Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 795: new employee area


It was just dawn, and Hatake Limara Saichen finished his meditation. Looking at the dim stars in the sky, he couldn't help but sighed. In the fourth sequence, how had he ever worked so hard to meditate and understand the rules of heaven and earth

"Ninety-nine generations of ancestors of the Japanese scum of the Great Demon King!"

With a slander in his heart, he hurriedly bowed three times to the sky. He was so devout, there was no way, how could he not bow his head under the eaves of others

"Li... Yang, my name is Li Yang!"

I repeated this crappy, ugly, and weird name. Although I didn't want it in every way, it was Hatake Limara Saihan's new name.

To do things, you have to be thoughtful and meticulous, to take refuge, you have to take refuge thoroughly, and to flatter, you must take the most comfortable position.

In view of the language of the scum king, now in the fifth sequence, such crappy, ugly, and weird names are very popular, as if they are already the official language. If you walk outside, if you don’t have a name with a similar style, you will feel inferior .

"Husband, are you going to work?"

"Yes, now the time is getting shorter and shorter every day, and the Dimension Bridge is more crowded, I have to go there earlier." Li Yang said casually, the 21-hour working time a day is unshakable, but in the fifth sequence, a day has shrunk to Twenty-three hours, although there is no cost to return from the sixth sequence to the fifth sequence as a degrader, but it will take time to go back and forth.

Of course, as an ancient god, Li Yang is not the kind of family-loving person, but who told him that tens of thousands of years ago, he just gathered a racial civilization for himself. Originally, he only needed to develop it for more than a million years, and he could form a scale no matter what. After this incident happened, he had to escape to the fifth sequence.

Other civilizations can form their own universes, but his civilization can only form a passable planet due to financial constraints, but even the attached sun and satellites are not qualified to form, so it can only go to an uninhabited indigenous galaxy , Borrowing some sunshine every day to develop, that is a miserable situation.

Fortunately, his salary as a degrader is not bad, one ancient rule per month, one point two ancient rules per year, plus civilization points, which can barely supply the development of the planet.

But it's better to move directly to the sixth sequence. Maybe the sixth sequence is a scourge in the eyes of others, but Li Yang can see clearly that there is the son of the scum king, and the fifth sequence can only be regarded as raised by his stepmother.

There are also some people who can't see clearly, thinking that the scum king didn't get involved in the fifth sequence, but just look at the changes in time here.

So Li Yang just hopes to move his civilization to the sixth sequence. He doesn't dare to extravagantly hope to get a quota for Guangming Armor, but it is still possible to get a new staff area. The starting point is 1 million square kilometers, and the maximum is 100 million square kilometers. .

In fact, the land is not important, what is really valuable is the development prospect and authority of the sixth sequence in the future.

Yes, if you don’t get involved or become a degrader, you won’t understand how profitable garbage recycling is, let alone how thick the scum king’s thighs are

"So, my name is Li Yang!"

Strengthening his belief once again, Li Yang quietly jumped out of the atmosphere with a single thought, tiptoeing, like a father who is afraid of waking his sleeping child, there is no way, compared to the fragile planet, even if he is just the weakest dog Leg-level ancient gods can sweep the entire galaxy with a single thought.

Really, this kind of thing is too weak to pretend.

Only those who are truly awesome know that construction is always more powerful than destruction.

For example, our dear, great scum king!

Controlling his body, Li Yang carefully left the low-rent galaxy where his planet is located at sub-light speed, and then slowly accelerated to the bus station 33 light-years away.

The speed of light is the standard of the fifth sequence, but it is not suitable for these ancient gods and even the gods who descended from the fourth sequence.

When he got to the bus station, Li Yang checked the time, it was one minute and twenty-four seconds earlier than yesterday, not bad.

Here, more than 500 ancient gods and more than 3,000 gods have been waiting quietly, but everyone is like a good man, standing cautiously, not daring to step on a single flower or plant.

Now, the Fifth Sequence is not to mention how harmonious it is, even if it is an enemy in the past, there will never be a single word of verbal conflict.

Li Yang looked at some ancient gods and gods with emotion. Many of them knew each other. Most of them came from small powers, or even lone dogs. There were few big powers and very few medium powers.

But it is also these small forces, guys who don't have many choices, who have taken refuge in the most thoroughly and can see it most clearly. Right now, they are working hard every day, improving themselves, and earning civilization points crazily , the earlier you start, the greater the advantage.

Just as Li Yang thought of this, his heart moved, and he saw a dog-legged ancient god who had some feuds with him, but it was not a life-and-death feud, walking over with a smile.

"My name is Li Cang now, brother, what's your name?"

"Li Yang." Li Yang was very indifferent. He didn't even need to worry about this guy tripping him up. In the fourth sequence, if the two ancient gods were close to 100,000 kilometers, it meant that they were either allies or enemies.

"Ha! We are indeed a family, brother, do you want to cooperate? I have a special connection." Li Cang whispered mysteriously.

Li Yang wanted to say that he wasn't interested, but now he nodded, because he didn't worry about the other party's tricks at all. As a first-level degrader, he was a member of the scum king...

"It's about the new staff area. As you know, you need 100,000 civilization points to apply for the new staff area with the lowest standard. Thinking about stragglers like us, even if we perform 300 degradation surgeries a day and can accumulate 300 civilization points a day, we still need For a year, now, those ancient gods with big forces, medium forces, and elephant-legged gods are all staring at the light armor, or they don't even look down on the career of our great scum king, but if we wait a little longer, When they come to their senses, with their manpower and material resources, it shouldn't be too easy to catch up with us, we have been suppressed in the fourth sequence, should we continue to be suppressed now?"

"How can we let such a great opportunity slip away in front of us?"

When Li Cang said this, Li Yang nodded, because he was really working hard now.

"Then we can't help it. We have only joined for less than two months, and the accumulated civilization points are not enough to exchange."

"But we can cooperate. An area of one million square kilometers is a bit small, but where should it be divided? I have always believed that the sixth sequence must be prosperous. Wouldn't it be good to cooperate to build a piece of land as soon as possible?"

"In this way, even if a big force joins in the future and sweeps everything, we won't even have a piece of land. I've just persuaded three people, and including you, we can immediately exchange for a new district with the lowest level of employees. Five If it is shared equally among individuals, then it can be divided into 200,000 square kilometers, and then we can continue to exchange it in this way until all five of us have a new employee area."

"But, does the scum king agree?" Li Yang was obviously moved. Yes, in the case of being 100% bullish on the sixth sequence, instead of waiting to exchange for a million square kilometers of land, it is better to get one-fifth of it first. .

"Hey, why don't you say that the scum king is wise and mighty? They didn't mention relevant policies at all, and they allow civilization points to be traded with each other. Brother, believe me, this rule is reserved for you and me, small forces that sincerely rely on you. If you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

"Okay, let's do this!" Li Yang made a decision in an instant. He was not afraid that the other party would deceive him. Anyone who has the name of a scum king, who dares to come out to make trouble at this time, just wait to be killed as an example!

At this time, the bus came, um, it was the famous death boat, in the fourth sequence, the ancient gods who were generally not rich could not take it once in their life, let alone own it.

It's still a scum king who is so rich, he uses it as a bus...

After getting on the boat of death, as it started, it arrived at the Dimension Bridge in three seconds, directly crossed half of the fifth sequence, and passed through tens of thousands of cosmic planes.

But for Li Yang, Li Cang and the others, this has long been commonplace. They are now in a hurry to exchange for the new staff area, five first-level degraders, and it is just enough to collect 100,000 civilization points.

The application process was very smooth and very fast. The officer in charge of the review, um, seemed to be called Liang Jin, and his eyes were a little approving.

"Do the five need to be notarized? Of course, you can also share it privately."


Li Yang, Li Cang, Li Can, Li Lan, and Li Shan, the five dog-legged ancient gods were all taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed. Did you see it, the official approval, this is the real estate certificate directly, so considerate, we must do well To repay the kindness of the scum king.

"It's fine, thank you, Mr. Liang."

The five people were laughing from ear to ear, and at a very fast speed, a new employee area of one million square kilometers was evenly divided, and the whole process did not even delay their work.

Life, finally set sail again.

Before going to work, the five people got together again, nodding to each other, without speaking, the meaning was self-explanatory, that is, speed up, hurry up and pass the second-level degradation officer exam, earn more civilization points, and strive to have a place for everyone within a year Complete staff new area!

"So, hardworking people will always have good luck."

Li Siwen witnessed all of this. He doesn't care where the fate of Li Yang, Li Cang and others will go, but as long as they follow the rules he made, it will definitely not be too bad. It's just that some people are really in the blessings and don't know Good luck.

Li Siwen's eyes passed through the void, and looked at a powerful force that he regarded as a golden horse bone. The other party was considered a super-large microcosmic civilization comparable to Sword Immortal Heaven and Earth in the fourth sequence.

He gave the other party three quotas of bright armors, but there are only three bright armors in stock, so it will have to wait until one hundred and forty-nine years before this big power enters the room.

In fact, the time for handing over the house is really not long. For the ancient gods who often have tens of millions of years of life, this is just a flick of a finger.

But, this person is afraid of long nights and dreams, and is afraid of thinking blindly. This ancient pine civilization is like this. They are interested in bright armor, but not in degradable structures, and even less interested in becoming degraders, because they can see through it at a glance. , This is working for the scum king, and it is for nothing, for nothing.

So they chose to procrastinate. In the past three months, only a few hundred gods were sent to deal with the errands, and even a first-level degrader was not admitted.

Anyway, from their point of view, we are not going to betray you, the scum king, we have already surrendered, and the three light armors will be given to us for free. This is what you use to stabilize people's hearts, so can't we sit back and enjoy the benefits

Will you, the scum king, want to go back on your word

In short, they are choosing to wait and see, and wait and see cautiously. Even if the situation changes in the future, it will not be too late for us to make a move. With thousands of ancient gods like us and millions of gods in reserve, it’s no wonder we don’t max out your civilization points. !

This kind of thinking is actually possible.

Li Siwen never thought of going back on his word, because no matter whether he had these powerful forces or not, he still wanted to build a light armor and use it as a city wall to stop the black tide from invading. This was a follow-up plan.

So what he really values is the degraders and degradable structures.

When the majority, or even half, only one-third of the ancient gods, the gods devote themselves to the great cause of garbage degradation with full enthusiasm, then what they contribute is not mere garbage degradation, but optimized, Elevated, degraded structures that continue to develop.

Microcosmic beings, compared with innate beings, have the biggest advantage in knowledge, technology is updated very quickly, and they can research and use anything in their hands.

Li Siwen spent so much effort before to come up with a degradable structure, but in fact, this degradable structure has only reached degradation 2.0, and now he is caught off guard by the Kuroshio, but after a long time, the garbage in the Kuroshio will Continue to mutate and develop resistance, what should we do then

So it was one thing for Li Siwen to need resources, the most important thing was to use resources to cheat more talents.


He doesn't believe it anymore. Hundreds of thousands of ancient gods and tens of millions of gods are studying the degradable structure day after day. Can they drive this structure to climb steadily and continue to optimize this structure until it is perfect

One day, when most of the garbage in the sixth sequence can be degraded, it will usher in the rebirth of the sixth sequence, and it will usher in the rebirth of the long river.

Those big forces who are still hesitating, waiting, and watching, the ancient gods, they will know sooner or later, what exactly they missed

Civilization points are just a pretense!

The bright armor exchanged with civilization points is also a cover for the new staff area.

Even all the resources are under the guise of accomplishing the ultimate goal.

At that time, the big forces will be nothing, and the ancient gods with tyrannosaur legs will be nothing. Whoever has mastered the most advanced degradation technology will be the most powerful.