Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 786: a piece of cake


Li Siwen was sure that this was not an accident.

Because the little white rabbit curse he discovered last time through the old magic power was hidden deep, and he discovered it by accident, and it would not be triggered at all under normal circumstances.

But this time, the triggering speed of this curse was too fast, and its strength was at least ten times higher than last time. In addition, through the detection of garbage, the activity carried by this curse was also very fresh.

"Either it was attracted by my action of picking up garbage, or it entered the opponent's sphere of influence, or the opponent was actively attacking."

"This kind of thing must not be tolerated!"

Li Siwen's determination is very high. Right now, there are not many Jian Hanhan who can be admitted as degraders on his side. In the future, he will need more degraders. If the other party uses curses to plot against him from time to time, what's the point of playing

However, the opponent is hiding in the dark, and it is very likely that it is a life in the Kuroshio, and has the home court advantage, so how to find the opponent is very important.

As for finding out how to fight

Just kidding, there is no one in the sixth sequence that Li Siwen can't beat. At the currently known level of life, he is invincible.

What makes him feel troublesome is the environment eroded by the Kuroshio and polluted by garbage.

After a little thought, Li Siwen made a plan to lure the snake out of the hole. Don't you want to test me and harass me? Then I will give you a chance to try and harass me.

In the next few days, Li Siwen seemed to have forgotten about this matter, what to do, and at the same time planning to build an advance base.

In the past few months, the cleaning team has achieved remarkable results in picking up rubbish. At a rate of two million tons per day, a stable area with an area of about 500,000 cubic kilometers has been cleared south of the Guangming Dam.

Note that it is the area, because there is no land, and the garbage is the main substance of the sixth sequence. After the garbage is emptied, what is left is nothingness. Although there is nothing, it can be called stable compared to other areas full of garbage.

This project is small but of great importance, so Li Siwen personally supervised the construction, designed it himself, and delivered the materials himself. He first migrated ninety-nine super-large mountain pure lands based on structure 12.0 from his own world, and placed them one by one. Arranged as the foundation, it is also used to deal with the pollution and erosion of garbage.

Based on the characteristics of the high mountain pure land, this is the meaning of the title. Li Siwen has already built the high mountain pure land and other types of pure land on a large scale in his own world. It is expected that within ten years, various types of pure land The number of pure lands increased to one million.

In fact, no matter how advanced the high mountain pure land is, it cannot completely purify the garbage of the sixth sequence. This is a fact.

However, it is also true that the various purification supernatural powers of the Alpine Pure Land can temporarily curb the expansion of pollution.

Just like the ninety-nine super-large mountain pure lands, they can't purify the pollution and corrosion of garbage, but they can purify this pollution to a temporary seal and temporarily contain it. The effective time limit is from half a year to three to five years wait.

This is a desperate fact for others, but it is an excellent tactical cover for Li Siwen.

If the purification supernatural powers of the ninety-nine high mountains and pure lands erupt in full force, they can immediately cover ten times the surrounding area, which is an area of five million cubic kilometers.

In this area, the pollution effect of all garbage is temporarily contained and sealed, or greatly weakened.

But the duration will last at most three months, and for these three months, Li Siwen will have to pay about 500,000 world rule points.

After transferring and arranging these high mountains and pure lands, without saying a word, he first activated all the magical powers of purification and dispelling curses one by one. At that time, countless colorful lights shot up into the sky, spread out ring by ring, extremely dazzling, colorful Wherever the light passed, most of the garbage seemed to be frozen, and could no longer release pollution. As for the small part of special garbage, it was immediately dispatched by the cleaning team, picked it up, and threw it in the Concoct casually on the operating table!

At the same time, Hou Er quickly dispatched, using the purification of the high mountain pure land to disperse the supernatural powers, and began to search for the curse code-named Little White Rabbit in this area.

This is sure to be there, and it would be strange if it didn't.

As a result, in just one day, Hou Er searched and found 830 pieces of garbage carrying the curse of the little white rabbit.

Isolate, seal, and throw it into the laboratory, but this kind of curse is not like the previous curse. It can be diluted, extracted, and resolved in various ways, and it is even more impossible to make the corresponding anti-curse potion.

But this does not mean that there is no way, the difference is only how much it costs.

Li Siwen personally decomposed and deciphered the structure of the little white rabbit's curse overnight. If one failed, he immediately proceeded to the next one. Finally, the next morning, he successfully obtained all the layers of the curse, which meant that So, this curse can be cracked from the source.

The resources spent are only about two million points of world rules, not even one-third of the water source structure.

And this kind of thing was not created by Li Siwen. There were other innate creatures who did similar things. For example, the prototype of the third-generation insecticide that terrified countless microscopic creatures came from this way.

As for how Li Siwen knew, of course he knew, because at the beginning one-third of Xiaomu was carrying the origin of the third-generation insecticide, and now comparing the two, if he still can't find any clues, then he would be aggressive Weird thing.

"Well, the big thing has been decided, I want to see how that guy is still playing?"

Li Siwen laughed heartily, extremely proud.

For the next month, the weather was calm until the advance base was established, and the effect of a round of purification and dispersing magical powers released by the ninety-nine pure lands gradually weakened, and Li Siwen also distributed targeted anti-bacteria to all members of the cleaning team. Little White Rabbit Curse Potion...

The matter seemed to be over, until an unknown demon king lost his head without warning while picking up trash outside...

This 100% anti-curse potion is ineffective!

While everyone was in shock and panic, Li Siwen did not launch a rescue immediately, but released a world-class supernatural power—the sky-splitting blade, the kind that can launch extremely fast attacks on the target within the sequence as long as the target is locked. , the irresistible pursuit of super terrifying supernatural powers!

Yes, what anti-curse potions, what advanced bases, what purification and dispersal of high mountains and pure lands, including the nameless demon king, were all just Li Siwen's deployment to lure the snake out of the cave.

Because what is the sixth sequence most indispensable

It's a variation!

Perhaps in other sequences, once a curse takes shape, it is difficult to mutate, but here, mutation is commonplace.

Li Siwen has been doing surgery on garbage structures for almost half a year, 10,000 per day, how could he not understand this

So he knew from the very beginning that traditional methods would not be able to deal with the opponent.

Because the other party was not the subject of the little white rabbit's curse at all.

What does that mean

This kind of curse is just a weapon in the opponent's hand. Oh, you racked your brains against this weapon and hit you with various blows. As a result, the opponent turns around and can change to another weapon. You can afford it!

So Li Siwen deliberately pretended to go to war first to capture this curse, and then break the curse, and distributed anti-curse potions to all the cleaners to paralyze the opponent. In fact, he was waiting for the moment when the opponent changed their weapons.

The enemy may have countless weapons, but the moment this new cursed weapon launches an attack, the enemy will definitely not give up immediately, because the enemy also has to see what effect it has

So this is the only chance.

Li Siwen immediately released the sky-splitting blade after locking in the cursed breath. With the power of the sky-splitting blade, he was not afraid of the black tide of time at all, because it was of a completely different nature.

The Kuroshio is a hostile sequence environment…

For example, the Sahara Desert is terrifying, but a missile flying over the two sides has no chance of intersection. Only the missile unit that released the missile will be affected by the desert.

So the Kuroshio will affect Li Siwen, but it will definitely not affect the super sky-splitting blade that needs to be injected with 10 million points of world rules at once to release!

Just a second, no, actually an instant. For an existence like Sky Splitting Blade, it can really hit from one end of the sequence to the other in an instant.

As long as it can be locked!

Just lock it.

Where are you, who are you

Three seconds later, Li Siwen learned of the attack screen of the Sky Splitting Blade.

It is a wall, from a macro perspective, but in fact it is a collapsed light armor, the length alone is 10 million kilometers, but the innate life inside is dead, only the light armor is immune to blackmail. Under the influence of the tide, it continued to stand tall and provided the most basic guarantee of life for some creatures.

These creatures are not like the microscopic creatures in the long time Hanoi, but time refugees.

Their overall strength is very strong. After all, they can survive in the sixth sequence. It is no wonder that they are not strong. Their ethnic group is also very large. If calculated individually, there should be more than 10 million people.

They even formed a unique Kuroshio ecological circle in the Kuroshio, and even, through some special means, formed a relationship of employment and domestication with some mutated garbage structures.

This is indeed the birthplace of the Little White Rabbit Curse, and the number of curses mastered by this group is as high as four digits, and they have domesticated hundreds of garbage structures.

It's no longer possible to know why they attacked Li Siwen. Is it because they think the flesh and blood of innate creatures are delicious or for other reasons

But it doesn't matter anymore.

This time they provoked an existence that shouldn't be provoked. At the moment they were discovered, death was the only ending.

At the end of the picture, the sky-cracking blade directly destroys the indestructible light armor. Within a radius of one billion kilometers, all garbage will be forced to die once, that is, these garbage will be forced to change their form and start all over again. After all, these garbage Apart from degradation, there is no power that can directly erase them.

But this unnamed group of more than 10 million people is definitely not as tough and resistant as those garbage. Even if a part of the population survived by luck, without the protection of the light armor, they simply cannot resist the corrosion and pollution of the Kuroshio...

On this side, Li Siwenru did a trivial thing, it was indeed a trivial thing.