Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 137: Sneak copy



There was an ear-piercing and difficult sound on the iron-wooden shield, but it was Li Siwen who was chopping it bit by bit with the mountain axe.

Due to the hardness of 8 points, although he used the level 6 logging skill to fix the iron and wood shield a few days ago, he still had no time to deal with it.

It wasn't until this afternoon that Li Siwen divided the stone into eight sides, and sublimated the concept system of Yin and Yang of virtuality and reality to the variable trajectory of the force, that he began to chop and carve in a hurry.

This iron wooden shield is different from the previous black wooden shield. It is only 60 centimeters wide, one meter long, and 20 centimeters thick. Its density is about one-third that of steel, so its weight alone is three About one hundred kilograms.

To be honest, this is also the reason why Li Siwen didn't do anything before. After all, he was afraid that he would not be able to handle the heavy iron and wood shield flexibly in battle.

For example, at the last moment in the rat man's territory, he was holding a black wooden shield that weighed only 80 kilograms, so he could react quickly and block the rapidly approaching balls of corrosive liquid.

If it were an iron and wood shield weighing 600 jin, he would have died so long ago that there was not even a bone left.

But it was different now, he could pass the training on the 300kg iron and wood shield, and eventually he could control it with ease.

The only pity is that he had consumed too much Heavenly Points before, leaving only 5 points, and to install a handle made of fish head armor on the Ironwood Shield, he needed at least 10 Heavenly Points to start.

So he could only use a sledgehammer and a fine steel chisel to cut two holes in the center of the iron-wood shield, cut the tanned deerskin into small strips, made them into leather ropes, and threaded them into handles.

As for the secret to tanning deerskin, well, Li Siwen doesn't have saltpeter, but he has urine! ! ! ! Plus rock salt, and bark sap and more.

The process is so dark that he doesn't want to recap it now.

It turned out not bad.

After building the iron-wood shield, Li Siwen first used it as a training shield. Such a heavy thing was used to fight. When encountering Ratman soldiers, he could charge without thinking. When meeting opponents like Lord Fox and Lord Leopard That is courting death.

Without an instructor, Li Siwen could only figure it out by himself, after all, he had two actual combat experiences.

First of all, what he trained was the fast obstacle run with the shield.

With the shield in his left hand and the mountain ax in his right, he ran at a speed of 100 meters and 8 seconds in the flooded valley full of big rocks.

He ran for an entire afternoon, until he got used to and mastered the variable trajectory of the force exerted on him by the iron and wood shield in various states such as fast running, jumping, sharp turning, sudden stop, short-term acceleration, and explosive acceleration. .

That is to say, he has passed the action of holding the shield. The passing standard is to hold the shield as if there is nothing. No matter what action he makes, the 300 kg iron and wood shield will not interfere with him or make a mistake in judgment.

At night, Li Siwen lay on the kang like a dead dog, his body ached like never before, his limbs were numb, and his strength was exhausted.

At this time, even eating the fruit has little recovery effect.

This state is called overtired, and you have to take a good rest for a while.

But Li Siwen did it on purpose.

Because only in this way can the memory of each part of the body be deepened, and the variable trajectory of various external forces be more 'knowledgeable'.

After dinner, he fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up at dawn, he felt refreshed and fully recovered.

120 points of stamina can be so domineering.

Walking out of the room, Master Bao didn't leave. After all, Li Siwen hadn't ripened the fruits last night, and Master Fox was also wandering around anxiously. It was impossible to live without fruits.

Only Old Xiong was circling the territory calmly, while Song Hu was studying a feathered arrow with a serious expression.

"Boss Li, last night I saw that you were sleeping soundly so I didn't disturb you. This feathered arrow came from the big horned deer brought back by Lord Bao last night, and it hit the neck."

"This is not Tang Yuanshan's feathered arrow, and it probably wasn't shot by him. However, it can hit a running big-horned deer. This archery skill is also very extraordinary. Boss Li, I have a bold guess. This may be the magic arrow." An archer trained by Tang Yuanshan."

"They must have started hunting big-horned deer on a large scale, so I don't think Lord Leopard should go hunting anymore. After all, the monster lord will definitely go."

Song Hu's words were like a shock to the sky, and Li Siwen panicked for a full tenth of a second before calming down quickly.

Because this situation is not too sudden, as winter approaches, whether it is the blue wolf or the reckless lord, or they all need a large amount of food reserves, and the large-horned deer herd with a scale of thousands is undoubtedly the best choice.

What Li Siwen didn't expect was that the reckless lord had turned into a monster, but he still developed according to the way of life of the human race. Shouldn't he summon a group of little monsters to push everything across

"It is estimated that there are very strict restrictions."

Li Siwen immediately thought of the weird parasitic mode of the rat man. Only through generations of parasitism can the power behind the scenes be smuggled into this mysterious world little by little.

Rat people are still like this.

The power of the statue behind the reckless lord could not be more powerful, and it can be directly airborne.

In this case, it is the most correct development route to continue to wear the fur of the human race and slowly accumulate strength by bestowing the flame amulet.

Only in this way, the reckless lord will become even more difficult to deal with.

The development method of the human race has certain advantages. For example, this time, Tang Yuanshan, the master archer, trained a group of strong archers for the reckless lord in a short period of time.

In addition, it is absolutely fatal to develop a controllable monster team in the dark, hide in the dark at ordinary times, and kill them at critical moments.

This analysis made Li Siwen feel heavy in his heart, yes, the monster team, how much work is worth it... Phew, wipe your drool, I should actually be worried.

The enemy is so terrifying and cunning, but I am so weak as an envoy of justice, God, give me strength quickly...

"There are two options now! Suppose the Lord of the Reckless is commanding operations on the prairie at this moment, hunting the herd of big-horned deer."

"No, there is no need to assume. With such a reckless character as the reckless lord, even if it turns into a monster, you will definitely not miss it. It is right there. Because this is a battle for the stag! If you win, you will Get more resources, and with a lot of resources, you can sacrifice a lot, and then get more powerful power and summoning places."

"So now I will either lead the team to the prairie to participate in the large-scale hegemony dungeon - the battle of the heroes, or go to the sneak attack dungeon - cut off the back road and lead the team to dig out the lair of the lord of the reckless!"

"Where do I go? Feels like I'm making history..."

Li Siwen fell into deep thought for three seconds, and then—

"Master Fox, Song Hu, you two housekeepers, Master Xiong and Master Bao, follow me on the expedition, the target is at the foot of the Snow Mountain! The lair of the evil lord!"

"Boss Li, I can go too!"

Song Hu resigned, he was very eager to fight.

Li Siwen pressed his shoulder, and said earnestly: "Old Song, can you beat Master Xiong?"

Lord Xiong stood up at the right moment, his four-meter-tall body was like a mountain, unshakable.

Song Hu shook his head guiltily.


"Old Song, can you beat Lord Bao?"

Lord Leopard looked sternly.

"Old Song, can you beat Master Fox? Can you beat me? No one can beat Master Fox, and Master Fox has to stay to watch the house, and you have to stay too."

After appeasing Song Hu, Li Siwen immediately declared that the territory had entered a state of war.

The first thing is to arrange work for Song Hu and let him continue to build brick walls.

The second is to appease Lord Fox. It is also very dissatisfied with not being able to go to war, but there is nothing that a bunch of fruits can't solve. If you can't, then get out!

A total of 20 fruits, these are the strategic materials Li Siwen left for Lord Fox and Song Hu, after all, there is no room for loss in the base camp.

Afterwards, Li Siwen ripened another 60 fruits and packed them away. This was destined to be a difficult, dangerous expedition with an unknown outcome, so logistics must not be compromised.

"Master Xiong, come here, here comes a set of war vehicles!"

Install war vehicles on the old bear, that is, two large wooden boxes, the kind that can hold two thousand catties of supplies, hanging on Master Xiong's back.

Then Li Siwen began to carry dried meat and fish, a total of six hundred catties.

But is that the end


Li Siwen put his black wooden shield on it again, put three big jars of anti-bleeding and anti-inflammatory herbs, and three big jars of idiot magic medicine, well, this one is sealed with two layers of wooden boards outside, and it can't be broken even if it is thrown on the ground. broken.

Bring two jars of Red Fox medicinal wine.

Drinking well water is five large jars and one hundred catties.

Well, it's almost there, but there are still Li Siwen's own weapons and equipment.

With an iron-wood shield on his back, a mountain axe on his back, a long steel knife on his waist, and a small steel knife tied to his wrist, he is armed to the teeth from top to bottom!

Set off!

Target Daxueshan—

"Well, wait, will I become the second blue wolf this time, and follow in his footsteps?"

Before setting off, Li Siwen pondered for a while, saying that the blue wolf boss took advantage of the opportunity of the reckless lord to come out with the main force to cut off his retreat and raid his lair, but in the end he found nothing except for the two fat aunts.

Then the reckless lord rebuilt his territory in the blink of an eye.

This story tells us that Liu Bei is really awesome.

So, this time, if he goes to copy the old lair of the reckless lord again, will he be in vain? After all, the idol can be hidden automatically, and no one can find it except the reckless lord.

"No! Today is different. The importance of the sharp archer Tang Yuanshan is not comparable to that of the former supervisor Sun Tieshi. Since the reckless lord is still adopting the development method of the human race, it is impossible to separate the territory from the common people as before. If you say give up, you give up."

"The biggest development advantage of the human race lies in farming and settlement. Unless the reckless lord wants to sacrifice everyone in winter, it is impossible to do so. The body is weak, but the noblest thing is the soul!"

"So, no matter what, Lord Reckless will leave a certain amount of guards in his lair, and considering that the war of hunting big horned deer is under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is very likely that his hidden monsters will be left to guard the lair Squad."

"It's just, is there really a monster squad?"