Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 141: The reckless man who is serious about farming must be pressed to death


It took more than an hour for Lord Bao to go.

When Li Siwen and Master Xiong were about to retreat as planned, Master Bao came back, unexpectedly a little tired, no doubt it used its skills again.

Li Siwen quickly took out five pieces of fruit to replenish its strength, and took out dozens of catties of jerky. Lord Bao ate it with peace of mind, it seemed that this time he was safe.

After Lord Bao ate and drank enough and rested for another half an hour, Lord Bao turned his gaze to the southeast, obviously this was the target.

At this time, Li Siwen checked his attribute bar first, and made sure that the level 11 talent Spirit Vision had cooled down, his health had recovered to 112 points, his physical strength was full, and he was ready to set off, so he let Master Bao lead the way. follow up.

At this moment, he was still quite nervous. After all, this was a battle that could be recorded in history. Well, it was a battle that could affect the outcome of the competition among the heroes in this area.

Of course, he was more worried that this trip might be empty.

After traveling about five kilometers in the dark, Li Siwen saw a mountain depression and the fire in the mountain depression.

"The reckless lord is quite good at choosing territories."

With just one glance, Li Siwen could see that the Feng Shui here was quite good.

Backed by a cliff, there is no worry about the future, and there is a cave under the cliff, so there is no need to worry about being flooded.

Outside the cave is a mountain depression, but the terrain is slightly flat and quite spacious, with a total area of three to four square kilometers.

There is a small river in the middle of the mountain, and on both sides of the small river, there are reclaimed farmlands. There are about three to four hundred acres of farmland, all of which are full of demonized wheat. Now they are more than one meter high, and they have begun to produce ears. I don’t know if they have eaten some big tonic. Maru, anyway, it will definitely be harvested before winter arrives.

This is Wangba Foundation!

Li Siwen's eyeballs were red.

Up along the small river, about one mile away from the cave, is a village. There are five tall and spacious stone houses, ten wooden houses, and sixteen mud houses. Outside the village, there are wooden walls made of logs. There is a lookout post built at the corner of the wooden wall, and four militiamen can be vaguely seen patrolling.

And outside the village, you can also see a simple training ground, which is also surrounded by wooden fences, and it is deserted at the moment.

"The development is really good. The lord of the reckless man has invested a lot in the past two months. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, who would believe that such a peaceful and peaceful village hides the most evil monster? If I expected it right, that cave is problematic."

Li Siwen had completely calmed down at this moment, he removed the war vehicle from Master Xiong, and let Master Xiong lie in ambush here, and he and Master Bao went to burn the village, um, burn the village, literally.

The wood demon corpse with a corrosion resistance of +6 is the best fuel.

After carrying seven or eight hundred catties, he rushed over.

Lord Leopard led the way, approaching like a ghost, lightning leaped onto the wooden wall, and killed the four militiamen before they could react.

At this moment, Li Siwen chopped the big wooden demon's body into small pieces and scattered them on the wooden wall. He borrowed a torch and threw it on the wooden wall.


He knew that this kind of fire resistance -5 wood was easy to ignite, but he really couldn't expect this thing to burn so violently.

Only a piece of wood weighing about 20 jin can ignite a flame five or six meters high.

"Boom boom boom!"

There is no need to deliberately ignite it, even if the rest of the wood is separated by a little spark, it will burn instantly, and it will be a big fireball in a blink of an eye.

"It's flooded! Put out the fire!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The gong sounded, and anxious shouts came and went, creating a mess.

At this time, Li Siwen and Lord Bao had already stepped aside, waiting with stern eyes.

The wooden wall of this village has been completely ignited at this moment, forming a square fire dragon, even if there is water poured on it, it will be useless, unless it is burned up at some point.

As for the villagers inside, there is a high probability that they will have a chance to be a glorious wild monster. After all, the village has such a large space, as long as there is a firebreak to prevent the flames from spreading, it is actually easy to survive.

After all, Li Siwen's purpose this time was to burn the village and kill monsters, well, it's not good to be a wild monster.

In this night, the raging flames are particularly conspicuous, and such flames should be the most effective intensifying factor for that kind of flame monster.

"Where is the evildoer! How dare you come to my Dashi Village to play wild!"

But accidents always happen. With a loud shout, a figure jumped out of the fire wall out of thin air. The moment it landed, the bowstring vibrated. Li Siwen only had time to lift his shield to protect his vitals, but the next moment he was caught The strength knocked back a full three steps.

These are just three feathered arrows!

So—is it Tang Yuanshan, the sharp archer

The reckless lord actually left this guy in his lair.

It seems that this is really going to seriously develop farming? pity!


Lord Leopard had already rushed towards him like a gust of wind, but Tang Yuanshan, the master archer, was faster and more stable. As soon as the bowstring in his hand rang, three arrows shot out, and Master Leopard's iron whip flew away. Two of them, and the remaining one couldn't be avoided at all, so scared that Lord Bao could only dodge with a big move.


Li Siwen immediately activated his level 11 talent, Spirit Vision. He was about to release the Void Javelin, but Tang Yuanshan, the sharp archer, snorted coldly. Sven's void javelin was blown up, and even the soul force field was unstable!


Who is this? so strong!

But Li Siwen still rushed forward desperately, otherwise Master Bao would die.

Tang Yuanshan, the archer on the opposite side, was still calm and composed, shooting feathered arrows like sniper armor-piercing bullets, but Li Siwen's iron-wood shield was also thick enough, the thickness of 20 centimeters was just for this kid.

At the same time, Lord Xiong also launched a charge from another direction. At this moment, Tang Yuanshan, the master archer, finally changed his expression.

"It's you, a bastard, and you're not dead?"

He shouted loudly, unleashed the arrows with his backhand, and shot nine arrows in one breath, but it didn't matter to Master Xiong at all.

The deterrent power of strategic-level tanks exploded at this moment! In the blink of an eye, he rushed within 50 meters of the master archer Tang Yuanshan.

And Li Siwen also rushed within ten meters of this guy.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a bad feeling. He saw that Tang Yuanshan threw away his big bow, drew out his long knife, sneered, and slashed at the ghost with a speed that could almost catch up with Master Fox

Li Siwen didn't have a chance to fight back at this time, so he could only quickly block with his iron and wooden shield.

When the knife comes down, sparks splatter everywhere!

"Good shield!" Tang Yuanshan praised it, and slashed it three times in a row in an extremely tricky manner.

Li Siwen was sweating profusely, he didn't dare to be careless, he could only block with all his might, the power of this Tang Yuanshan's long knife was completely different, it was not the kind that went straight, but turned, and it still had stamina, stored and unstoppable hair!

A knife like a storm!

Two knives are like waves!

After the three swords, there is a vast ocean!

Even if Li Siwen was holding a 600-jin iron-wooden shield, and with 36 points of strength, he felt like he was turning into a flat boat. With just one more blow, he would surely smash the shield and kill everyone!

Fortunately, Lord Xiong arrived at this time and slapped him. A trace of regret flashed in Tang Yuanshan's eyes, but he didn't back down. The lightning turned around and pierced Lord Xiong's paw with a knife.

Li Siwen's scalp exploded, and he took the opportunity to chop off with an axe, but this guy dodged it nimbly, and hit Li Siwen's face with a backhand punch, causing the bridge of his nose to be crooked.

Unexpectedly, Lord Leopard rushed over with lightning, biting Tang Yuanshan's left leg with one bite, and Lord Xiong's other bear paw also fell down, smashing this guy's Tianling Gai with one slap.

But until now, this Tang Yuanshan has no fear at all, and he doesn't even have the thought of running away.

Panting heavily, Li Siwen wiped away his snot, tears and blood. His body was covered in cold sweat, and the rest of his heart was full of shock. Today, he has opened his eyes. Can human beings reach this level of strength? He almost belched for letting go!

It is indeed a hero unit summoned by the reckless lord after sacrificing 300 gray wolf corpses.

Well, when he opened the attribute bar, Li Siwen looked at the yellow light on the yellow soul ball, and his heart finally settled down.

Although Master Xiong killed Tang Yuanshan, the yellow ball still plundered his soul, a total of 150 points.


Li Siwen quickly increased the volume of the yellow ball to 60.

At this time, there were bursts of roars in the cave in the distance, followed by eight monsters with flames all over their bodies rushing out.

It turns out that the monster squad really exists, and it is stronger than the flame monster that Zhao Da transformed into.

How many coffin books has the reckless lord saved

"Master Xiong, Lord Leopard!"

Li Siwen yelled, and quickly stuffed five of them each with the fruit in the small bag, and he ate five of them himself, and quickly treated Master Xiong's injury.

This must be a fierce battle, not the destructive war he thought at first.

But no matter what, there is no doubt that the reckless lord has lost a lot this time, and he will not be able to rise again in a short time.

"Ho Ho!"

Lord Xiong was the first to charge up, the ground shook, and he stood up more than 20 meters away from those flame monsters. His two bear paws slammed on the ground, and the ground cracked in an instant. A gust of wind blew up, directly stopping the charging momentum of those flame monsters.

But it was only a moment of stagnation. This kind of flame monster is obviously an elite level. One of the largest flame monsters suddenly accelerated, and crashed into Master Xiong's arms like lightning. The sharp claws were fiercely aimed at Master Xiong's chest and abdomen. !

Mars is running around!

Although it looked joyful, if Lord Xiong hadn't worn a heavy breastplate, he would have probably turned into a dead bear by now.


Master Xiong roared, and slapped his two bear paws down. With a bang, the flame monster's head was shattered, but at the same time, a raging fire ignited, instantly turning Lord Xiong into a roasted whole bear!

At the same time, Li Siwen also released the void javelin, immobilizing a flaming monster. Lord Leopard cooperated with him tacitly, pounced on the flaming monster's head with one claw, but it couldn't be avoided turning into a roasted leopard, because it I have already used the dodge skill just now.

"Leopard Lord retreat, go to the river to put out the fire!"

Li Siwen yelled, holding up his shield and rushing forward, consuming 30 soul points to forcibly activate the second talent, Spirit Vision, and refreshed two void javelins, but before he could complete the lock, the two flame monsters rushed forward like lightning When he approached, the half-foot-long sharp claws set off shadows all over the sky, about to disembowel him.

Li Siwen immediately raised his shield to block, but the moment he blocked it, he felt a little relaxed.

Because the shadows of the claws captured by these two flame monsters in an instant are not as threatening as Tang Yuanshan's three sword slashes just now. Shield, exactly like a puppet being manipulated.

But it's easy now, no matter how fast the flame monster is, no matter how sharp its claws are, the strength it grabs can be traced.

At this point, Li Siwen regained some confidence. After simply blocking for a round, he seized the opportunity to counterattack suddenly with the Iron Wooden Shield, knocked back one flame monster, took advantage of the opportunity to block the attack of another flame monster, and hit the mountain ax with his backhand Just exploded its head.

Afterwards, instead of retreating, the iron and wood shield continued to hit violently, and with one shield, the corpse of the flame monster was thrown into the air and exploded.

In one go, the first kill!