Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 144: A research report on the Earth Wood Demon


So far, there are two earth wood demons in Li Siwen's territory. In terms of quality, they are both high and low, and there is not much difference between them.

Then which earth wood demon should be upgraded depends on whether their position fits Li Siwen's next strategic plan.

So, without much hesitation, he went straight to the south slope of the wild grass.

It is about two kilometers away from the safe house. It is located on the southwestern border of the territory. The overall terrain is a depression with few trees and a lot of weeds. It belongs to the area that will inevitably be submerged as long as the river surges.

At this moment, a towering tree more than 50 meters high stands quietly here. This is the earth wood demon.

The trees in the vicinity were basically cut down by Li Siwen, leaving only one suspected wild mulberry tree, and nearly five or six hundred acres of grass spread across it, which looked very open.

The unique golden sunlight in the early morning makes the color of the weeds on the ground extremely soft and bright, showing a kind of light green light yellow. This is the warmest, safest and most intimate color, which makes people want to fight. Get out, as if you can also integrate into the sun.

Here is the wetland ecological park that Li Siwen envisioned to build.

The total area is still a bit small, if possible, an area of 1,500 mu is more appropriate.

But it's still too early to talk about this, because the wetland ecosystem still needs a lot of supporting projects, such as a huge waterproof dam, and the consequences of a future war with Sayasha must be considered.

At least this year, the Wetland Biosphere Project cannot be launched on a large scale.

Right now, Li Siwen is just taking precautions and taking a few steps to lay a solid foundation for the future development of the territory.

After all, things have to be done one by one, but overall planning requires an overall perspective.

At this moment, Li Siwen roughly checked the surrounding situation, took out the green wooden heart, and opened the property bar at the same time.

At this time, he saw that the second leaf symbol behind the woodcutter profession became extremely bright, while the first leaf symbol was in a normal state.

It seems that the effect of this green wooden heart on the earth wood demon is immeasurable.

Li Siwen didn't hesitate, and directly clicked on the second leaf symbol with his mind, and in an instant he entered the static wood demon's field of vision.

Well, the so-called static wood demon vision means that there is no need to manipulate the earth wood demon to make a state similar to migration and growth commands, and it does not need to consume vitality points.

The dynamic Wooden Demon's field of vision is different, starting with 90 vitality points.

In the static Wooden Demon's field of vision, he directly saw the green wooden heart he was holding in his hand. This thing actually emitted a green light with a diameter of one meter, so that Li Siwen could feel the idiotized Earth Wooden Demon. There is a strong desire to absorb.

At that moment, he put Mu Xin on the tree trunk of the Earth Wood Demon, and in just a few seconds, the originally extremely hard green Mu Xin turned into a dark green liquid, which slowly penetrated into the Earth Wood Demon's torso.

At this moment, there was a creaking sound from the trunk and roots of the entire Earth Wood Demon, which was growing rapidly.

But Li Siwen has been paying close attention and is ready to intervene at any time. After all, he is also afraid that what if the advanced Earth Wood Demon suddenly returns to normal

But what he was worried about didn't happen. Ever since the leaf symbol appeared behind his woodcutter profession, the earth wood demon seemed to be under his control.

At this time, in just a few tens of seconds, the diameter of the Earth Wood Demon's torso increased by about one meter, and its height also increased, and the roots of the underground trees extended toward the surroundings and deepened.

Originally, the maximum radiation distance of the tree roots of the Earth Wood Demon was 500 meters in radius, but this time it seemed that it could radiate at least 800 meters or more.

Just watching the earth wood demon blindly grow its trunk and roots, Li Siwen decisively activated the dynamic wood demon's vision and controlled it himself. After all, what he wants is a sky wood demon that can control the weather. Otherwise, if it relies on the instinctive evolution of the wood demon, what freaks will appear.

At this time, as soon as he accepted the growth of the earth wood demon, Li Siwen found that this guy was indeed going in a bigger, deeper, and stronger direction. Although this is also the correct evolutionary direction, you are serving the entire territory of.

Therefore, the direction of evolution must be changed.

First of all, strengthen the water-storing tree roots, which used to be able to store 1,000 tons of water, but now they must be increased to at least 5,000 tons. It is unrealistic to control the weather. It is unrealistic to change the drought and make the surrounding land thousands of miles away. Thunder, strong wind, and hail are not necessary, so control Weather, as the name suggests, is the control of rain.

When it rains outside, it can effectively store rainwater and prevent waterlogging.

When there is a severe drought outside, it can release water and maintain the climate of the territory.

That's not too much to ask for.

Secondly, to evolve is to filter toxins and clean water. And it can not only clean the water source, but also filter and purify the toxic air similar to acid rain.

Li Siwen issued these two evolution orders, and he didn't dare to have more, because the earth wood demon had an extremely powerful lagging effect on such orders, and it couldn't finally destroy the earth wood demon.

Exiting the dynamic Wooden Demon's field of vision and entering the static field of vision, Li Siwen observed with great anticipation. At this time, the Earth Wooden Demon had slowed down the strengthening growth of the tree trunk and roots, and instead grew one by one from the bottom trunk. Small branches, these branches quickly grow horizontally, and gradually become huge branches more than ten meters long, with leaves as big as cattail fans growing on the branches, which are very dense.

These leaves will have a light and bitter aroma, which smells good. I guess this is the ability to filter toxic air

However, there are also disadvantages.

Originally, the canopy of the Earth Wood Demon was at the top, like a big umbrella, but now there are a lot of branches growing in the middle and lower parts, which will undoubtedly increase the consumption of vitality points, and the demand for sunlight, water, and soil fertility will also increase exponentially .

In a normal forest, such an evolved Earth Wood Demon would definitely not live long.

In addition, the added branches are also prone to wind.

But these disadvantages can be improved through manual intervention.

At this time, Li Siwen looked at the water-storing tree roots of the Earth Wood Demon. It was still growing, and the water storage capacity had exceeded 3,000 tons. This growth would last for about seven or eight days, and it would definitely exceed the water storage capacity of 5,000 tons by then. , and may even exceed the water demand of 6,000 tons.

"But such an earth wood demon will definitely not be able to fight."

Li Siwen couldn't help but think of the earth wood demon that could change in three forms that he killed in the forest basin before. That guy used most of his evolutionary direction to strengthen wood fibers and roots, so he was able to change the wood demon by changing the wood. The layout of the fiber forms a change from the whole to the part, and it has good flexibility and attack power, which is completely beastly.

This evolution is caused by the external environment.

So that guy is obviously an earth wood demon, but its water storage capacity is estimated to be 10 tons, which is not bad.