Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 149: Showdown I am a task monster


In the blink of an eye, it was already the fifth day, and the reckless lord who had his hometown stolen still didn't come to the door, which showed that Li Siwen's previous judgment was basically correct.

"But you still need to be careful. Nothing is absolute. If the stubborn temper of the lord of the reckless man comes up—oh, forgot, it is no longer the person it used to be. It is a monster. There is no stubborn temper, reckless man, but It's just a code name."

Li Siwen sat in the morning sun, eating breakfast leisurely, while recalling and thinking.

He still remembers the night before the lord of the reckless man hunted the wild bear, he gave all the civilians a small piece of barbecued meat the size of a finger. Locked tightly, eyes serious, as if making a significant decision.

At that time, Li Siwen thought that the reckless lord wanted to krypton gold, but in fact he really did krypton gold. The next morning, there were five more heavily armed mercenaries in the territory, and then the reckless lord really took down a piece of land Violent Bear, the former leader of the Wild Monster Alliance, is probably brothers with Lord Xiong.

But looking back at this moment, it is not difficult to analyze some frightening details from these past pictures.

The first detail, that is, before he decided to hunt the earth storm bear, the attitude of the reckless lord towards the civilians was still acceptable. He would go to the farmland every day to inspect, although he didn't say anything, and even lost his temper when some civilians died , and even send a small piece of barbecue to boost morale and so on.

The reckless lord at this time is undoubtedly more humane.

But Li Siwen couldn't figure it out, why did the reckless lord have to hunt the earth storm bear? This is the second detail. If he remembered correctly, the territory was not attacked by the wild monster alliance during that time, even though the straight-line distance between the two sides was only seventy or eighty miles away.

At that time, the Wild Monster Alliance was a strong army, and it was easy to kill a reckless lord.

However, the wild monster alliance clearly restrained the reckless lord.

Why restraint

This is the third detail.

Then, how did the reckless lord know that there was a big earth bear in the forest when the reckless man's territory was not attacked by wild beasts and he had to sit in the territory every day

And based on the strength of the Wild Monster Alliance at that time, even if the reckless lord recruited five mercenaries, he would definitely not be an opponent of the Wild Monster Alliance, but the crux of the problem lies here. lethal!

What about its men, where about its brothers

After selecting and summarizing these details, it is not difficult to smell a kind of conspiracy, spitting, it is a smell of some kind of routine.

"So after the lord of the reckless man established the village, he must have received some kind of instruction from the idol. Well, it can also be understood as a kind of task. Wow, the main task of building the village is released. Go and kill an evil violent bear, and you will Drop the building order, or platinum props and so on."

"This can explain why the reckless lord wants to recruit mercenaries to kill the Earth Violent Bear, but what does he use for the gold? The output of the territory is limited, and he only has a strong body and an interesting soul left—well, I heard your souls are interesting, so why not try selling a penny?"

"And the little souls sold this time probably laid a deadly hidden danger for the reckless lord to eventually turn into a monster. All in all, this is death."

"But what I can't understand is, why did the chief boss of the wild monster alliance die? It couldn't be that it hit it off with the reckless lord and got killed when it came out for a date, or that the violent earth bear thought it could convince Shi Zhu Same, to persuade the same big and savage lord?"

"Probably this can only be a mystery."

"Wait, there is one more detail, assuming that it is really the command issued by the statue, asking the lord of the reckless man to kill the Earth Violent Bear, does that also mean that the statue can also issue an order for the lord of the reckless man to kill me at this moment? "

Thinking of this, Li Siwen broke out in a cold sweat, but after a few seconds, he calmed down quickly.

This kind of thing is impossible.

Because the red name curse was not triggered.

When he and Lord Leopard went to the Rat Man's territory, they saw the statue at the entrance of the cave. The straight-line distance was less than 200 meters, which triggered the curse of the red name. This trigger method should be the same as the trigger mode of the statue in the hands of the reckless lord. , at least similarly.

But that night when he, Lord Xiong, and Lord Bao went to burn the village, they didn't take the initiative to approach the cave. The distance in a straight line was more than 800 meters, and the statue must be hidden in the deepest part of the cave.

So from beginning to end, they did not trigger the red name curse.

This shows that no matter how weird the power of the statue is, it cannot be sensed beyond a certain distance, so naturally there is no such thing as issuing orders.

As for why the eight flame elite monsters dared to fight out until the death of the sharp archer Tang Yuanshan, it is easier to understand. Let these flame monsters rush out in advance, I am afraid that Tang Yuanshan will immediately become suspicious and rebel like Song Hu of.

"So this must be kept in mind. Even if you want to do something in the future, you must never get close to these territories. It doesn't matter if you trigger the red name curse. If you accidentally get wanted, you will become a mission monster."

"Well, I figured out why the wild monster alliance didn't dare to approach the reckless man's territory. It must be because they were afraid of being wanted and activating the red name curse, but they never thought that the final end would be even worse, because they couldn't understand at all. When a territory enters In the stage of rapid development, the power that explodes is more terrifying than snowballing."

"So from this point of view, sooner or later I must destroy the territory of the reckless lord. Even if there is any new territory in this forest, it must be strangled at the very beginning. I am Wild monsters, but they won't follow the old path of the wild monster alliance."

After breakfast, Li Siwen changed his work arrangement.

Since adobe bricks are sufficient at this stage, there is no need to burn bricks.

And stones are far from enough, Song Hu's work focus has to be shifted to moving stones.

Although Lord Leopard has recovered 70% to 80% of his strength, it is not suitable to hunt big horned deer for the time being. He should stay at home and watch the house. Well, he should lie on the stone wall to ensure that the enemy cannot attack the stone wall.

That's assuming the Boor Lord actually shows up.

Then Master Fox continued to guard the outside and expanded the patrol area. If something went wrong, he would immediately retreat and at the same time stick to the safe house fortress.

As for Li Siwen and Lord Xiong, of course they continued to catch fish in the big river.

Because after thinking twice, expecting Lord Leopard to recover and go hunting big-horned deer, even if everything goes well, you can only harvest four to five hundred catties of venison all day long, which is more cost-effective than fishing. .

So this time Li Siwen loaded Lord Xiong with a war vehicle and went upstream.

It doesn't take much.

Fishing 2,000 catties a day until winter comes, the food reserves will be worry-free.