Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 787: A hundred ways to short the scum


In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In three years, Li Siwen restored a total of 150 original structures of soil, 145 original structures of water sources, and hundreds of thousands of original structures that were incomplete.

Among them, there are 50 original structures of the soil and 50 original structures of the water source that Li Siwen used to strengthen his world body, and by the way, raised the true spirit to the twelve leaves, the strongest twelve leaves.

As a result, the world's body has been strengthened to the top level, the top level known, no matter how you look at it, it is the top level, with a daily income of 100,000+

To put it bluntly, it would be easy for Li Siwen to go backwards in time now.

What fifth, fourth, third, he can retrograde to the second sequence in one breath...

It's just that he won't do this, because it's meaningless. Other innate beings are retrograde because they are afraid of death. Li Siwen is now about to become the master of the sixth sequence, so why is he running away

Just kidding!

Now there is no creature that can be his opponent, his opponent can only be the Kuroshio Sequence environment, and his winning rate does not seem to be high.

In the past three years, in Li Siwen's world, a total of 100,000 gods have advanced into the ranks. The gods are equivalent to graduating from college, and then all of them are driven outside by Li Siwen to pick up garbage, or undergo surgery, or take the exam for a degrader. What about dreams

In the past three years, 15,000 Tianshen have successfully become degraders. Depending on their level, they can degrade 100 to 10,000 tons of garbage every day.

In the past three years, the total amount of waste degraded by Li Siwen's waste treatment center has exceeded 10 billion tons, and advanced bases have also been quickly built in the stable area after the waste has been cleaned up. According to the standard of 500,000 cubic kilometers, 100 bases have been built so far. .

These advanced bases release purification and disperse magical powers in turn, so that the surrounding garbage is in a sealed and suppressed state all year round.

On the whole, Li Siwen's garbage disposal center finally landed in the sixth sequence.

However, from a more macroscopic point of view, the situation is still not optimistic. Just as Li Siwen judged three years ago, the black tide of time has expanded wildly. Except for the area he currently controls, the entire sixth sequence has fallen and collapsed.

If it weren't for him to drop a nail here in time, the corrosive power of the Kuroshio could easily break through the abyss of dimension and enter the fifth sequence.

Now, the Kuroshio couldn't break through the abyss of dimensionality, so they naturally swarmed towards Li Siwen's territory. Suddenly, the pressure increased greatly, and the effective duration of the purification and dispelling magical powers of one hundred forward bases dropped from 45 days to 100. For 15 days, the world rules that have to be paid every day are as many as 50,000+, which is 1.5 million a month, which makes Li Siwen almost have no benefit.

This is impossible, without profit, how will he develop and expand in the future, without profit, how happy will he be

For a moment, Li Siwen's sense of security dropped by 0.1 points.

But looking at the balance of his small treasury, his sense of security has increased by 0.1 points. It's okay, after three years and various twists and turns, the balance of his small treasury is still maintained at 4 billion points of world rules.

However, this is still unbearable.

As the saying goes, in the face of a national crisis, everyone is responsible! If the sequence is difficult, the living beings are responsible!

"It's time to start a wave of fundraising. Those who have money donate money, those who are powerful donate effort, those who have people donate people, and those who have things donate things."

Li Siwen shouted righteously, now that the Kuroshio has engulfed the other areas of the sixth sequence, only his pure land is left, and based on the characteristics of the dimensional abyss, it will automatically connect with Li Siwen's pure land, forming such a The only channel that can connect to the fifth sequence.

This is the self-protection mechanism of the time frame.

Correspondingly, those guys who made a lot of money on the edge of the sixth sequence before, can only be forced to retreat...

Well, Li Siwen couldn't help but recall the scene of fishing when he was a child. First, he built an earth dam in the narrow part of the river to intercept the river water, and then diverted the river water upstream of the earth dam. The rest was just jumping in the ditch. Big fish, small fish, loaches, dried shrimps, frogs...

It was a bountiful scene.

For the past three years, Daku himself has been conscientiously playing the role of warehouse manager. Now it is time to give him a promotion and salary increase to become a warehouse manager.

Well, I didn't catch it before because it was hard to catch, but now it's easy.

In one day, Daku's clansmen, Daku's brothers, sisters and relatives, and more than five hundred Kujit boatmen were all wiped out by Li Siwen. Oh, he was kindly and friendly hired here, after all, he really sent salary.

These Kujit boatmen are the best medium for loading garbage, and they are known as garbage bins, so Li Siwen treats them with great courtesy.

But other guys are not so lucky, especially the ones that have no value for recycling garbage, but are very "valuable" in themselves, that is, fattened pigs. It is the Chinese New Year, so let everyone enjoy it Happy!

Kill in one day!

Two days to kill!

Three days to kill!

Li Siwen killed for a month in one breath, and directly killed more than a thousand parasitic creatures in the sixth sequence that had existed since ancient times, and turned them into rare and protected animals. Well, extinction is impossible. There are more than 100 individuals left, who can continue to reproduce and continue to study.

If there are any innocent people among these creatures, hehe, just look at the balance of Li Siwen's small treasury. The original balance was 4 billion, but now the balance is 15 billion...

This is all for countless years, this group of parasites has stolen and robbed from the innate creatures who jumped into the sixth sequence one by one.

Li Siwen was furious just thinking about it.

Fortunately, he used to want to make himself noble. One day he lived enough, and jumped directly into the sixth sequence, using himself as a fuel, burning himself, illuminating others, and illuminating the world.

Now it seems that the scariest thing in this world is not Chuanhuo, but the parasites hidden behind Chuanhuo.

Why did the transmission of fire fail

This is ironclad evidence!

It's no wonder that those innate beings want to degenerate and go retrograde. This time, Li Siwen forgave them and was willing to give them a clean slate.

Then Li Siwen sent an eloquent and sincere invitation letter to the innate creatures and acquired creatures in the fourth sequence, inviting everyone to spread the fire together...

No, it's investing in stocks, investing in stocks, I am a leading stock that is rare in hundreds of millions of years, bright stocks, big bull stocks, magic stocks, as long as you invest, you can make money, don't you come together

Even Li Siwen wrote letters to Xiaomu and Fatty Zhang, if you are brothers, come and invest, brothers will definitely not lose you.

Li Siwen didn't know if there were innate creatures responding, anyway, he has already done what he should do, if I become the master of the sequence in the future, don't cry and wail and miss the car.

At this moment, with the blood, loyalty, hope, and wealth of countless people with lofty ideals, Li Siwen once again looked at the black tide that had become more and more rampant. The effect of purifying and dispelling magical powers released by the advance base had been compressed to three days , which means that he has to pay 100,000+ world rules every day, not only has no profit, but even loses money.

"Judging from the rising curve of the Kuroshio, there are people behind the scenes who are making money for the country, and at the same time, there are unknown enemies who are fueling the flames and shorting us. The conscience of these short sellers has been eaten by little Teddy. "

"The easiest way is to find out these people who are making money, and kill the short sellers. There is nothing that can't be solved with a blow of the sky-shattering blade."

"But the little white rabbit incident last time has made these short sellers more vigilant, and will never give me a chance to find their breath. Then, there is probably only one way left. They are short, and I am long! Industrial prosperity , industry builds a country, and industry can save Sequence!"