Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 60: Owing to Fire Bricks


At around five o'clock in the morning, Li Siwen woke up from his sleep, full of energy and in excellent condition.

After lighting the stove and throwing in a handful of anti-inflammatory herb roots, branches and leaves, allowing its unique bitter smell to permeate the entire tree house, he jumped out of the tree house with a mountain ax and a backpack on his back, and began to routinely inspect his territory.

The sky was already slightly bright at this time, and a few white clouds floated on the light blue sky, like a blue teacup, blowing with a few morning winds, the sky and the earth were calm.

Undoubtedly, this was another sunny day, and it was also the weather that Li Siwen needed most right now.

This kind of weather lasts for another ten days, no, as long as there are five more days, the basic framework of his safe house strategy can be completed.

Half an hour later, Li Siwen came back from his tour of the territory and stayed in the farmland for a while, making sure that the crops were growing well, and he was very happy.

Although there is a high probability that he will not be able to eat the improved millet this winter, but as the ripening continues from generation to generation, there is always hope.

Back at the tree house, Li Siwen took off the pannier on his back, which was full of mushrooms. He placed these mushrooms evenly on the tree roof, and exposed to the sun. Basically, it only took two days. Turn them into dried mushrooms and save them, maybe you can eat old pheasant stewed mushrooms in winter.

Swallowing his saliva, Li Siwen put a bucket of water from the well to end his daydream of stewed chicken and mushrooms. The water quality was much better than yesterday, and the water level had also risen. According to this amount of water, today he can make a large batch of mud making bricks.

Pour well water into an iron pot, throw in a handful of wild vegetables, a pile of washed mushrooms, and then throw in ten catties of dried fish, put it on the fire stove, and throw in a few pieces of firewood.

After coming out of the tree house, Li Siwen began to dismantle the dark kiln. It was black because it was not sealed enough and it was smoked by fireworks.

Pulling out an outer clay brick, he saw that the part near the flame was red, but it was not normal red, it was a little white. When he tapped it with his fingers, the sound was very hoarse. It was hard. The location is broken—

Undoubtedly, the clay bricks used to build the kiln were all waste, which made Li Siwen feel quite bad, until he completely opened the sealed kiln, he didn't see the golden light or anything But at least the adobe bricks inside are red and white, white and red, and the color is quite consistent.

"So it's an underfire caused by insufficient temperature?"

He picked up an earthen brick and tapped it with his fingers. The sound was slightly better. If it was hard, he took the brick and hit it with his fist. The fist was fine, and the brick broke again.

"The seal is not enough, the temperature is not enough, we have to continue to add firewood, or add charcoal? Forget it, charcoal is too demanding, not only do not have relevant knowledge reserves, but also do not have enough time to toss about this."

Li Siwen thought about it, in fact, he was very satisfied. He owed fire bricks, which were also bricks. Even though he could smash them with one fist, try another ordinary person.

After collecting all the missing fire bricks, he was going to rebuild a kiln.

But before building, he first used a mountain ax to repair each piece of unfired brick, trying to make it horizontal and vertical, and then jointed with mud, which can also ensure the tightness of the kiln to the greatest extent.

The other is to increase the internal space of the kiln to accommodate more firewood, increase the burning time and temperature, so he picked and used some waste earth bricks, and finally got the second kiln.

This time he is going to burn tiles and water tanks. This is also an attempt to accumulate experience. It doesn't matter if you fail, just keep burning.

Now that there is enough water, he only needs a period of time to produce a large amount of bricks and tiles. Well, his light industrial boat is about to take off.

After breakfast, Li Siwen continued to dig the foundation pit. While maintaining yesterday's digging speed, he also paid attention to collecting the soil under the humus layer.

Humus soil is a characteristic of the forest. It is formed by the accumulation of fallen leaves and dead grass year after year. It is the best soil for farming, but it is not good for burning bricks.

This time, Li Siwen took advantage of the opportunity of digging the foundation pit to dig out a lot of yellowish-brown soil under the humus layer. This kind of soil has a slightly better viscosity and fine texture. Shouldn't be bad either.

He expected to dig about a dozen square meters.

Two hours later, when his physical strength was consumed by 10 points, Li Siwen stopped digging the foundation pit. This was because as the depth of the foundation pit increased, the more physical strength he needed to consume.

After resting for half an hour, he took a mountain ax to decompose the branches of the trees he felled before, and sorted them out.

These are considered ordinary firewood, usually used for fire.

And the branches of trees that retain their vitality are regarded as high-quality firewood, and these need to be placed separately, especially the kind of firewood that is cut from the trunk, which is the best of the best, and belongs to the strategic grade firewood.

After chopping firewood for more than an hour, Li Siwen went to the tree house to cook a large pot of dried wild vegetable mushroom soup, and then continued digging the foundation pit with a shovel. Now he has dug about a third of the way, and victory is in sight. ah!

Under the sun, I dug for another two hours at a stretch, sweating profusely, but I was not tired. Looking at my physical strength, I actually consumed 12 points.

"The temperature these days has been very high. I'm afraid the temperature today must be 35 degrees above zero. My physical strength at 50 points has been affected. I just hope that it will not rain in the next few days."

After thinking about it, Li Siwen went to the well to carry a bucket of well water. The water quality was already good, a little clear, but even so, he still settled it for a while, and then drank a big gulp.

After lunch, Li Siwen wanted to rest, but under the pressure of possible rain, he still went to fetch water, mix mud, and make tiles.

This time he didn't plan to make too many tiles, just 200 tiles. He specially turned on the level 4 talent of vision, in order to make every tile flawless. After all, this is related to the effect of rain protection. Cracks, may be a pile of damp and moldy dried meat in the future.

With the experience of making tiles last time, Li Siwen was very quick this time, and successfully completed the production of 200 tiles within 15 minutes of the level 4 talent Spirit Vision.

Find a large branch with leaves to block the sun, which prevents it from cracking.

Next, Li Siwen routinely released level 4 logging skills, and after cutting down a big tree, he rested for half an hour. The temperature at this moment was probably 40 degrees above zero, and the whole world seemed to be on fire.

"According to this temperature change, the future may be the rainy season, and after the rainy season, it will probably be autumn."

Sitting in the shadow of the tree house, Li Siwen looked at the distant snowy mountains blurred by rising clouds, feeling full of urgency in his heart.