Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 788: The battle of long and short


"Scum King, the situation is not good. The rising speed of the Kuroshio has exceeded the upper limit for three consecutive days. Should we give up some forward bases?"

In the garbage disposal center, Li Siwen, who had just completed a difficult operation and repaired a complete original structure of the water source, was stopped by Jian Da and the others.

Hearing what they said, Li Siwen looked outside, and saw that even the sky had become black and white, blue and black. This was a sign that the Kuroshio was about to submerge the Bright Armor Dam.

The light armor provides daily protection for all forward bases, and is also used to intercept the Kuroshio. It is five million kilometers long and five million kilometers high. It is square and square. Three years ago, the height of the Kuroshio could only submerge the light armor About one thousand meters of the dam was only submerged to a height of ten kilometers a month ago, but it was almost submerged in only one month, which shows how crazy this wave of rise is.

"It's okay, I already have a countermeasure, and I can't give up even if I go to the base." Li Siwen said calmly.

Now, one hundred advance bases occupy an area of about 50 million cubic kilometers. Even if the effect of purifying and dispelling magical powers has been compressed to the point where each release can only last 24 hours, they are still the largest leading stock on our side...

Jianda and the others didn't understand, so Li Siwen wouldn't explain it to them, because the levels of the two sides were already different. Among other things, there were only 15 billion points of world rules, which they couldn't imagine.

In the fifth sequence, the accumulated wealth of the entire sequence is less than one billion.

In the fourth sequence, the accumulated wealth of the entire sequence is about 15 billion, but 5 billion points of world rules are in the hands of those two innate creatures. Twelve acquired creatures who came back from retrograde, it would be quite good to have three to five billion in their hands.

Even the acquired creature who successfully reversed the third sequence back then, his total assets were only about one billion.

Of course, any complete innate creature from the first sequence to the sixth sequence can have assets of more than one billion.

Those acquired creatures consumed too much in order to break through the shackles of the light armor.

But even if it is the most powerful and powerful innate creature, at the sixth sequence, there is absolutely no one with more than two billion in assets.

From these data, we can know Li Siwen's current level.

With these assets alone, even if he randomly finds a trader, he can pile up a complete sequence with simple tossing and stacking.

What's more, the asset balance of 15 billion is only working capital, not fixed assets!

Not counting the chips in his hand!

If you ask him what the bargaining chip is in his hand, hehe. The original structure of one hundred seeds of soil and the original structure of one hundred water sources, this is Wang Zha!

He has Wang Zha, but he doesn't let it go, because where is it? The main body of the current one hundred advance bases is the high mountain pure land, but the pure land must be combined with each other and interact layer by layer to form a pure land ecological circle to be more advanced.

"Lord Leopard, inform Big Red Eagle that the Pioneering Legion is ready to appear." Li Siwen said calmly. In the past three years, he only used the high mountain pure land to purify and disperse. This is not a coincidence.

Because of the presence of the Kuroshio in the sixth sequence, the mutation of these garbage is commonplace.

They will constantly adjust their ability to adapt to the external environment as time goes by.

It has been three years, 100 advanced bases, 990 ultra-large mountain pure lands based on structure 12.0, releasing and purifying day and night, dispelling supernatural powers, and constantly suppressing and sealing the pollution and erosion of those garbage. This is another level of war.

Today, the garbage in the Kuroshio Current is constantly mutating due to its long-term confrontation with the Alpine Pure Land. It already has antibodies to the Alpine Pure Land. Do you understand the antibodies

Three years ago, the supernatural powers of Alpine Pure Land could last for three to six months, but now it can only last for 24 hours.

How outrageous and insane this is, the mutating ability of these rubbish is simply unparalleled in the world.

It's a pity that these rubbish have no thoughts, and those behind the scenes who are trying to control the Kuroshio can't expect—

At this time, following Li Siwen's order, he had already advanced to the ranks of the gods, Big Red Eagle, Big Hui, Little Huihui, Dahei, Dapeng, Iron Egg, Iron Ball, Iron Knot, Tree Master, Wonton, Old Qiao, etc. Dozens of pioneering legions set off quickly, and each pioneering legion was at least a thousand times stronger than before.

Therefore, the resistance of each pioneering legion to abnormal environments has also increased by thousands of times.

Theoretically, these pioneering corps can continue to operate in the Kuroshio for 36 hours and still retreat unscathed.

But Li Siwen didn't use these precious pioneering corps to charge, but to pick up trash.

Some precious garbage that Li Siwen had discovered long ago, but could never be retrieved, was a sample of garbage that was different from the original structure of the soil and the original structure of the water source.

While the Pioneering Legion was rushing out, Li Siwen also simultaneously used his authority and strength to move out 990 super-large Flame Mountain Pure Land based on structure 12.0 from his Pure Land Industrial Park, and quickly deployed a hundred forward bases , In the next second, a total of 99000000 ancient fire dragons soared into the sky, with the special purification and dispersal magical power of flame incineration, covering an area with a radius of one billion kilometers.

Those rubbish that constantly mutate and produce unique antibodies in order to fight against the pure land of the mountains, at this moment, are like the guy who has eaten a lifetime of bland tofu brains, suddenly eating a bowl of tofu brains with chili oil + mustard oil + garlic + green onions Feel.


Within this range, almost 90% of the garbage will die once! Although this death is like the iron being oxidized to ferric oxide, the nature has changed, but they are still immortal in nature unless they are degraded...


In one second, regardless of how the Kuroshio rises and how much garbage pours in, an ancestor is instantly incinerated by the almost endless flames, and then all the pollution and corrosion capabilities show a temporary reduction in activity, activity to zero.

It was also at this moment that dozens of pioneering legions rushed to the target location with lightning speed, and packed away the key garbage, critical garbage, and special garbage that had lost their activity.

At the same time, all the cleaners corps were dispatched to quickly pack and take away the easily degradable garbage.

In the past month, due to the outbreak of the Kuroshio, Li Siwen's garbage disposal center has almost become difficult for a smart woman to live without rice, and it has become very dangerous to go out to pick up garbage.

So with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why not stockpile more trash at home

A day without rubbish is a day without peace of mind.

Ah, as the so-called garbage harvest, the warehouse is full of mice, and the sense of happiness is overflowing in our chests...

Even Lao Que'er, Jianda and other chief degraders gave up the operation, and ran out with their own sword lights. Hundreds of thousands of gods and ancient gods picked up garbage like crazy, which really made the listeners cry. Those who are sad.

Even Li Siwen secretly pulled the trolley, ran out wearing a mask and protective clothing, picking up trash, picking up trash, no gifts for this year's festival, only the garbage dump...

As for the follow-up fight with the Air Force, there is no need for that. Just this one move is enough for the opponent to be overwhelmed for ten days or eight days. The most important thing for us to be human is to be kind.

Ah, I'm sorry, please call me Li Zhengyi, what, scum, shit, what era is it, the scum, the guy who crosses the street like a mouse, everyone shouts and beats him, we all spurn him!

Of course, the Kuroshio was fighting back, and the endless Kuroshio garbage kept rushing in, trying to drown Li Siwen's flames and incinerate the magical powers.

This number is quite scary, but the garbage mutant antibodies formed in the past three years are not so easy to change, but anyone who can form the highest antibody against the alpine pure land magic power will definitely be severely injured by the flame incineration magic power!

Secondly, Li Siwen is not a poor man, he has prepared a full 100 million for this wave of bullishness! Not enough and one billion!

Grass, playing tricks with Lao Tzu

Damn, want to short Lao Tzu

You are still young!

All of a sudden, a large number of world rules were poured into the pure land of the Flame Mountain, forming ancient fire dragons, like rockets being launched intensively, with an average of millions of fire dragons rising into the sky and falling down every minute, no matter how many fire dragons came in from the Kuroshio The garbage will be burned to death by the flame incineration supernatural power at the first time, and the activity will be temporarily suspended.

And dozens of pioneering legions, hundreds of Kujit boatmen are like driving large transport ships, transporting the biodegradable garbage back one after another.

Well, I forgot to mention that Li Siwen's garbage disposal center has now built three super-large garbage warehouses, each of which can hold a solar system.

Perhaps such a capacity is insignificant compared to the entire sixth sequence, and compared to the Kuroshio Current, but it must be known that once these garbage degrades, just one ton can form a solar system in the fifth sequence.

In a word, it’s just playing hooligans simply by length, quality, and volume.

So at this moment, don't look at the long and short armies of both sides fighting frantically on the front line of the market, regardless of the enemy and the enemy for the time being, in fact, the victory and defeat have already been divided. If he left, Li Siwen would have been invincible long ago.

It is roughly estimated that if the three large warehouses are all filled, Li Siwen can make a net profit of 15 billion world rules again.

Ten minutes later, the long-short duel between the two sides was still undecided, but Li Siwen had already burned 80 million points of world rules.

On the other hand, the Kuroshio is still threatening and unstoppable.

But Li Siwen's pioneer corps had begun to return with a full load, and Kujit's crew had also begun to return.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Siwen's funds had burned 150 million, but the confrontation was still fierce. A garbage warehouse was already full. These were leeks that had already been harvested, so he didn't participate in the long-short duel, and he didn't need to final settlement...

Twenty minutes later, Li Siwen's second garbage warehouse was full, but he also burned nearly 300 million because of it. The Kuroshio was still overwhelming, and some of the garbage was already mutating, gradually adapting to flame incineration Supernatural powers.

Thirty minutes later, the long-short duel between the two sides was still horrific. Li Siwen had already burned 500 million funds, but the third warehouse was fully loaded, but the Kuroshio still didn't show any signs of cowardice, and was still gnashing his teeth and rushing upwards

But at this time, Li Siwen was intimidated, withdrew all the personnel, and directly moved out of 990 super-large glacier pure lands based on the 18.0 structure. With one move, it was absolutely cold and silent, and put a piercing ice shell on his side, which not only blocked his side The site also blocked the only entrance to the dimension abyss.

This is tantamount to hanging up the free card, I will stop playing, it will be blown, it will be delisted, and I will stop playing.

I love it.

If you don't accept it, come and bite me! Lao Tzu will never fight back when hit or scolded, everything is done according to his will.