.

At this moment, there is no need to say much. As soon as he saw Li Siwen and the three of them, Master Fox immediately sped up and jumped onto the ice layer, while Little Yasha behind him wanted to escape. After all, it is not stupid in the case of four against one of.

But that iron-headed fish weighed four to five thousand catties. Originally, it was chasing and killing Master Fox at full speed in the river. How could it turn around easily if it wanted to

After just a few breaths of stagnation, Li Siwen roared wildly, jumped up from the ice, stepped on a piece of ice floe to use his strength, and chopped the iron head fish's sky cap with an axe.

Yes, he knew that this place was the hardest, but he slashed with all his strength, and the force of the shock alone was enough to stun the ironhead fish for a few seconds.

Although in an instant, he was frozen into ice cubes by a frost spell, but in the next second, the red afterimage flashed, and the little yaksha was cut and exploded by Master Fox.

Li Siwen, who witnessed all this, wanted to cry but had no tears.

Come on, pig teammate, pig teammate! Anyway, you wait until I get under the water before you do it. This is all right, once it freezes, there will be two, thanks to the fact that there are no other enemies nearby, otherwise this is the rhythm of group destruction, understand

Buckle a piece of fruit!

In the crystal clear ice, Li Siwen's eyes glared angrily. Well, another work of art handed down from generation to generation was born.

"Lee Scum Sven's Mysterious Roar"! !

Fortunately, the old bears in the back were very doggy, and Song Hu could only call 666. The two of them smashed and slashed, killing the big fish first, and then rescued Li Siwen and Master Fox.

"Pull back! Take the big fish and go back!"

Li Siwen was frozen twice in a row, and his whole body was shaking like a quail. As soon as he recovered, he hurriedly shouted, joking, they are now seven or eight hundred meters away from the river bank, it's too dangerous!

Do you understand that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall