Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 58: Safe House Program


Because of such an unexpected incident, Li Siwen had to postpone what he needed to do today for a few hours in order to recover his physical strength and health, and drink some 82-year-old dew to calm his shock.

After he calmed down completely, he reconsidered his gains and losses.

"Escape is impossible. If the boar lord killed me when the wild boar family was destroyed three days ago, I really had the heart to run away, but now, I only have the heart to fight to the end, because after abandoning this place, I'm afraid I can no longer find such a good place as a territory, not to mention all the things I have paid before, it will really not be good if I lose them."

"Then there are a few things I need to get done besides the stone wall project that must be done immediately."

"First, use the iron ingot left before to see how to maximize the value of the 15 points of heavenly work, for example, to create a knife, an iron pot, some iron nails, buckets, etc., I must get While maximizing your own strength, you must also improve your overall survivability in this world."

"Secondly, I will not give up this territory. Even if the lord of the reckless man comes, I will fight to the death. So, continue to increase the speed of soul development, and pile up life and physical strength, even if you can't beat it for a while. , but at least there is a chance of saving your life, right?"

"Thirdly, the stone wall project of the tree house not only cannot be stopped, but also needs to be strengthened from all aspects to build it into my safe house 1.0. I can see through this world. It looks beautiful on the surface, but I don't know what's hidden in the dark. How many moths, the threat of the reckless lord is nothing compared to it."

"Fourth, I need to be more cautious and inspect the territory more carefully to prevent similar poisonous insects from invading. Of course, the hemostatic grass and the anti-inflammatory grass also need to be ripened in large quantities."

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Siwen's physical strength was fully recovered, and he also took advantage of this free time to prepare a gourd of anti-inflammatory and hemostatic powder for himself, and used Tiangong value to forge a fine steel saw blade and a fine steel knife. A wrought iron pot, a three-meter-long wrought-iron chimney, two hundred 20-centimeter-long pig iron nails, a wrought-iron bucket, and that iron ingot is enough.

With the help of Tiangong, the creation of these items is not a problem at all, but the consumption is very distressing. For example, the fine steel saw blade consumes 5 points, the fine steel knife consumes 3 points, the iron pot consumes 2 points, and the chimney consumes 1 point , the iron nail consumes 2 points, and the bucket consumes 2 points, which completely consumes 15 points of heavenly work.

All of the above are available to him in the near future, and they will play a huge role in the development of the light industry in the territory.

However, he didn't intend to use the fine steel saw blade for logging. He only used it for fine woodworking. It was easier and faster to chop wood with a mountain axe.

Next, Li Siwen tied herbal gourds around his body, cut another piece of leopard skin, wrapped the 20 cm long fine steel knife, and tied it to his left arm so that he could quickly draw it out when needed.

Afterwards, he pumped half a bucket of muddy water full of mud from the well and put it in the tree house to settle. Then he carried the mountain ax on his back, went to the farmland to weed weeds, and cut down trees to gain vitality. Then, he returned to the tree house. He cut a straight wooden pole and made a measuring ruler based on his own height.

This is very important. If he wants to build a safe house 1.0, he can't toss about it as before. The scale, radius and structure must be accurate to at least ten centimeters, otherwise, what kind of safe house is it

After some calculations, Li Siwen set three standards for his safe house plan.

One: The sealing project of the tree house, including insect-proof, rain-proof and cold-proof, of course, this cannot be done overnight, but a strategic plan must be in place!

Second: The defense project of the tree house, including the foundation, wooden wall, and stone wall. Now that the foundation and wooden wall have been completed, the stone wall project will start.

Third: The practical engineering of the tree house, including rest, storage, and operation rooms, requires building a second-story tree house on the basis of the original tree house, which requires about 100 square meters more usable space than the current one.

Because Li Siwen thought his tree house was a bit small.

Among other things, he needs to store food for the whole winter, which cannot be accommodated in the current tree house space.

He also needs to build a kang, a stove, and more than one water tank and vegetable tank. In addition, he must store some dry firewood in the tree house.

And if he wants to rub a wooden spear in the future, doesn't he need enough space for ropes and the like

All these must be considered comprehensively, try to avoid repeated construction, waste of time is equal to waste of life, brother!

"And if you decide to launch the second-story tree house project, you have to consider the foundation and peripheral defense. Now the first-story tree house is five meters high, and the foundation is a one-meter-deep stone. In the future, it can be added another meter. Deep logs, which can basically satisfy the safety of the tree house on the first floor, but what about the tree house on the second floor, where should I place the supporting points?"

Li Siwen stood on the wooden wall of the second floor of the tree house. If the supporting point of the tree house on the second floor was placed here, then the space of the tree house on the second floor would be at least 150 square meters. It's cool, but the defense will be weaker, and it's not very reliable to simply rely on a stone wall.

"If this is the case, the foundation of the stone wall must be expanded to at least five meters wide and two meters deep, and the height of the stone wall on the surface will reach nine meters high. Come on, I feel like I am building a pyramid, bah bah bah! What the hell idea!"

Li Siwen hesitated. The amount of work is too big, and it will inevitably delay other things. Is it necessary for him to do it? The two-storey tree house, plus the stone wall project, plus the burning of bricks and tiles, can't be taken down within half a month.

During this period of time, he couldn't obtain food, and he couldn't put too much energy on the farmland, and even the increase in strength would be delayed because of this.

If something happened in the middle, it would be tantamount to tossing around.

After hesitating for a long time, Li Siwen glanced at the Daxue Mountain to the east, and finally made a decision. He is not a reckless lord, so he won't make the same mistake, and how can he do it alone without a stable and strong base camp? No matter how strong an individual is, he cannot continue to fight endlessly.

He's not a god of war, he's just a farmer, don't try to be brave.

"Then let's make a decision like this. We will officially start the safe house plan. Now that the weather is suitable, I have enough food and water in my hands, and I have a series of basic tools for light industry. If I don't build a safe house, when will I wait?" ? Well, specially approved five hundred catties of dried fish as a strategic resource to start the safe house, save the time to find food and collect dew, work eighteen hours a day, and try to get it within half a month!"

"Now, while the earth bricks are still dry, dig the foundation of the stone wall first, and at the same time, take advantage of the rest time to cut down large trees with suitable thickness. For the level 4 logging skills, I always choose to retain the vitality value, because I need a large number of sturdy trees. wood, and when I have spare time, I take water and mud from the well to make earthen bricks and tiles. Several projects are carried out alternately and simultaneously, time is precious and cannot be wasted!”