Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 140: Heart of Wood


The ground was in a mess, and the seven or eight deep pits that had collapsed all showed how powerful the Earth Wood Demon was just now.

It's not that Li Siwen has a level 6 logging skill, and the mountain-opening ax in his hand is designed to restrain the wood demon. This battle doesn't require the earth wood demon to appear in its third form, and they will all be wiped out.

It's no wonder that Lord Bao was so resistant to taking this path before, this kind of earth wood demon exists at the top of the pyramid in the forest.

At this time, Li Siwen was still carefully examining the 'corpse' of the Earth Wood Demon. Perhaps the corpse was incorrect, because the dead Wood Demon was really a piece of precious wood.

Yes, precious.

A big tree with +6 corrosion resistance, its fire resistance has become -5, just a little spark, even a high temperature above 30 degrees can ignite it, which will play a very important role in special environments huge.

It is worth mentioning that in the battle just now, he spent 10 points of vitality to add 5 points of anti-corrosion, which almost fell short.


At this moment, Li Siwen, who was cleaning the battlefield nervously and orderly, suddenly felt a movement in his heart, but it was his level 11 talent, Spirit Vision, that saw a dense light spot of vitality three meters below the ground.

This is the effect of the 11th-level talent Spirit Vision. It has a certain ability to see through, especially sensitive to items full of vitality, but it is impossible to see through items that are not alive, such as stones.

"Quick, quick! Master Xiong, come and help!"

Li Siwen picked up the mountain ax and started digging, Master Xiong also helped dig, because he found that the light spot of life was moving towards the ground, and it would slip away by accident.

A few minutes later, he dug out a fist-sized, dark green wooden lump, a bit like a heart, and the vitality on it was so strong that it couldn't be melted.

And the moment he got this green wooden heart, his heart skipped a beat, as if some kind of enlightenment had passed by.

He immediately opened the attribute bar, and saw that the two leaf symbols behind the woodcutter profession were both highlighted, that is to say, using this green wood heart, any earth wood demon can be upgraded, or any seed tree can be upgraded. The super tree becomes the earth wood demon.

Beyond that, there are several options.

First, use the blue ball to convert it into a heavenly value.

Second, use the green ball to convert it into vitality.

Third, use the yellow ball to convert it into soul value.

This was the first time that Li Siwen saw that the yellow, green, and blue balls would not take the initiative to plunder, but could absorb items of natural value, soul value, and vitality value.

"Could it be that these earth wood demons are natives of this mysterious world, that's why these three little balls are so friendly?"

"Friendly fart, I don't want to beat them to death when we meet, but from the perspective of protecting the forest, these wood monsters can be regarded as a neutral camp."

Thinking in his heart, Li Siwen carefully put away the green wooden heart. It is not cost-effective to use this thing to transform the natural value, soul value, and vitality value. The best choice is to upgrade the earth wood demon. If it can be upgraded It will be comfortable to become a sky wood demon that can control weather changes, and the ecosystem system of the territory will be formed immediately.

Next, he searched carefully again, and after confirming that there was nothing of value, he returned to the cliff again.

Here, the war vehicle on Lord Xiong's back fell to the ground. This was what Li Siwen had specifically told Lord Bao before departure, that in case of emergency, the rope of the war vehicle should be cut immediately.

In this way, Master Xiong's battle performance will not be delayed, and secondly, it is also to protect the supplies in the war vehicles. After all, there are many fragile items here, which are easily damaged in battle.

"Let's take a rest here." Li Siwen made a decision. In the previous battle, his health had fallen into the red danger zone, and he had to recover before he could leave.

At this time, we can see the importance of logistics materials.

Dried meat, dried fish, and clear water are all standard configurations. Fruits and fox wine are luxury items. Sprinkle with anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herb powder.

This rest took a full three hours, and he ate three hundred catties of dried meat, clear water, and drank all of it. Li Siwen used all the vacant war vehicles to load the body of the big wooden demon. It is the kind of wood that is extremely easy to ignite.

"Just walk from this basin. I still don't believe that any earth wood demon would dare to jump out." Li Siwen directly chose a straight line. After all, they had already delayed too much time. If they chose to take a detour, they would probably have to walk tomorrow morning.

Of course, the reason why he is sure that there is no more earth wood monster in this basin is that if there is any more, he should have taken the lead as early as the first battle just now. I really thought he was on the cliff just to watch the scenery for three hours. .

In fact, this is true, this place is very safe in the extremely dangerous basin that Lord Bao and Lord Xiong see, except for some small animals, it is like a paradise.

Li Siwen even found many suspected medicinal herbs that he had never seen before.

Then there is nothing to say, the direct vitality value will be ripened and taken away.

For this reason, they did not come out of the basin until evening.

After leaving this basin ruled by the earth wood demon, the trees in front suddenly became sparse, and the terrain began to rise, and some different types of trees appeared. Li Siwen even saw traces of human activities, and some trees used to catch Beast's trap.

But I didn't see any human beings, but I encountered a small wild boar about 200 catties in a trap.

Of course, Li Siwen accepted it without saying a word. It's not suitable to light a fire in the forest, so he can only throw it to Master Xiong for dinner.

After all, it is carrying more than 2,000 kilograms of heavy loads, and its physical strength is the greatest.

Li Siwen waited patiently for Master Xiong to finish eating, and then rested for half an hour before continuing on the road. It didn't matter if it was dark, but he had to stay in good shape.

It was about eight o'clock in the evening, and they finally walked out of the forest. They faced the tall snow-capped mountains. The temperature was lower than that in Li Siwen's territory, but according to visual estimation, it was still 50 kilometers away from here to the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

As for the territory of the reckless lord, I haven't seen it yet, but it should be nearby. After all, before losing his eyes, Master Xiong, the Lion King and the little fox have been to the nearby area.

"Lord Bao, go and investigate, don't get too close, and try not to disturb the guards. If the lord is at home, immediately implement the second plan, lure him away and speed up the evacuation. We will gather on the opposite side of the basin. If we don't meet after dawn, Return to the territory immediately."

Li Siwen ordered in a low voice, of course he couldn't rush forward at this time, if the lord of the reckless man wasn't at home, everything would be easy to talk about, but if he was at home, then this sneak attack plan would be a joke, so of course he had to retreat as soon as possible.

Lord Bao immediately sank into the darkness without a sound, and after a while, even Li Siwen didn't know where it went.

And Li Siwen was not idle, so he took off the war vehicle from Lord Xiong, fed it five pieces of fruit, and took out a hundred catties of dried meat and fish, trying to restore its strength, after all, if it If there is a war, Lord Xiong will be the absolute main force.

This is not like fighting the earth wood demon, Master Xiong was completely restrained.

Facing the soldiers of the reckless lord, and the monster squad that may appear, Master Xiong will let them know what the horror of being dominated by a heavy bear is!