Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 150: The next step of the territory's strategic plan


"Choo Choo Choo!"

From the dense weeds, Master Fox's little head popped out. It had just finished scouting from the river.

Li Siwen recruited Master Fox here temporarily. He was afraid that there would be a little Yaksha patrolling or ambushing on the big river. Master Fox is small and flexible. The most important thing is that his eyes are very thieves. With him on guard, it would not have happened last time. Such a situation.

"Go back, and come here for a few glances after a while."

Li Siwen waved his hand and let Master Fox leave. The territory was more important, he would not make the mistakes that others had made.


Master Fox barked twice, quickly jumped and disappeared into the forest.

At this time, Li Siwen called Lord Xiong out from behind a large pile of bushes, and unloaded the war vehicle for it, and the two of them sneaked into the big river under the cover of aquatic plants on the bank.

Master Xiong fished, and Li Siwen was in charge of guarding and transporting the fish. There was a clear division of labor, and the actions were quick and never procrastinated.

There are more than a dozen branches and weeds stuck on Master Xiong's violent bear helmet, a super perfect field helmet.

Li Siwen didn't show his head at all, um, he only showed a sharp tip of his nose on the water.

All in all, there is no big mistake in being careful, they are here to fish, not to start a war.

The big river is very calm, and there don't seem to be many fish, at least there is no such thing as going down with a stick and killing a few fish.

So Li Siwen and Lord Xiong kept touching until they stopped more than a hundred meters away from the shore, mainly because they really couldn't catch fish on the shore.

At this time, Li Siwen took out a cloth bag that he had prepared a long time ago, which contained the internal organs of five dim sum mice, tore them up and spread them to the position upstream of Master Xiong, and then just wait patiently.

In fact, it only took one minute for Master Xiong to catch a one-meter-long fish, and he skillfully disemboweled the big fish. Sven snatched it over, and what's the matter, Master Xiong, I want to eat at home, hurry up and catch fish.

Holding the big fish in his arms, Li Siwen launched a super-skilled dog-planing butterfly stroke underwater, and sent the big fish ashore in one breath. When he returned at super high speed, he saw the fish in Master Xiong's mouth Tail.

Come together, so you can be willful if you are a good fishing master!


Master Xiong didn't speak, but chewed, and threw another big fish over one meter long to Li Siwen, which was the kind that had its belly ripped open.

Yes, Master Xiong is awesome, Master Xiong is mighty!

At this moment, Li Siwen is like a waiter, transporting the big fish ashore with extremely superb skills, and when he swims back, what he sees is the fish head that Master Xiong just spit out from his mouth. Grass, you How fast is this eaten

Master Xiong didn't speak, and continued to throw a fish at Li Siwen...

Here, he has no temper at all, Li Xiaoer silently holds the big fish and swims back, it doesn’t matter, we have strength and physical strength, isn’t it just the 200-meter freestyle, I swim, I swim...

An hour later, the war vehicles were fully loaded, and Li Siwen was already lying on the shore, not wanting to move, not because he was tired, but because he was tired, thinking that he had swum back and forth forty times...

And Lord Xiong, still eating, seemed to not give up until Xiao Yasha was attracted.

But today there is really no little Yaksha, so Lord Xiong just keeps eating, keeps eating, keeps eating...

In the end, Li Siwen recovered his physical strength to full capacity, and Master Xiong slowly swam back from the water. He ate very comfortably, but at least he ate his body's worth of fish! It just doesn't look too bloated, can't this old bear advance again

Li Siwen absolutely disagrees with this, this guy may simply be able to eat, so as to prepare for hibernation.

Looking back at the still quiet river, there was still no sign of Sayaka.

He just frowned and didn't see Xiao Yasha. This is a good thing in the short term, but it may not be a good thing in the long run.

In the short term, it means that the Yasha city in the sea to the east has only sent three little Yashas to take charge of the big river, which is beneficial for Li Siwen and the others to store their fish.

But in the long run, if Yasha City sends Yashas again, there will definitely be more Yashas.

Maybe five, maybe ten, or a whole bunch.

At that time, I am afraid that they will not even dare to approach the big river.

"Is that why Lord Xiong will eat Haisai at the first opportunity? What an old bear, this awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace is absolutely amazing."

Back at the territory, Master Xiong lay down in the shade of a tree and fell asleep, very comfortable.

More than forty big fish made the eyes of Song Hu, Master Fox, and even Lord Bao shine. It's only half of the morning, and the efficiency is several times better than Master Bao's hunting big horned deer, no, at least ten times.

Song Hu happily pickled the dried fish with a fine steel knife, while Lord Fox and Lord Bao each ate a big fish to their will.

Only Li Siwen sat on the stone wall and thought about it. The problem of resources is still the number one bottleneck for the future development of the territory. Today they can take advantage of the fact that there is no Yaksha on the big river to patrol and have a good harvest, but in the future, the army of Yaksha will completely block it What if the river is gone

He killed four little yakshas one after another, would those little yakshas' army think they had nothing to do

A war is certain.

If the war with the reckless lord is heinous.

Then the war with Yasha City is destined to be desperate and suffocating.

The size is different.

"So this winter, I can't be idle. I can't just sleep like a cat in the safe house. I have to act. The war with the reckless lord is nothing more than a confrontation. There is still a 30% chance of winning."

"But Yasha City, that's a city, with a lot of resources and a lot of troops, once all of them are overwhelmed, I'm afraid I can only choose to move the capital."

"So, before Yasha City launches a large-scale military operation, I have to take advantage of the right time and place. I need a waterproof dam! The north can reach the flooded valley, and the south can reach the south slope of the weeds. Use the wall as the main body, use level 6 logging skills, and add all the trees in that area with anti-corrosion properties as supporting structures."

"At the same time, an artificial lake can be built in the dam, and some fish and shrimps can be caught to raise them. In this way, even if the Yaksha army really comes to attack in the future, I can take advantage of the terrain to kill them. After all, on land, their That's what frost spells are all about."

"Well, let's change the focus of our work in the future. Lord Leopard no longer needs to hunt big-horned deer. He will give priority to assisting Lord Xiong in fishing, and strive to accumulate enough catches in the shortest possible time, and then directly start the waterproof dam project."

"In other words, my career as a stonemason, and even my stone carving skills are at the right time."

Li Siwen thought leisurely.