Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 142: Ghosts in the Rye


From the beginning of the battle to the moment, in less than five seconds, Li Siwen's side had already completed three kills!

The battle situation became 3:5.

At first glance, they had the upper hand, but in fact, because these flame elite monsters would explode before dying, Lord Leopard had already been eliminated at this time.

The ghost knows what this kind of flame is. Master Bao jumped into the river and rolled, and the flame has not been extinguished.

Right in front of him, Master Xiong was also covered in flames, but he insisted on not retreating half a step, and roared again and again against the attacks of the three flame elite monsters.

The remaining two flame elite monsters were besieging Li Siwen.

Now his ironwood shield is also on fire, and it seems to be stained with some kind of oil-like slime, but it is not enough to change the quality of the ironwood shield, because—


The void javelin locked on, and a flame elite monster was frozen in an instant. At almost the same time, Li Siwen also rushed to him with his shield, and with a swing of the mountain axe, he split the flame elite monster from bottom to top. After stopping most of the flames from the explosion, the whirlwind turned around and firmly sealed the claws coming from behind.

The flaming claw shadow fell like a meteor at this moment, but it couldn't hurt Li Siwen at all, and it was even a bit monotonous.

The shield changed and the steps flowed. Li Siwen found the opponent's power track in a blink of an eye. At this moment, he couldn't help the horror of being dominated by Tang Yuanshan's three knives before emerging in his heart.

What kind of weird power is that!

Subconsciously, he counterattacked with a shield, and the flame elite monster on the opposite side was forced to take a step back. In the next second, before its body recovered from this state, he quickly sealed it with another shield, forcing it back just right. step.

The flame elite monster roared, its two flaming eyes were full of bloodthirsty and madness, but it still had power, but it seemed to be bound by an invisible net, so it could only retreat passively, even trying to escape There is no chance, not even lying down and falling down.

It wasn't until Li Siwen hit the shield for the third time that it flew high, and was cut in two by a hideous ax the moment it fell.


If a ball of fire exploded, even if Li Siwen blocked most of it with his shield, he would still inevitably become a burning man.

The burning pain made him almost scream, but this was not the time for delay, the more intense flames on Lord Xiong's body had been burning for more than 10 seconds!

And those three flame elite monsters let go of the kite even more viciously, they wanted to burn Master Xiong to death.


A void javelin locked onto a flame elite monster, and the next second, the furious Master Xiong slapped it with his paw and it shattered, so the flames on Master Xiong's body became even more intense.

At this moment, Li Siwen threw away the mountain axe, holding the iron and wood shield that also turned into a big fireball in both hands, he stabbed hard into the ground, turned up a pile of soil, rushed up and poured it on Lord Xiong.

"Master Xiong, roll! Roll!"

Master Xiong was still chasing and killing those two flame elite monsters, and he didn't know if he was stupid.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lord Leopard, who was finally extinguished, jumped out from the slanted thorns and tore apart a flame elite monster with one claw, but it turned into a roasted whole leopard again.


With a roar, Lord Leopard seemed to be really angry, he ignored the flames, caught up with the last flame elite monster that had fled, and tore it apart with his claws, so the flames became more prosperous.

All of a sudden, the expedition team turned into fire men, fire bears, and fire leopards!

How embarrassing and embarrassing it is!

Li Siwen didn't care about himself, so he kept shoveling dirt with his iron and wooden shield to put out the fire for Lord Xiong, while Lord Bao learned to roll on the ground by himself.

After tossing and tossing for half a minute, he barely extinguished the flame.

The three of them were lying on the ground, how could I describe that feeling

Lord Xiong and Lord Bao didn't know what was going on. Anyway, Li Siwen's full physical strength was burned down to less than 30 points, and his health was severely damaged at the same time, leaving only 21 points.

"What the hell, if I knew this, I brought Lao Song here."

Li Siwen regretted beyond measure.

In fact, the eight flame elites are strangely based on their basic strength. Lord Leopard can be completely wiped out by himself, but he would set fire, and when the fire ignites, it really hurts. Watching the physical strength and life whizzing down, then It's really scary!

After lying on the ground for a minute, Li Siwen still forcibly got up, his whole body was so painful that he was about to pass out, but what can he do

I have to evacuate quickly. After a while, the fire in the village will be extinguished, and a few militiamen will be able to wipe them out. Well, it's impossible, but it's really not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Back at the position of the war vehicle, Li Siwen took out the remaining fruit in one go, shared it with Lord Bao and Lord Xiong, and sprinkled all the anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herbs on the three of them.

Looking back at the flaming village, Li Siwen thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, and threw the remaining 1,000 jin of wood demon corpses into the wheat field.

The population is nothing to the reckless lord, but the hundreds of acres of demonized wheat that is about to mature must not be kept. Since the village is to be burned, it must be completely burned.

The corpse of the wood demon was chopped up and evenly thrown in the wheat field. After a fire was lit, only half a minute later, the entire wheat field was engulfed in flames.

"Ah! I'm in so much pain!"

"Help me! Help me! Mama!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"


Just when Li Siwen lit a fire and was about to leave, suddenly, there were countless wailing and screaming sounds from the originally normal wheat field.

Looking back, I saw white ghosts rising from the burning wheat seedlings, screaming and screaming, trying to rush out, but they were swallowed by the flames in the end.

Li Siwen was trembling all over, his face was ashen, and his teeth were gritted!

It turns out that this is the truth about demonized wheat!

No wonder the yield of these demonized wheat is so high!

No wonder these demonized wheats obviously do not belong to this world, but they can still grow in this world.

It turns out that every demonized wheat seed planted represents the tragic death of a human race.

"Drafting, grandma!"

After cursing hysterically, Li Siwen looked at the village again. The fire over there was about to be extinguished by the villagers, but if he wanted to convince them that the lord was a monster, he would probably be beaten to death by them.


Li Siwen didn't even take Tang Yuanshan's long knife, bow and arrow, but just cleaned up his own footprints. When dawn came, the footprints of the farmers in the village would confuse all the traces.

Now, he has to consider that the reckless lord who has suffered heavy losses will go crazy for revenge, and the long knife and bow and arrow are likely to bring a more powerful curse of the red name. In addition, taking this thing will expose his own information, and let the blue wolf boss take the blame Isn't it good to be a hero

After all, all the wounds on Tang Yuanshan's body came from wild animals.

After this battle, Li Siwen had the deepest understanding of the strength gap between himself and the reckless lord, which was that he couldn't be provoked.

Especially a lunatic who can turn into a monster at any time.

Yes, that guy must be crazy.

Because this time is no different from the last time, the territory destroyed by the blue wolf has nothing, but now this territory has really spent a huge amount of resources to build.

Just one Tang Yuanshan used three hundred gray wolves to sacrifice, and so many demonized wheat, since this kind of demonized wheat was cultivated with human life and wronged souls, maybe it is not only used for food, but also has a certain burden on its shoulders. A kind of 'holy' unknown mission.

For example, selling these demonized wheat to other territories...

All in all, the reckless lord must not be allowed to find out the real culprit.

Fortunately, Lord Reckless is in the prairie at the moment, and they still have at least two days to erase all traces.

And their territory is more than two hundred kilometers away from here...