Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 139: This is a greeting from the woodcutter


The wind is too loud, and the white clouds are floating!

How does it feel to jump off a cliff nearly 100 meters high

The answer is, no feeling.

This is not to say that Li Siwen's mind was completely blank. In fact, the moment he activated the level 11 talent Spirit Vision, every plant and tree on the entire cliff, even every stone and every terrain change appeared in his mind. .

At the same time, the climbing movement of the big wood demon was also quickly locked on by him, and he deciphered it in 0.01 seconds.

Well, as long as a normal person maintains the most basic calmness, he will see that the climbing of the big wood monster relies on the roots that can absorb stones.

In this way, although it seems to be climbing fast, it actually means that its actions are not flexible enough.

This was the real reason why Li Siwen wanted to jump brazenly.

The right time, the right place, and the right people!

This is the flaw and weakness of the big wood demon that can never be found on flat ground.

Therefore, the moment Li Siwen slashed down in the air, the big wooden monster really hesitated for a moment. It has probably never encountered such a tough opponent before

Offense or defense

Is it to maintain the stability of the figure or to avoid it

In the end it chose attack, attack and attack!

On top of its head, seven or eight sharp tree roots pierced through the air, trying to pierce Li Siwen into candied haws.

On its chest and abdomen, two tree roots serving as arms rolled up a rock of several hundred kilograms through the ability of adsorption, and threw it towards Li Siwen.

At the same time, it is still accelerating, with countless flexible branches flying, as long as it enters its range, it will be bound!

It has to be said that such an attack is very tricky, especially since Li Siwen has already jumped down from the sky and cannot take advantage of it.

However, is it really impossible to borrow strength

The moment the hundreds of kilograms of rock smashed through the air with a scream, Li Siwen's iron-wood shield stood still and let it hit.

Almost at the same time, Li Siwen used his strength to roll backwards in the air, narrowly avoiding the piercing by the seven or eight sharp roots.

Then one foot landed on the steep cliff, without stopping at all, borrowing strength again, the whole person, like an arrow from the string, swooped down from another angle, holding the iron and wooden shield, and in a blink of an eye, one of the big wood demon was absorbed The roots on the rock were broken abruptly!

That's what kills.

The weight of the big wood demon is more than ten thousand catties!

In order to quickly climb on rocks, it has evolved a total of twelve adsorption roots alone.

Well, it really doesn't hurt to break one.

However, Li Siwen cut off the second thick root that had absorbed it with an ax back. This root was as thick as a bucket, but it was useless in front of the mountain axe.

Even when the ax was cut down, the place where the tree root was cut off actually ignited flames!

It really deserves to be a mountain ax born for logging!

It's the wood demon pattern inside that is working.

At this moment, the big wood demon made a hissing sound, but was still able to maintain his body's stability. At the same time, countless tentacles and tree roots came out, piercing towards Li Siwen from all directions on the cliff.

At the same time, the branches were flying all over the sky, trying to get close, but the wood demon pattern on the mountain-opening ax seemed to have a unique magic power, which prevented these flexible branches from approaching, which immediately made one of the big wood demon's enemy control methods useless.

But at this moment, Li Siwen actually resolutely abandoned the iron-wooden shield, grabbed the severed tree root at the moment when his body was about to lose his balance and fell off the cliff, and with a vertical leap, he rushed to the head of the big wood monster like a spirit ape , a void javelin fixed his body, and at the same time he slashed wildly with a mountain axe, because he was very worried that the void javelin would be ineffective.

Fortunately, although the earth wood demon has the attributes of a tree, it already has a soul, so the magic medicine for idiots will take effect, and the void javelin will naturally take effect at this time.

In the next second, the earth wood demon seemed to lose control and fell directly from a cliff tens of meters high!

But Li Siwen didn't stop because of this, he held the mountain ax in both hands, and slashed at the head of the earth wood demon more than a dozen times in just a few seconds, until he fell to the ground with a bang, and he was thrown out by the huge impact.

Just at this moment, Li Siwen's 120 health points lost 70 points.

The whole person was completely stunned, lying there spinning around, it took five or six seconds to recover, and then he saw Lord Bao who was jumping.

The big wooden demon is still not dead, oh, it's normal if it's not dead.

What's more, the big wood demon that was thrown down actually changed into the second form, like a big four-legged spider, the four legs are four huge tree trunks, although it moves slowly, it is absolutely safe.

At the same time, thousands of flexible branches were flying all over the sky, and in a blink of an eye, Master Bao was tied up into a money dumpling!

Sure enough, in the flat area, the real strength of the big wood demon was fully displayed, even if the blow just now was enough to seriously injure it.


Li Siwen didn't even have time to look for the iron-wooden shield, so he grabbed the mountain ax and rushed in. If he didn't rush at Lord Bao, he would become a sieve.

Fortunately, the mountain-opening ax in his hand was very restrained against the big wood demon, as long as he chopped it up, flames would burst out, and he rescued Lord Bao after three strikes and five cuts.

But the price was that both of them were trapped, the body of the big wood demon turned into four big trees, the roots pierced into the ground, the endless branches and leaves formed a net on the head, and the ground was full of endless, hard-to-defend tree roots and thorns.

Squeeze toward the middle step by step!

This battle is awesome!

At this moment, Lord Bao didn't even have a chance to fight back. He had no space, no speed, so he could only catch him without a fight!

Fortunately, Li Siwen was even more powerful. He swung the mountain ax crazily. The wooden demon pattern on it was as red as blood. It directly scattered most of the branches and cut off most of the roots and thorns. This gave him and Lord Bao A breather.

But Li Siwen can only do this, but he can't get out of the trap. After all, the big wood demon grows too many roots every second, and can constantly attack and change against him.

Finally, the earth trembled, Lord Xiong rushed down from the steep slope on the other side, and with an unstoppable momentum, he hit a big tree transformed by the big wood demon with one blow, and the huge impact directly uprooted the big tree Together, this immediately opened a gap for Li Siwen and Lord Bao who were trapped in it.

Lord Bao rushed out in an instant, but Li Siwen rushed in another direction, and the mountain ax gathered enough strength to cut down another big tree.

But the next moment the ground collapsed, and most of the heavily injured Big Wood Demon got into the ground. Is this trying to escape

"Go back!"

Li Siwen turned his head and ran away, because his level 11 talent, Spirit Vision, clearly saw that under the ground, the body of the big wood demon was undergoing its third transformation.

Uncle Yueta, he has really become a Transformer!

"Boom!" The ground exploded, and a huge wooden mallet blasted out from under Li Siwen's feet. He didn't even have time to dodge, and then he was hammered 34 meters by the wooden mallet, and his health plummeted again by 25 points.

Too cruel!

But at this time Lord Leopard rushed over with lightning again, scratching and scratching at the huge mallet with his sharp claws, but the gavel was as hard as steel, Lord Leopard, a DPS that is good at output damage, couldn't break the defense , and the next second, the first gavel blasted out from the ground, Phew!

Lord Leopard also flew.

Master Xiong got angry and rushed forward, but he had no choice but to be knocked back three or four meters by the huge mallet.

There is a door! Lord Xiong's strength and defense can withstand it.

"Master Xiong, Lord Bao, cover me! Try to hold it back!"

Li Siwen got up and shouted, now there is only one method left, and that is the level 6 logging skill. If it doesn't work, there is a high probability that they will be wiped out here today!

Speaking of which, comparing physical resistance with this big wooden monster, isn't that looking for abuse

At this time, the best way to attack is Song Hu, the younger brother.

Of course, there was also the woodcutter Li Siwen.

He has already got the level 6 logging skill, now, he just needs to give him a chance to get in touch with the core body of the big wood monster.

At this time, Lord Xiong roared again and again, and he really held back the two big gavels. Lord Bao rushed up after him, jumping sideways, perfectly comprehending Li Siwen's intentions.

Seizing the opportunity, Li Siwen instantly extracted ten vitality points, rushed from behind Master Xiong, and found the floating frame through the attribute bar the moment Master Xiong hugged a big gavel!

Hardness: 12

Toughness: 6

Corrosion Resistance: 1

Fire Resistance: 0

Regardless of the awesome attributes of this big wood monster, he directly injected ten points of vitality, and increased the anti-corrosion attribute of this guy to 6 in one breath, and then he turned his head and ran away. After all, he has become crispy at this moment. One touch is dead.

In the next second, the level 6 logging skill was successfully released, the big wood demon neighed, and several big wooden mallets wanted to retreat to the ground, but how could Master Xiong let them go at this time? With a slap of the huge bear's paw, a big wooden mallet directly became I picked up a big papaya and it shattered.

This scene stunned Master Xiong.

At this time, Lord Bao also rushed over, tearing a big wooden mallet with one paw.

"Master Xiong, don't break it, drag it out!"

Li Siwen shouted in the distance.

Master Xiong reacted quickly, and rushed up again. Two huge bear claws hugged a big wooden mallet and dragged it out!

Master Xiong has such supernatural power that he was able to pull it out more than one meter high.

Li Siwen also rushed forward at this moment, first he smashed his ax into the big wooden mallet to suppress the aura of the big wooden monster, and then helped to drag it out.

For a while, the ground around here was undulating, as if there was an earthquake, and any tree roots that protruded were immediately rushed over by Lord Leopard, biting and tearing to pieces, fiercely!

Half a minute later, when the body of the big wooden demon was basically pulled out, Li Siwen picked up the mountain ax and slashed wildly! Until the big wooden demon remained silent, it completely turned into a piece of tree.

At this moment, Li Siwen's heart moved, and he opened the attribute bar to look, and he was relieved. As he expected, the green light was shining on the green ball, and the number on it turned into 190/15.

Good guy, I gave you 185 vitality points in one go, awesome!


Apart from anything else, expand the capacity first.

In an instant, the 30 points of vitality disappeared, and the number became 160/30.

"Expand again!"

In an instant, another 60 vitality points disappeared, and the number became 100/45.

"Expand again!"

Immediately, 90 points of vitality disappeared, and the final number became 10/60.

Cool Wai Wai ~