Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 92: Wooden vision


The moment he clicked on it, Li Siwen felt his head buzzing, and he felt dizzy, as if a lot of mental power was being drawn, but it stabilized after a few seconds. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have the vision of a big tree , and can control the growth of the tree and the direction of the roots.

But he didn't panic, nor was he surprised. Instead, he was very calm, because he could still see the attribute bar and the real-time data that appeared in the attribute bar.



The former is time, and the number on the last row is changing rapidly at this moment, so it means that he has two minutes to use.

The latter should be the 90 vitality points he injected just now

It only took Li Siwen a second to familiarize himself with the situation.

Take a second to think.

Then it started to act, um, it was a real action, pulling a large number of tree roots out of the ground, entangled together, and finally turned into two legs. During this process, the time changes normally, but the real-time data behind is rapidly consuming.

In the end, he consumed 10 vitality points, and at the same time, a certain realization flashed in Li Siwen's heart. This should be one of the necessary talents for an adult wood demon, migration.

Now this adult wooden demon has become an idiot, so it is equivalent to becoming a clone or a temporary trumpet of himself through some special circumstances.

You don't need to think about how to walk, just like human beings don't need to think about how to walk, just walk as long as you want.

The walking speed of this adult wooden demon was very slow, but in fact it only took five steps, spanning 600 meters in a straight line, which consumed another 10 vitality points.

Below the West Ridge Highland, Li Siwen controlled the big tree demon to re-root here.

At this time, a certain familiar understanding emerged in his heart again, so he chose to accelerate the growth of tree roots, which is also one of the talents necessary for an adult wood demon.

For a moment, countless new roots drilled into the ground, firmly grasping the soil according to the topography, and Li Siwen could even control the growth direction of these roots.

A total of 20 vitality points were consumed, and this special tree root, which was only used to grasp the ground, maintain the balance of the tree body and increase the pulling force, stopped growing.

Because Li Siwen thinks it's okay, the deepest part of these tree roots has been drilled to a depth of 100 meters underground, and the expansion radius is 500 meters, like a dense three-dimensional net, firmly grasping the soil, in this way, Unless the trunk of an adult wood demon is cut off, it is impossible for a strong wind to roll it up.

Afterwards, Li Siwen started to make the adult wood demon's body gigantic by consuming vitality again. Although it seemed to him that it was the correct way to be king, a certain enlightenment made him understand that the wood demon also needs photosynthesis and air And water, fertile land is more needed. If there is not enough land to maintain it, then just to maintain a normal state every year, it needs to inject 500 points of vitality. This is a huge gold-swallowing beast.

Therefore, taller, thicker trunks, wider, denser crowns are a must.

Low key, nonexistent.

In this way, Li Siwen could only quickly fine-tune the growth speed of the adult Wooden Demon while paying attention to the consumption of vitality points. This time, he invested a total of 40 points to make the adult Wooden Demon's tree reach a height of fifty meters and a thickness of nearly ten. Surrounded by people, the canopy covers an area of 2,000 square meters.

But in fact, this is still not enough, but for the time being, this is the only way to go, otherwise Li Siwen's idea cannot be realized.

So far, he still has 20 vitality points left, and 20 seconds left.

With a slight movement of the mind, a very special tree root quickly grows from the old tree root of the adult wood demon. This kind of root is not very sharp, slightly bloated, and will not go deep into the ground, let alone have any effect on the body of the big tree. Any supporting and gripping functions have only one function, that is, to store water sources, purify water sources, or pollute water sources.

At this moment, Li Siwen naturally didn't need to pollute the water source, he only needed the first two talents.

A strip of tree roots spread towards the big river, as close as possible to the big river to facilitate water intake, and a small number of tree roots spread to the vicinity of the well, forming a protective circle there.

The maximum spreading distance of these tree roots can reach 500 meters. In the future, these tree roots will constitute an important ecological adjustment center of Li Siwen's territory.

Because an adult wood demon can store up to 1000 tons of pure water under normal circumstances.

If there is a severe drought, the water is enough for the adult wood demon to live for 10 years.

When the last 20 vitality points were consumed, Li Siwen's thoughts were ejected in an instant, and he returned to his body. He staggered and almost fell to the ground, his mind in a daze.

However, he still insisted on returning to the safe house and let Song Hu and Lord Bao be in charge of guarding, and then he fell into a deep sleep. This time the consumption was not small.

When Li Siwen woke up again, it was already the next morning, and he saw a rare ray of sunlight through the tree stump at the door. In such a scene, he almost thought he was dreaming.

But at this time, he still checked the property bar first to see if there were any sequelae.

Name: Li Siwen

Occupation: Farmer/Woodman (leaf symbol)

Life: 80

Stamina: 80

Strength: 30

Dexterity: 15

Defense: 5

Soul: gray (soul development 70%)

Talent: Spiritual Vision Level 7, Stability Level 2

Skills: Farming Level 4, Logging Level 4

Green ball: 0/15 (vital value)

Yellow ball: 21/30 (soul value)

Blue ball: 0/30 (heavenly value)

Everything is normal, except that there is a leaf symbol behind the job description of the woodcutter, which is the symbol that Li Siwen accidentally clicked on before. At this moment, the leaf symbol is dim. There is no doubt that this is the symbol that can be connected to the earth wood demon. way of thinking.

Li Siwen tried to click on the woodcutter's description, but it didn't work. This property bar doesn't support opening secondary subpages.

However, he could guess the process of opening the vision of the earth wood demon.

It's nothing more than injecting 90 points of vitality, then opening the level 7 talent of spiritual vision, and finally clicking on the leaf symbol to enter.

"Interesting, but I don't know why this leaf symbol is associated with woodcutters? Is it because woodcutters can specialize in cutting trees?"

Thinking of this, Li Siwen didn't plan to do it again. Although the vision of the Earth Wood Demon was novel, the cost of 90 points of vitality was too high.

What's more, once the land wood demon has migrated, if it migrates again, all the previous operations, such as most of the roots that have penetrated 100 meters deep into the earth, will be lost, which is not cost-effective.

And the reason why Li Siwen wanted to move the Earth Wood Demon last night was because it would affect the farmland, the canopy of nearly 2,000 square meters, would the crops under it still grow

Secondly, the Xiling Highland is relatively low-lying, and the straight-line distance from the big river is less than one kilometer. This is very rare for the Earth Wood Demon that can accumulate water and purify it. If there is a severe drought in the future , this kind of planning is very, very important.

Well, if there is a severe drought.