Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 793: Vientiane update


New year new life.

No matter how unwilling, how much resentment, how much hatred, how much curse those civilization forces who were deceived from the fourth sequence are, they can't change a fact.

Everyone came here as a refugee. With the barren resources and time frame of the fifth sequence, it is wishful thinking to support these tens of thousands of civilizations.

Shouyuan has been diluted, the ancient law has been diluted into the current law, and many super powerful supernatural powers cannot be released because there are no resources.

Looking at it, his own civilization will disappear from everyone, because his lifespan is not enough.

They fled in order to survive, and the fifth sequence can only give them a chance to barely survive, but it is impossible to imagine living a nourishing life like before, with ancient gods walking everywhere, gods are not as good as dogs, and demigods are not as good as dogs .

Originally in the fourth sequence, any mortal could live for hundreds of thousands of years, but now I have to sigh with emotion that life is seventy years old!

what to do

Robbery and evil, this is a way out, but that scum king has let go, whoever dares to make trouble, whoever dares to destroy the stability, unity and harmony of the fifth sequence, then don't blame him for being rude, sticking his head out, Stretch your feet and chop your feet...

This is not a threat, but Chi Guoguo's intimidation.

Therefore, in less than half a day after Li Siwen delivered his New Year's greetings, Fatty Zhang convinced himself that a man can bend and stretch, show off his might, and naturally be a coward.

What's more, the situation is really not easy. That scumbag Li is really high-level. Although he has dug countless holes in his life, his height and level are really not good enough, so now even his own civilization has been trapped. Alas, the tiger falls in Pingyang, and the dragon swims in the shallows. He has all the means, but he can't use them.

Could this be the legendary conspiracy

Along the way, thinking all the way, in fact, Fatty Zhang still has many pits. In the fifth, fourth, third, and even the second sequence, there are holes dug by him, and there are trumpets left by him. Except for the first sequence, That's the only place where he can sink his halberd into the sand.

Now there may be an additional sixth sequence.

The speed of the death boat within the sequence is extremely fast, especially when the fifth sequence does not have much time frame, and in just a moment, the dimensional abyss arrives.

But as soon as he got here, Fatty Zhang was stunned, not only because he found that the dimensional abyss that isolated everything here had turned into a big river leading to the unknown, and it was completely guarded by Li scumbags, who were simply standard road tyrants.

What surprised him even more was that this place was so crowded and lively that there were nearly ten thousand ancient gods and millions of gods waiting in line here, and there were still people rushing here one after another.

It's weird, so weird.

Many civilizations that have fought for countless years in the fourth sequence in the past are now facing each other in peace. Even though they stare at each other coldly, they dare not reveal any murderous intent.

At the feet of scum, who dares to make mistakes

What made Fatty Zhang collapse even more was that Mu Xixie, who was about to retire after the words he said before was so accurate and righteous, and the coffin was nailed to the board, unexpectedly appeared here in a grandiose manner.

"Sure enough, what kind of cousin is used to cheat, this guy's conscience is black!"

Fatty Zhang hurried forward. Although everyone was queuing, what kind of existence was he? He was once a mysterious boss who was counted in the fourth-order micro-civilization. Will gladly make way.

He rushed to the front in one breath, and he roared like a dragon—

"Li scum, get out of here, I want to surrender..."

"It's not surrender, it's cooperation. What kind of friendship do we have, surrender or something? Don't talk about it in the future. If others want the Bright Armor, they have to pass the assessment. Fatty, I'll give you three directly!"

When Li Siwen came out, he kept his promises, and he was bold and dry. On the spot, he photographed three control authority cores of the Bright Armor, but why did they look so familiar

Fatty Zhang looked at the three brick-like, dark things, and wanted to say Li Scumbag, you are too dark.

But looking at the expectant eyes of apprentices and grandchildren, sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, wives, concubines, concubines, and wives around him, he still hesitated.

The family is big and the business is big.

In the world of sword immortals, there are tens of thousands of ancient sword gods alone, and nearly a million sword gods, not to mention other things. Such a huge force can live well and be united when the resources of the fourth sequence are abundant. Without resources, in order to survive, people's hearts will change, and it will be difficult to lead the team.

Although Fatty Zhang is not a genuine sword fairy, his love for the profession of sword fairy, especially his love for the little sister of sword fairy, cannot be desecrated.

He, a decent person, a gentleman, for the sake of the overall situation, what humiliation would he not dare to bear

What's more, the three bright armors are the three bright areas. They are genuine and innocent. Even if the core control is still in the hands of some scum, at least everyone can live with dignity, right

Well, it smells so good!

Fatty Zhang accepted it fiercely. Before he could say a few words of emotion, those big bosses who used to be equal to him in the fourth sequence swarmed over and squeezed him out directly. The temptation of the three bright armors came first. Dignity, unwillingness, beating workers, bah, fuck his uncle, if there is any storm, just come.

Li Siwen greeted and greeted these big guys with a smile on his face, and there was no need for assessment at all. What is the assessment? These are all old coins similar to Fatty Zhang, and their civilization backgrounds are not bad. It's not that this time Li Siwen used it If you have a big killer like innate creatures that many old coins can't handle, you can't be fooled.

So one counts as one, including Xiaomu, a total of twelve big bosses were generously given three quotas of bright armors, um, quotas, because Li Siwen has only built three bright armors so far, but It doesn't matter, the off-plan house is also a house, and he, Li scumbag's golden signboard, can still do something wrong

Everyone will cooperate in the future. How can those who work for him have the heart to cheat? After all, he has been cheated miserably, right

Be kind, be kind!

Although these bigwigs were not quite reconciled, they were relieved when Li Siwen gave the specific delivery time, especially accurate to the second, and it was more authentic, after all, it was a bright armor, not a Chinese cabbage , You can take out so much at once, so they won't believe it.

In short, they have already taken the benefits of the big head, and the remaining micro-civilizations don't have this preferential treatment. They don't even have the qualifications to be interviewed by Li Siwen, so they have to line up obediently, register, assess, and evaluate at the Bridge of Dimensions, and the next step is to How many ancient gods and gods are sent within the specified time limit to enter the edge of the sixth sequence to learn the degradative structure, and when they pass the degrader test, they will be honored.

Finally, the most important point, from the sixth sequence back to the fifth sequence, there is no need to pay any fees, and there is no need to pay any price. This is Li Siwen's clear announcement. After all, the big guys have a very bad impression of the sixth sequence, and they always think that The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong men will never return once they are gone.

How is that possible

Over there, it was actually 100 million times crueler than everyone thought.