Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 785: degraders


The little white rabbit's curse did not cause Li Siwen any trouble, and everything remained as usual.

He still maintains 10,000 surgical operations per day, and the others as a whole have to complete 10,000 surgical operations. Anyway, after a month, no matter who they are, they have become surgical madmen...

And the gains are undoubtedly considerable.

Among them, the original structure of the two soils and the original structure of the two water sources are big heads, as long as one is repaired, it will be earned.

In addition, Li Siwen and the others also restored twelve incomplete original structures.

This kind of incomplete original structure doesn't have much value. After encountering the time frame, the effect of stimulation is not even one billionth of the complete original structure, which is very cheap.


This incomplete original structure can degrade rapidly!

From the perspective of Li Siwen's strategy of picking up trash, this is an epoch-making milestone of strategic significance.

What does that mean

There are countless garbage in the sixth sequence. The garbage mutates and the garbage pollutes to form a black current. The black current can even corrode the time structure. So what is the solution? Of course, it is to clean up the garbage. Where does the garbage that can be cleaned up go? Garbage incinerator

Sorry, the formation of the Kuroshio tide, for some reason, is just too much garbage overflowing.

So the only way is to degrade it quickly and add it to the cycle.

These twelve incomplete original structures serve this function.

That is, to pick up garbage from the outside, repair it through surgery, and modify it into one of the twelve incomplete original structures, and then it can be degraded. This is a process of deep processing of garbage.

For this reason, Li Siwen deliberately conducted thousands of experiments, and finally determined that there are 132 kinds of garbage that can be degraded to form a degradable structure.

Well, these twelve incomplete original structures were named degradative structures by him. Their functions are like oil stains to detergent, stains to laundry, dandruff to shampoo, and bathhouses to small swords.

In addition, the degradation structure and degradation operation are not complicated, and the ancient god-level Jian Hanhan can complete it. Therefore, a hundred ancient god-level Jian Hanhan headed by Jianda took up their posts with honor and became the degraders of the garbage treatment center. Each person's task is to complete 300 degradation operations every day.

A degradation operation can dispose of ten tons of garbage, so a Jianhanhan can dispose of three thousand tons of garbage a day.

One hundred Jianhanhan is 300,000 tons.

It sounds a bit small, but it is not. The garbage in the sixth sequence has been accumulated for countless years, and it only increases every day. How has it ever decreased

Now it can reduce 300,000 tons per day, which is already a miracle.

Of course, there is also a cost involved. To degrade one ton of garbage, it needs to consume 1 world rule point, and to degrade 300,000 tons, it needs to consume 300,000 world rule points.

And when a ton of garbage is degraded into a degradable structure and sent to Li Siwen's world, it can be activated to add 10 points of world-ruled fixed assets and 10 world-ruled working capital to this world. In short, the net profit is almost equal to the cost twice as much.

As for labor wages and so on, can that be counted in the net profit!

In addition, the increased fixed assets of the world rules will also create additional profits, because most of the degraded garbage will eventually turn into soil, rocks, etc., which are just used for infrastructure construction, and the sixth sequence will be rebuilt in the future. Don't you need all kinds of materials

The only regret is that anyone who wants to be a degrader can't become a degrader. He needs to pass Li Siwen's assessment and get a degrader certificate.

In addition, the test results of degraders are also graded, with the lowest level being the lowest level and the highest level being ninth. The higher the level, the greater the bonus.

Li Siwen has promised that in the future reconstruction of the sixth sequence, those who have done meritorious deeds, those who have sweated, and who have shed blood, can all be assigned to a world to be the master of the world...

Anyway, carrots and sticks, now everyone is working hard to study and train hard, trying to pass the biodegrader exam and get the biodegrader certificate, even if it is a first-level biodegrader, every time a biodegradation operation is completed, You can accumulate a little degradation points, and these points will be directly linked to the world of future dividends.

This is called performance pay!

In short, the degraders and the degradable structure successfully solved Li Siwen's urgent needs, because the garbage stock in the Daku was about to overflow, and the Daku begged Li Siwen for help every day, even if he was as awesome as the Kujit boatman. Creatures can't be full of rubbish, that would be fatal.

Therefore, the degradation amount of 300,000 tons per day really saved Daku's life.

However, not all garbage can be degraded. This part of garbage is called non-degradable garbage by Li Siwen. In the future, when he finds time, he will conduct another wave of selection. From the non-degradable garbage, he will select non-recyclable and biodegradable garbage, which can be recycled in principle. Recycle and degrade garbage.

The former can only be suppressed forever, while the latter can relax the control to a certain extent...

In this way, Li Siwen's garbage disposal center was finally on the right track.

Every day, Yasha Demon Lord, Crow Demon Lord, and Eyeball Lord, as a cleaning team, need to go out to pick up rubbish. The daily limit for picking up rubbish is 2 million tons.

After a wave of surgical operations by the surgical team led by Li Siwen, the best part and the worst part were selected.

The best part is the opportunity to restore the complete original structure, that is, the soil structure and the water source structure. This is already the most beneficial and profitable place. The upgrade of the true spirit of the big guy depends on these two original structures. structure.

About 500,000 tons will be selected for this part.

Then there is the worst part, which is about 200,000 tons, which cannot be saved even the degraded structure, that is, which needs to be suppressed forever.

The remaining 1.3 million tons of garbage has a high probability of being degraded. What is lacking now is qualified degraders.

However, as long as more reserve forces are added, this number will continue to increase.

Li Siwen estimated that after one year, his waste treatment center could degrade one million tons of waste every day.


It's just that accidents always happen.

Two months after the degrader system was implemented, Li Siwen's garbage disposal center already had 402 ancient god-level employees and 1,200 god-level employees, and the degraded garbage reached 500,000 tons every day. A complete original structure can be repaired every other week, and a hundred damaged original structures can be produced every day, when everything is thriving.

The little white rabbit curse appeared again. A god-level Jian Hanhan suddenly lost his head during a routine surgical operation!

Then the five god-level swords around him also lost their heads.

Even though Li Siwen spent 60,000 points of world rules to revive them perfectly at the first time, and they didn't feel anything, this incident still made Li Siwen furious!


I don't go to provoke you, but you come to tease me? Is it too tired to live