Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 789: Life is alive, raising pigs is the word


"My lord, why not use the 21.0 water structure we already have?"

After the multi-short duel, Li Siwen took a long vacation for himself. He spent every day comfortably watching the sunrise in Kunlun City, Goddess Peak, and various scenic places in Hei Prison Mountain. The women explain.

For example, the question Xueer asked at the moment.

As we all know, based on the time frame, the structure of Hanoi cannot exceed 22.0 in any long period of time. Although Li Siwen's family property has risen rapidly, it is actually so rich that it exploded. In the past, there were world mummies to provide technical support, and later, there was the old Que'er gang Son, Jian Hanhan and his group, as well as the captive Yasha Demon Lord, Crow Demon Lord, and Eyeball Lord and his gang, together with Li Siwen's own innate advantages in life, have already passed the fourth sequence several years ago. The structural technology gives a thorough understanding and an empty space!

In the fourth sequence, if the structural level of your civilization is lower than 12.0, it can only be said that you are weak, and you don’t even have the ability to defend your homeland. You must have a structure of at least 15.0 to be considered an awesome civilization.

And Fatty Zhang's sword fairy civilization has actually reached structure 18.0.

After Li Siwen learned from various sources, the various power structures in the world are already very high.

For example, the structure of Alpine Pure Land, currently the highest point he has mastered in the world is 16.0.

For example, the Huoyanshan structure, the current highest point is 18.0.

For example, the most advantageous water structure, the highest point currently mastered is 21.0.

There is also the Skydome Air Structure, which is 20.0.

Jian Qi compression structure, currently 21.0.

It can be said that in terms of technology, it is impossible to hang the fourth sequence, but it can definitely be crushed lightly. Even if the bonus of the bright armor can be calculated, all of them are 21.0, but the bright armor cannot be used externally. Inside the light armor, after all, it is transformed by the light area. (Author's friendly note).

But in this game of the sixth sequence, Li Siwen was very conservative.

The high mountain pure land that was spent huge sums of money actually only used structure 12.0.

The flame structure used for the long-short confrontation cost 500 million points of world rules, and it is actually structure 12.0.

Even the glacier structure (that is, the water structure) used to retreat at the end only used 18.0.

This can't help but make people wonder what kind of operation is this

In fact, the answer is very simple.

"The advancement of structural technology and the level of the level do not fully represent combat effectiveness. It should be a manifestation of productivity. For example, the use of the 16.0 Alpine Pure Land structure in our world will increase our income and the world will circulate better. , but the cost is also higher, and the consumption of activation is also greater."

"In addition, we also score enemies to distinguish them. For the sixth sequence of garbage, the 12.0 structure of Alpine Pure Land is enough. The main reason is that the cost is low and stable. Of course, the most important reason is always one, resistance!"

Li Siwen answered with a smile. Xueer understood a little, but seemed to have more questions.

"But my lord, this is not right. The structure of 12.0 is cast aside in the fourth sequence. Why can you suppress those rubbish? After all, these rubbish look so terrible!" The inspiration came several times, so I asked questions immediately.

"You are right, but I also said that the structural level represents productivity, not combat power. Are there few examples of nomadic barbarians destroying farming civilizations with advanced productivity?"

"Your mistake is that you look too high on these garbage, thinking that since these garbage can fight against other innate creatures, and even destroy the time structure of corrosion, it is very powerful, but this is not the case. These garbage, and the Kuroshio are How did it form?"

"They are not some kind of specific enemy, but an environment. If the environment is destroyed, then there will be a chain of changes, as small as a forest, as large as a planet, as large as a sequence, it is better. Say it again , The Kuroshio is an environment, an extreme environment that has been destroyed. You only need to think about the impact of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, avalanches, droughts, and floods on ordinary people, and you can understand the impact of the Kuroshio on us. .”

"How powerless ordinary people are in the face of harsh environmental disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, how powerless you are in the face of the Kuroshio."

"So, in this case, structural technology is very important, but not the most important. The garbage in the Kuroshio has a super active mutation ability, and it will mutate wildly in a short period of time according to the environmental factors it encounters. You move out the highest What is the use of structural technology, sooner or later you will mutate without the slightest temper."

"Therefore, I adopted the method of low structure, high energy consumption, high output, and the strategy of driving out good money."

Li Siwen spoke very seriously, after all, he was in a good mood today, but Xueer finally couldn't understand, but Yunniang next to him could hear clearly, oh, and Jian Shisan, who was recently brought to watch the sunrise...

"Don't be fooled by the king's secret change of concept. What kind of alpine structure of 12.0 can suppress the Kuroshio? This is fooling the ghost. His method is equivalent to paying for his own money, inviting those garbage to eat a big meal, one by one. Get fat-headed and big-eared, and then you can kill pigs."

"Why?" Xueer was even more confused.

It was Yunniang who couldn't stand it, and said simply and clearly: "The garbage in the Kuroshio has extremely high mutation activity. They are extremely sensitive to changes in the environment, and they are also extremely greedy. Even if you drop a small stone, they will give it to you." Annexation, what's more, what the king has thrown in the past three years is not a stone, but such a sweet bread. The 12.0 structure of the Alpine Pure Land, what is it if it is not bread? And it is still a bread that can continuously release sweet taste. Don't think that the magic power released by the Alpine Pure Land can be suppressed. Being able to seal those rubbish is actually more intense stimulation and stronger provocation, which will make the mutation activity of those rubbish unprecedentedly high."

"In this case, the rubbish in the Kuroshio Current will rush up like crazy, and will be teased by the Alpine Pure Land structure with a structure of only 12.0. It is a very primitive routine, but it will never fall behind. The Alpine Pure Land is almost ready, and then set on fire, it will be crunchy and delicious."

After listening to Yunniang's explanation, Xue Er finally understood, but still couldn't believe it, it's that simple

Li Siwen smiled without saying a word, simple

I am afraid that you have never been bombarded by the overwhelming red envelopes on WeChat, and you have not been passed by the red envelope routines of Pin Shao Shao.

In the past three years, his one hundred forward bases seemed to be confrontation, but they were actually feeding pigs. They invested about 500 million, 500 million.

Without the support of such a large amount of funds, the alpine structure of 12.0 is a fart in front of the garbage of the Kuroshio Current, and it will be swallowed up in seconds.

But then again, as long as you give money, you can eat anything like shit, and further, as long as it is free, you can play (watch) with gusto regardless of whether you are shit or not.

Based on this principle, who would not eat free bread

So Li Siwen spent three years and 500 million points of world rules to cultivate a large group of free audiences for himself, and then used the manipulators behind the scenes to short his intentions to harvest these big fat pigs in one fell swoop.

In three years, with an investment of one billion yuan and a profit of 15 billion yuan, this deal is absolutely necessary.

"Then now that we use the glacier structure with 18.0 structure, we are also raising pigs?" Xueer asked again.

"No, the glacial structure of 18.0 is already very powerful. This is hard goods, dry goods, especially the freezing effect attached to the ice, which has a very effective weakening effect on the mutation activity of those Kuroshio garbage. This wave of glacial structures can Buy us a hundred years or so, and after a hundred years, the garbage in the Kuroshio will adapt to the glacial structure of 18.0, and by then... ”

"Shall we launch the 19.0 structure of the glacier? Or come a 19.0 structure of the fire dragon?" Xueer can finally keep up with the rhythm, at least she thinks so.

But Li Siwen shook his head and smiled, the enemy thought so too.

"No, we will use a hundred years to establish ten light zones. The light zone is the light armor. The light armor is by far the most powerful in restraining the Kuroshio. A light armor can withstand the corrosive pollution of the Kuroshio. It will not collapse until it persists for tens of billions of years, and the structure of the light armor will not cause too much stimulation to the Kuroshio garbage. This is the only correct way."

Li Siwen said calmly.

This time, even Jian Thirteen is not calm, because the Bright Zone is a treatment only given to innate creatures, and it needs to descend from the third sequence to the fourth sequence to be generated by the time frame. A complete Bright Zone not only needs the last Advanced structural technology also requires huge funds. A bright area, at least one billion + start.

Ten, that is, 10 billion points to start with the world rules, aunt, what the hell is wronging my old lady

However, if I can be divided into a bright area, then my old lady who does something will recognize it...

"Ten bright districts are ten worlds. The final interpretation rests with me, but the ownership can be used as a dividend..."

Li Siwen said with a smile, in the next second, he was thrown down by Jian Shisan and lost contact...

When someone lost contact, in the garbage disposal center outside, a new batch of newly promoted gods were working hard on the exam, including the one hundred veterans from the Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions. After all, who would not want to be a degrader? This job benefits are good. The remuneration is high, you can rest for three hours a day, and you can also eat and live. There is a Dragon Slaying Banquet once every three days. It’s so comfortable to eat.

Now, the gods have become an assembly line, no longer thinking about combat skills, just study and study degradation surgery, degradation has become a theory, a discipline, and an industry.

Every day, 100,000 degraders deal with a large amount of biodegradable garbage with ease and joy, and these degraded substances are quickly taken away. The ten bright areas of the future promised by Li Siwen will all be composed of these substances.

But since these bright areas were not created by the time frame, but copied from Li Siwen's bright armor, it is actually equivalent to Li Siwen building a house and renting it out...

In short, there is a lot to do in recycling garbage.