Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 131: Never take off your armor


The breastplate must be much heavier than the helmet, and it also requires more materials and workmanship points, so after serious thinking, Li Siwen safely extracted 20 workmanship points, and poured all of them into the second fish head armor , and then concentrate on forming the general attributes of the breastplate in your mind.

This time, the entire piece of fish head armor was covered, and even the pig iron ingot was melted for about three hundred catties, which basically determined the weight of the breastplate.

After a while, only two bubble options appeared, which meant that Li Siwen invested too little in the first step, but considering his current family background, it was still very appropriate.

Because of the first bubble option, 80 Tiangong points are required.

And the second bubble selection requires 60 natural work points.

There is not much difference between the two, even the shape of the breastplate inside is generally the same, the difference lies in the special pattern.

The first special pattern is a violent bear. Undoubtedly, this violent bear pattern can even allow Lord Xiong to have some kind of passive talent or skill when wearing this breastplate.

The second special pattern is a wolf, which is much worse.

Li Siwen glanced at the blue ball at this time, there are still 32 points of heavenly work left in it, as for the remaining green spar, which is about the same size as the yellow spar just now, it can only absorb 65 points Tiangong value, in this way, it can reach 97 points, and at most it will not exceed 100 points.

"Then choose the first one."

Li Siwen started quickly, and after a while, the green spar turned into an ordinary small stone, and the heavenly work value in his blue ball reached as much as 98 points.

After some extraction and injection operations, a violent bear breastplate of about three hundred kilograms was completely formed.

The structure of the breastplate is divided into four parts, corresponding to the chest, abdomen, and back. When putting on and removing the armor, someone needs to help tie a hook on the back.

In short, the workmanship is quite excellent, after putting it on for Lord Xiong, it is a little fatter.

However, considering that Lord Xiong will be able to advance again in the future, his stature may continue to increase, which is trivial.

"Master Xiong, you don't need to wear this set of armor every day. When there is no enemy situation, the armor will be kept in the room. If there is any enemy situation, Song Hu will help you wear the armor immediately. I believe that Master Fox is on guard around the territory. The enemy may be caught off guard."

At this time, Li Siwen discussed with the old bear, after all, including the helmet and the breastplate, it weighs more than four hundred catties, and it would be too unkind for Master Xiong to wear armor day and night.

But what he didn't expect was that Master Xiong roared triumphantly, and went to patrol the territory swaggeringly. Looking at the devil's steps deliberately showing off, he had no intention of removing his armor at all.

That's right, Master Xiong looks domineering and unparalleled, but in fact he has the soul of an old bear. I am afraid that Master Xiong will not take off his armor for a long time in the future.

In this regard, Li Siwen just let it go, anyway, this old bear has thick skin and thick flesh, and with endless strength, he won't feel any discomfort wearing armor all day long.

And to take a step back, Lord Xiong wears armor around the clock, which will greatly improve the security of the territory. At that time, Lord Fox, the trump card, will be responsible for long-distance patrols, and Lord Xiong, the heavy tank, will be responsible for short-range defense of the territory. For a Song Hu who is on duty every day, the entire territory is really impenetrable.

If you want to go out for a while with Lord Bao, you don't have to worry about losing your old nest—ahem, that's basically impossible.

All in all, this is a great thing for the territory's comprehensive strength to go a step further.

The sense of security is at least +10!

"Old Song, after a while, I'll get you one too." Li Siwen patted Song Hu on the shoulder, and the melee mage was also very popular.

Then he hurried to have lunch. Now that the most important strategic-level tanks have been completed and the security construction of the territory has come to an end, the construction of the territory, which has been delayed for several days, must be on the right track. Early completion.

In addition, due to the joining of the old bear and the changes in the external environment of the territory, Li Siwen needed to readjust the strategic development direction of the territory.

This is really important. In summer, you have to plan for winter, and in autumn, you have to plan for spring and summer next year.

And since it was his first time experiencing winter in this world, Li Siwen had to consider how the territory should deal with it if the winter was prolonged, or if the wood monsters were too rampant in winter, and there were things more terrifying than the wood monsters. .

Dodge is impossible to dodge.

Giving up is even more impossible.

After more than two months of development, his territory has begun to take shape and is on the right track. Its future development can be expected, and it has successfully passed the rainy season, repelled the invasion of ratmen, and stored a large amount of winter supplies. All kinds of tools and weapons are available, and the morale of the team members is high.

Under such circumstances, Li Siwen was still very confident in facing the challenge from Winter.

Of course, if the situation is really out of his control, for example, a dragon suddenly flies from the snowy mountain, then needless to say, he can only take refuge in the cave of Shizhu.

But in that case, everything in the territory would be ruined! All previous efforts were destroyed and negated.

For example, the water well, the precious medicinal herbs in the farmland, and the earth tree demon. Do you really think that winter is coming and they enter the hibernation period to solve the problem

"So, make more preparations."

After lunch, Song Hu continued to move stones. Master Fox was sleeping late, while Master Xiong was still immersed in the joy of reinstalling his new identity as a violent bear. At this moment, he was starting a more complicated circle along the territory. Li Siwen estimated that it was Familiarize yourself with the terrain so that you won't miss the chance to fight because you can't see it.

At this point, Li Siwen felt that saving the old bear was really a big profit. Look at his sense of crisis, eh, Lord Bao

Well, Lord Leopard with a fresh fruit in his mouth is on his way again. Its sense of crisis is also excellent, and it is hurrying up to hunt and stock up on food for the long winter

The team members are so conscious, it is even more impossible for Li Siwen to slack off, but at this time he has to deal with the purple stone sculpture first.

Just in case, he went directly to the canopy of the Earth Wood Demon. This is his king-level home court, which can basically deal with most situations.

It is worth mentioning that the last time he faced the flying centipede, the tree root hut he temporarily built has now become a new tree house. Clusters of tree roots grow nearby, turning into strange branches, and finally surrounding the tree. The root hut is constantly strengthening the growth.

For this situation, Li Siwen estimated that it was caused by the inertia of thinking.

That is to say, he issued a growth order. Although it seemed to him to be terminated, the idiot attribute of the earth wood demon would still maintain this order for a long time.

"This is the real tree house."

Li Siwen thought with a smile, he won't interfere anymore, after all, it takes 90 points of vitality to activate the wood demon's vision once, and the landlord's family doesn't have any food left.

Drilling into this natural tree house, soon, clumps of branches and leaves will automatically block the entrance. It looks magical, but it is actually very magical.

It's a pity that only Li Siwen can enjoy this function at present.