Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 59: About digging holes


Digging the soil is an easy job.

But if the soil to be dug reaches 400 cubic meters, it will be very frightening.

When Li Siwen calculated this number by himself, he was a little frightened and froze.

Those muck trucks that used to rampage on the street were nothing more than pulling a dozen square meters of soil. Isn't the big pie he's making now a bit too much

"Come on, I have food at home, water in the well, a shovel in my hand, and endless strength in my body. As a farmer, am I afraid of a bird?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still gritted his teeth and started digging, not crazy or crazy, for his safe house, rush!

Of course, Li Siwen didn't really go all out and dig desperately, he just tried to keep digging at a constant speed, using the minimum physical exertion to exchange for the most suitable digging efficiency.

It is said that a normal adult works about ten hours a day and can dig 10 square meters of soil. He doesn't ask for too much now, 200 square meters of soil a day, and digging in two days is not too much.

Well, speak with data.

Li Siwen started digging at around eleven o'clock in the morning, and at around one o'clock in the noon, he consumed 6 points of physical strength, digging about twenty square meters of soil, and his efficiency was ten times faster than that of ordinary people.

While ordinary people have only 5 strength and 10 stamina, he is now 24 strength and 50 stamina.

"Hey, I have nothing to do to calculate this? I'm not writing papers or novels, but this means that I can finish it in two days."

Li Siwen returned to the tree house, cooked a large pot of soup with wild vegetables, mushrooms, and dried fish in an iron pot. After eating for three or four minutes, he only rested for half an hour, and his physical strength quickly returned to full.

50 points of stamina is such an advantage.

After lunch, he passed level 4 logging skills and cut himself a big tree that retained its vitality. Now this kind of strong tree has become an important strategic material. According to the game, at least It is of white quality.

Unfortunately, based on the skill cooling time, it takes 24 hours to cut down one tree.

After returning, Li Siwen continued to dig the foundation pit. This time, he accelerated slightly within the limit that the fine steel shovel could bear.

Another two hours of digging at one go, this time he consumed 8 points of stamina, but the earth he dug up was about 30 cubic meters, which was pretty good.

Continue to rest for half an hour, and then go to the flooded valley to move back the earth bricks made before. This kind of thing basically does not consume too much energy, and when there is enough food, the physical value will be recovered faster.

After he brought back more than 2,000 clay bricks, he first picked out the ones with bad appearance, more cracks, and no room for rescue, and built them into the simplest square kiln. The height of this kiln is About two meters, there is a fire outlet above which a chimney can be installed, and a door is left on the side.

As for the remaining bricks, which are in better condition and have fewer cracks, they are put into this simple kiln vertically, leaving a certain gap between each other. The first layer is placed in a > shape, and the second layer is placed in a < shape. , staggered so that the flame burns fully.

Then leave a circle of space around it, and fill it with dry firewood that has been chopped before. These firewoods are carefully selected by him. They are not the kind of fast-growing poplar quality that has been extracted from the vitality value, but retain the vitality value and are hard. Firewood that is more than double the thickness is more resistant to burning and has a better flame. This is what he has tested in the fire stove.

However, Li Siwen was not in a hurry to light the fire, because the smoke generated by lighting the fire during the day would be very conspicuous, unlike the two fire stoves he lit in the tree house, the amount of firewood was small, the smoke was weak, and there were four fires. The skylights are scattered, so it's hard to find unless you get too close.

So he had to wait until night to light the fire. Even if there was smoke that could rise hundreds of meters high, it would not be easy to detect it under the cover of night.

Details, must pay attention to details.

After finishing all this work, more than an hour has passed. Although Li Siwen didn't take a break on purpose, his physical strength has successfully recovered to 50 points.

So he took the shovel and continued to dig the foundation pit. After digging madly for two hours, he stopped to inspect the territory, fetched water from the well, and prepared to make bricks with mud.

These several things are carried out interactively, which can not only speed up the speed, but also effectively recover and use the physical strength value, which is very good. The only trouble is that you are hungry quickly.

When night fell, Li Siwen had already dug nearly eighty square meters of soil, and the progress bar was quite comfortable.

Regardless of other things, he went to cook himself a big pot of soup with wild vegetables, mushrooms, and dried fish. It was a joy to eat. It is worth mentioning that this iron pot can hold almost 40 catties of water, and the capacity is not small Yes, a pot of water is served with wild vegetables and mushrooms, and dried fish is used as the main course. It tastes better than before and fills the stomach more.

After dinner, the sky was completely dark, the surrounding fields were vast, and only stars could be seen.

Li Siwen took out the three-meter-long chimney, installed it on the fire outlet above the kiln, then started to light the fire, and sealed the kiln door with the remaining earth bricks, and then he could wait for the result.

In fact, he only has a general understanding of the principle and process of burning bricks, but he really doesn't have the technical essentials. Anyway, no matter how bad the clay bricks are, they are definitely not afraid of being soaked by rain.

After a while, the firewood in the kiln started to burn, the firewood crackled, and a stream of smoke rose straight up from the chimney. It seemed that this work was worthwhile, otherwise he was really worried that the firewood would not be able to burn fully.

After about half an hour, the flames in the kiln gradually increased, and many tongues of fire could come out through the cracks in the bricks outside.

Flames several feet high shot out from the top of the chimney.

Holding the mountain axe, Li Siwen watched quietly from the sidelines, feeling a little nervous. He only knew that the temperature and the degree of sealing determined the hardness of the fired bricks.

And this simple kiln can't pursue sealing, but the amount of firewood he stuffed is quite a lot, and there is a gap in the middle, so it should, almost, probably make do with it

The firing of this kiln is purely for gaining experience and for firing better bricks. He will use these bricks to rebuild a stronger and more airtight kiln. The tiles and water tanks must rely on that furnace. For firing, he racked his brains for the success of firing.

Next, Li Siwen didn't continue to look at the kiln, nor did he dig the foundation pit. Instead, he brought a few logs the thickness of a bucket, and cut them into one-meter-long logs with a fine steel saw with a wooden handle. Sections, and then start from the cross-section, with a thickness of ten centimeters as the standard, cut into pieces of wood.

These wooden boards can be used to lay the ground of the tree house, and can also be used to lay the roof of the tree house, which is very useful.

The raging flames in the kiln continued until midnight, and Li Siwen also sawed for such a long time, making more than 200 wooden boards.

At this point, he yawned, and the day's work was almost over.

I checked the kiln, but I don't know what's going on inside, and the temperature is too high. I have to wait until tomorrow to dismantle the kiln.

So Li Siwen unloaded the more precious pig iron chimney, returned to the tree house, sealed the skylight, added a little soul value as a routine, and after raising the soul development rate to 48%, he quickly fell asleep.