Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 802: postscript


Fifteen billion years later, the Kuroshio, which has been raging for countless years and has been pursued by micro-civilization, has already become a legendary existence that cannot be met. The word "garbage" is even equivalent to a rare treasure.

Just like islands in the vast ocean, they are often prefixed with pearls.

The lakes in the Boundless Continent will also become a must for beautiful mountains and clear waters and outstanding people.

It’s actually no different than Chinese cabbage is to agave…

Rare things are expensive.

However, far-sighted people have long pointed out that the day when microscopic civilization flourishes is the time when new garbage is born. At that time, even if there is no black tide, there will inevitably be white tide, gray tide, blue tide, and red tide Comeback.

"It's nothing more than Li scum's tool civilization, but that guy is smart!"

Fatty Zhang sneered and said with a sneer that there were three people beside him, one was Xiaomu, and the other was wearing a gray robe. It was wrapped airtight, and in the end it was a cat that was so fat that even a big fat pig would be ashamed, and a fat man would be willing to bow down to him...

Oh, and one more person, cats are not people after all.

"Brother, how have you been all these years? I always thought you were in the second sequence." Xiao Mu asked at this moment, but it was the gray robe who asked.

But the gray robe didn't speak, and just wrote with his hands in the air, "I'm fine. Back then, I followed a group of time refugees to the Long River of Time. I ran a time inn with them. My life was quite comfortable. Oh, I still have to Thank you cousin for your trumpets, without their help, I would not be able to jump out."

Fatty Zhang curled his lips when he heard this. His trumpet has nothing to do with him. Others are married daughters, and the water was poured out. I actually have a few trumpets who saved my big cousin, um, Xiaomu's brother—Mu Shaojun.

At this time, Mu Shaojun in the gray robe continued to type in the air, "I am coming back this time, in addition to meeting you, I also want to remind you, don't forget the law of prosperity and death, that Although the scum king is the most powerful master of time so far, he can't protect the micro-civilization for too long. Cousin Fatty is right. The micro-civilization is indeed the tool civilization of the scum king. You have to get rid of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, be careful of cooking oil in the fire, blooming flowers, and waiting for the tide of garbage created by the microscopic civilization to appear, and you will not be able to escape even if you want to."

Hearing this, Xiao Mu fell silent, Fatty Zhang sighed, and wanted to get out, it was not easy, they were not Li scum, they directly took advantage of the right time, place and people, played a good game of chess, and have been invincible since then.

In the past 15 billion years, his sword fairy civilization and Xiaomu's anti-virus civilization have really made a lot of money, but because of this, the fate of their respective civilizations has been tied to the various sequences of the long river of time.

Even if they have become the masters of sequence now, they are powerless to break free.

"Beyond the long river of time, is it really a happy place?"

At this moment, the fat cat opened its mouth.

"That's not true. Outside the long river of time, it's just a place outside the law of time. There is no time, so there is no cause and effect. Maybe you can't understand what I said. You just need to imagine that in my time inn, I look up every day. I can see the long river of time you are in, I glance up and I can see the first sequence, and I look down and I can see the twelfth sequence you are building, just like watching a TV series."

Mu Shaojun in the gray robe typed.

"It's not such an exaggeration. We are like Empisser, big cousin, you are not kind." Fatty Zhang frowned.

"No, I didn't say that. It's not Empisser's problem. Well, maybe I can use a name to explain your doubts. You creatures in the long river of time call us time refugees, but you know we What do you call yourself? A time fanatic! That means an outlaw fanatic."

"But this is not to belittle anyone, nor is it to pursue anyone, just like tofu nao with sugar and tofu nao with minced garlic and coriander, each has its own advantages."

"Being within the long river of time is equivalent to being within the law net of time. You must be restricted by the law of time, so there will be birth, old age, sickness and death, and there will be the saying of longevity. No one can break free, not even the master of time, oh , I'm not talking about the scum king... but that the time masters of all generations have not been able to really break free. The scum king has too many resources, so he can be exempted."

"Back to the topic, if you are not within the long river of time, naturally you are not within the law of time. Oh, this law of time is what you call the time frame. In fact, they are all the same. If you leave the shackles of the law of time, the only thing you need to consider Yes, it is the amount of resources you have, and at this point, the behavior of that scumbag is worth learning for all of us, everything, in the final analysis, is resources."

"Wait, big cousin, are you sure you didn't come to fool us? Didn't you want our resources?" Fatty Zhang said suddenly.

Mu Shaojun in the gray robe slapped a smiling face in the air, "Fatty cousin, it is true that outside of the long river of time, there are many time lunatics, no, it can be said that more than 90% of the time lunatics are actually living a miserable life. But the remaining 10% are not doing badly, do you know what their identities used to be?"

"Some of them are masters of time who have failed. As far as I know, there are as many as nineteen."

"There are also congenital creatures who went bankrupt due to the collapse of the long river of time. They account for the majority, and they are basically the property owners of the land beyond the law of the long river of time. They live comfortably, and the main thing is that they don't have to worry about being spread fire..."

"There are also those like me who are fortunate enough to break through the microstructure and at the same time go to the lawless place."

"Even if the worst is the worst, it is the Lord of Sequence, the ancient god of structure."

"The birth and annihilation of a long river of time is like watching a play for us. We place bets, manipulate, and speculate according to our own judgment. After a round of income, at least hundreds of millions of points start with the world rules. By the way Mention, the black tide in the past was created by us extrajudicial lunatics. If I hadn't met the scum king, I can build a new time river with my current assets and be the master of time myself to have fun. "

"What I said has no other meaning, and you don't have to take me as a big villain. I just want to tell you that the birth of every long river of time is just an outlaw fanatic who wants to change his way of life. Long river of time They are all built by outlaw lunatics, don't define them from the level of justice and evil, time refugees, ha, this is just a way for the scum king to deliberately humiliate us, to put it bluntly, even now, the place outside the law Here, there are at least ten senior extrajudicial fanatics who are qualified to build a new long river of time."

"And if this wave hadn't been harvested by the scum king, there would be at least hundreds of senior outlaws who could build a new long river of time..."

"You understand what I mean, I didn't come here because I coveted your property, but the scum king who you think is a giant tree has now aroused public anger, and it just so happens that the long time you live in is due to the prosperity of microscopic civilization , has already begun to brew a catastrophe like flowers blooming, and those outlaws, of course including me, will not let go of this opportunity."

"Can you fight against Li Scum?" Xiao Mu who had been silent all this time suddenly asked.

The gray robe Mu Shaojun was silent for a while, a little tangled, and finally typed helplessly in the air: "Theoretically, he is no match for him. He has almost plundered 80% of the resources in the Kuroshio. The micro-civilization is the vanguard in the front, and the innate creatures become fire transmission tools in the back, and the fire is constantly transmitted and life is endless. This is really a good move, and there are almost no flaws."

"However, just because we can't beat him, doesn't mean we can't harvest your micro-civilizations. Moreover, once micro-civilizations generate new garbage, believe it or not, you will be the first to be harvested by the scum king? This is my original intention. I think you don’t want the civilization you built to become ashes that spread the flames, disappearing without any value.”

"Please believe me, the Kuroshio has disappeared, and new garbage is about to appear. No one will be spared from the tide!"

"Based on the resources you have now, it is easy to build a time station separately after going beyond the long river of time. We watched the scum big devil build a tall building together, watched him entertain guests, and watched his building get taller... When Isn't it good to be a spectator?"

"What do you say?" Fatty Zhang asked the last person suddenly at this moment, this guy has not opened his mouth all this time, and he also looks like Mu Shaojun in gray robe, but he didn't come with Mu Shaojun in gray robe, because, He is Fatty Zhang's trumpet. Who is he? He sent his trumpet out of the long river of time a long time ago, and now he has a foundation.

"I'm in the game, I can't see carefully, but I can see it clearly from the outside. The micro-civilization has ended the Kuroshio, and now the backlash is coming. If you want to withdraw, you should withdraw as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm worried that Li Scumbag will take the lead in cutting the knife." .”

"That's it, okay, our sword fairy civilization will withdraw first." Fatty Zhang patted Xiaomu's shoulder and disappeared instantly. A long time ago, he was used to following Xiaomu in big things. After being cheated by Li Scumbag five billion years ago, the two already had a rift, because without that time, where would there be today's Li Scumbag

That damn Li scum, is completely making a fortune standing on the corpse of a microscopic civilization.

"Okay, let's withdraw too, Boss Mu, those who know the current affairs are heroes, don't be embarrassed, just like what you did 15 billion years ago, is it wrong to find a way out for our own civilization?" Fatty The cat said in a low voice, and then disappeared too.

"Little brother..."

Mu Shaojun in the gray robe looked at Xiao Mu, but he smiled lightly, "Brother, do you believe that there is a self-renewal, self-examination, endless, infinite vitality micro-civilization?"

"At this time, if you talk about ideals with me, you are playing hooligans." Mu Shaojun in the gray robe typed angrily.

"But this is what Li Scum told me. He gave me his world civilization. He said 15 billion years ago that today's micro-civilization can be the savior of time, but it doesn't mean that the future is not time. Sinners in Changhe, so if you want to save yourself, you must first save others.”

"So, whatever you say, I'm not interested in being the master of time or sequence. I only care about my civilization. If my civilization is suitable for this world, no matter how much suffering and catastrophe there is, I will still Exist and live forever."

"If it is not suitable, I am willing to die with my civilization and decay until there is no trace left."

"How do you know that the scum king didn't use you as a tool, as a leek, and harvest one after another?"

"Do your own thing, walk your own way, and don't care what he does?" Xiaomu smiled slightly, "Besides, it's a bit bitter for you and you time fanatics to evaluate the strongest time master ever recorded like this ?”

"Brother, goodbye, there is a problem, and it is solved. Before Li Scumbag was born, the Kuroshio was also recognized as an unsolvable problem? Now, it has become a rare treasure. I don't care how Li Scumbag is. I just want to know, have all the masters of time in the past given microscopic creatures, microscopic civilizations a chance to rise? Did they give microscopic civilizations a chance to be human?"

"I, Mu Shaoan, an old, dead-brained anti-virus hunter, am willing to take my anti-virus civilization to meet this unknown challenge. My civilization and I are willing to rectify the names of all microscopic creatures, willing to give all microscopic creatures Let civilization set an example, even if the price is wiped out, I don’t want to be called bugs anymore, and I don’t want to be dealt with by innate creatures with pesticides.”

"Begging cannot accumulate wealth."

"Escape, not in exchange for freedom."

"Humble, you can't win respect."

Laughing three times, Mu Shaoan took out the anti-virus hunter badge that was almost rusted from his pocket, and the details of the texture could hardly be seen. After all, it has been almost 20 billion years.

Putting it on carefully and carefully, he turned around and staggered away, under the starry sky, with white hair.

(End of the book)

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