Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 90: Born to log



After reading the last key point of planting, Li Siwen couldn't hold back for a moment, laughing out loud.

Are you kidding me

If you want to be so rough, can't you be taller and gentler

But I have to say that this method is really cowhide! I don't know which guy came up with it, it's so handsome! Thieves pull the wind!

Yes, the most important thing about planting a wood demon has been clearly written.

Either make it impossible for even a single tree to appear within one square kilometer, or make this wooden demon an idiot!

Hey, life is really lonely like snow!

At that moment, Li Siwen did not hesitate, and took out two gourds of the idiot's magic medicine again, and directly used the mountain ax to cut a few huge holes in the bark of the big tree, and then sprinkled the entire two gourds of the idiot's magic medicine go down.

It is uncertain whether it will have any specific effect. After all, the essence of the juvenile wooden demon is still a tree. It is hard to say whether the medicine that is effective for humans and animals can work on it.

After sprinkling the idiot's magic medicine, Li Siwen stared at the attribute bar, wanting to see any changes, but he stared at it from morning to noon, and from noon to afternoon, without any movement.

it's really—

In a fit of anger, he directly mixed two catties of the idiot's magic medicine, dug up the roots of the big tree, cut the opening with a knife, and sprinkled the idiot's magic medicine down.

Then, nothing seemed to happen.

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be, but if the medicine is not right for the disease, where can I find an idiot magic medicine suitable for the wood demon? Paraquat, or the grass must kill? I can't really give the trees within one square kilometer Cut it all down."

"Come on! If it doesn't work, use the vitality value to ripen it first! Then chop it up."

Li Siwen was quite a headache, he didn't have much time to waste on it, there were too many things waiting for him to do, and he couldn't just get stuck here if he lost his level 4 farmland skills.

However, if you are annoyed, Li Siwen still needs to be fully prepared. At the very least, he needs to strengthen the mountain-breaking axe. After all, he had 24 points of strength before, and it was more convenient to hold a mountain-breaking ax weighing more than 20 kilograms. Now he With 30 points of strength, this mountain-opening ax is a bit light.

In addition, he generously took out three anti-inflammatory fruits and two hemostatic fruits to Song Hu, and made him a big pot of wild grass mushroom soup, so that he could fight if he was full.

This guy can always be regarded as a help. As for Lord Bao, he went hunting in the north in the morning, and he was extremely diligent.

Afterwards, Li Siwen returned to the safe house, took out the iron ingot that was left before, took off the handle of the mountain axe, and put the ax and the iron ingot on it.

Concentrate, silently recite the words beneficial to logging, and at the same time take out all the 8 points of heavenly work from the blue ball, and add them all at once.

Well, no matter what the adult state of the wood demon looks like, being good at logging is the best choice.

Soon, the 8-point Tiangong value quickly turned into blue light, covering the mountain-breaking ax and the iron ingot. In the vagueness, one after another complicated textures appeared on the surface of the mountain-breaking ax in the blue light. These textures Li Siwen used to I have seen it.

But at this time, these textures were integrated and optimized again, some were removed, and some were added.

Then, the texture fell again. At first glance, the shape of the mountain ax did not change, but then the iron ingot quickly liquefied and penetrated into the mountain axe. Those textures suddenly lit up like flames. For a few seconds, the texture was dim , the blue light disappeared, and the mountain-opening ax returned to Li Siwen's hands, feeling slightly cool to the touch.

His first feeling was that it was getting heavier. It used to be about 20 jin, but now it weighs at least 50 jin.

The shape has also undergone some changes, and the ax body has extra thick edges and corners, just like an octagonal hammer.

The opening for installing the wooden handle has become an oval shape, the longest is about 15 cm, and the shortest is about 8 cm. Obviously, this is to make the wooden handle stronger and prevent it from breaking during the chopping process.

Looks like he'll have to use his brains and chip away at a good enough wooden handle.

In addition, the length of the mountain-opening ax remains about 25 centimeters, while the width and thickness have increased, and the overall style is thick and restrained.

Needless to say, this is really a cutting ax for logging!

Next, Li Siwen went to pick out a high-quality piece of wood, which he kept on purpose, so that it could be used to make spears, shovel handles, hoe handles, and ax handles in the future.

When the house was so humid before, these high-quality wood had a place on the heated kang.

At this time, he first used a sharp mountain ax to cut it for a while, and then used a fine steel knife to fine-tune it, and finally got a suitable ax handle.

The upper half of the handle of the ax is very thick, because it has to correspond to the opening of the mountain axe, until the top is slightly thicker to prevent it from flying out.

The lower half of the handle of the ax must be slowly retracted in order to be suitable for Li Siwen to hold.

The overall length is shortened to one meter.

The reason why he used a length of 1.5 meters was to start a war with the wild boar family. The length has an advantage. Now, if he simply chops wood, one meter is enough.

Moreover, with space judgment and talent vision, a shorter ax handle can also make him react faster and swing more frequently, which is more conducive to stable output.

When necessary, he has good combat power as well as holding an ax with one hand.

This is a shortcoming that Li Siwen discovered when he was fighting the flying centipede before. The long-handled ax had an advantage in attack distance, but it was too slow to swing. He could clearly lock the flying centipede with space judgment + level 7 spirit vision. But it can always be dodged by it in time, which is simply unbearable.

After installing the mountain axe, Li Siwen weighed it and was quite satisfied. With his current strength of 30 points, plus this mountain ax which weighed about fifty catties, he could chop off even a black bear's head with one axe.

But if you count the leather boots, steel knife, and herbal gourd, these add up to more than seventy catties.

This weight is nothing to him, the important thing is to feel at ease.

Very confident there is no.

Right now, he went to check on Song Hu's condition first, and found that he was much better and more energetic than before. As for the flame amulet on his forehead, it was always dim.

"Old Song, have you tried this thing? It's like the one on Lord Leopard's forehead. This has a high probability of giving you a powerful fighting skill."

Song Hu shook his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, "I'm afraid that this flame talisman will awaken again, so I don't dare to try it, but in the past, I could indeed communicate with this flame talisman at any time. After a few nights, I can no longer sense it, if this thing dies, then I will be happy, a man was born in the world, with just this pair of fists and all the strength in his body, he can still live very well."

"Well, it's very good for you to think so. After all, if this thing really succeeds, it doesn't matter what your body looks like, but it will hurt if your own soul is eaten. As long as you are a normal person, no one Willing to have this incomparably great dedication!"

Li Siwen was quite appreciative. Song Hu had acted quite tough in the face of supervisor Sun Tieshi's accusation at the beginning, but he was still the same after going through all kinds of hardships.

Well, as long as you make the slightest compromise on the issue of principle, you will lose!

"Let's go, let's compare our strength first!"

Li Siwen dragged Song Hu, who had recovered at least 80% of his strength, to the flooded valley, let's move the rocks first.

Two people move together, it's cool!