Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 798: Caring for garbage, caring for nature, starting from Li scum


Walking out of his own operating room, Hou Er who was waiting outside didn't feel anything. He thought it was the same as before, but in fact it wasn't just him, no one knew, everyone came and left in a hurry, like a group of hardworking ants.

I don't know that I am being overlooked, designed, and dominated.

Li Siwen, who possessed the True Spirit Fruit, even just one True Spirit Fruit, would not feel abnormal whatever he did in front of them, just like throwing a stone on the way the ants were moving The next stick...

But Li Siwen didn't have much pleasure in overlooking all living beings, nor did he have any thoughts of being superior. Even if one leg had stepped forward to become a serial life, he still pressed the activation button for his sense of security.

He will always remember that what he wants to set off is a historical era that belongs to microscopic creatures. From now on, except for surgery, he will take a back seat.

As for the original structure of the wind breath, it was directly incorporated into his world-class supernatural power—the sky-grabbing blade. The specific effect is, cross-sequence instant kill!

Therefore, this can no longer be called a world-class supernatural power, but a sequence-level supernatural power.

After letting go of this supernatural power, Li Siwen smiled and disappeared.

Or it is not considered disappearing, but he no longer activates the world body, nor does he no longer activate the fruit of the true spirit. The body will grow automatically, which is uncontrollable. So many time frame subsidies come up, which will be scary to death.

In addition, although there are many benefits to growing into a sequence body, the disadvantages are also obvious. The first thing that bears the brunt is that his sequence body will replace the original sixth sequence body. This cannot be avoided. He does not want to escape, but he can postpone it. one time.

After all, he didn't want to frighten his enemies...

So the best way is, when I don't exist, as long as the serial body is not completed, I will not admit that I am the strongest, and everything is possible.

Time flies, and a hundred years are in the blink of an eye.

Without Li Siwen's various miracles, the sixth sequence garbage disposal center is still booming.

So far, in the fifth sequence, there are no hard bones anymore. With the reduction of time and the reduction of lifespan, almost all microscopic civilizations have invested in the sixth sequence, starting the vigorous feat of picking up garbage.

In a hundred years, the balance of Li Siwen's small treasury has exceeded 20 billion points of world rules.

In fact, this is a little less, because more funds are used to build the Bright Armor, that is, the Kuroshio Protection Wall Project. The shortest of a Bright Armor is 5 million kilometers, and ten Bright Armors are 50 million kilometers. In the past hundred years Inside, a total of 109 bright armors of different types, large, medium and small, were built, and finally merged into a three-trillion-kilometer-long Kuroshio protective wall.

Beyond the Kuroshio protective wall is the Kuroshio that is still frozen.

Inside the Kuroshio protective wall, there are new employee areas one after another.

So far, the waste degradation structure has been optimized to 4.0, and the highest level of degraders has also been raised to level 4 degraders.

At present, the garbage treatment center has a total of 100,000 fourth-level degraders, and any one of them can perform surgery on the original structure of the soil and the original structure of the water source.

Another 10 million third-level degraders.

Fifty million second-level degraders and about five million first-level degraders.

This number is not too much, mainly because the threshold for assessing degraders has increased, and those who are eliminated have to become front-line garbage collectors and garbage disposal staff.

The current total number of these two types of work is 150 billion and 285 billion respectively!

The carts and hooks they used to pick up trash were already hungry and thirsty.

When the bell of the century-old freeze rings, and when the Kuroshio outside the Kuroshio protective wall has begun to partially recover, countless garbage collectors and garbage disposal personnel rushed out in a denser formation, preparing to launch a wave The roaring Kuroshio disintegrated silently.

These waste recycling and processing personnel have undergone nearly 50 years of training. The former is responsible for recycling, and the latter is responsible for combat disposal. Each person can recycle one million tons to three million tons of waste every day.

And in the rear, within the Kuroshio protective wall, the newly expanded garbage processing center can accommodate one trillion people in and out at the same time, and more than 60 million garbage degraders work 18 hours a day, day and night, to ensure that the newly recycled garbage It will be degraded within 24 hours.

Thirty percent of the resources obtained after degradation flowed directly into Li Siwen's small treasury.

Thirty percent was used to build the Bright Armor to expand the Kuroshio defensive wall. Of course, this part is used as a fixed asset and can be exchanged for civilization points.

10% is the wages of degraders, garbage collectors, and garbage processors.

20% is used as garbage recycling to decompose the cost of surgery.

The last ten percent is used to run the waste disposal center.

From this distribution plan, we can see Li Siwen's kindness and generosity, that kind of family, country, and compassion...

It should be known that according to this plan, a garbage collector who can recycle 3 million tons of garbage every day can have a daily income as high as an ancient rule, including five social insurances and one housing fund, first-half bonus, year-end bonus, and annual after-tax income Can reach fifty ancient laws.


In the fourth sequence, a dog-legged ancient god has worked hard for a year to cultivate, and all kinds of brain-struggling struggles are nothing more than that.

But today's dogleg-level ancient gods are not third-level degraders, and their annual income is more than five hundred ancient rules.

What's more, there are civilization points that can be obtained. After a few years of work, you can exchange for a piece of land within the Kuroshio protective wall that is at least 1 million square kilometers and at most 100 million square kilometers.

If you have accumulated enough civilization points, you can even exchange for a bright armor, which is a separate world. Although these bright armors are arranged to be at the forefront to resist the Kuroshio, who is afraid of the Kuroshio now

Ten days and ten nights!

Just like the fiery Double Eleven, or the frenzied Spring Festival stalls!

Li Siwen's micro-civilization exploded with the greatest enthusiasm and motivation. They really created a miracle, just like ants moving a house, they removed all the garbage within a range of tens of billions of kilometers outside the Kuroshio protective wall in one go.

It directly made the Kuroshio, which was about to erupt due to the failure of the freezing effect, temporarily lose its temper.

With this wave, if he digests it completely, Li Siwen can make a net profit of 30 billion points of world rules.

And every micro civilization can also accumulate a lot of wealth.

Superpowers such as Fatty Zhang and Xiaomu have easily earned hundreds of millions of world rules in this wave. Among them, Fatty Zhang's sword fairy civilization has the most explosive ability to accumulate money. Fatty Zhang even went to battle in person, with My eldest wife, concubine, lover, son, grandson, and great-grandson huh-huh, in just ten days, created a wealth myth of 810 million points of world rules!

This is almost equivalent to the entire net worth of an innate creature of the fourth sequence!

too crazy.

Xiaomu's anti-virus civilization ranks second on the wealth list, earning 760 million points of world rules in ten days.

The third-ranked Thousand-Handed Shura Civilization obtained 680 million points of world rules in ten days.

And this wealth list can be ranked up to fifty, and those who can make the list are all civilizations that have generated more than 100 million income.

In short, after a hundred years of accumulation, once it explodes, Li Siwen doesn't need to say anything or do anything himself, they have already become the most devout supporters of the garbage disposal center.

This is true for these big forces, and even more so for small and medium-sized forces. Medium-sized civilizations can earn more than 10 million points of world rules on average.

Small civilizations can earn more than one million points of world rules.

Even if it is a former lone dog, a lone ranger, as long as they are strong enough, as long as they are willing to work hard, it is not a problem to earn 100,000 points of world rules.

However, after ten days and ten nights, Li Siwen closed the Kuroshio protective wall and stopped recycling garbage for three reasons.

First, the front line of garbage collection is already too far away from the Kuroshio defensive wall, and the support is somewhat unable to keep up, and casualties have already begun to occur, which is not worth the candle.

Second, all the storage capacity of the garbage processing center has reached its maximum peak, and it can no longer accommodate more garbage. This wave needs to be digested.

By the way, the wealth that everyone has earned is still paper wealth. It will take a few years to gradually digest it, especially the civilization points, which are also a kind of wealth. Isn't the bright armor exchanged fragrant

In the next hundred years, there will definitely be another hundred bright armors.

The third, and most important point, is to pay attention to technology when cutting leeks, one crop after another, to protect the leeks, to develop humanistic care for the leeks, to fill the hearts of the leeks with chicken soup for the soul... so that the leeks can have the courage to come back...

Otherwise, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to make such crazy money. The Kuroshio is a unique environment. When the total amount of garbage decreases, it will slowly recede, retreating to the time desert outside the sequence, although the core Unchanged, will still make a comeback next time.

But this next time, it will take hundreds of millions of years as the unit.

Li Siwen can't guarantee whether the microscopic creatures hundreds of millions of years later can still work together as they are today. This is not because of his lack of deterrence, but because of the nature of the microscopic creatures. He is not interested in intimidating this or that every day. Are you tired

Therefore, Li Siwen had to control the rhythm, little by little, step by step, gently, kindly, and gently, to effectively catch and recover the Kuroshio garbage, and to recuperate.

Caring for leeks, caring for garbage, caring for the black hands behind the scenes, caring for all friends who want to make troubles, this is, love in the world!

In short, Li Siwen would not think of finishing his work in one battle, severely inflicting damage on the Kuroshio and all the coveted behind-the-scenes gangsters, and then put most of the resources in his own pocket.

He would not do such stupid things as drinking poison to quench thirst.

He is Li Si Wen, the best man in the world!