Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 800: A piece of ice heart in a jade pot


"It's almost too late."

After killing the three innate creatures in seconds, Li Siwen stopped. He could already sense the trembling of the remaining seven innate creatures in the fourth sequence, because it was beyond their control.

Innate creatures cannot be driven to extinction, not because they are afraid of jumping over the wall in a hurry, but because of the normal operation of the long river of time, innate creatures are indispensable, and they will be needed to spread fire in the future.

Yes, just like in that song—

You are still the same as before, the boy who spread the fire... There will never be a slight change... How can the long river be without you...

Ha, in fact, the situation is not that serious. Innate creatures can't dominate alone, so can microscopic creatures dominate alone

The growth potential and development potential of microscopic creatures are almost directly proportional to their destructive ability.

Now that the microscopic creatures have become the new masters of the long river of time under the promotion of Li Siwen, it does not mean that they will be the sinners of the long river of time in the future.

Tang Yizhou could see this clearly, so he would naturally arrange it clearly.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, or in the eyes of the man behind the title brother, this is a crucial decisive battle, the final decisive battle, but in Li Siwen's eyes, it is nothing more than redrawing the rules for the long river of time in the future. .

Well, he has always been so noble, so great.

He turned his body into a sequence, but it is definitely not an ordinary sequence. His sequence will be the most special one in a long time, because he has money and resources.

So far, through the degradation of Kuroshio garbage, he has accumulated almost 80 billion points of world rules.

After all, a large part of the garbage in the Kuroshio comes from other long rivers of collapse, which are very rich.

So in fact, Li Siwen's current wealth value can already buy the entire fourth and third series. Really, there are levels of money.

Especially after this battle, with the last wave of the Kuroshio tide being dealt with, the balance of his small treasury can even exceed the world rules of 150 billion points in one fell swoop.

At that time, he can even buy the second sequence, the third sequence, and the fourth sequence together.

So his sequence body will gradually evolve into the former first sequence in the future. His sequence body is both the beginning and the end.

He can formulate new rules for the long river of time, of course, without destroying the time frame. Although Li Siwen can completely start a new business outside of the long river of time and make himself the master of the long river of time, it doesn't make sense, he only needs to change it a little Check the flow of resources, and through the control of activity, you can change the mode of time.

From then on, with Li Siwen's serial body as the center, the innate creatures go to the left, and the microcosmic creatures go to the right, checking and balancing each other, and restraining each other, but no one wants to destroy the other.

Innate creatures are more suitable for conservation, so in the future those innate creatures will control the second, third, fourth, and fifth sequence, and finally come to Li Siwen to pass the fire obediently.

As for the first sequence, the future will be controlled by Li Siwen. In fact, the sixth sequence has a channel leading to the first sequence. Otherwise, how would the resources operate

When his world body transformed into a sequence body, he understood it instantly.

As for the microcosmic creatures? Of course it was chasing the Kuroshio and fighting all the way.

Because this is the greatest characteristic and advantage of microcosmic beings, they have crazy ambitions to develop. Li Siwen gave them the seeds and the sickle of hope, and they can fight all the way to the sky.

After hundreds of years of training by Li Siwen, almost all microcosmic beings already know that the Kuroshio is the source of wealth, and garbage is the source of wealth!

So the mastermind behind the title brother who still wanted to make a comeback was actually quite pitiful, he didn't even understand that the nature of the matter had changed.

For example, now, the mastermind behind the scenes thinks that there will be an unprecedented terrifying black wave, but in fact, this terrifying wave is like a rain of red envelopes to microscopic creatures...

The army of microscopic beings eager to pick up garbage has been waiting for this black tide for a long time. From this moment on, the microscopic civilization created by the microscopic creatures will officially enter the stage of history and become a pioneer for a long time.

As beings who like to chase benefits most, they will chase the footsteps of the Kuroshio at all costs, pick up all the garbage and degrade it, and create one light armor after another, constantly grabbing territory.

With this kind of utilitarianism, they will never look back, they will only rush forward, using Li Siwen's sequence as the starting point, to create new sequences one after another.

Unless, there is no more garbage.

Unless, there are new environmental problems.

But that's an unknown number of years, and it has nothing to do with Li Siwen.

These sequences will constitute the downstream of the long river of time, they jump out of the cycle of the long river of time, and can continue to grow wildly, circle after circle, like mosquito coils...

In short, he will control the innate creatures, develop microscopic creatures, and gradually form a civilization, and then let these microscopic civilizations follow the path of the predecessors with the mission of pioneers, and will never give the microscopic creatures a chance to harm the main sequence...

If the development of micro-civilization fails, it doesn't matter, just cultivate another wave.

Of course, there is still a link in this cycle that has not been broken through, that is, there are still a large number of time refugees hidden in the first sequence.

There is also a place where the man behind the title brother is very dependent, just like a schistosomiasis, very disgusting and tricky.

Therefore, Li Siwen had to do it himself, personally perform a super-large operation on the first sequence, and remove all the schistosomes...

However, considering the particularity of the first sequence, the duration of this operation may be a bit long, and at least 20 billion or so of world rules need to be invested.

Therefore, from the moment the black tide erupted, amidst the cheers of countless garbage pickers, Li Siwen's sequence body quietly took over the original sixth sequence, and at the same time took control of the previous fifth sequence. sequence.

Then, Li Siwen let go of the sea of true spirits, allowing countless time frames to fuse with his own fruit of the true spirit, and finally turned into the first fruit of time.

The structure here is still the time structure, but the structure level is many times higher than the original one. The most important thing is that the fruit of time is directly connected to all the pure lands of the Holy Ruins, which means that the fruit of time can be synchronized with the pure land of the Holy Ruins. The upgrading of the structure and technology will never be outdated, and it will never be possible for any micro-civilization to escape Li Siwen's surveillance.

Of course, there is a price for doing so. For example, Li Siwen's serial body will never be able to move, and will be completely permanent. Otherwise, it will not be able to support the operation of the fruit of time, let alone conceal the existence of the fruit of time.

After all, if those microscopic civilizations find out that their own civilization background is being monitored, it would be strange not to rebel immediately.

But in fact, he is all kind-hearted. As the saying goes, a heart of ice is in the jade pot. Who understands me, Li Siwen

(Well, let me tell you, this book is coming to an end. Thank you for your support all the way. The new book is under preparation, and it is still farming. It is expected to be uploaded in March, so stay tuned!)