Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 791: Life is alive, hope is the word


The dimensional abyss of the fifth/sixth sequence has now turned into a bridge, and this end of the bridge is the Great Tang station once guarded by the veterans of the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty.

On the other side of the bridge was a dam formed by Li Siwen's bright armor.

Now, this bridge has been completely shrouded by Li Siwen's power, what happened in the sixth sequence must pass through this dimensional bridge to pass it on.

Of course, there is another path, that is, the connection between the sixth sequence and the first sequence.

However, the information is transmitted to the first sequence, then from the first sequence to the second sequence, then to the third sequence, and finally to the fourth sequence.

The entire transfer process, even with the fastest speed, would take five hundred years...

Oh, this still refers to treasures such as having the highest authority and riding the black sail of death.

As for Death Black Sail and Death Boat, in fact, the best shuttle efficiency is within the sequence, and again, it is two adjacent sequences, so as long as you pay some price, you can still reach it every other day.

But if you cross several sequences at once, it's really, really bad, no one can do it.

Unless the title dude comes back from the dead!

Because he has a unique set of smuggling routes.

But it is a pity that as early as when Li Siwen was still in the fourth sequence, he had already seen the importance of the title brother, so he directly set up a situation to kill him at any cost, annihilated his death fleet, and then Li Siwen Sven jumped off the fifth sequence in a very short period of time, and then jumped off the sixth sequence. Until now, it took less than ten years to block the communication channel between the fifth and sixth sequences.

Although ten years sounds like a long time, in the sequence of the entire time, it can really be described as lightning-fast.

And now, it was finally Li Siwen's turn to lay out the harvest.

The enemy's response was slow because of the lack of the intelligence network of the title man. Really, the title man has only died less than ten years now.

For example, the things Li Siwen did in the sixth sequence are only known to the stakeholders in the sixth sequence, but in the fifth sequence, people in the fourth sequence will never know, including innate creatures .

They are not omnipotent when facing Li Siwen, who has the same authority as them and is richer.

They are all like this, so the third sequence and the second sequence are even more so.

Now it is conservatively estimated that the news of Li Siwen's wave in the sixth sequence has just been passed to the first sequence.

So, just after gaining a firm foothold, Li Siwen took the opportunity to invite you into the urn.

At this moment, he was standing on the bridgehead of the Datang station, behind him was the black mist, and in front of him were dots of starlight, the fifth sequence surrounded by countless galaxies.

Of course, this is the case in his eyes. In the eyes of others, it is an endless barrier. The space is distorted, incomprehensible, and insurmountable within millions of light-years around the Datang Station.

But at this moment, a light and shadow quietly approached Li Siwen, and when the light and shadow dissipated, a skinny old man was revealed, but there were three strange horns on his forehead.

"Cang Mo paid homage to the master, borrowed the master's ingenuity, and all the plans went smoothly. Three days ago, Zhang Yang ordered that Sword Immortal Tiandi escape to the fifth sequence first. At the same time, the main force of the time guard council led by Mu Shaoan also withdrew from the fourth sequence. .”

"After the news came out, in just half an hour, five more civilization forces on the list gave up all their accumulation in the fourth sequence, swept their own civilization world, and escaped into the fifth sequence."

"An hour later, the news that the innate beings were going to go to war with their master had spread throughout the fourth sequence. This time, all the civilization forces on the list fled to the fifth sequence, and there were 7,201 small and medium civilization forces who heard the news. The cannon fodder of the inborn beings, they activated their respective civilized worlds one after another, and jumped into the fifth sequence."

"As of today, the number of small and medium civilizations that have escaped to the fifth sequence has exceeded 30,000. There are no more civilizations in the fourth sequence."

"Congratulations master, congratulations master!"

Cang Mo bowed again, and the old Que'er and the little Que'er behind Li Siwen also hurriedly congratulated, as for Jian Da, Jian Er, Jian San, Jian Shisan and others were dumbfounded, what the hell? what happened

Why does the fourth sequence seem to be a ghost sequence, causing many civilizations to flee one after another? Don't they know how precious the fourth sequence's account is

Wait, Li Scum wants to fight against the innate creatures of the fourth sequence

My month!

Jian Da and others gasped. Now they know how terrifying this scum king is, and they are fully qualified to retrograde to the fourth sequence in one breath. This is a fact.

So if he really wants to fight against the innate creatures, then the fourth sequence will indeed become the cruelest battlefield. The ancient gods will be like nothing in this level of war. To put it bluntly, this is worse than any pesticides. Much more powerful.

But, but, they know, it doesn't mean that the civilizational forces of the fourth sequence know, are they crazy

So, this is approaching the Chinese New Year, so even the plot has become magical!

"Thanks for your hard work. From now on, you will be called Cang Mo." Li Siwen smiled, looking very satisfied.

But Cang Mo was flattered, "I dare not, but I still want to ask the master to give me a name!"

"Well, is that so? You used to be the boss of Lao Que'er and the others, so you will be called the Que King from now on!" Li Siwen said casually, this frightened Xiao Mu, Fatty Zhang, and even all the microscopic creatures in the fourth sequence. Cang Mo, who was shaken and fled one after another, was of course sent by him.

He has suppressed the dimensional abyss leading to the fifth sequence, so how could the innate creatures of the fourth sequence know anything? They can only know what he wants them to know.

For example, this time, even the cunning Fatty Zhang and the vigilant Xiao Mu were fooled. The reason is that Li Siwen had killed the information and intelligence leader before, and the smuggling leader had the title of brother. Xiaosheng.

Therefore, even if everyone knew the fact that Li Siwen jumped into the sixth sequence, they could only know this fact.

And Li Siwen first sent a letter to Xiaomu, Fatty Zhang, and the super civilized boss of the fourth sequence who can be ranked in the top 20, and sent it in the name of Li Scum, which listed the current situation of the sixth sequence in detail , and prospects for future development, including the importance of the fifth sequence in the future, and so on.

Anyway, it was a very peaceful letter.

Of course, everyone doesn't believe it, and it's strange to believe it.

The significance of sending out this letter is not whether they believe it or not, but to make them believe that not only did Li Scumbag not die in the sixth sequence, but he was also prosperous and had a big plan.

Then, when the big guys scoffed at this matter, Li Siwen resurrected Old Que'er, Little Que'er's boss.

Well, there were six time guardians at the beginning, but Li Siwen has only resurrected five, and the last one is Cang Mo. He is not sure whether to resurrect or not. The reason is that this Cang Mo is actually a retrograde acquired creature avatar.

He established the Time Guardian Council. Of course, the original intention was definitely not so bright. Whoever believes is stupid.

But this time, Li Siwen resurrected him.

Because Cang Mo will be the most important part of the plan!

He is the founder of the Time Guardian Council, and he is the person Xiaomu admires the most. He came forward and told Xiaomu that the Time Guardian Council was established by innate creatures, which made Xiaomu feel disheartened for a while.

He was disheartened, so naturally he would not stay in the fourth sequence as cannon fodder for innate creatures.

As soon as Xiaomu leaves, that cowardly Fatty Zhang will follow without saying a word, because he doesn't believe in anything but Xiaomu's intuition!

And Xiao Mu's intuition has never been missed.

However, Fatty Zhang's Sword Immortal World in the fourth sequence is really equivalent to TAB's status in the Internet. When they all completely retreat from the fourth sequence to the fifth sequence, the establishment of other major microscopic creatures Super civilization will bring unpredictable impact.

In particular, Cang Mo would turn himself into an innate creature to visit these super civilized bosses in person, and leave a mark of guarding the corpse very domineeringly, as if you don't want to be cannon fodder, but you have to be cannon fodder.

But among these old gods, which one is not an old coin like Fatty Zhang, what is a mere corpse guard mark

Plus there is Sword Immortal Heaven and Earth leading the way ahead, so don't say anything, instead of becoming cannon fodder to attack the scum king, it is better to go to the fifth sequence to retire!

In this way, these twenty super civilization forces have all run away. What are the other small and medium civilization forces that cooperate with and interact with

Stay as cannon fodder

No one is stupid! No one will take risks or gamble with the racial civilization that they have worked so hard to build, or that their predecessors have worked so hard to build. This is a lie...

That cost too much.

Still the same sentence, survival is not easy, and no one can afford to hurt those who drag their families along.

In this way, within three days, the civilization established by microscopic creatures in the fourth sequence has been reduced by a full 80%! All of them poured into the fifth sequence pension.

"Old Que'er, Jian Da, please go and make arrangements to spread our degraded structure in its original form, and openly recruit degraded members. You will be rewarded with bright armor, and tell them that as long as they follow me, Li scum, as long as they work hard enough, The Bright Armor is beckoning not far away."

"But the quota is limited, first come first served, only one hundred bright armors." Li Siwen smiled slightly, turned and left calmly.

Innate beings looked down on microscopic beings, and even produced pesticides three times in a row, hoping to reduce garbage in this way and curb the expansion of the black tide of time, but it was useless.

Facts have proved that although microscopic creatures are small, they are like Xiaoqiang, which is called perseverance.

So it's better to change the way of thinking and use the degradation structure to prove the value of these microscopic creatures.

Isn't the Kuroshio awesome

Isn't the life in the Kuroshio very stubborn

Didn't the mastermind behind the scenes still want to wrestle with him!

Come, come, give you a million chances to kill me.

This wave of defrauded microscopic life civilizations brought him at least one million ancient gods and tens of millions of gods. These people are the most qualified garbage disposal personnel with a little training.

The ingenuity of all people merged together, and the strength of all people gathered together.

Kuroshio is a fart!

Let those lofty innate beings see, who is the one who saved the long river of time in the end

Who is the real master of the long river of time

Is it Li scum

No, it is all the creatures who are indomitable, hard-working, hard-working, and will not give up to despair.

They have a power called hope.