Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 136: Ranran theorem


"I always feel like I'm going crazy!"

During lunch, Li Siwen was out of his mind and quite frustrated. You must know that he thought that he had a thorough understanding of the division of stones, the yin and yang of virtual and real, and he was able to test his edge. Who would have thought that reality would be so cruel

After lunch, other things were arranged properly, and Lord Bao was sent away. Li Siwen sat on the pile of stones, staring at the pile of stones in a daze. After a long time, he patted his forehead thoughtfully.

"Am I a bit superfluous?"

"Why do I have to worry about calculating the center of gravity and various forces of each stone?"

"If this calculation is true, even if I am a Mizuki Xueba, I can't bear it, not to mention there are ten trillion scumbags between me and Xueba."

"So I got it wrong from the beginning, I don't care what its center of gravity is, what force it is! What do those formulas and theorems have to do with me?"

"Why do I study the division of stones into eight sides, virtual reality and yin and yang, not because I want to become a physicist, but because I want to make the body itself more familiar, more appropriate, and more sensitive to the changes in external forces!"

"Student masters use massive formulas and calculations to master the trajectory of power changes, but I need to use my body to familiarize myself with and master the trajectory of power changes. Although they all have the same goal, the results are quite different!"

With this in mind, Li Siwen jumped up, picked up a stone weighing more than a thousand kilograms, and with a struggle between his arms, he threw it seven or eight meters away.

Then he laughed, suddenly enlightened.

That's right!

That's what I mean.

For the action just now, the masters can easily list the formulas and calculations on a blackboard, and then get the correct result.

However, Li Siwen only needed to familiarize his body with the big rock, and make sure to use the least force to lift it up, or use the greatest force to throw the stone as far as possible.

"So this is the theorem of knowing what it is but not knowing why it is!"

"I'm a farmer and a wild monster. Do I need to know why? Of course I don't need it, but my body needs it. It's like spatial judgment, like the talent of vision, like the talent of stability. I need to know the reason. the principle?"

"Not required!"

"People can walk, run, climb, swim, and make various complex movements, but there is really no need to understand the physical formulas in these movements."

Li Siwen murmured to himself, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, stepped forward, and lifted up that thousand-pound boulder again. This time he didn't throw it out, but kept turning the stone over and over again, Constantly feel its changes in the state of motion.

"A stone is divided into eight sides, virtual and real, yin and yang! In fact, it is not only a stone in a static state, but a stone in a moving state. Its variables are so large that it is enough to make ten academic masters tired. But for my body, as long as Once you are familiar with the variables of this force, you will be more sensitive to changes in force, and you will be able to perfectly control it naturally!"

"Of course, there is a premise that I have to have such a strong body and have enough strength to back it up."

During the short change of thoughts, Li Siwen's movements became faster and faster, and the variable of the force generated by the boulder itself, and the trajectory of the force under the state of motion became more and more clear.

It's amazing.

Just like a shot put in your hand, through rotation and grasping the variable force, the body will naturally make the best throwing action.

Ordinary people are still like this.

What's more, Li Siwen has mastered the talent of spatial determination + level 3 stability, and he already has this kind of potential. He just didn't develop it before, and he didn't have a deep understanding of it.

Now, everything is right and everything is right.

Originally, he needed at least 70% of his strength to lift the big rock stably, but now, he needs 70% of his strength, after all, the weight of the big rock remains the same.

But if he moves and changes the center of gravity of the stone, then he can quickly fine-tune the variables of these forces through the body, adjust the center of gravity of the body, the position of the palms, and even the rhythm of breathing.

Therefore, he still only needs 70% of his strength to make this big rock roll slowly in his hands, from left hand to right hand, from front to back, just like a toy.

Suddenly, Li Siwen opened his eyes, his body moved slightly, his center of gravity changed, and at the same time, he exerted all his strength, and with a low growl, his whole body and the big rock were thrown away as if they were one.

Naturally, his body didn't really fly, but he was obtaining the maximum kinetic energy in this way, allowing the boulder to fly directly more than ten meters away.


The stone fell to the ground, but Li Siwen fell silent again. After a long time, he turned around and went to the safe house, took out the black wooden shield, held the shield in his left hand, and held the ax in his right. He closed his eyes and simulated the aura he had just received.

But a few seconds later, he shook his head in disappointment. The black wooden shield was too light, and he also lacked the opponent's powerful attack. This kind of attack power variable is what he needs to master, so that he can reproduce the aura he just obtained .

Without further ado, he threw away the black wooden shield, and then took another rough, unformed, iron-wood shield blank that didn't even have a handle, and called Song Hu who had just brought back the stone.

"Hit me with your saber!"


Song Hu was baffled, what and what

"If you don't understand the practice, just kill me." Li Siwen shouted impatiently, and if he continued to dawdle, the aura would disappear.

"Then—Boss Li, take care of me." Song Hu blinked, he understood what was going on, but you must have underestimated my old Song's strength.

He slashed vertically at random, using only 50% of his strength. Li Siwen held the iron and wood shield with both hands, and blocked it steadily. From this point of view, it was a very simple, even slowed down battle.

But the moment Song Hu's saber collided with the iron-wooden shield, Li Siwen immediately sensed the subtle changes in the incoming power, and passed the space judgment +3 level of stability. He just held the iron-wooden shield As soon as he changed and lifted, he let go of his strength and strode forward at the same time, with a sudden blow, Song Hu groaned, but he almost couldn't even hold the saber.

"Use all your strength and show your true strength."

Li Siwen said coldly, but the excitement in his heart was unparalleled.

"Then offend!"

Song Hu finally became serious at this time, his eyes widened, and a flame more than one meter long appeared on the two-meter-long, tens-of-jin saber. With a roar, his whole body was like a ball of fire, spanning seven or eight meters. , Slashing in the air with a slash, the speed and power are at least three times stronger than the slash just now!

But this speed is still far behind the Flying Centipede.

Li Siwen could shoot the flying centipede to death, even after the injection, the flying centipede was faster than Song Hu, so it was still more than enough to face such a speed at this moment.

He didn't dodge, he stepped forward, the iron and wood shield sealed the knife, it was very heavy, the force of this knife was at least two thousand catties, yes, that's how it felt.

The burst of power, the change of power, the virtual reality of power, the variable and trajectory of power under high-speed movement, everything is clearly visible at this moment.

That's right, it's too simple.

Song Hu's seemingly peak knife, the change in power is not even as complicated as that of the big rock just now, so after Li Siwen sealed the knife, his body swayed, his center of gravity changed, between pushing and pulling, A larger force rolled back, and Song Hu was sent flying more than ten meters with a shield.

Song Hu, who fell to the ground, was stunned and couldn't accept it, but Li Siwen smiled, and suddenly held the iron and wood shield weighing more than a hundred catties with one hand, and spun it back and forth in his palm like nothing, But from beginning to end, the shield seemed to be attached to it.

"This this-"

"Do you want to know what this is? It's very simple, the stone is divided into eight sides, the virtual and the real are yin and yang."

Li Siwen smiled mysteriously, unfathomable.